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Heartless wives

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21 to 22
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Oh my God! That was one of the hottest things I've ever seen! Congrats! And THANK YOU!


Posts: 218
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Very well done. And despite your concerns, raising her youngren will be fine for both of you. I love my wife and, as she insists, her three youngren dearly and totally. And they are great kids- well, actually young adults at this point. And I truly am pleased, though there were a few moments of indecision, that she picked better lovers to man her youngren. Keep encouraging her. It is much more intense than looking at boy pictures. And so much more special cuck.

Thanks again for posting. Great stuff.


Posts: 3391 Pictures: 31 
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Outstanding! Thank u!


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Posts: 1285
#1,267 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
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Great series "Plan" is Paul! My own wife made a similar decision years and years ago and hasn't let me look at straight porn (except this website) since.

P.S. I also liked the themes in "Holiday Plans," "Special Boyfriend," and "Affection." "Relieved," was painfully thought provoking and "Just for a While" a flat-out great idea (combining anal worship with prepping her, I mean). I also liked "Ignored," even though creme pie is usually shrug inducing for me. I think it is the being ignored and not seen aspect. SO appropriate for a cuckold.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


Posts: 1048
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OK, I'm going to give an update on what is happening. Sometimes I think what we do probably sounds unbelievable to some people. As always, this is 100% real. I have never posted anything untrue to this site in all the years I have been here. That's why everything happens so slowly. In real life this kind of thing takes a long time and we have had (and are still having) many false starts, breaks and steps backwards.

Anne has left to meet Mark for lunch. We talked and she is adamant she isn't going to stay over but I'm not sure she will be coming home tonight. She isn't on any birth control now as we are trying for a baby. There is almost zero chance of her wearing condoms (no matter what she says) because she hates them and they irritate her. That means it would be a huge risk and she understands that but I think she might find it too hot to resist. I know I should have stopped her going but she has to see him sometime and so I guess I have to trust her to do what's best. Also, deep down I think I know that this should all be her decision.

I think Anne is getting into all of this far more this time. The truth is that she is incredibly shy and she finds the pressure of meets and staying over very difficult so we are trying to find a model that works for both of us. I think we are both getting used to the idea now that this is the way it should be. She should get whatever she wants and I should be in agony/miserable/humiliated more or less permanently. I have never experienced anything like this week. The feeling of having your wife beat you until you are howling and sobbing and knowing this time that she isn't going to stop is so intense. The other night after she whipped my thighs with the cable she just held me while I cried like a baby. Not sniffling or a few tears but really howling and shaking. There was no sympathy and she wasn't sorry. There was just silent support and tolerance. And it didn't stop her doing it again later that night.

The captions below are from a real conversation we had while she let me inside her the other night. She really said what is in the captions. She came up with the idea herself. We have talked seriously since then and she says she doesn’t really want Mark’s baby, although she thinks it would all be very, very hot. However, I worry about how she feels about these things when she’s turned on. As she will be when she’s with him today.


Posts: 1145
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Glad all is going well... and you are right about being patient, allowing things to take their course. I just caught up a bit and it was like mrs two telling me just last night that she is unsure about spending overnights with other men, though she likes to fuck them.

I think of it like this, my job is to provide her with warmth and comfort, give her the safety to let her take full advantage of the men who want to fuck her...

Good luck, hope you have good news for us later!

mr two


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Hope you get a real man's baby.



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More caps
Another man
Another man
In the pool
In the pool
Just the beginning
Just the beginning


Posts: 1048
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Text from Anne. she is very turned on. Has suggested she stay until 6 instead of coming home at the agreed time. I said OK.


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OK, another text. Has changed her mind. Coming home


Posts: 4156
#1,274 · Edited by: martinr
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I'm sorry to hear that, Paul. You must be gutted...


Posts: 1048
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Another text. Changed her mind back. Staying a while. I won't see her until 8 tonight.


Posts: 3391 Pictures: 31 
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I can't wait till she gets home now!


Posts: 780
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In the pool is like your life right now
not knowing if you will get to breath struggling and suffering for her pleasure.
The rush of breathing then having it taken away


Posts: 1048
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Anne is currently out with her boyfriend, on no birth control and getting more and more turned on all the time. She will have kissed him by now. He will probably have been touching her under the table. I guess I have to face the possibility that my wife will soon be making love to him with no protection.

I know not to be jealous. I am happy that she has the chance of sex with a real man instead of a worthless sissy like me and I am glad that she is now strong enough to make the decisions for both of us. I will just have to deal with whatever happens.

I have made four pregnancy/conception caps. Here they are
Don't understand
Don't understand
Choosing names
Choosing names
Her decision
Her decision
No regrets
No regrets


Posts: 1145
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The moment will be when she kisses him. I hope she texts you to tell you. There is nothing like the moment you get a text from your wife to say she is kissing another man - then you know she is on the way....

mr two


Posts: 218
#1,280 · Edited by: denied
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Robyn –

First of all, thank you again for the many, many great caps. Though a few of your caps are a bit extreme for me, I like them all, some much more than others.

