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Today's Feature: Nutreo ********
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist
Nutreo - 8 Star Artist


Posts: 87
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Thanks for including me in your rankings, kenneth998!


Posts: 6133
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Thanks for including me in your rankings, kenneth998!

You are quite welcome! We lucky black guys thank you for investing such confidence in us!


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Major new artist: Hoburgh *********
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist
Hoburgh - 9 Star Artist


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5 Best Magazine Cover Artists Part 2
#5 Cyberguy
#5 Cyberguy
#4 Saragirl
#4 Saragirl
#3 Timmy27
#3 Timmy27
#2 Don Jetman
#2 Don Jetman


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5 Best Magazine Cover Artists Part 2
#1 Norwegian
#1 Norwegian
#1 Norwegian
#1 Norwegian
#1 Norwegian
#1 Norwegian


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Caps of the Day
Timmy27 - 11 Star artist
Timmy27 - 11 Star artist
Timmy27 - 11 Star artist
Timmy27 - 11 Star artist
Brettrob - 11 Star artist
Brettrob - 11 Star artist


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Thanks for showing my Covers here Kenneth...
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 14692
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Kenneth, thanks for the feature spot.

Regarding to my earlier comments when you ripped HSS a 'new one' and I came to his defense, I have the same picture that Bettrob captioned in my stash and I was thinking of using it today, but didn't. Now I better delete it or I'll wind up in 'Kenneth Jail'


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Kenneth, thanks for the feature spot.

Regarding to my earlier comments when you ripped HSS a 'new one' and I came to his defense, I have the same picture that Bettrob captioned in my stash and I was thinking of using it today, but didn't. Now I better delete it or I'll wind up in 'Kenneth Jail'

You would never wind up n my jail, Timmy. I have too much respect for you. Ditto for all of the people at the top. I guess I have a permisteral animus towards one particular permister. Maybe that makes me petty. I could care less if you all use each others pictures. In fact, HSS selects some good ones - whether she\he finds them or just cribs them from someone else. I'd love to see others cap some of those because I would almost certainly like the result better. But taking the entire thing - words and all, well that's not borrowing or sharing, that's stealing. Verbatim. That's what set me off. Not the images. I didn't post those because, well, who has time for that? It took 30 minutes for me to make the examples I did.

I'll go with whoever does the better job presenting the image and the words. I know you all don't take the pictures yourselves. I would never put you or probably anyone else here in jail. The only exception is already there. I will never do it again. Saying that, it's still half tongue in cheek. Which means in the case of my incarcerated inmate, it's half real.

Don't think twice about me. I'm a consumer and a critic - not a creator. I have nothing but respect for what you do and if you or anyone of your peers decided to use every image everyone below you - or along side of you - ever used in a caption - this site would probably be brought down from the increased traffic. You and Christine and Don and Norwegian, Zinc, Brett, Jane and Heavenly are so superior, as far as I am concerned you write the rules, not me.


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Cap of the Night: Jane Frezzia *********** When Jane Frezzia really hits one, it's way, way out of the park. The rest are just home runs.
Jane Frezzia - 11 Star Artist
Jane Frezzia - 11 Star Artist


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Cap of the Night II: Scarf *********
Scarf - 9 Star Artist
Scarf - 9 Star Artist


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Posts: 1418
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Classic Kenneth...well done!


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Effective 11/28/2013 – Thanksgiving Day – 11 Star Artist Norwegian has accepted the position of PRINCE of LISTS. He will work alongside me – KING of LISTS –and share ownership of LISTS. Norwegian will be able to evaluate artists, move artists up and down the list, feature artists and choose Cap of the Day etc. In short, he will be able perform any duty that I perform.

I will be involved, but no longer have the time to run the LIST alone. As far as I am concerned, any 11 Star Artist is qualified to run the list. I am glad Norwegian agreed to offer his services to keep the LIST alive. Over the next month or so, I will slowly transition out of my role as KING of the LISTS due to permisteral time constraints. Norwegian will assume the role of KING of the LIST no later than Christmas, 2013.

Please welcome Norwegian aboard and support him in his new role as the eventual KING of all CRITICS and RULER of the LIST!


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I am honored...

I will try to be fair...and sometimes, I will need to be hard...I think I learned this from you...

"his new role as the eventual KING.."

Maybe its my English...but I thought 'eventual' meant the 'final'...? One comment from my side is that, even though I enter as a Prince in a humble way...and one day in the not too far future, will end up as the King...there may be further changes later...months from now...

We will see...

