Posts: 8505
. My goodness Dickles you certainly know things that a would scare a lot of the boys around here. But let me say again even though I have at this moment eleven caps dealing with the theme of castration ALWAYS let me repeat ALWAYS deal in fantasy. I would never ever encourage anyone to head down any of the paths that my caps might be about. And Don that is one of my favorites as well. Not just that one but several in that shoot. In fact, and maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I think that image may in fact have come from one of your caps that I trimmed off the text. I know Bad Girl, Bad Girl. . A woman should always focus on the things a boy's good at.
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Posts: 8505
. As bad as my girl crush on Natalie Portman is the one I have for Jessica Alba is even worse. . A smart woman keeps her husband in a stable predictable world.
| A smart woman enjoys watching her husband's futility.
| A smart woman celebrates her total womanhood for hubby.
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Posts: 4137
That's just horrible. Awful. And so, so good...
Posts: 288
I am likewise trapped in a web of shame and blissful excitement. The truth always sets me free within this enchanting web...amidst the pain of my fading manhood. Mmmm...
Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
jane_fressia: I know Bad Girl, Bad Girl. Well, we all know that... Don
Posts: 8505
. Well Don it's not like I don't try. Martin I'm glad you like my work. You do like my work don't you? Mauler who knew you were such a poet. And back to Ms. Natalie. . Well I think tighter and more painful is so romantic.
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Posts: 8505
. Well lets post another one. I have something like fifteen of the castration caps and six regular caps so lets splurge. . Well as a girl I have to say it's not like we'd miss them.
| No don't think so thankfully a man decided to step up for you.
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Posts: 8505
. Sometimes it's easy... . ...for a girl to admit she's wrong.
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Posts: 3277
#1450 Simple, direct and devastating....ty Jane
Posts: 4137
jane_fressia: Martin I'm glad you like my work. You do like my work don't you? All of these beautiful yet horrible and nasty women you keep posting. I hate your work Jane. That's why I keep coming back, of course, like an addict needing his fix...
Posts: 8505
. Addicted. Yes Martinr all cuckolds are addicted. And we're your enablers, sort of your junky dealers, slipping you fix after fix. . It's better to not think too much about it.
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Posts: 8505
Posts: 8505
. Life's hard for a cuck. . There's so many things to remember
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Posts: 263
damn - cucks and feet are so connected; why is that???
Posts: 8505
. Wonder why she's not more concerned about what he's done to you... . ...maybe she never cared much to begin with.
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Posts: 8505
. Are you? I mean are you even man enough to worship her feet? Simple question and while your thinking about that lets... . ...lets move on to other thoughts.
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Posts: 8505
. Well what do you think. How about we do some pregnancy caps. . Sometimes a girl just needs it.
| Surprise!
| Once, well if it is once is enough.
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Posts: 368
#1459 - what do I think? Absolutely stiffy-inducing brilliant. You hit it on the spot there, Jane, thanks
Posts: 8505
. Thank's Idcpgfan. I've got another pregnancy cap but it's a little bit more edgy. . Depends on who you like.
| An audition! I just love an audition.
| Well you didn't get that part but there is another.
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Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
What's Wrong With Me - something about your skillful mating of a great pic with words that makes me squirm, yet no doubt so true. This one is a masterpiece.
Posts: 8505
. Thank you Don. Of course I liked the image the moment I saw it. It was buried among a bunch of images that were fated to end up as c*a*s*tration caps. Those caps will come later. I liked the opening of the cap but I still don't feel the rest of the text captures what it is that saw and feel when I see the photo. The cap in this post is very similar. Love the photo. Love the emotions I feel when I see it and like the photo you were talking about I feel like I captured that feeling in the first paragraph. Looking back on it the rest of the text I'm trying to hard. It didn't need to be three men. Could have been just one, one man that's simply better than her husband. . I do like the part about him not being able to imagine it.
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Posts: 8505
. All women but especially pregnant woman move us in amazing ways. . How could he be such a fool.
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Posts: 792
Edgy is something a lot of us are looking for from the authors.
Same o same o gets boring after a while
so looking forward to the p g post you referenced in #1,461
Posts: 8505
#1,464 · Edited by: jane_fressia
. Oh Dickles haven't you hit the nail on the head. It's really really hard to stay fresh. I mean after you've done thousands and thousands of caps... If you look at it there's one story. Girl gets itch. Girls scratches itch making hubby a reviled cuckold. Now try to spin that 5 or 6 thousand times and that's only me. Some like Timmy27 must have done 10's of thousands of caps. It's almost like same o same o is inevitable. But we try and I'm pretty sure that the cap your looking forward to will be the one after this one or the next one or it may be... I shouldn't admit it but I just love a d*aughter that slaps around her daddy. . She's her mothers daughter even if she's not yours.
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Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
jane_fressia: I liked the opening of the cap but I still don't feel the rest of the text captures what it is that saw and feel when I see the photo. For me it's the innocence that it conveys - her introspection, including the pleasure and doubts. Then the glaring transition from one paragraph to the next - "love the feeling of his semen on the backs of my thighs". It's the inner workings of a wife's journey from innocence to corruption and beyond. It's a twisted path men will likely never fully understand, but your cap comes close enough for a convincing, tantalizing glimpse into a conflicted wife's thoughts. It's not about what I first saw in the pic - it's about the picture you painted for me... Don
Posts: 8505
. WOW! Glad you enjoyed it Don. You did enjoy it didn't you? . Only you needs to be reminded.
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Posts: 8505
Posts: 8505
. Not c*a*stration but... .
Posts: 8505
. And then this one for Dickles. You've been... .
Posts: 8505
. And now some GIF's . Nothing left to do when you've reached peak incompetence.
| And just why would you?
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