Steve is a man my age...very fit, and as my wife (Lena) wonder he always has all these sexy women hunting him...and...he is a good friend of us both...
Lena has learned to like my fantasy, but is still not ready to go through with it..."when the right man comes along Hubby...we'll see...ok..?". But she is teasing me a lot, and really enjoy my reaction...
Especially when she teases me about letting Steve fuck her...
"You know Frank, sometimes I envy the girls that Steve brags about...I know he would fuck me if I was a free woman..."
"Tell me more about that Lena..."
And she goes on and on...very hot deed...
One evening he is in our flat...we take and talk...and after some while...the devil seems to get to her...we have been talking about some girls Steve had been the way...Steve is the only friend who I indicated that a have a cuckold fantasy...he was just grinning back to me...and told me that it was not an unusual thing for some men...
Something came over Lena that evening...
"So tell me Steve...Frank told me that you two have been discussing his little fetish...what do you think about all that..?
"Well...we did not talk much about it...but I guess it's quite normal...and I am not judgmental...every permister has their fantasies I guess..."
"Lena...please...I just mentioned to him...and later to you that we had a short discussion about really want to discuss this"
She (giggling)
"Yes of course Frank...we are friends all of us...why not...could be hot..."
Steve is smiling to he expects something funny to come up...and I guess...waiting for me to get embarrassed...
"That alright Frank...we did not discuss it that maybe we should...if this is an important part of my friends life...why should I not know..."
"Well Steve....Frank gets off thinking about me with other men...I tell him 'bout my former lovers...and he gets very aroused...we talk about this often when we have sex....kind of our little foreplay...strange...yes..?"
She (Giggling)
"So say Frank...hypothetically...that I actually met Steve some months before I met you....that me and Steve was lovers for a while...say that I told you that Steve was a bigger and better lover than you...would you get off to that too..?"
Steve was all a big grin...he sipped wine...
"Lena...that could not have happened...remember...I introduced you and Steve..."
"Oh Frank...are you so naïve..? You don't think that Steve and I could have just pretended that you did so..?"
"Well...she is right...could have happened Frank..."
I blushed for a moment...thinking...well....of course...theoretically it could have happened...
"So...and for the thrill of it....say that Steve had sex with me regularly for some weeks...and that he did incredible things with me...that I was one of his little sluts for a while...would that be hot too Frank..? I mean...we do sometimes role plat with Steve being one of the guys fucking me...admit that Frank....look Steve into his eyes and confess..."
I blushed again...
I was there in the middle of their game...they were having a good time on my account...but...I admit one made me hot...
"Steve...what is the most memorable thing we did together..?"
"Well...hmmmm...I guess the way you gave me blowjobs...yes...definitely...your blowjobs...delicious..."
"And I did that all the time...didn't I...?"
"Oh yes Lena...I remember..."
They were both laughing...I was blushing...and was hard a rock...
"Would you like me to do that again with you Steve..?"
"Any time sexy..."
Now...well...this was obviously the night for ultimate teasing...and Lena continued...
"So we are playing this game...Steve and I will take our glasses and move into the kitchen...and you will stay here...we will be there for some minutes....takeing wine...or...? will never get to know what I did to him there...but you can guess....would that be ok for you..?"
I couldn't move my eyes from the floor...I nodded...they both laughed...grabbed their glasses...and went out of the room...
Wouldn't any cuckold be happy having two such sexy teasing friends..?

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women