Posts: 1237
Framed, Little Ride, and Share were my favs
Posts: 14692
Posts: 722
Games really does it all, fantasy participation, so hot of a pic.
In college, my wife's roommate had an older boyfriend, he was about 28, he'd chase my wife around when the opportunity arose. One morn, she went to the kitchen wearing a tshirt and panties and he was sitting on the sofa in just shorts. He followed her to the kitchen and started feeling her up from behind, really working her tits over. She let it continue and he bent her over the kitchen table rubbing his hardon through his shorts against her.
There was a big kitchen window that looked out to an alley. Students used the alley to cut through to go to class, she could hear them walking out there. This scared her, but also excited her even more. She wanted it bad, but slipped away and ran to her room before he shoved it in.
When I ask her about this story I imagine the pose in this pic. She acts like the story doesn't excite her, but I can tell she gets into it.
Posts: 1261
Mmmm..take your time. I'm always wishing lovemaking took longer, lots longer.
Posts: 578
Thanks again Don. Do You Know Her? hit me like a lightning bolt in the gut. Wow, I can only imagine...and hope..
Posts: 10
Wow..."Games" was fucking awesome.
Posts: 10
Don, apologies if this has been asked before, but can you please tell us what captioning software you use? If it's not available on mobile/tablet, can you recommend one that is?
Love your work, man. If I may make a request, I'd love to see more impregnation / pregnancy-risk / post-impregnation-angst stuff, and bi-encouragement (the wife encouraging the husband) your usual soft, subtle, nuanced style of course.
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
#1,568 · Edited by: Don Jetman
encino7: can you please tell us what captioning software you use? If it's not available on mobile/tablet, can you recommend one that is? I don't use anything special - only Paint Shop Pro, or in a pinch, Lightroom. What I do is spend obscene amounts of time tweaking the picture before pasting it onto the background template...sometimes as much as an hour, then coming back to it the next day and fine-tuning. Most pics are de-noised and sharpened, but always in different ratios. Many times 4 or 5 select areas of the pic are isolated and modified separately. Colors are saturated or desaturated, depending on what the pic tells me, sometimes areas as small as just the lips or eyes. B&W pics are tinted if I want the mood softer, or color pics stripped of color and the contrast enhanced if a more severe message is what I'm after. Admittedly, I grew up collecting Playboy (and still do), so their photographic style is one I like. Blemishes, tattoos, and moles are erased, and skin tones and texture are manipulated for that perfect Playboy look. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's my acquired style. Is it "real"? Nope. But much of the cap hobby is fantasy anyway, and it happens to reflect my fantasy. Is L perfect, like the women in my caps? Nope. But she's always had this glowing, innocent, young-like quality - the Playboy girl-next-door thing - so my style isn't too far off from how I see her, whether she's in bed with me, posing for my camera, or I'm watching her with someone else. I'm all visual, and the beauty of the circumstance is what I see. Not sure what is available as a mobile app. I build my own desktop workstations so I can have the best of everything, and know how to fix it when things go south. The photographic hobby requires lots of memory and fast machines these days for editing high definition raw files from top-of-the line-cameras. What can I say? I love my toys. I'll keep your requests in mind. The impregnation stuff appeals to me now and then, if I'm in the mood, but the male bi material just never moves me. I'm not criticizing, but my best work happens when the idea hits me in the gut - or just slightly lower. Thanks for the interest. Specific posts like your are the best. Don
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
wulfenus: She acts like the story doesn't excite her, but I can tell she gets into it. I love L's old college stories - stuff she never had the nerve to tell me before hotwifing. I've written about how my "innocent" little L experimented in college, while we were dating, behind my back. A lot of mileage from those stories at bedtime in the past, and she always grins like the tease she was back then. Leading up to our hotwifing days, she'd tell me this story in bed (after I begged for her fantasies, of course), about how she'd sneak away with the lead singer in our band during a break and let him fuck her in his car. She'd go on about how she came back to me 15 minutes later, still wet from fucking, and got off on the fact I didn't have a clue. Years later, she confessed it wasn't a "story". And I'd wonder why I felt like such a putz, but was so hard and wanted her seconds after I knew. Don
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
Posts: 1914
Don, As ever, they are all good but 'She Loves the Way' is a real gem. That smile, those looks. Sometimes the ingredients we put together create the perfect mix. That's one of yours.
