Great choices.
Post #215 second caption. I wish there were five captions of her. Not sure what it is but there's something really appealing about her.
Regarding your in-depth analysis, I'm glad your here to share it.

I'm unfamiliar with the "Jane Concept" reference, if it's not too much trouble maybe you could point me in the right direction?
It seems to me amused, surprised, happy, and excited, facial expressions are all used much more often than stern or harsh ones in cuckold captions. Hadn't thought about it before. It's a little surprising given the frequency of dominant themes present in so many captions. Maybe it's more to do with picture availability, not sure. Robyn137 (Paul), created many femdom flavored captions in his headless wives thread that if you've not come across you may enjoy.
Take care and thanks for your efforts and thoughts. (Phone pulling me away)