Posts: 6130
CAP OF THE DAY CUCKOLD PANTYSLAVE Cuckold Pantryslave: #7 of 200 Greatest Artists
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Posts: 6130
#2,612 · Edited by: kenneth998
NEWS: ANNICKAC26 JOINS THE HALL OF FAME! HALL OF FAME: THE BEST OF THE BEST1. TIMMY27, DON JETMAN 2. CHRISTINE-BPOP, JANE FRESSIA 3. CUCKOLD PANTYSLAVE4. LILMIKEY, STEVENSMILES 5. WIMPHUB 6. ZINC03 7. PTAH 8. PIRATE IN THE MOUNTAINS 9. PEAKMB 10. EROTICA88 11. SIMON SOFTLAD 12. HOTCPLINDC 13. HEAVENLYMR 14. ALTDORF001 15. PRISSY 16. NORWEGIAN 17. FVS 18. E IN BOS 19. ROBYN137 20. DODGE68 21. NUTREO 22. MSCIX 23. NIBBLR 24. JJ HOBBS 25. EVILWIFE 26. NADA 27. DAVID PUSHOVER 28. ANNICKAC2629. BRETTROB 30. JENYCOOP 31. LICKENFORYOU 32. DAVESGFDATES 33. SARAGIRL 34. NIPPYC 35. JACQUELINE 36. CUCK JOHNNY 37. SHAWNA 38. OPEN 39. OPEN 40. OPEN TOP 200 ARTISTS41. Glidium 42. snowballboi 43. Wendyetmark 44. babyryan 45. Kimlane 46. Bluenutes 47. Captain Jack 48. Cuhlman2003 49. OPEN 50. swingcplb 51. zneakpeak 52. Unlikely 53. Prvtryan1 54. cutcuck 55. Cyberguy991 56. Scarf 57. Oneshot 58. Marve 59. burberry X 60. Bandit9411 61. Andy the Wimp 62. Tinycock 63. potpot 64. ponytail26 65. Dicklet 66. subsman 67. Evilp 68. cadet21 69. kevin the cuckold 70. Londoncouple 71. Jack Smith 72. Chattanooga69 73. Malchickiwick 74. Alaanon 75. Max987 76. LittleMan Rayburn 77. LikesMMF 78. Checkered 79. ptahuk 80. Asian Plant 81. Cuckfluffer 82. crypton 83. Kensingtonsc 84. Smalljames 85. Jenninfer 86. Hoburgh 87. Piggyfish 88. Stoneknight 89. Nickcuck 90. Mjaocal 91. deadpol 92. Houseslvsissy 93. flavius 94. giamwcil 95. Jeff Meagor 96. Kana 97. EmmitFitz 98. SB2_4_69 99. youngcuck26 100. maxoverlord 101. rmg185 102. lidman 103. sub_severin 104. mjs23112005 105. John Thkoog 106. Openmouth 107. Billy Boyd 108. Amstelguy 109. Slippery el 110. Bee 111. Shavencock_2001 112. SB2_4_69 113. Open Mouth 114. hardnutz27 115. chloe_2b 116. underyourspel 117. Miss_Blueballs 118. b2bone 119. Owned 120. radioguy 121. Youinmywife 122. Raimondo 123. Wifntrng 124. Geronimo Samson 125. janitorbox 126. Dynapro 127. globetrotter69692001 128. Tree Beard 129. Total discord 130. R BRIARS 131. Deepelmdesciple 132. willdo 133. Flatlander 134. meatyfister 135. Oldsoul 136. ragtag 137. Indianapoliscuckold 138. cuck_boy66 139. Lidicknycsub 140. tinycock 141. true h**iliat*on 142. 320320 143. whitecuckold2003 144. antaris1978 145. cuckalishiousr 146. submisboi 147. Gunther 148. cDupin 149. swingcplb 150. Jenn Gilson 151. youngcuck26 152. patrickjmal 153. Arrowhead 154. Kajangus 155. Redapple 156. tinycuc7 157. korokoko 158. sickshoelicker 159. stingray754 160. Giamwcil 161. Widdlebabygwurl 162. Subbob 163. TEN 164. cadet21 165. zebre 166. micc 167. Rickinnorthdallas 168. pinkyboy 169. s1900 170. highsurf103 171. sissycuck22 172. highsurf03 173. Fried Fantasy 174. mjs23112005 175. cazlo 176. Heikoo 177. theonanist69 178. Alcale 179. erodica 180. Vol92 181. carpetboy 182. Pump Boy 183. temple 184. Bob Meyers 185. JasperReylar 186. could_be_cuck 187. helvey 188. Vibe 189. johndough308 190. MasterV 191. asdf 192. Danishslave4blackcock 193. missexy 194. Canuckcuck 195. Foxyuk 196. Telephone123 197. pervfromhell 198. billw1957 199. rrspike 200. Richudovis
Posts: 6130
#2,613 · Edited by: kenneth998
Posts: 6130
#2,614 · Edited by: kenneth998
Posts: 6130
CAPS OF THE MORNING #22: NIPPYC Nippyc: Hall of Fame