I just hope I will be able to keep this excellent thread alive the same way you have done...

I hope the reaction will be positive...especially form the cappieers (or they will be down rated...hmm...too hard too early..?)


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Welcome aboard, Norwegian. I know you will learn to rule with an iron fist and a benevolent heart. The Throne will soon be yours alone. Unless, of course, you decide to invite your own Princes and Princesses to assist yoo.

May the FORCE be with you!


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One last comment from me before I get ready for turkey......Norwegian has only 7 peers here. He is one of the elite artists and most talented people ever to grace this site. 150 plus artists are featured on this list. 7 have reached the 11 Star category. So Norwegian's judgments should carry a LOT of weight. I have never created a caption in my life; he is in a very, very small club - one of the GREAT EIGHT. Anyone receiving his praise should rightfully be thrilled. Those receiving his criticism should LISTEN and LEARN.

Good luck, Mr. Norwegian.


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Congratulations, Norwegian, and thanks to Kenneth for all of your work!




Posts: 6133
#590 · Edited by: kenneth998
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Congratulations, Norwegian, and thanks to Kenneth for all of your work!



Oh, I'll still have time for YOU, sexy lady!

But I'm pretty much handing over the LIST reins to Norwegian right now. I will only be involved if he asks me. Maybe he will involve some of his fellow Hall of Famers, like you. But, a thread like this needs a King.


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Ok guys...

Cap of the evening...

I wanted to start it all by looking back in history of caps on this web site...

I found this...2006....kind of political...kind of simple...and I don't know is the giy even is on the List...

This site has a history...thanks to the Big Guy....

history is interesting
history is interesting

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Norwegian, good luck - you have big boots to fill.

Kenneth, thank you for all your hard work. You earned the rest.


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Thank you Kenneth, I am sure it was a lot of work. I have always admired your work, Norwegian. I hope your work as a caption artist will bring a fresh perspective to this list, which I think has been a great thread, despite my disappointment over my own ratings here. My goal is to someday make it to where you are.

Anyway, congratulations!


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Norwegian, good luck - you have big boots to fill.

Kenneth, thank you for all your hard work. You earned the rest.

It has been an honor and a pleasure. Thank you, Timmy.


Posts: 1418
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Thank you for this unique and creative thread. I've been around here for a while and few individuals have created a thread or threads that changed the landscape of the site; yours did. The quantity and quality of captions posted have increased dramatically. There are many reamisters why, but the reamisters are not really my point. You created an original and it made this place better for all of us. Thank you!

Congratulations to the new King! You are certainly deserving; Timmy chose wisely. I think your initial quest of looking at the sites history of caps is a great place to start. Caps have come a long way.


Posts: 6133
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Thank you for this unique and creative thread. I've been around here for a while and few individuals have created a thread or threads that changed the landscape of the site; yours did. The quantity and quality of captions posted have increased dramatically. There are many reamisters why, but the reamisters are not really my point. You created an original and it made this place better for all of us. Thank you!

Thank you Zinc. It is special to hear such praise from someone as talented and accomplished as you. Hey, I just looked around a lot and posted other people's work. You guys did the heavy lifting. My left hand just got so freaking tired...........

And the one handed typing slowed me down.......

Seriously, thank you!


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I think your initial quest of looking at the sites history of caps is a great place to start

Thanks Zinc

You have been a member on this site for close to six years now (at least under the current name) and your first Cap Posting goes all the way back to April 2009...yes..?

(Maybe there are older, but I cannot find them here...I guess Mr. Big have some limitations on server size...even though, its impressing how much it's possible to find...long time back...)

So let's have a look...

"Final Step" is a great thread...the first Cap there goes back to December 2009. Since that, there has been more that 1.000 (!!) Caps posted...

But you also posted on your thread "Beautiful Newbie's Tale" for some time....April 2009...First recorded Cap from 11 star artist Zinc03....

What strikes me is the incredible consistency in quality...your first cap goes right to the heart of cuckolding...18 of April 2009

No wonder you are up there among the 11 stars...Kenneth never had a choice...and neither do I..!!

Beautiful Newbie's Tale - Cap from first batch
Beautiful Newbie's Tale - Cap from first batch
Final Step - Cap from first batch
Final Step - Cap from first batch
Final Step - Capp from last batch
Final Step - Capp from last batch

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Cap of this Morning

One of my favorite Zinc's
Cap of this morning
Cap of this morning

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


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Yes the Zman has always been Zuper!


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A Talent unknown to far...please visit his thread at


A **********Star 9 listed artist...moving up..?


A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
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