Sorry if I'm going back too far.
The 16th 15:32 third cap. He might be able to resist for a time, but every man has his breaking point. Once he's started down that path, she'll never let him off.
The 19th 12:39 third cap. Trapped. Force of will? Verbal manipulation? I'm not sure, but it's sexy when the lady is more than his equal.
The 19th 12:52 first cap. She reminds me of Clarissa, except her husband is no Terry. In captions it's nice to see the ladies win.
The 19th 12:54 third cap and 22nd 13:38 forth cap. So close yet so far, who knew teasing could create such hunger? I love the denial theme all over this page. Commonly orgasm is what's being denied but you emphasized breasts which was suprising and refreshing. These two captions were especially tantalizing.
The 19th 12:54 last cap. Much worse than teasing. This type of abandonment is probably only for the unfortunate or the emotionally masochistic. Count me in!
The 23rd 15:50 What trash talk could be worse than "Maybe not EVER again..."?
Losing your touch? Not hardly. Thanks for all you contribute Timmy.