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Would it be hot for you Hubby if...

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you were cute hubby
you were cute hubby
how come..?
how come..?
it's out...they know
it's out...they know
use her hard
use her hard

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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would be great if you all tell which one you like, and will give me more ideas...
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
slut leanne


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uk slut loves big cocks


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Thanks Leanne...

one for today...(it's hot to listen to your wife when she tells about formed lovers...or maybe not so 'former'...?)
did not stop...
did not stop...

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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some more...
God...I miss that Hubby
God...I miss that Hubby
she entertained him
she entertained him
rape..? even if I liked it..?
rape..? even if I liked it..?
they are just better
they are just better

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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through the wall
through the wall
this is what YOU get Hubby
this is what YOU get Hubby

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
Odin et Freyja


Posts: 1235
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The both last are terrible. Thanks Good Job.
Bienvenue dans notre Walhalla


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some more...
dare to tell
dare to tell
I will make you so happy hubby
I will make you so happy hubby

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 14692
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Very nice as usual


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Well done captions.
Odin et Freyja


Posts: 1235
#71 · Edited by: Odin et Freyja
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you can see some yours in this links.

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

I use 3 pictures but translated in French, data first "mes albums" and "mon fantasme 2"

For me terrible say: fantastic œuf corse......
Bienvenue dans notre Walhalla


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Hi Odin

Looks like I need some logging on to do....but can't move around on that web page (don't know French at all...)
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 33 Pictures: 20 
Up to the first message Down to the last message're very talented, the best caps I've ever seen...really hit my cuck button!


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Would it be hot for your Hubby...if I took some days alone at the beach...?

(this is actually happening just now...just had to share with you all...)

It has been a crazy summer. No holiday, only work. My wife is tiered of this as she always has her prime time during summer: that is…she love to go to the beach.

When we talk about her sexual past, she always tell me stories about how she loved to meet men on the beaches during summer holidays. She has always been a very proper woman, and has not had a lot of lovers. But her beach stories are always very hot. As she says: “I just get horney of all the wine, the hot guys and the sun…”

Due to this, I often fantasize about her being fucked by some sexy stud on one of our small holidays which most often goes to beaches not far from where we live. Yes, I am still a wannabe with her (she is my second wife…my first wife fucked around a lot…but this one is harder to get to play)

And true enough, she gets very horney when we have these trips. We fuck several times a day, the most exciting being the night walks along the empty beaches always ending up in her asking me to fuck her there…in the sand.

My perspectives the next 3-4 weeks are more work. And no time for holiday. We talked about this last week, and two days ago she came to me and told me that she cannot take this anymore and said: “Babe, I just have to go…not being on the beach makes me crazy”.

Yesterday she was all packed, and took the car heading for her favorite beach 6 hours drive from here. No contact before one hour ago. She texted: “I am fine. Got the room we normally have here. Beach is great. Love you”

I texted back: “Have a good time babe. Your little friend is stiff all the time. But no pressure on you. Just relax. Love you too”

She answered: “I feel no pressure. What happens happens. Now, I am just going to relax. Give my friend a good and long hand shake (smiley)”

Then another: “BTW, I had a glass of wine for breakfast, and am now topless on the beach. Just to tease you a bit…yes there are some sexy guys here. Maybe I will ask one of them to put oil on me (smiley). Don’t forget to eat my love”

That really did it for me…and she knows. Several of the guys she had in the past on different beaches started the relations by offering exactly this. And I know it makes her horney to feel strange sexy hands on her (almost) naked body in the heat of the sun.

As I said above, I am a wannabe. And she is a very proper lady and faithful wife. The only time she was ever close to anything sexy in this respect (cuckolding me) was exactly a situation like this: I asked her one day we were at the beach (after we of course, had been talking about my fantasy - and takeing wine) if she would allow me to ask a guy to put oil on her. She very reluctantly agreed, and I walked over to the beach bar where a younger man was having his take.

I brought with me the bottle of oil and approached him: “Can I ask you a favor” I started. “Sure” he said. “You see, that lady over there is my wife, and she is all about to get a sun burn. And you see, I have this tender skin: I just cannot have contact with this oil. Would you be so kind to oil her all in for me please..?”

He wasn’t hard to ask. And after oiling her, they ended up talking for a while. Finally, knowing that I was watching them from the bar, she took of her bra and he picked up the bottle again. This time, he must have oiled her for 30-40 minutes.

When he finished and got back to the bar, my wife waived at me and started to pack all her things. We went to our room and sex for two hours. I cannot remember her being so horney.

