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Self-emposed Chastity

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Oh I can tell already this one is going to be tough. It's hard to have 9" swinging around hard and not getting used! It tends to get in the way, I'm going to have step up my oral s*******s! Home tomorrow, I'll have two nights to get this done before I leave again.



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Well it's only a few hours before I have to go away again for work. Unfortunately it looks like I'll be leaving with the challenge incomplete. Even worse than that I had a wank today, now I didn't cum, I still haven't allowed myself to do that but that just means that I have really bad blue balls so even walking is a pain. I'm hoping that the throbbing goes down soon so that I can perform when my wife wants sex before I leave.

I did email her my suggestion as per the challenge, a nice shower, a full body rub down and if she would like it some oral pleasure, all at my expense. She lied the idea but yesterday we both came back from work exhausted. We will arelax before we even made it upstairs. Tonight we only have a few hours and I can tell already that sh'd rather just have a good shag then a evening of sole womanly pleasure.

Willing to accept any critics for my wanking relapse, I'm fairly allowed at myself. I could easily have been doing the dishes!

I don't know if where I'm going will have Internet but I'll update once I get there. When I get back hopefully I'll have a bit more time at home to indulge my wonderful woman.


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Thanks for sharing your story Tyseven83. For the purposes of this thread wanking WITHOUT cuming is NOT considered a relapse, rather we see it as motivation, only cuming outside of your wife's presence is failure. The ground work has been laid for next week, the new task will test your resolve, but for those who dare, lines will be crossed and barriers broken.

Report your results for the first week in January.



Posts: 18
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I did not break the rules as I have not cum without her, but unfortunately this means I have not cum. She worked some extra evening shifts this week and it kind of ruined any chance I had of making her orgasm as I came in from work just as she was going out most evenings. She is also away next week and I am home alone which will make not cumming especially hard as it will have been a few weeks since my last release.

The upside is I have had plenty of opportunity to handle household chores and I am certainly being appreciated on that front at the moment.


Posts: 1418
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glad to see your progress....the next task focuses your research effort and puts you to your first real test in admitting your true desires to the only real woman in your life....time to man up boys



Posts: 495 Pictures: 2 
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This is a great thread. I love the captions.

Don't forget us on the Final Step thread. It's the first thing I check online. I love the original theme there, a wife on the edge of her first infidelity.


Posts: 1418
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I won't forget back full time soon...

This is your chance boys, don't blow it....



Posts: 1418
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The poll for this week is simple enough....from fantasy to reality, if you dare....



Posts: 1958
#69 · Edited by: neils123
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Well, I did it. I told my wife about my chastity & denial fetish. And I credit your words, Zinc, for helping me get the courage to do so. So THANK YOU. I've been keeping this private for a long time, just a fantasy, because I was embarrassed and didn't want my wife to think I was a total freak.

But when you started this thread, it made me seriously start considering telling her, and start to think about how to find the words to do so. So tonight, after dinner, we were hanging out together watching TV and getting a little playful. I was actually wearing a CB6000 that I'd put had on since the previous evening. So, I decided to turn off the TV, and spill the beans, as it were. I won't go into details of the actual conversation, but she was a little freaked out at first, but accepting later on. She doesn't quite "get it" yet, though. Her attitude is that, sexually, she wants to please me and satisfy me, which is great, but she hasn't quite made the connection that, for me anyway, denial IS satisfaction, at least some of the time. So, I don't know how this will progress; we'll just have to see about that.

As far as the rest of the evening, I told her that I wanted to please her and satisfy her in whatever ways she wanted, and that, as far as reciprocating, she should feel free to do whatever she WANTED to do, and not feel in any way obligated to do anything else or guilty for not doing anything else. I told her about the chastity cage, and when she was ready, I showed it to her. Apparently when I mentioned it she had been imagining some horrible painful medieval contraption, and was pleasantly surprised at the very un-imposing clear plastic cage. In the end, we watched a creepy horror movie she wanted to see on cable, then I gave her a full body massage. I didn't actually get her off (she takes anti-depressant medication, so there are days where she just physically can't get aroused to that level), but nevertheless, she enjoyed it very much and found it extremely relaxing.

She decided to unlock me and give me a handjob, which was wonderful. We then took a shower together (I kind of made a huge mess all over her ) and shared more of our feelings about the whole thing. Honestly, it was one of the most intimate moments we've shared in a long time. Afterwards, I put the CB6000 back on, and gave her the key.

