Posts: 1048
Posts: 14692
Posts: 1048
useful male
Posts: 3634
Thank you for the amazing caps! Great work!
Posts: 1531
Haha, Oh no is quite funny!
Always nice with a little humour in between...
Posts: 1048
Posts: 1048
Posts: 3045
gosh the new ones are great but I keep coming back to This year's decision (on page 17) Such a thrill!
Posts: 1048
Well, here's a surprise. After months of it being decided that Anne wouldn't be relaxing with anyone else and that we would try and have a more normal sex life things seem to be changed again. She came back from her lunch with her ex on Wednesday very excited and very turned on. She arranged to meet him and stay overnight on Tuesday next week. This has now been brought forward to this Saturday night. She still wants to have sex with me. She says she thinks that model would work for her - getting to see him without having to give up sex at home. I think this could be the beginning of something regular and permanent. Maybe not as extreme as we had always planned but I'm sure many of you on here know that putting fantasy into practice 24/7 is a lot more complicated than it seems and often a lot less fun than you think. Of course, Saturday might not happen for various reamisters. It wouldn't be the first time things had been cancelled at the last moment but I have never seen her so into this. Really starting to lead things. We are going on holiday soon and I offered to get the names on the tickets changed so she could go with him. She said no but later it turned out that he wouldn't have been able to get the time off work. I asked her if this was the reamister she said no and she said it was. It is difficult. Sitting with your wife while she is texting the man she will be meeting at the weekend, seeing how excited she is getting etc. but I guess dealing with that is something we just have to do. I will keep everyone updated on what happens. Paul. Oh, and here are four more...  Affection
|  Holiday plans
|  Showing you
|  Breaking her heart
Posts: 21
Oh man, that last set of four you posted are smoking hot!!!
Posts: 1
I love the financial ruination themes! Great work.
Posts: 106
Great work, as always. Hope things go smoothly in real life too. "We reveal ourselves through the language that we use."
Posts: 1048
Hello, Started a thread about Ann leaving for her date. I have posted some pictures of her dressed for Mark. I know there are probably some people on here who assume Anne doesn't exist so this is your chance to see her. I thought I might post the updates there as well as some captions with some of the real conversations we have had over the last few days (if anyone is interested). Don't know if this will interest anyone here but this is the link: always, any comments are appreciated. I have also included a couple of pics with this post as I know some people only look at the pictures... Paul.
Posts: 780
Paul Trust me we want to hear everything. All your feelings.
Truth is you are living the life most just dream about cause they know that nothing like that will EVER happen to them.
Posts: 1048
Posts: 367
your the best,thanks
Posts: 1531
Lots of great new stuff!
Posts: 2229
Congratulations Robyn137, your mind is absolutely wonderful!
Posts: 47
How has this much time gone by?
Posts: 90
Really, she should do the boss again or maybe even... The dad. She likes to see him hurt. Be horny and utterly heartless.
Posts: 53
Excellent caps! Please do some more!
Posts: 1048
OK. It has been a long time since I posted so here is what is happening. Anne came back from her date and it was all very hot and everything but then we talked. The truth is that she didn’t have a great time. She spent the whole night faking orgasms and wishing she could get some relax. She said she didn’t want to do this anymore. It is so heartbreaking to hear your wife tell you that she doesn’t want to relax with anyone but you. She said she couldn’t see how she would want to do it again, either with her ex or the other guy she was seeing a while back. Too stressful, too scary, no fun etc. Another complication is that we are trying to start a family and, crazy fantasies aside, that makes things more complicated for obvious reamisters. So for about a month and a half we tried to be “normal” and have “normal” sex. Anyway, around last week we both, independently, came to the conclusion that “normal” sex is a total fucking waste of everyone’s valuable time. we are rethinking things again and trying to make things work while still having fun. Don’t quite know exactly we’re going to do that just yet. We have some ideas but that’s maybe for the next post. I have included some captions below but I don’t know how many I’ll be posting in the near future. Paul.  At the party
|  Kind of proving your point
|  So blind
|  Spikes
Posts: 126
I'm glad you and Anne are okay. It had been a while so I was begining to fear the worst.
