Thanks Timmy...
Now, the picture I found here is very's most probably taken on a train in Russia...(or CIS somewhere) typical a two bed cabin in which I have had lots of sex...with strange women...over the years...and I remember my wife (from a CIS country) told me once that it is quite normal that women get fucked by strangers on these trains...(would love to hear from other with experience from Russia/CIS who can confirm)..
I have been travelling in Russia for many years...and I just love to ride with the trains there...and being a foreigner often spark some interest from Russian women...
Most often, I have been travelling with girlfriends who just come for the ride...Russian girls loves to travel (by car, plane, train)...
The wagons are serviced by one woman who is keeping order, makes sure the central coal heater is working (often making the wagon far too hot)...and that serves coffee/tea in the morning some 30 minutes before reaching the final, if you like travel not too fancy facilities...Russian trains can be recommended...(some say there is criminals onboard...that cabins are being opened and things are stolen...well...after taking these trains hundreds of times....I never experience anything like that...but as most often: the stories one hear from Russian are exaggerated...)
Anyway...picking up girls in the restaurant wagon is not very difficult (at least not for me)...sitting there making contact...talking for a while...then inviting them to come to stay in a two bed have a take...well....the alternative is often to travel in the multi bed most often...the girl will accept...
I wouldn't say that Russian girls are all sluts...but for me: it has been successful many times... you can imagine...this picture brings back memories...
Anyway...I know that my wife used to travel with these trains a lot...(we have been travelling together also of course)...and once I told her about my sex escapades on board some of them...I remember she told me..."that's don't have to tell me...I have been travelling a lot on these's not uncommon that men invites to his cabin...and for a girl that have a ticket in a multi bed wagon where some men are takeing and sometimes becomes unpleasant...being invited to a two bed cabin is very tempting...specially if the man inviting is handsome and looks like a great guy..."
As I, some men buy both that they have the cabin for find it more comfortable...
I asked her if she ever got fucked by these 'handsome men'...she said " happened..."
I have to get her to tell more...

(BTW...what makes the picture special for me is that the woman resembles my wife in so many ways...I never posted her picture...but this could have been her...)
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women