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Fakes and Captions by a professional

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Dick Diva


Posts: 314 Pictures: 3 
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When I first joined this forum I did a number of fakes and captions for people. I did it because I am a professional at Photoshop and copy writing. I took a look at what was on the forum for fakes and realized how hit and miss it was. Some are decent, most are bad - just good enough for the fantasy and wank purposes.

My results where quite good and quite un-distinguishable from an original photo and could even be used as passable content. Some of the content I Photo-faked were

• Wifes getting getting fucked
• Wifes holding and sucking cock
• Dimensional body exaggerations of gapes, penetrations, cock, pussy, etc
• Men getting fucked, sucking and holding cock
• Men wanting their penises made smaller
• Men wanting their penises made larger

The people that asked me to fake their images wanted full control of posting and I promised never to publish them.

Some of these people started to post their wives images - thanking me. So good was the response I had to pull the plug on it. I can not do this for free.

I work hard on these including shadow, colour correction, hue and saturation, light direction and perspective to name a few. I am also reliable. If you are willing to pay, I am willing to work. If you don't want it posted, I won't. If you do want it posted, I will and I will create a thread here, my blog and twitter account for posting.

I am not taking orders now. Just asking if anyone is willing to pay for the real thing being done. I do this type of work for a living so here is your chance to speak up.

PS: if anyone has some fakes done by me and wants to offer a testimonial please do.
Vancouver BC, Canada


Posts: 20
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Been seeing this a lot lately with faker/captioners(?) asking for "donations" for their work which I think is understandable. Just word of advise. When you do start taking orders again for donations post a demo work and think about your donation pricing wisely. I have also seen people who charge about 60 bucks for two fakes. Which hey you might be great at your craft, but most people aren't willing to fork 30 bucks per fake. So if you want to make money as well consider the pricing as well. Hope it all works out well for you


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Yes i would be intereted but what price would you charge, btw 30 a pic is WAY above what i'd pay


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Yeah I would be willing to pay if the pricing is fair as well.
Dick Diva


Posts: 314 Pictures: 3 
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Ah, well it looks like you guys should be outsourcing your fake porn then. The extraction of your wife from the background (including hair and semi-transparencies) takes an hour alone. Time has to include searching for the correctly positioned big black male with appropriate appendage in the right area. Then the job of marrying the two together...well, don't get me started.

@BLEAGLES The reamister I haven't posted any work is because I haven't got any that is mine to show. I explained that above. I guess I could do one for free as a portfolio but then I don't really care if I get any work. I do quite well running a similar business in vanilla world. I just thought real professional services might be of some use here. Maybe it's the wrong forum to ask. After all this is all free here. wrong market

I wouldn't pay $30 for 2 fakes from anything I have seen on here either.

Perhaps I will do one for free. What the hell. As long as who-ever it is won't mind it being published as portfolio and some of my staff seeing it.
Vancouver BC, Canada


Posts: 20
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Oh no sorry, I didn't mean to make a misunderstanding. I just meant once you start this pay service, which I am all for, just have something on display for everybody to see that says "Hey you pay for my service, you can get something like this." May not have work of your own but you could always put something random together (which I do understand takes time. It's not a simple copy paste render done. Their's actual s******* behind it). Not saying do something one of us want for free, just have whatever for the customer to see and go "Damn this guy is good I wantto buy a fake from him." Sorry again.

And thanks for not charging $30 for 2 fakes


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Dick Diva

If you are trying to sell your services, maybe you should give us some examples??
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 3621
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If you don't want to show samples. Then I suggest anyone interested should mail this guy and he can send something privately.
Dick Diva


Posts: 314 Pictures: 3 
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@BLEAGLES thanks for the clarification. I was thinking about something random. Maybe a celebrity? Now that I've tooted my horn so loudly it better be good hey? :)
Vancouver BC, Canada


Posts: 20
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One of Katy Perry going black would be hot


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I am also a professional and do high quality high resolution images. I charge 5.00/USD image after you set up an account. I will also provide you with extra image for initial sign up. Please PM me should you be interested.
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Fakes and Captions by a professional
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