You've been so generous sharing your imaginings with us, the community would suffer a great loss if you left. Captioning takes a good bit of effort and the pay is not that great, you especially have given far more than our thanks could ever repay. Wether you choose to stay or go know that you are appreciated.
I find you and Anne's journey fascinating. Finding the balance is really difficult in my experience. Exciting trying to make it happen but very complicated. Even when we get exactly what we want things don't ever seem to last as long as we'd like. Change always comes. I hope there's an exciting and even happier place just around the corner for the both of you.
I guess that's about it. If you write them I'll read them. Thanks and be well.
Posts: 780
Welcome back This is why normal sexual relations are called vanilla its good it is nice, just no variety, and can be boring as hell.
Start slow again.
Find a place that allows a little dancing sit near her and let her get picked up. She does not have to go home with him just a meet and greet. You might do this 20 times both knowing that sooner or later she will meet the one that makes her wet just being with him or even her. Avoid any pressure situation, and let her lead the way.
By the by tell her the Wife inspired thread you had with her was the hottest thead of all,
Posts: 114
wow!! your caps are always the very best here, and your permisteral story is riveting. thank you Blog:
useful male
Posts: 3634
You're caps are amazing! Thank you!
Posts: 1048
Anne and I just had sex, or something like it, for around two hours. She let me make my little mess inside her but not before she had me eat her asshole about three times, go down on her about the same and beat me in a way she hasn’t for years. She used the electrical cable on my thigh, maybe ten or fifteen times. I cried afterwards. Then she had me go down on her again, then she beat my ass, harder than ever before. She must have done it around fifteen times, each time pushing me to put my ass in the air again. I was thrashing, begging, crying. I thought I was going to fucking die. Then she said I would only have to do ten more. I thought after five she was going to stop because I was in such a state but she didn’t. Finished all ten. Took me a few minutes to recover. It’s a strange thing having your own wife beat you until you are in tears. I noticed later that my throat was sore. Presumably from screaming. Anne has let me near her about four times in the last week. The first time she didn't let me finish inside her. She made me jerk off into her underwear while she watched. She has started to really get into me licking her asshole and she loves the idea of me being miserable because of her. Seems we are shifting from involving other people back to her hurting me whenever I am with her and having me do things she orders when I'm not. She has told me, again, to look at pictures of men when I cum when she's not there. Because I hate it. That turns her on. I have been doing as she says and showed her some of the stuff I found, and used, on Anna Malice's website. She really, really liked it and loves that I have to use it. A couple of nights ago she beat me for the first time in months (as far as I can remember). She used the cable she always uses. She didn't name a number, said she would just beat me until she came. I had just made her cum from licking her asshole so she said it would take a while. And it did. I counted about 75 but it might have been closer to 80. We are now trying for our first young as I think I said. The last few times we have had sex I have begged her to think about letting her ex be the man, or at least let him fuck her unprotected once. It's crazy but I think I was serious. I don't think she will though. She has promised to think about it this week - even if she would never do it she has promised to give it some thought. She says she finds the idea of it very hot, even though the reality would be crazy. She is seeing her ex for lunch on Saturday. I don’t think she will fuck him but...after a few takes, I don’t know. And I have been begging her to do it. She is starting to get into “fond of writing” and made me a task for the first time today. Only a short one, just as a test. She also made her ex a tumblr with some pictures she thought he would like. She sent me an email taunting me about it. The subject line was, “I bet you wish I liked you this much...” I think things are really moving on, one way or another. Today she pushed my hand away whenever I tried to touch her breasts. I think things are going to get worse for me every time. I made a series of captions about this which are based on conversations Anne and I have had over the past few days. They are below.
Posts: 1048
Posts: 1048
Posts: 1048