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Maybe they will not disappear?

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Posts: 6116
#1 · Edited by: jane_fressia
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So I've had a bunch of caps on my
desktop but I've been reluctant to post
them on other threads as I'm afraid
that those threads will get disappeared
like mine did.

This cap is the last of the series I was
posting to Tummies thread.

Every daddies dream...

...of that I'm sure.
...of that I'm sure.


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Some girls...well honey some girls...

...they know all about you little man.
...they know all about you little man.


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I bet you can...

...can be that sweet boy for me.
...can be that sweet boy for me.


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Oh and we wouldn't want to forget
about gif's would we?

Your just sooo lucky...

...they way she helps you like that.
...they way she helps you like that.


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Oh hell how about another Gif?

It's a hard world but it's all that
some boys are good for...

...a sticky faced bitch.
...a sticky faced bitch.


Posts: 6124
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Your thread disappeared, Jane? What's going on here??


Posts: 2188
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Your thread disappeared, Jane? What's going on here??

Her thread, mine, dicklet and many others have disappeared without explanation.
I have contacted Mr BC, who offers NO explanation.

It is Mr BC's site and he can have whatever rules he wants. But he should make his rules clear. Otherwise, people will stop posting out of fear that their threads will, as Jane says, "get disappeared"


Posts: 2770
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..can be that sweet boy for me.

Oh easily.

Your gifs are simply amazing, Jane.
I am so pleased to see you back !!

It would be good to know why your thread was deleted...otherwise, it could happen again....and your work deserves to reach anyone who is touched by it.


Posts: 126
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Most disconcerting. Let's hope it's just a technical problem.


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Thanks you so much for making me your sticky faced bitch. I needed that. You and your posts are so special.


Posts: 1914
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So much work. Even if you have the original caption JPEGs you always post with so much dialog. I know how much effort you must have put into your thread over the years. For so many other people's enjoyment. I sincerely hope it is a technical glitch that is restorable. Otherwise the site has lost one of its finest bodies of work.


Posts: 6116
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So I've been pretty busy and not paying
much attention to this site when I finally
noticed that my thread was missing. This
has happened before but then they were
just moving the thread to a different forum.
And no they never tell you then either.

So my message was..

For years I\'ve been contributing to a thread called \"a few talkies\"
in the Cuckold Caption Forum. It seems to have gone missing and
I\'m hoping you can find it and restore it to the original forum. THX Jane

I received this very prompt reply...

Sorry but your tread was censored. We are updating our policy of allowed consent.
Thank you for understanding,

Naturally I was a bit confused so I asked the following...

I'm sorry but i'm not sure what it is that you really mean or what it is that I've done
wrong. Not saying you don't have the right to do what you've done just that I don't
understand it. If there were posts that were somehow offensive or not permitted then
I would be happy to remove it.

Anyhow if you could let me know I'd appreciate it. THX

Again I received this prompt reply...

Sorry, it's some kind of bureaucracy
Will try to solve soon

And I haven't heard from them since. So I created this thread
to just finish up the last of the caps on my desktop and then
we'll see.

Thank you all that have expressed concern and thank you
all for saying such nice things about my caps.

And now on to wetter topics.

You just can't believe everything people say can you?
You just can't believe everything people say can you?


Posts: 1914
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Jane. The only thing I can think of that marks out your previous thread compared to others is your frequent use of A list celebrity head shots. Their agents might have tried to apply pressure on the site I suppose but that's a long shot.


Posts: 6116
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Maybe your right Peak but I'm afraid
we'll never know.

Pain and the pleasure that accompanies it...

...well, it comes in many forms doesn't it little man?
...well, it comes in many forms doesn't it little man?


Posts: 2188
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I'm afraid
we'll never know.

My story and the messages I got from R BC are exactly the same Jane quotes in post #12

There are other people whose posts have disappeared.

I think Mr BC should be more forthcoming.
Don Jetman


Posts: 3227
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I'd be very careful of anything that remotely hints at a pedo theme. Although the appearance or implication can be very subjective, it's the one area of anti-porn law that has real legal teeth these days. But, if these are DMCA takedowns, we're all finished eventually, unless you post your own photography.



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I'm still not sure what it is that
I'm going to do. I'm just not sure
that I want to go through that
thread purging caps when I'm
still not sure exactly what it
was that triggered this response.

The list of no no's seems to
include every cap on this site.

Oh well maybe it's time to stop?

So here's a little story of a girl
and a boy. Happy girl and a not
so happy boy.

It's so nice she can talk with you like this.
It's so nice she can talk with you like this.
Of course you do don't you?
Of course you do don't you?
I'm sure she's right.
I'm sure she's right.


Posts: 41
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Excellent, keep up the brilliant work. Would love to see some more about her falling for her lover..


Posts: 6116
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Interesting how things just come
and go now a days.

Well, I mean who are you...

. have a different idea? have a different idea?


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Your so lucky, so very lucky
to have a woman...

...that's so understanding of your short comings cuckold.
...that's so understanding of your short comings cuckold.


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It happens all the time you know?
It's almost old news isn't it...

...well until it's your turn.
...well until it's your turn.


Posts: 780
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With their new 'Consent ' policy. Many Authors works have gone missing.
The result is a reduction in the edge a lot of captions had.
I am starting to find this site a little boring as a result. is now one of many places to go. Kim Lane Robyn137 and Vanniliasoftie is also a place to post things. Misty very edgy keeps all her stuff there.


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Interesting ideas Dickles. Maybe I'll end up
doing that. I have from time to time dropped
in on threads other than my own with a cap
or two and now I can't do that as I'm afraid
that I'll get that thread deleted. I'd feel terrible
if that happened.

Speaking of terrible. Well not for her of course...

...for her it's pretty great.
...for her it's pretty great.


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Please, if you ever decide to post captions on another site let us know. I miss your posts so much. No one else has quite the "bite" of reality you do. Even if it is a fantasy, I need the shock of possibility to make my heart pound as well as my cock squirt. I am mostly a wannabe now but I want to relive the pain as well as the excitement. It may be fantasy, but you are a part of my life. I hope you will continue to caption my desires.


Posts: 2770
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Very hot cap, Jane...i echo biginfl sentiments...


Posts: 2188
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I've been reluctant to post
them on other threads as I'm afraid
that those threads will get disappeared
like mine did.

Mr Big C, you should listen to this. and, to the flip side of it: all of us posters fear that somebody (we would not even know who) might post something on our thread that goes against some mysterious rule and cause the entire thread to vanish!

This cannot continue


Posts: 6116
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Thank you Biginfl and Subwm for your
interest and your kind words and FVS
while I have to agree with you I can't
imagine the Big Cuck backing down.
There must have been something that
triggered this and I'm sure it will not
just go away just because we want it

I'm sure it's what you've always aspired to.

Why being cute of course.
Why being cute of course.


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Posts: 3391 Pictures: 31 
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Thread or no thread, it's your mind I masturbate to Jane. Thank you for all the amazing times.


Posts: 6116
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Thank you Timmy. I've never
been able to figure out how it
is that you could produce all
those caps and still have time
to go to other threads and say
kind words that encourage
other capers.

How ever you do it thank you.

Draclif69 I'm not sure exactly
what it was that you were saying
but thanks for taking the time to
say it. I guess I'm flattered that
at least someone loves me for
my mind.

Speaking of loving her for her

...and that once tight pussy.
...and that once tight pussy.
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Maybe they will not disappear?
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