She is not a frequent texter (it comes in bulks…then silence for at least a day) so I don’t expect any texting from her before tomorrow. Sorry guys, I just have to stop here…have some wanking to do…again
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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just a couple of caps describing me thoughts just now....
a sexy pic bacause she actually remaind me of my wife
a sexy pic bacause she actually remaind me of my wife
what will she tell when home again..?
what will she tell when home again..?

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 3280
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some more caps....(while waiting for texting from her...)
after we married
after we married
tell him
tell him
one-man woman
one-man woman
he is ready
he is ready

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 3280
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they all know Hun
they all know Hun
why is this making me so wet?
why is this making me so wet?
what is she doing at the beach..?
what is she doing at the beach..?
please Hubby
please Hubby

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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finally for today....
only if he begs
only if he begs
go home hubby...I am horney
go home hubby...I am horney

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 163
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"Only if he begs" Oh God that's good!


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Sorry for not keeping you updated. I had to travel for a couple of days, and we only had sporadic contact during these days.

Now, my writing doesn’t seem to have the same interest among you guys as my caps: so I will keep you updated, but more due to my need to share (in all my frustration) than to hope for any comments from you all. Anyway, I hope someone is reading and find it sexy…

Warning…if you are looking for a hard core story where cum is splattered all over a wife by some big black cocks…don’t read this..!!!

The contacts during these days were more like “how are things, all ok..?” “I love you, nothing happed – having relaxing days”… etc.

Anyway, when I got back last night, I sent her a sms telling her that I was back home. After some few minutes, she called me. We again got back on the ‘right’ tract.

After some casual small talking, she asked:

“…and how is my little friend..?” (Laughing) “Knowing you right, you are thinking of me all the time and walk around with a hard-on…yes..?”

“…yes babe, you are so right. I cannot get these things out of my mind. I know you are thinking about this too, and now you have time to relax and opportunity to do what you want…so of course…”

“Exactly” (laughing again)…”I am actually thinking a lot about it. Having a little distance and not being influenced about your talking all the time gives me some perspectives. I have developed maybe some ideas about this during the last days…”

“..That’s hot babe. And not only thinking about it I hope. Maybe you already have done more than that..? I mean, maybe you already have something to tell me…? That would be very hot…”

(Laughing again) “And what if I have…? You want me to blurt it all on telephone…? Or do you want it in details when we are in bed together again. Besides, I think it is hot that you don’t know…I mean: I can just picture how you vigorously are jerking off thinking of me and all the sexy guys here…right..? You are jerking a lot…yes..?”

“So something did happened…yes..? Please say ‘yes’ my love…”

“You really want me to tell you…I understand. So maybe I tell you ‘yes’ even if it so far could be that nothing happened..? But it is very nice to be here alone…to have all this time to reflect on this thing…and other things…”

“So…there is a ‘yes’ but you keep it from me…for now..?”

(Laughing) “Ok babe…so I guess there is a ‘yes’…is that hot for you..?”

I already have my cock in my hand and I told her this. That was my answer I guess…

“That’s so sweet Hun…you know, one of the things I am thinking a lot about here is that you are so dedicated to all this…and I am convinced that you are honest about it all…I mean: that there is no hidden agenda like…if I fuck others – you will have reamister to fuck around too. This has been on my mind, but it’s gone now. Now I know that you are truly horney about it all. And that makes it all very different for me. And since I love you very much, I am thinking that I should really engage in making you even more happy…I mean: any good wife should do that to her husband…yes..?”

“Exactly babe. I guess that is what it’s all about. I am happy you finally has come to that conclusion…and I am really hoping that you will start….I mean: making me even more happy…you know…by making it happen...”

“Concentrate Babe…I already told you ‘yes’…didn’t I. Even if I did not confirm it all...keeping you in the dark”

“Would it be ok for you if I did not speak for some seconds…that you listen to me finishing off..?”

“No my love…I want you to hold back. We still have some talking to do. I will tell you what happened yesterday night…ok..? I met this married couple for some takes. He in his late 50’ties, her around 35 I guess. Fat ugly guy – sexy young woman…We had a nice evening and after some takes, she decided to go to bed. He had been takeing quite a lot, and was very talkative. I asked him about their marriage, and he blurted that he was very happy, but that he often though that she was not…”

“Is this ending up where I think it will…I mean…is he a cuckold too..?”

“Easy babe. Just listen for a while…ok..? So he said that she no longer wanted to have sex with him, which I honestly can understand…he is not keeping himself physically properly. You know my position in this matter. Anyway, he told me that she only give him mercy sex every time he buy her something…after they have been shopping cloths and stuff for her….so this morning I was thinking about one of your Caps…you remember: ‘they get it for free…you Hubby must pay for it…’..."