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Posts: 6130
Posts: 6130
#2,617 · Edited by: kenneth998
Posts: 14692
Kenneth, thanks for the plug.
Great choices for cap of the morning and day.
Posts: 6130
Timmy27: Great choices for cap of the morning and day. Thank you, Timmy! Coming from you that feels like validation!
Posts: 6130
Posts: 6130
A NOTE ABOUT THE LIST I am the keeper of the LIST. It contains what I consider the best erotic caption artists on this site, ranked in order of talent, output and\or just because I like what they do. Some might say I have a lot of GALL to presume I know better than the rest what is good and what is not. Some may say it isn't fair that I rank some artists higher than others. Well it is true. I am loaded with GALL and the LIST isn't fair. But it is honest. Feel free to comment or make suggestions. If you don't like what I do, make your own list. Otherwise, have fun. I am just a fan of the genre, a gawker like everyone else. The only difference is that I save what I like and repost it here, ranked in order of talent and merit. I cannot imagine how long it takes to produce these things, but I am sure it takes much longer than what I do. Kudos to all who produce caption art – especially the good ones.
cuckold pantyslave
Posts: 1051
Well said, Kenneth... you can't please everyone all the time. The time you spend on the 'List' has got to be so much greater than the time i, and others, put into our caps.
Thank you so much for your efforts. They are greatly appreciated!
Posts: 661
Thank you for mentioning me, kenneth.
Posts: 6130
cuckold pantyslaveWell, thank you CPS. An appreciation from a master of the genre like you really does make my day. 
Posts: 6130
Posts: 6130
CAP OF THE MORNING Wendyetmark: #43 of 200 Greatest Artists
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Posts: 3621
Look...................the list made up by Kenneth is, as he so rightly says.......only his idea of what is and what is not the best captions on this site. Personally speaking he has as much of an idea of what makes a good caption as Stevie Wonder does when choosing the colour of his next carpet. But then again what do I know. I don't even caption my own designs and I get some kid from a local art college to do them for me.  No matter what others think of "The List"...wether we agree with its order or not looking at it for what else it does. I hope other members might view it and think to themselves "Why don't I give captioning a go...lets see if I can make the list" That in itself has to be a good thing. I myself look at the captions with a certain sense of pride. That we belong to a community and want to give a little bit of ourselves to the others. There are no prizes for what we do. We do it because we like it, we enjoy it and hope that others get something out of it too. Well done everyone, well done Kenny boy.....Go go those Miami Dolphins. stevensmiles
Posts: 3621
I kind of like the artwork that can be found with a little bit of luck. stevensmiles
Posts: 14692
Kenneth, for me the value of the list is that it highlights various cappers, even some whose caps have faded into the back pages of the forum.
I don't have time to look at all the caps that are out there. If I did, I wouldn't have time to make my own and that is really what I enjoy the most. If others enjoy them and comment on them, that's a bonus.
