Posts: 1531
#1 · Edited by: Bootyz
This will be a story line about Daddy's little Princess moving from home and making her way into the world (or maybe the world making it's way into her, hehe).
Daddy is very protective of his little girl, and has told her to stay away from Bad People (and in particular those Darkies!), and she send lots of e-mails back to him so he won't worry...
Posts: 357
Sounds good.....
Posts: 1531
Hi Daddy! Just arrived at my new apartment in Los Angeles, and plugged in my laptop in order to tell you that I've arrived safe and sound! I hope you're not lonely at home; I know the house is empty after Mom left you for that stupid Darkie, and now that I've moved out as well! I hope you're not worried about me, you know that I am a good girl and I will work hard to succeed here! I've just started applying for jobs, and I've already received invitation for one interview and a photoshoot! I'm very excited! But now I have to go, need to make dinner! Love you Daddy! :ox :ox :ox Your Princess Carolin
Posts: 1531
Hi Daddy! I thought I'd send you a little message so to soothe your nerves. I am happy that you are praying for me and all, but really, I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself! I had my photoshoot yesterday, and I am very satisfied with the results. They've asked me to do more shoots, this time with this hot-shot photographer, Yamal, who they say is the best! The best, daddy! They say he can open all sorts of doors for me! Anyway, I'm attaching a few photos from the shoot, I'm sure you'll be blown away! Love you Daddy! :ox :ox :ox Your Princess Carolin
Posts: 1531
Hi Daddy! I don't know why you're sounding so worried about the photoshoot, they were very smart and cool and professional! Yes, I know I'm showing a little skin in the photos, but you know me, I am a good girl, and I won't let anyone touch me or export me or anything of those things you said! They all said I was really beautiful and that I'm going to be a star. So don't worry about me, I'll be a star, ok!? Anyway, I went to the beach this morning to relax. It was a lot of fun, and I needed to relax as I'm gonna go out to a nice club tonight. Yamal specifically asked them to ask me to come, isn't that nice? I had a blast at the beach, and met a lot of cool boys who wanted to help me with stuff! Here's some pics from me travelling down there, and on the beach itself! Love you daddy! :ox :ox :ox Your Princess Carolin
Posts: 1531
More later...
Posts: 1531
Hi daddy! This week has been absolutely amazing! I got to meet Yamal, the photographer who's gonna do my next shoot, and he is such a handsome and strong man! He is a lot of fun to be around as well! He invited me to a club he owns, and we danced there all night! There were a lot of beautiful women there, but Yamal was giving me his attention all throughout the night! He made me feel beautiful and confident, daddy, just as you said a good man should, and he's no deadbeat either, a self-made man with a lot of money. Yes daddy, I know it's a bit early, but I think I'm falling in love with him. He makes me feel all tingly, especially when he makes me sit in his lap, and my heart beats faster every time I see him! He asked me out for lunch after the first club night, and I wore the same necklace for him, since he looked at it all the time at the club! I think he really likes it, because he checked it out during lunch as well! Then he invited me a second time and also a third time to party with him at his club! He bought me a nice dress to put on, it made me feel very beautiful when I wore it. The third time he introduced me to his roommates; Cheryl and Tina, they are really beautiful, but they were so nice to me all night, even giving me little hugs and kisses all the time! Yamal says they all live in the same place to save money, which is a bit strange, because Yamal seems to be loaded! But, waste not, want not, as you say to me all the time. I'm so looking forward to my shoot tomorrow! BTW, mom says Hi! She tells me she's pregnant with Tyrell now, and that it is important that both you and I know about it. I'm not sure why, but now we both know, so that's ok, right? She's looking great these days, btw. Gotta run, daddy! Love you! :ox :ox Your Princess Carolin!
Posts: 614
Great so far keep it going 
Posts: 1531
#9 · Edited by: Bootyz
Hi daddy! I am so excited, I just finished another photoshoot! My first batch was for a CD-cover; Yamal thinks I have a shot at a musical career! So we shot these three for these purposes. Yamal said it would help my career to have a more 'showbiz' name, so that's why it's labeled "Sexy Cora".
Posts: 1531
I hope you didn't get angry for the third picture, it looks like it's showing a little of my bum, but really it's all very innocent! And Yamal set me up for another shoot right away, lingerie shots and bikini wear, among them alos some maternity wear! I think I'm going to recommend these for Mom, they made me feel real beautiful! Anyway, hope you're ok dad. I did not mean to upset you by telling you about Mom and Tyrell and their having a baby, but you know, Tyrell is not such a bad guy. I know he gives off a bad boy vibe, but Mom says he makes her feel real good, so she's not going to be hurt by him, promise! Yamal invited him and Mom over to the last shoot today, and they all cheered me on! Anyway, love you dad! :ox :ox Your Princess Cora!