“Yes my love. That is a hot theme. Imaging a wife that only allow her husband sex if he pays. That is really jerk off material in my book…”

“I remember you told me that after showing me that Cap. And I was thinking a lot about this during today. Maybe I should start to charge you some small dollars for giving you sex. It actually made me hot…Then he continued telling me that since she is so much younger than him, he suspects her to have sex with other men. I asked him what he thought about that. He said that it made him jealous but that he felt it was nothing he could do about it. He could divorce her but as he said: what good could ever come out of that..? So I asked him if it ever turned him on. He told me that it had happened, but that he most of all just felt disgusted about it all…but that he had accepted his destiny whatever that would be with his wife…”

“That is hot babe. Did you tell him about me and my fantasies..?”

“Just a little. He was amazed. He asked me if I only fucked you after shopping too…I told him that I did not, that I actually love to have sex with you. Then he asked if I was in on living out your sex dreams. I told him that we talked about it and that I love to tease you. Then he asked me if I ever did fuck other guys…and do you know what I told him..?"

“OMG my love. Tell me that you told him ‘yes’…”

“Well babe, the answer I gave him…well. I cannot tell you, can I..? I mean: I told you that I will keep you in the dark about what I am doing here till I will be back. And you know nothing happened before I went here. So be patient my love…”

“I love you my naughty little wife…”

“I love you too. Be sure. So, I found the story of this man really hot. He had to pay for sex with his wife, and most probably, she has sex with other men for free…As I said, I have been thinking about this all day today…and it seems for me to be a very naughty thing that I am sure you will support…”

“Please babe. Me my little resistant bitch…the little whore that does everything with me for money. I would love that…”

(Laughing) “Sure babe. Maybe I should charge you already now for this telephone sex session..?”

“You are so hot babe. I have to jerk off now. This is really too much for me. You want to listen to me finish myself..?”

“No babe. I need to be strong about it all…so I will go to the bar now…to do a little hunting…at least look around. So I will leave you with the thought of me being picked up in the bar…whether it will happened or not…I know that will enhance your little masturbation session…yes..?” (Laughing again)

So we rounded it all up with the usual “I love you…and good night”…

(I will write more as soon as there is more to write about…hope you enjoy it too…)
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 3280
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some caps in this respect...
only one paying client
only one paying client
100$ and a condom..?
100$ and a condom..?

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 2770
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Love the caps and love the current story even more. I can relate to it as I had a long term g/f who told me stories in the same way as your wife does. Little pieces of information with a sexy tone of voice that made me so aroused. So, please is very erotic.


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both the caps and story


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Thanks guys...well she is there...and teasing me hard...

I got a sms this morning. “I had an amazing night (smiley, smiley)”

Finally..? I just jerked off. Had a great orgasm thinking about her just asked the guy to leave after a great morning fuck…

She is a good teaser. She knew the effect that sms would have on me, so she politely waited to call making sure I had sufficient time to take care of my tension. Then she called…

“A good morning for you too..?”

“Well, you know. Your teasing is sometimes too much you know. So yes…I had to do it…jerk off I mean…so the morning was good…but would have been better if you were here. I miss you…”

“I will be honest with you. I do miss you too, but I am having such a good time that it’s not that critical for me…”

“So you met someone..?”

“I meet nice people all the time babe…”

“Sure my love…but I think you know what I mean…right..?”

“Well, maybe I do…but I promised not to tell you anything about that…didn’t I..? So you better not ask questions…right..?”

“You are torturing me Hun…let me ask you one thing at least…What was so amazing about last night..?”

(Laughing) “Well, that was teasing…you know why…I wanted you to have a great morning jerk off…on the other side…well, how to say it…I met this nice guy in the bar last night…and we had breakfast together this morning…so…handsome, young…I would say sexy…we will meet again on the beach later today…”

“You are *******ing me here babe…Tell me please that you two stayed the night together and that he fucked the cuckolds brownie out of you…please..”

My cock was rock hard…pre-cum oozing. I told her…she laughed and said…

“So tell me what you think happened then…”

“All details..? Well, you two went to your room. He brought a bottle of champagne but that was left unopened…the two of you were too horney to even think of any more takeing. When you got inside the room, he ripped of your cloths and through you on the bed…you took his big cock in your mouth and sucked him stiff before you jumped on top of him and rode him hard…your orgasms were many, hard and long. He emptied himself deep inside you…then you just laid there for a while kissing and talking before he was ready again and fucked you once more…this happened over and over again…and after you two woke up this morning, you have a morning fuck before breakfast…right..?”

