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It's a fatal cuckolding caption burst

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Ok so robyn137 did a few along these lines and at lest one other permister has posted some like it. So I thought I would try my hand at this theme. Not sure they all have the right mix of sexy to deadly but who knows. I am just doing a limited run maybe three or four more sets after this first 16. I love feed back but this thread is very narrow and may get old for me quick.
worthless ailve
worthless ailve
blamo tragic hunting accident
blamo tragic hunting accident
she needs a red hourglass on the back of that suit
she needs a red hourglass on the back of that suit
Oh yea I referenced Schrodinger's cat in a cuckold caption
Oh yea I referenced Schrodinger's cat in a cuckold caption


Posts: 567
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four more
better then ball busting
better then ball busting
enforced compliance
enforced compliance
plan b
plan b
empty EpiPen
empty EpiPen


Posts: 567
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four more
an end to your torment
an end to your torment
peanut allergy
peanut allergy
not so safe room
not so safe room
snake bite
snake bite


Posts: 567
#4 · Edited by: limkane
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four more
yea so thats the first set I guess you can see some of these are more short crime fiction then sexy caption let me know if these work for any one and I will crank out a few more sets.
time to cash out
time to cash out
you will be in bad shape if you make it
you will be in bad shape if you make it
A show while you strangle
A show while you strangle
never easy
never easy


Posts: 34
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not so safe room

you will be in bad shape if you make it

Loved these two. It's the best when it's consensual and he goes along realizing that she's better off without him in the most literal way possible
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Wow, I love these extreme caps! Nothing hotter! Love the ballbusting references. Please, keep the cruelty coming! Thank you!


Posts: 116
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Love "Oh yea I referenced Schrodinger's cat in a cuckold caption", "not so safe room" and "you will be in bad shape if you make it".


Posts: 5915
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Absolutely evil, and brilliant!


Posts: 567
#9 · Edited by: limkane
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Thanks for the feed back every one. I will likely do a few more sets this week
two more for now
for the best/ Damn GFCI's
for the best/ Damn GFCI's
not crying over him
not crying over him
useful male


Posts: 3634
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I absolutely love this thread but I fear it may be deleted. There was once an excellent thread about powerd penectomy on this site (where the hubby's penis was painfully removed leaving his balls to keep him constantly horny with no possible means of a satisfying orgasm).

The moderators considered it offensive in some way and removed it. I pray this thread doesn't meet the same fate!

Thank you for these excellent FANTASY caps!


Posts: 457 Pictures: 1 
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I like the subject matter "*******ing off husband" but the lesbian bull doesn't really work for me. Either way great job and thanks for all the hard work.


Posts: 29
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as macabre and hot these are (please keep em coming!), i really thought 'not crying over him' was really funny.. i literally lol'ed


Posts: 567
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useful male well thanks I am glad you like them and I would not worry to much about this getting deleted, Not saying it could not happen but sense my "goal" is to do 32 of these then stop. And once I stop adding new captions the thread will slip into the nether pages were sure it will be there but like scores of other great threads by dozens of posters it will be as dead as if it had been deleted.
Dropknee Well I am glad you liked the ones you did and thanks for the feed back. My life has changed a lot sense I started doing captions here. When I started I was married to a man and relaxing with a few guys a week, After my divorce I went even nuttier with the guys which led to be being with women more and more leading to me being in something of a dom/sub relation ship with a black woman for a time relaxing with more women then men leading to me single again but not having been with a guy sense March. Not sure I would say I am off men for good but I am more into women at this point then men. Honestly I had to make a point of making some of these
have a male bulls because my default seems to be female bulls now.
commcoolHey thanks(hoping you lol'ed at the tag line not the bad spell check and typos) I like to put some humor in my captions sometimes.

Ok more of these latter in the day


Posts: 3098
#14 · Edited by: Allen
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Here are some from a yahoo group I found. If I may...some captions and some pics to be captioned. These are not mine by the way.



Posts: 3098
#15 · Edited by: Allen
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Couple more...



Posts: 3098
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And again...



Posts: 38
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This is a great thead, I prefer a male bull


Posts: 1958
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I agree that this is a wonderful thread. However, I'm going to express a surprisingly dissenting opinion, in that I find the idea of a female lover/bull/accomplice FAR hotter than a man, particularly as it relates to this thread.


Posts: 116
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Nice ones, Allen. =)


Posts: 567
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Allenthanks cool stuff
wilder682 neils123
thanks glad you like them. Like I said that any of these were male bulls
required some rewriting on my part. the rest will be a mix of both male and female but I will see if I can get a better mix.
four more
oops wrong pills
oops wrong pills
any conditions
any conditions
the best part
the best part
well that's nice of her
well that's nice of her
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Love 'em all! Amazing! Stomp those balls! No sense putting him out of his misery without inflicting some misery! Thank you!


Posts: 1285
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Interesting and arousing topic. Thanks.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


Posts: 567
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useful male thanks I think you may like the second one in this set
MrsBlackBlowupDoll thanks glad you liked it
ok three more first two are female bulls so..
finding 7 more variation on this theme is going o be a stretch.
thinking the next burst will be tranys and shemales
shark food
shark food
he flinched
he flinched
to be with her pimp
to be with her pimp


Posts: 9609
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good quality pics man, thanks!


Posts: 79 Pictures: 2 
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can not wait hurry up please.
cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne


Posts: 720
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Wow Limkane I love the hot tub one in the first post, have always fantasised of the thought of drowning for her and her manly lover, either that or burning for them gets me going. Being crushed also does it, but I see that has been covered loads.

Thank you for these wonderful captions x
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Oh yeah, I liked both "he flinched" and "to be with her pimp". Balls were designed for punishment and pain, right? Thanks!!!


Posts: 924
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you will be in bad shape if you make it

and Not so safe room

were fantastic - Thanks


Posts: 567
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maxoverload thank you
slavedogwayne well here is two more
baiout thank you I am sure I will do a burning on in the last set and yea it looks like crushing and trash compactors are there own fetish who knew.
useful male thanks again for the feed back
WhiteWolf thanks glad you liked them
two more five more to go
ok this made me a little sick so...
ok this made me a little sick so...


Posts: 720
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I can imagine why to be fair, the thought of being crushed and powerless is common and one that I love as well. Maybe it's to do with heartbreak and that crushing blow we have all felt before. Thank you for your reply and hope you've had a very Merry Christmas
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It's a fatal cuckolding caption burst
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