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Hello everyone. Back again after a holiday. What do you all make of this? I just noticed that someone on another website, who does great work and I have always respected, seems to have copied my captions from this site and posted them as their own work. This is the kind of thing that makes you wonder why you bother. Has anyone else experienced this?

Maybe I'm being a big whiner but does anyone else think this is out of order?



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And also...


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Inspiration is one thing and I'm sure I must have posted captions that are pretty similar to other people's but to actually sit down and type in someone else's caption? If us anonymous deviants can't trust each other then what's the world coming to?



Posts: 20
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I take it you sought the permission of the photographer who took the photos in the first place then?

Nah, you stole them from the web like most users do.

I can totally understand the feeling it gives you when someone's 'ripped off' your work, BUT, in turn you too have ripped off the images from someone else.

It's a cut throat world out there


Posts: 1958
#5 · Edited by: neils123
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Quoting: robyn137
Maybe I'm being a big whiner but does anyone else think this is out of order?

The truth is, it IS out of order. But, there's really very little you can do about it. Sadly, you're neither the first nor the last permister to whom this has happened. I've had the same thing happen to me (not in the realm of online porn), where my work has been used without permission or credit. In my case, I found out well after the fact, and it wasn't being used for any sort of money-making or profit, so the best I could do was just shrug and say "oh well."

I hope that this doesn't make you decide not to do captions anymore. You're really very good at it, and you've got quite an audience here, that knows an original!


Posts: 1418
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Certainly almost all cappers download and use pictures from all over the net, pull stills out of videos, etc. I find it interesting when other people use pictures I've previously capped and come up with a completely different set of thoughts, hopefully you do as well. I have had the same experience with people using the exact text I had written on a different image. I thought that was pretty cool, too.
I had one experience where an individual did something I thought crossed the line. He had a whole story behind the hours he had spent on his caps and how he had only saved his best ones and after years was posting them in one zip file, many of the files attached were my work. I did call him out on it, posted some of the original links back to this site and left it at that. I checked it a couple weeks later, some other people had started giving him total hell, the file was deleted and he had slithered away.
Don't stress...your work speaks for itself...


Posts: 1048
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Thanks for all your comments.

I accept the point about stealing pictures. Maybe we've no right to complain. It had occurred to me and I have no problem with recapping for that reamister. I think the difference is that I'm not saying "hey, look at these pictures I took."

It doesn't really matter anyway, I was just curious what everyone thought. I think I was surprised because the permister producing these is so well established with their own site (and their caps are generally so good that I would say they are one of the best around) I wouldn't have thought they would have had any need to do this. Had they said anything, asked me, let me know or whatever then I probably wouldn't have minded. It just seemed a bit of an odd thing to do.

Never mind.



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I sometimes take captioned picturesand then fake my wife into those pics. Not my pics and not my captions -would like to think that the originator would be pleased but I DO contatc people if I cn be certain of the origin but more often than not they are reposts of reposts.


Posts: 1531
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Paul, it's not so much that you don't have any room to complain - it's just that there's precious little you can do about it. Anything put on the internet is simply too easy to steal, it can't be helped. Commercial artistic activity is going to be a bitch in the future; everyone wants new stuff, but no one is willing to pay anything for it - so it's down to amateur stuff and commissions for the future, I think. I've always thought that if I got rich, I'd pay artists for commissioned work, and then ask them to put it in the public domain.

Of course, amateurs do great work too (point in case, you!) - and no one appreciates anyone else stealing their rightful thunder. If you see someone else posting your stuff, and getting credit for it, just think - "Yeah, they may acclaim you...but both you and I know that they are really praising MY work!"


Posts: 423
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I don't agree with the thought of stealing pics, there are tons of pics out there, and if your going to cap you need to get the pics from somewhere.
But if you want to post caps then you should make you oun, and not take someone elses just to take credit for them.
Every cap I have seen on any site had a pic from some other website, so again it's not the same as taking someone elses cap and reposting it.
If you want to repost somes caps I am sure no one would have a problem with it, I look at it as a compliment, I have seen mine reposted, some with credit to me and others took the credit for mine.
So to sum up there really is nothing you can do about it, just take it as a compliment that they liked yours enough to steal it in the first place, lol.


Posts: 144
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I've downloaded a LOT of pics and occasionally see ones I'ved used either later used by someone else, or that I've posted and then later see someone used it before me.

What I think is import is to be original with captions, and also have the good grace not to use a picture just recently posted. Wait a while. Some pics are perfect for many types of captions, and are too good to not re-use.

Just remember, unless you shot it with your own camera, you are RE-POSTING a pic.


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*grin* So what's the link for this other guy's site? I'm always up for good caps...


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imitation is flattery


Posts: 30
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I take the verbiage from captions I like and join them with pictures of my wife. I own the photos for draw the caption text from others. (Probably a form of pirating).

Anyway, Robyn137 I love your work.
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