Posts: 1531
More later!
Posts: 163
Love Cora the explorer. She's the Masuimi Max of Germany. KIK voxstephen
Posts: 4631
Wonderful so far, please keep it going David
Posts: 1531
Hi daddy! Yamal just organized another shoot, he's so ambitious on my behalf, it takes my breath away! He asked me to wear the dress he gave me for this shoot! I am having difficulties acting normally around him, he excites me so much! My heart pounds when I see him, my face feels like it's burning, and every time his strong hands touch me, I feel tingly inside and out! It's almost a relief when we get to do the actual shooting, because then I can relax and put my 'game face' on. Attaching a few pics from the shoot today! Love you, daddy! :ox :ox Your princess Cora.
Posts: 1531
Daddy, I don't know why you're behaving this way! Talking this way to always said I can tell you everything, should tell you everything, because you were not only my daddy, but my best friend forever! So, when I do tell you what happens in my life, you're accusing me of 'leaving God behind'??? How dare you accuse me of doing something so horrible? I swear, this is just like the time when I got my tattoos! I prayed with Mom to God for guidance then, asking Him if it was the right thing to do, and I am still asking him for guidance every night! You don't have a monopoly on talking with God you know, daddy. I mean, I know I show a little skin in the shoots, but it's no worse than when I'm going to the beach like everyone else! I know God doesn't hate me for that, for showing what he created! And it's not all the same either you know, the shoot we did yesterday was real artsy black and white pics. Yamal was even so nice as to make a banner for me to share with those I want, so that they could put my beauty right on the wall, as he said it. I sent one for you. If I knew you were ashamed of me, I wouldn't have bothered... I'm crying right now. Hope you feel you got your point through. Cora
Posts: 1531
#16 · Edited by: Bootyz
Hi daddy! Of course I'm not mad at you, I could never stay mad at you for long, you know that! I know that you didn't intend to be mean to me, you were just worried about your little girl. You know I love you, daddy! Mom shouldn't say those things about you, she knows it upsets me! We've been doing a few shoots a little different this time. One of them sort of a Christmasy red theme, and the others with a pink theme! I loooooove pink, but you already knew that daddy, LOL! Attaching a few examples of my shoots!
Posts: 1531
Tina was really attentive to me throughout the pink shoots! After I had showered just before the shoot, she insisted on drying me herself! I truly felt like a princess then, with an attentive friend longing to offer her help! She gave me a massage afterwards, she used some form of oil that smelled very nice, and it made me all tingly all throughout my body! I guess it shows how I feel in the pictures, but see for yourself!
Posts: 1531
That's it for today, more later...
Posts: 1531
Hi daddy! I don't know why you're warning me against Tina, she has been nothing but absolutely great to me all throughout! Seriously, I wish you could meet her, and you would totally see that she is the nicest permister ever, and that she has no bad intentions! I know you want to look after me, dad, and I love you for it, but I can take care of myself! Yesterday Yamal had arranged for me to participate at an event. Apparently a comic convention or something. I was to be dressed out as some form of superheroine for all the nerds too drool over...and drool they did! Yamal had to intervene at one point just to stop them from tearing off my costume! Yamal can be quite intimidating, so they brownietered like a flock of little birds, haha! Poor kids. Afterwards, I went home to relax together with Tina, Cheryl and Yamal. Cheryl said I have already gathered a huge following on the net after shoots and the event yesterday. I couldn't believe it, but Cheryl showed me on her laptop, and true enough, thousands of people wanting to chat with me! ME! Can you believe it, daddy? It's happening! Anyway, it's bedtime. Tina has invited me to bunk with her tonight, she says the nights can get rather chilly, and after they all got separate beds, she says she misses the warmth of a human body close by. Since I'm the reamister they stopped relaxing together in the same bed, I can't really say no. Besides, I could need some distraction, everytime Yamal is close my heart goes fluttering, and he's close all the time now! Hope your well, daddy! :ox Your princess Cora!
Posts: 1531
Just found out that Cora - the real Cora - died recently (as in a few days ago).
I was poised to spin quite the yarn, but now I'm a bit doesn't feel quite right to do this with a permister that just died, you know?
What do other people think?
Posts: 506
that was an unexpected turn of events.... Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out
Posts: 1958
Bootyz: What do other people think? Wow... that's... wow. Sad, unfortunate and unexpected. If it were me, I'd feel the same way - it becomes kind of creepy and morbid and just doesn't feel right.
Posts: 324
Yeah, I heard about that right after it happened and it made me think of this thread. I think out of respect it should be retired.
Posts: 1531
I think you're right...
I'll leave it to the admin to decide whether to delete this thread or not, but I will not continue it.
Rest in peace, Carolin Berger. Your beauty made a lot of people feel's a tragedy that your pursuit of self change should end like this.