I really enjoyed “honesty”, except as I recall that conversation with my wife, I also pleaded that she should enjoy men better able to please her, men with more to offer, greater stamina and control, able to give her the kind of orgasm a woman wants when she is conceiving. A great fuck that she will remember forever, each time she looks at the result of that great fuck – her beautiful young. I knew, we both knew, that I could never give her that great sex session and I felt so insecure because of that – that I preferred not to waste her time, disappoint her and make a fool of myself and even try to compete. I admitted that I was not up to the responsibility and that, for these most special acts of love marking, there was no question that her lovers would be so much more able to properly impregnate her.

Concerning your decision to have her make this most basic of marital decisions, and I know this is an extreme step, but then you have some extreme facets to your marriage, you may wish to consider asking her if it wouldn’t be better for you marriage if you got a vasectomy. When I suggested to my wife that I thought that route would be best for us, at first she had doubts. But then when I mentioned that one of my concerns, even though I would do all that I could to avoid it, but if she had a baby with me and also one or more with her lovers, that I would try to never play favorites, but that the only way to be sure I would be a wonderful and fair nanny-cuckold hubby would be for there to be no question about the parentage of her babies. And that, obviously, none should be mine. I told her I was willing to abide by her decision on this matter, as I so wanted to please her and be the best nanny-cuckold that I could be so that our marriage would last and we would raise wonderful youngren.

That argument really opened her eyes. Within days she discussed having me sterilized with her best friends as well as her sisters and lady, going over both my shortcomings but more critically, the concern of my playing favorites and being less than the perfect nanny-cuckold that she so desired for her career advancement and female led marriage. All of her friends and especially her Mom agreed that having me sterilized was a great idea. Within six weeks I was sterile following a very thorough procedure that we both requested from the urologist.

Yes, those were incredibly submissive steps on my part, but my wife was and is very pleased with the result. And so am I.


Posts: 780
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Here is the ultimate argument.

Many studies have shown permisterality traits can be inherited.

Do you really want to take a chance that your mister or flower will be like me when it comes to sexual permisterality.
useful male


Posts: 3634
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The pregnancy caps are also amazing. The total mind fuck of giving away, or rather having taken away, your "right" to bear youngren with your wife and having that given to another man... wow...

Thank you!


Posts: 1048
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Well, Anne came home on Saturday night. She let me inside her. She told me she spent the whole time with her boyfriend so turned on she could hardly think straight and is was a big struggle not to stay over. She didn't let me make my little mess inside her. She told me that I wouldn't be allowed to do that anymore and that she wanted him to be the man of her young. I asked her to make me wear condoms from then on and she agreed. It was very, very hot. Instead of letting me make my little mess inside her she had me jerk off while she rammed a dildo up my ass.

It was a amazing.

Then we talked properly and she said she actually didn't mean that and she didn't want to have his baby but she was keen to start seeing him again, maybe every couple of weeks. They have talked about some things that were a problem and they seem to be resolved. So...things are moving forward.

However, we're not sure how we're going to do this. If we don't want her getting pregnant by him...what do we do? Initially we decided that there is no way we could do this as condoms are no guarantee. However, over the past couple of days we have started to think again. Maybe if he wore something and they were careful...or if he wore something and she times their dates right...we don't know. Problem is that if she gets pregnant we will want to keep the baby but...we will also want to be sure it's mine. We're not sure if there is a way round this.

We're still thinking about it.

While I'm here, here are some caps.

Deep end
Deep end
Just deal with it
Just deal with it
Little treat
Little treat


Posts: 485
#1,284 · Edited by: faggot89
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you really should beg your Wife to not let you inside Her anymore.


Posts: 1048
#1,285 · Edited by: robyn137
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you really should beg your Wife to not let you inside Her anymore.

I have. I do. But it's not going to happen until she starts seeing Mark more regularly.

Here are four caps.

Weekly routine
Weekly routine
Get her ready
Get her ready


Posts: 114
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awesome awesome awesome as always! Thank you!


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Loved these


Posts: 1048
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Anne let me inside her on Sunday. Had me wear a condom for the first time in over five years(?). Turns out she bought them to see Mark.

Even then didn't let me make my little mess inside her. Had me touch myself while she watched.

Told her the latest fond of writing task she set me was too difficult for me to do. She said she would change it but still gave me 50 on my ass with the cable for not doing my homework.

She has arranged to see Mark on the 6th. They sorted it out between themselves without involving me. Weird arranging the next few weeks, finding there was something we really wanted to go to but that it clashed with her seeing Mark. She didn't even consider cancelling him and I would never ask.

Says she still wants me to look at men when I get off. Has set me up a tumblr with appropriate pictures. Don't know if I said but she also set one up for him. With much nicer pictures that she picked for him.

Here are four more captions.
What it would be like
What it would be like
Making it clear
Making it clear
So different
So different
New name
New name
useful male


Posts: 3634
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Robyn, thanks for the great caps! But thanks even more for sharing your life with us. I envy you and your progress but I don't know how I'd handle it in real life!

A few captions back you mentioned a computer program that locked up the machine and powerd you to click boxes that were timed and logged. I think you called it "Grounded". Does it actually exist? I've done a Google search and don't find it? If so, can you share where I might find it? The idea of being stuck doing that stupid and menial while being timed, logged, graded, and punished is very interesting!



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What it would be like
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