“Oh God babe…I only wish (Laughing). Well honestly, it could have happened, and I am sure he would be capable…but then again…I could not tell you now…could I..?”

“I am shaking here babe…sweat all over…please give me a hint at least…”

“Ok…I can say this much…he is a fantastic kisser…and he asked if I liked to have sex with condoms…”

“Jesus babe…I have to let go of my cock…only touching him now will send me right over the edge…So did you use condoms…?”

“I did not say we got that far…I just said that he asked…and besides…I don’t have condoms” (laughing)…

“So did anyone see you two kissing..?”

“Sure babe…we did that in the bar…you know…where all the same waiters are the same as last time you and me was there…but babe, its summer and holiday…everyone have some fun…by the way, that little fat waitress you always talk with…well she came over to our table when he was in the toilet and asked how you are…I told her: you are home…thinking about me…(Laughing)..”

“You are so naughty my love…my little slut…”

“So we left the bar a little takes both of us…arm in arm…and came back to breakfast this morning together…so I guess there are big rumors here between the staff…are you happy babe..?”

“I always wanted a hot-wife, so I guess I should be..? I guess it will be a little hard to see that waitress in her eyes next time we come…but I think I should only be proud…yes..?”

“As a wannabe cuckold…I agree…or should I say…as a true cuckold..? (Laughing again)…”

“So much teasing my love…I just came…it’s all over my hand here…So you said you will meet him later on the beach..?”

“Sure…he said that since you were not here, I would need someone to oil me in…I agreed…so we will se what will happen…or what more will happened..? (Laughing)”

We finished the conversation in a more normal way. My little slut hung up…going searching for more excitements..?
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 3280
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a few random caps...
business lunch
business lunch
should have started earlier
should have started earlier
he invited me out
he invited me out
he is  a cuckold..?
he is a cuckold..?

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 2770
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She is such a good tease...did she?...didn't she?....wonderful erotic tension...


Posts: 3280
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Thanks subwm....
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 3280
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It was still early when she called this morning…

“Hi babe…you slept well..?”

“Good morning my love…well, after jerking off a couple of times thinking about you and him on the beach yesterday…I finally fell arelax…”

“Mmm…you are funny…but you are right: we were on the beach together for hours…very nice and may I say: sexy day…”

“And I guess you still are not going to tell me anything..?”

“I can tell you everything you want to know babe…except…you know…”

“You are making me crazy here…promise me at least that you will tell everything when you are back here…Ok..?”

“I will think about it…maybe…you see: he is really sexy…at the beach yesterday, he wore a tight little speedo…anyone can see that he is very well equipped…I guess you want to know that…don’t you” (Giggled)

“Mmm…thanks my love…bigger than me too…”

“You must be joking…yes..? I mean, I have always loved your cock Hun…it’s great…but I may not have told you…it’s not the biggest I have had…and, well: this one is much bigger…”

“Actually, you did not tell anything about having any bigger before…but now, after meeting this guy: well, maybe you have had bigger...him I mean?”

Her (Laughing)
“Don’t be smart with me…you need to approach this business much more intelligent if you want me to blurt that I have been fucked by this guy…not that I don’t want…I mean…with you pushing at one end, and me being alone with this stud here at the other end…”

“So babe…if you so much want…why not make all the three of us happy…I am sure he wants…to fuck you I mean….”

“Yes he wants. He actually told me…asked me…”

“And what did you answer him..?"

“I cannot tell you that babe…if I told you I said ‘yes’…well, then you would know we already had sex…if I told you ‘no’ …then you probably could assume that we did not have sex. And this is not what you want, is it..? You would rather be in the dark…yes..?”

“I am seriously getting hard here again…please tell me something about him…about you two…something sexy…”

“He like my tits…he said they were nice and firm…and what I have a great body…you see, he saw the most of it on the beach…”

“I guess not only on the beach…what bikini did you put on..?”

“The new yellow one…that’s sexy…yes..? At least he thought so…after some hours he asked me to take off the top…like you always do…so I did…”

“Mmm…so he saw it all…yes..? That is so sexy babe…my little slut laying on the beach with her ‘lover’…being topless…letting him see it all…and more sexy…I guess all the staff at the hotel saw you two there…but, how did he know that your tits are firm…I think maybe you gave away something….he was feeling you up in bed last night…yes..?”

