What things has she said to you recently?
In December, we attended a holiday party at a local restaurant—a private dining room with many of her former hospital friends and coworkers. Lots of free b o o z e, so L was in rare form. A big guy I didn't know kept hitting on her. When I asked, she told me he's a doctor she always found attractive. When I asked if she ever fucked him, she said she didn't, but that I should take a good look at his crotch when she approached him again. I watched her spend some time with him, laughing at his jokes, and pretty much flirting back. It wasn't long before he had an erection - a very obvious one, but he must have been too i n t o x i c a t e d to worry about others seeing it. A little later when I asked if she was sure they hadn't fucked, she promised me they hadn't. I kept quiet for a while before she whispered "but we might have done other things". She paused and looked around to make sure no one would hear. Then, "He was so big it would barely fit in my mouth." I'm still not sure if it really happened. She just grins when I ask. I still love imagining it...