Posts: 14692
All great but "tell him" adds a nice touch of humor to the situation.
Posts: 10
Thanks for the response Don. (And thanks for fulfilling my requests! Those were great.)
Your caps (along with a couple of notable captioners like have inspired me to seriously consider getting into the hobby myself. I'm thinking of starting a Tumblr for it.
The quality of your photos (as well as the subtlety of the emotions you captured) were always a defining part of your work. I love the dreamy softness that so many of them have, almost like you capture the scene through eyes that are blurry and takes with lust and angst. I wasn't sure if it came from careful selection, or your own image processing, or both. I had no idea you put that much work into it. Bravo.
Posts: 3906
encino7: have inspired me to seriously consider getting into the hobby myself. I'm thinking of starting a Tumblr for it. Please do, seriously! Let me know the name of your Tumblr blog, and I'll be your first follower. xoxoxo Christine
Posts: 218
Don - thanks again for your caps. While Tumbler is fine, and your site would be great, I do hope that you will continue posting here.
And while 99% of the time I marvel at your caps, astounded at your on-point creativity, I do think that "Tell Him Its Yours" would be even more pointed if he had to tell the neighbor that the pregnancy is from his or her boss. That would truly be so humiliating. And such a good cuck.
Thanks again for the great caps.
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
peakmb: That smile, those looks. Exactly what caught my eye, and she just told me what the text should be. Just imagine having her as your wife, then placing the ad...gulp. I just couldn't help adding the green (with envy) dress. Gotta post and run tonight... Don  Good Girl
|  Remodel Wife
|  When I Think About
|  Sailor Moon
Posts: 5915
Don, your caps are so great I often don't have words to say - I don't want to sound like a gushing fan, but I AM a gushing fan....and I say nothing. All I can say is you are the best.
Posts: 1914
Very good, that last one must have had a few of us scrambling through Google ...
Posts: 1261
When I Think About.....Jesus Don, you slay me through the heart!
Posts: 3391
Just delicious
Posts: 722
Don Jetman: about how she'd sneak away with the lead singer in our band during a break and let him fuck her in his car. She'd go on about how she came back to me 15 minutes later, still wet from fucking, and got off on the fact I didn't have a clue now that's a hot story!
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
Thanks, guys. Much appreciated. Travel next week, so I'll put up what I have until I get back. L's job requires some travel now too, and we'll be on the road at the same time, although not in the same places. She helped with one of these - I'll let you guess which one... Don  No Idea How Much
|  Irreversibile
|  Long Gone
|  Player
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
#1,584 · Edited by: Don Jetman
Posts: 1914
Irreversible and It's Done. Brilliant even by your high standards. Thanks.
Posts: 578
All great caps Don, but I think Road Warrior is the one with L's input. Am I correct? I, too, will be traveling this week for work. I am going to pretend that the hottest woman I see at the airport bar is L and wonder who she will be selecting to cuckold you with on this trip. Maybe it will be me. LOL
Posts: 866
Just when you thought this thread couldn't get any better...
Posts: 14
I'm also guessing Road Warrior is L's. I remember that she digs uniforms.
Thanks Don. Always look forward to your work.
Don Jetman
Posts: 3227
Thanks guys. I'm flattered and humred by your replies. Very satisfying to know that others out there are in the same camp.
And yes, of course, Road Warrior is partly L's. But it's just for fun - the only flight attendant I've been with was long before L, and I couldn't be happier if she finds a friend one night on the road - as long as I get to hear about it, eventually.
Posts: 3443
No idea how much -- she always lets me slip into her so I can feel how much he stretched her
Anywhere -- she said something similar to me -- almost came on the spot!