Again, I don't think she fully gets it, and I definitely don't think she's anywhere near the point of getting off on keeping me locked up. At this point, if I wanted the key to jerk off and asked her for it, she'd just give it to me. But that's ok at this point. Because I feel absolutely awesome for having shared something so private with permister I love, and having had that thing receive with love and acceptance. And now there's plenty of time and opportunity to work out the "kinks".

Anyway, thank you Zinc, and tms4278, and everyone else who has posted here.


Posts: 1418
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neils123 - I feel fortunate to have played a part in the new level of initmacy you now share with your wife. Hearing a story like yours is exactly what I'd hoped for when the idea of this thread crossed my mind. It can happen, many of us are married to great women, women are more open-minded than we give them credit for being, your lovely wife is an excellent example. I think you were in the same posistion as many who visit this site, but now you've crossed to the other side I couldn't be more happy for you, I'm happy I could help encourage you to take the first step.
I would also like to draw some attention to the way he used what was written as an encouragement, yet you molded it to suit his own situation. All women are different, you each know yours best, this thread is a guide, use it as such just as neils123 did and it can work. Of course as he correctly pointed out this is the beginning, 'time to work out the kinks' will follow, but he's taken a step which will almost certainly lead to a fuller marriage and life. Well done, very well done!

LittleLucy - it sounds like you started your relationship off with a foreknowledge of your true desires, boy do that make things a lot easier.

I'm glad to see the poll indicates others are doing equally well, I'm glad. There are many sites and blogs which focus on female led relationships and/or male chastity. Reading will enhance your ability to be honest with your wife for the lucky ones who have the courage to take a chance on honesty. Start slowly, but I will leave you with one warning, it's highly unlikely you will ever feel satisfied in serivng your wife unless you are honest with your feelings and she knowing participates at some level. In fact, she will undoubtedly become confused about your behavior if you don't eventually come clean, at whatever level you feel she is capable of starting your FLR. I'll follow the thread and answer questions as they come up, but it's up to you to keep it going from here. Good luck to all....Neils123 you made my day!


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I do find it interesting that the majority of husbands who finally admitted their desires to their wives found them to be receptive to the idea. Are any of you will to share your experience?


Posts: 1958
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Well, I'll share what's happened so far...

Since I told my wife, every night has been back rubs, foot rubs, massages. Most nights have been orgasms for her. As I mentioned, she takes medication that makes this occasionally impossible, but so far, every night but one, I've managed to get her off. BTW, her favorite toy is the Trojan vibrating touch finger massager - it's a tiny bullet vibe inside a soft gel sleeve that straps onto a finger. She goes crazy for it. I only bring it up as a recommendation for anyone out there maybe looking for a new toy for the wife/girlfriend.

Anyway, the most interesting night so far was the night before last. I got her off to a great, body-convulsing orgasm. I was extremely horny from this (watching a woman cum is one of the most erotic things for me - anyone else?), though I'd only been in my cage for 24 hours, so wasn't really frustrated. She was clearly still shaken afterwards, and just wiped out from all the stimulation - ready to roll over and go to relax. She turned to me and was like "well, I guess I could give you a handjob..."

So I said to her - "Only if you genuinely want to. This is about bringing you pleasure, so it's entirely up to you. If you're too tired, that's ok - you don't need to feel guilty, or that you're obligated." Or words to that effect.

So she says to me, "You know, I am really tired after that. Tell you what, I'll unlock you tomorrow." And that was that. Stuck in the cage for another 24 hours, as she took a shower and went to bed.

It might not seem like much, but it may have been the most erotic thing that's happened to me in the last 10 years. It was soooo hot going to bed that night, totally horny, and frustrated, and unable to even touch myself. I was whimpering. She didn't overtly tease me or say anything about it it, but from her body language, I think she was amused by it.

Oh, and she did unlock me the following night (last night), after I gave her a massage and an orgasm, and gave me a handjob. I don't think I've sprayed so much cum since I was in high school. We showered and cleaned up together, and I locked myself back in.

Tonight, we had a big dinner and she's currently not really in the mood, though I did give her a foot rub. She said she wants to give me another handjob later; we'll see. I bought the book "Male Chastity: A Guide for Keyholders" by Lucy Fairbourne on Amazon, after reading some good reviews on a chastity site and on Amazon's own site. It arrived today, and I gave it to my wife. She seemed very interested, and said she's going to read it tomorrow. The whole thing is very short (about 90 pages) and I read 80% of it in 30-40 minutes, but it does seem like a good intro book. So, hopefully, she'll read it and maybe it will explain some things better than I can. <fingers crossed> <I can't believe there's not a silly emoticon for that>

That got longer than I intended. Sorry.


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Thanks for sharing, at least for me, that's really rewarding. Glad things are going so well...
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