So if caps show up on the list, I'll have a look. See what's out there.
I tried a different forum because the actions management took that effects primarily the story forum. Unfortunately, it was not the same. So while I still don't agree with certain things, I have decided to stick around.
Thanks for taking the time to create the list.
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
I'll echo all of what Timmy said. I barely have time to make my own caps these days, and it's very cool to have others' work highlighted so I get a sampling of what goes on here, and to have new cappers recognized. All too often contests and ratings tend to cause dissension in groups like this, but Kenneth's list has seemed to bring more of a sense of community here, which I applaud. Yes, the ratings are subjective, and sometimes people feel left out, but I think it actually encourages people to engage each other here, both old-timers and newbies. I've made some good e-friends here, and for that I'm thankful.
We all have very specific kinks, but unlike some other sites where members try to categorize others into the "pure" and flawed, cuckolding vs. hotwifing, bulls vs. sissies, everyone here seems to get along. It's why I keep coming back, in spite of the puzzling censorship issues.
Posts: 1261
Yup, I gotta agree. This is a fun post which definitely takes time and most importantly, heart (even when he's being cruel). Ken, you da man, even if you are a *little* man.
Big Love Brotha'
Posts: 6130
Timmy and Don, thanks for your comments. They are greatly appreciated. Steven and Erotica, same to you.
Posts: 3905
Kenneth, as others have said here, and it bears repeating, it's YOUR list. Anyone who doesn't like your selections is perfectly free to start another one. Don is very right, your list brings us together, rather than coming between us. One of the ways it does that is by exposing us to other cappers' work. Speaking of which, let me say a big Thank You! for posting ANNICKAC26's caps. Hot stuff -- I loved them! Thank you!  Christine
Posts: 1830
Kenneth, This thread is one of the first ones I check when I come here. It gives a pretty good reflection of what's going on in our little caption world. I hope that all the positive feedback you receive here outweighs the naysayer's. So thanks, Kenneth. To you, and to all the caption artists that contribute, or have contributed.
Posts: 6130
Christine and Mike, your support is appreciated. Nice to hear from you both as well as Timmy and Don and the others. I wasn't really complaining in my mini rant, just sort of clarifying. I view this whole thing as part Billboard/Trade Journal schtick and part cuckold planet archaeology. It is a strange habit to develop and is probably a side of the same compulsion that drives you all to create these erotic morsels of art. Some people collect coins. Others collect baseball cards. Me? Well, here you have it.
I try to maintain a healthy sense of humor while at the same time maintaining the erotic curiosity that drove me here in the first place. I am the other side of the coin collection, and mostly just an appreciator of something higher in form than just another nudie picture. And yes, if not for the community aspect of it, I'd have been gone long ago. But you all create some surprising stuff sometimes and just when I think I'm about to give up on you, the archaeologist in me stumbles upon another artifact or a whole box of them, and says, "You gotta see this. Just in case you missed it."
Posts: 3905
kenneth998: Christine and Mike, your support is appreciated. ... just when I think I'm about to give up on you, the archaeologist in me stumbles upon another artifact or a whole box of them, and says, "You gotta see this. Just in case you missed it." You're very welcome!  And yes, I know what you mean about, "You gotta see this."  xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 6130
bpop: You're very welcome! And yes, I know what you mean about, "You gotta see this." 
Posts: 6130
#2,638 · Edited by: kenneth998
CAP OF THE DAY Christine: #2 of 200 Greatest Artists
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Posts: 6130
#2,639 · Edited by: kenneth998
MAG COVER OF THE DAY Stevensmiles: #4 of 200 Greatest Artists
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Posts: 6130
#2,640 · Edited by: kenneth998
THE INCREDIBLE DON JETMAN Don Jetman: #1 of 200 Greatest Artists
|  Don Jetman: #1 of 200 Greatest Artists
|  Don Jetman: #1 of 200 Greatest Artists
|  Don Jetman: #1 of 200 Greatest Artists