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Today's Cap - Scarf...

scraf November 29th 2013
scraf November 29th 2013

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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During the weekend, I will present some criteria which cappieers will be evaluated according to...when I start my re-arrangement of the List...

In that way, the cappieers with ambitions to move up will know more specific what to strive for...

NO...little will happened at the top...yet...

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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You have been a member on this site for close to six years now (at least under the current name) and your first Cap Posting goes all the way back to April 2009...yes..?(Maybe there are older, but I cannot find them here...I guess Mr. Big have some limitations on server size...even though, its impressing how much it's possible to find...long time back...) So let's have a look..."Final Step" is a great thread...the first Cap there goes back to December 2009. Since that, there has been more that 1.000 (!!) Caps posted...But you also posted on your thread "Beautiful Newbie's Tale" for some time....April 2009...First recorded Cap from 11 star artist Zinc03....What strikes me is the incredible consistency in quality...your first cap goes right to the heart of cuckolding...18 of April 2009No wonder you are up there among the 11 stars...Kenneth never had a choice...and neither do I..!!

It's hard to believe it has been that long, but I think you are correct about the time frame. I have always found the moment a husband or wife confesses their fantasies, or the night she does the deed for the first time to be some of the most erotic and powerful moments in my mind. To some who have had many more experiences first hand my depictions of the beginning maybe too tame or rely too much on the psychological feelings that any soon to be cuckold would be experiencing. Fortunately, many still enjoy the memories of their first time or find in my caps something they can relate to about their own intense and perhaps mixed feelings about what their first time might be like....only IF.

Thank you for your kind words and for posting some of the better early ones as well as the one you listed as one of your favorites. I checked and that was one I saved in my 'Best of' folder so for what it's worth I liked that one too.

I also think your early ones work really well with you initial topic. Yours have always been great, but lately you have added even more of an artistic element. I think it really shows how we can all continue to hone our s*******s. Thanks again!


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To some who have had many more experiences first hand my depictions of the beginning maybe too tame or rely too much on the psychological feelings that any soon to be cuckold would be experiencing.

Trust me...I have been there...done first wife got to was I am a wannabe with my second...cannot let go of the thought...I know what it will bring...for both of us...if the guy is the right one...

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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So just had to check in...

found this one from janitorbox...just funny...great sense of humor...

Lets call it the Cap of the early morning....great cap Janitor..!!


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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During the weekend, I will present some criteria which cappieers will be evaluated according to...when I start my re-arrangement of the List...

In that way, the cappieers with ambitions to move up will know more specific what to strive for..

I can't wait to see your new criteria, Norwegian! I hope I move up soon. I really like what you have done so far. It's like a breath of fresh air! I have some new caps in Timmy's open thread. Did you see them? What do you think? I hope you like them! I hope you have a chance to look at them.


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Todays morning Cap...

Sir Bandit: You have a cruel mind...

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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I am enjoying the transition. Norwegian is one of the most talented people ever, so all the cuckold artists out there have someone to look up to and learn from. And FEAR! King of the List is the Final Authority!! But too modest, perhaps, to post his own works in the LIST. So i am doing it for him. My pic for Caps of the Morning:
Norwegian - 11 Star KING
Norwegian - 11 Star KING
Norwegian - 11 Star KING
Norwegian - 11 Star KING


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Well who would have thought that
a thread like this would thrive the
way it has. It's a curious thing.

And just for the record Mr Big may
not have quit as limited hard drive
space as we think. My first post
was November 19, 2006.



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Well who would have thought that a thread like this would thrive the way it has. It's a curious thing.

Let's all contribute to keeping it like this...I will do what I can...there are big shoes to fill...hope you all will contribute as you always have done...and correct me if I am out of line...(goes for the 11 stars in particular...the others will have to listen closely... )

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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More history....maybe I am a little occupied with this just now as I have taken on a big responsibility and need to get to know some of the capptioneers a little better...

Any way, let's look into Timmy's first entrance here...

His is an eager and very good artist...there most be thousands of caps up through the years...well done..!!!

He has a signature on his caps...a mistress having a cuck in many colors (he knows what will balance the cap...also color an artist should...very intriguing detail...I like...)

First time I find his "Logo" is in...

"Facing the hard truth - captioned pics"

Actually, he did not cap them all...but wrote a small story/text in front of the pictures...a little like Jane, but 'forgot' to put additional text in the pictures....

First 'cap' in his first (recorded) thread....

Text in front of the picture...

"That was Brad on the telephone. He's coming over.

Yes, I will be entertaining him in my bedroom for a little while. I think it's the least I can do, he is the man of our young"

You have come long way Timmy...a sure continued 11 star artist..!!!!
Timmy's first cap..?
Timmy's first cap..?

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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interesting question form Sickshoelicker
how do our minds work guys and girls...and all in between
how do our minds work guys and girls...and all in between

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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So i am doing it for him. My pic for Caps of the Morning:

I accept Kenneth (you are still the transmission) contribution...but no one else...

Norwegian is one of the most talented people ever

You are just too kind...

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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What happened to BurberryX..?

Haven't seen caps from him for a while...?

Absolute a TALENT...I especially like his visual concepts..!!

Post MORE BurBerry..!! (X)
A BurBerry Specal Saturday Evening Post..!!
A BurBerry Specal Saturday Evening Post..!!

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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you are still the transmission spelling...should be "in transition"...


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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More history...

Nibbler....three years ago, this guy made caps with famous artists he maybe says it better himself..."I thought it would be fun to start a thread using quotations from poems or mistergs as the captions. They aren't all cuckold themed, but many of them are"....