“Maybe he did…maybe not…but he knows they are firm because he put oil on my topless body…and my God did he oil that part real good” (Giggled again)

“You never take off the bra for me…why for him..? So he played a lot with them then…yes..?”

“Babe…don’t be like that…I mean, taking it off for you is not as exciting as doing it for him…it made me feel a little naughty…and it actually turned me on…quite a bit…and yes...I let him play with my tits as much as he wanted…and I liked it…so I asked him to oil them a bit more…many times…is that hot for you Hubby? He commented on how hard my nipples became also…”

“You are driving me crazy here…I have to let go of touching my cock…or shall we start to call it my ‘little dick’ since you have had all these cocks that were bigger than me..?”

Her (Laughing):
“Yes Hubby…why not…let go of your ‘little dick’ for a while…good boy…you miss fucking me..?”

“Yes I do my love…really, I do miss your tight little pussy…by the way…does he find your pussy tight too..?”

“Can’t tell you…he is giving me complements all the time…but about my pussy and complements from him…well you know…the only thing I can tell you about that is that he commented on a wet spot on my bikini bottom after a great tit oiling massage on the beach…” (Giggled again)

“You two sent the rest of the day after the beach together…and maybe also the night..?”

“Yes, we spent the rest of the day together. He is great company. About the night…I won’t tell…but we had breakfast together this morning…” (Giggled)

“Tell me more please…I will touch the little one again…help me please to get over the edge here…I need so much to come…”

“There was one thing I can tell you that you most surely will find sexy…there was a couple of young guys sitting not far from us on the beach…they were staring at my tits all the time…’my lover’ as you call him…well he sat down behind me…close with his legs spread on both side of me…took oil in his hands and massaged my tits from behind while he was sucking on my ear flips…I could see the two guys got hard and tried to hide their middle parts…I got totally wet…sexy…yes..?”

“Please tell me that you could feel his cock on your ass…that he grow big and hard and were pressing it against you…please tell me that you felt that and that it made you even more wet…please..?”

“You are right Hun…I could feel him…he even pulled down his speedo so that I could feel the skin of his big cock against me ass and back…now you understand why I was so wet..? I really wanted to ask him to follow me to my room and fuck me…did I..?”

“Yes you little slut….you dragged him up in your bed and he fucked you long and good…yes…please say yes…”
I came all over myself…she was listening to me moaning and after, she giggled and told me that she loved me…
We had some further casual talks before she said..:

"By the way...he sitting here with me now...he just wanted to listen to this conversation...since I told him all about your masturbation and fantasies..."

"You did what..?"

"Relax my love...he is smiling and I think he finds it hot...and I know you really don't mind...if you really think about it...a little humiliating...and sexy...yes..?"

"Oh my are such I tease...tell me it's not true..."

"Oh yes babe...believe me...if you want, I will hand the telephone to him...I am sure you would love to ask him about a lot of things..." (Laughing)

"Please don't...not yet...maybe tomorrow...and yes Hun...thinking about it...I find it sexy...say hello to him....and tell hi I want him to fuck"

"Not now...we are sitting in the beach bar...and we are panning to stroll down to the beach now...for some more tanning and titty the way...I promised him to walk arm in arm with him...topless...just for the staff here to have some more to talk that ok for you Hubby..?"

Me: I was just speechless...

"But maybe that's a good idea...that you tell him that you want him to fuck me...well I guess, since he is listening now...he already know you said just that...if you want, I will put the speaker on...and you can repeat..?"

I heard summing...the speaker was on...

"Hello Sir...I was asked to repeat a thing I told my wife while talking to her just now...I really want to repeat, but I am a shy guy Sir...and I think you already got the picture..?"

I was hating myself for addressing him "Sir"...why did I do that..?

Him: (a solid dark voice - very self confident voice...)
"Hello to you too...thanks for letting me be with your wife for some days...and yes, I got the picture...and I will not repeat it front of a lady...and she told me before you started to talk that I am not allowed to disclose anything about what we are doing here...but thanks have a real hot-wife here...and good luck with your thinking about us...and the other thing...hope you have a good time too...bye"

"Have to go my love...we talk tomorrow...ok..? My 'lover' is waiting..."

She hung up...

What was it that he said..? "My hot-wife..?" I was touching myself while thinking...what did he like on internet (fucking any man that comes along)...or did he just mean that I have a 'hot' wife...I cam again
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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some random...and some related caps...
what she wore
what she wore
shall I break him..?
shall I break him..?
she wonders...1
she wonders...1
she wonders...2
she wonders...2

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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she wonders...3
she wonders...3
will make him a cuckold...tonight
will make him a cuckold...tonight

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
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