I remember I reacted instantly on one of them myself..."you don't come'....cuckold stuff enough for me"

(September 2010...God time flies...)

Here is the one I reacted on...still one of my favorites..!!!!

my Nibbler favorite
my Nibbler favorite

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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I checked...Nibbler is a 10 star already...I agree...but I miss him...but as Kenneth always was clear about...there must be posted more...all the time...POST MORE have talent....maybe I have to move you up...but we will need 50-100 caps more...of same're man for that..?

And 11 Star list is already crowded...if one go have to go down...

The positions up there shall be challenged all the's not a joke to be a champion..!!!

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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(a new opened star posting...I want the viewers to come home from the party having something to look forward to before going to bed takes...with or without their wives...)

First out...the incredible Jane...she is sometimes so cruel...and sexy...we'll all wake up better permisters on Sunday...yes..??

Have a good weekend folks...
deeper, deeper, gone...a Jane classic..!!
deeper, deeper, gone...a Jane classic..!!

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Tomorrow is December 1st. Time for a new LIST dated December 1, 2013. You know the LIST - it contains 166 names rated from 11 Stars through 4 Stars. Here is the current breakdown and percentage of artists in each category:

11 8 4.8
10 19 11.4
9 30 18.1
8 36 21.7
7 26 15.7
6 20 12.0
5 26 15.7
4 1 .06

The way the list has worked is basically, I put people wherever I want based on how much I like their stuff. My opinions change the more time goes on and the more I see of various artists productions. My mind was closed about certain topics and techniques, but I changed it sometimes as my mind opened up and I "got it". It was a long and evolving process which never ends. It took a long time to come to this point and I am sure if I decided to continue, my mind would change again and more people would be moved around.

Below 10 Stars the list has been very fluid for me. The only thing I am certain about is that I would never change my mind about the top artists here, the 11 Star Artists. For me, that will never change. All the rest? Well who knows.

I do know that as of RIGHT NOW, I am handing over the LIST part of "LISTS" - the actual LIST - to Norwegian. I will no longer be involved in the rating of artists. I am done with it. Wash my hands of it. But I did look at TONS of work, and every one of the people on the list. It will take Norwegian a long time to do that. In the meantime, he certainly had his opinions about many of the artists here, and can move those people around as he sees fit.

I will no longer be involved. Someone said the LIST was like the Billboard Top 200, or something like that. Maybe it was me who said it. Maybe someone else. I don't remember. The pictures are fun, but this is a list, after all.

It's all yours Frank.


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PS: Great piece on Zinc and the Scarf cap is really good. I am warming to him, except for the "nigger" stuff. I think you will bring more involvement from the founding members and other artists. Best of luck!


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#621 · Edited by: jane_fressia
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I could care less about how you did it, but Jane, that is one of the most earth shaking HOT captions I have ever, ever, ever seen. I want to be that guy! Is that an old one? How did I miss it???


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By the way, it's OVER and OUT for me.

Love ya all!


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#624 · Edited by: jane_fressia
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I'm sorry Kenneth I promised Norwegian I'd
do a how to and I was rushing like usual
and dumped it into your lists forum and not
the caps how to forum. Again sorry.

I did the cap for Norwegian as an illustration.
He dropped the GIF in my forum and so I
added the background.

It's a new one I'll remove it shortly.



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I don't think you missed it Kenneth...or maybe you did...but the GIF in the last one was one I trifled in on Jane's "a few talkies" last night...

Jane made a fantastic Cap using it...thanks Jane...

And THANKS for sharing your secret...I will study...and hopefully, eventually I will be able to make one or two with embedded GIF's...

But, it will always be you Jane who did it first...for me, it's a "Don Jetman moment"..."why the fuck didn't I invent just that.."

( least I think Don said that a couple of times..?)


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 6116
#626 · Edited by: jane_fressia
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By the way, it's OVER and OUT for me.

Gosh I hope not. I hope at least he comes back as I did
this cap for him and...

...I think he'd like to share with her her feelings.
...I think he'd like to share with her her feelings.


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Talking about Don...a fantastic that posted his first Caps as late as July 2011...who should even believe that (?) feels like I have known his work like for ever...

Assuming some average 20 caps per page, Don has posted more than 1.000 caps in his thread "Wives in Heat"...

(in addition to loads of beautiful jerk-off stuff - he is an excellent writer too...)

The following caps are from the very we all can see: his early work is as fantastic as his latest...he started out on top...and never declined...

1st of December Special...Don's early work...

I promised you all my criteria for my further evaluations with regards to how may starts each and everyone will have on the's coming...but one of them is definitely "short and intelligent text"...and: this is one of Don's trademarks...just brilliant..!!!


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Today's Artist...Littleman Rayburn...from Liittleman Rayburn's Caps...

8 Star Artist...underestimated..?

One thing is strange though...his profile cannot be he gone...forever..?

Last posting from him was March this year...

Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 1
Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 1
Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 2
Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 2
Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 3
Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 3
Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 4
Littleman Rayburn 8 Stars...No 4

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Tonight's Cap...Jane...

Just very good...what can I say..? Perfection..?


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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You know, I look at a caption like Jane's that you just posted, and it's work of art. Yours too, are just so incredible. I'm not sure if I should try harder or just quit. I could never create something like that. How could anyone come close to Jane? Or you?

Still, I'm happy to be on the list and I think I deserve a higher rating than where I am. What do you think, Norwegian?
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