Posts: 1070
I like it when some captions show the harder side of sex, whether from a woman's or man's perspective but is it ok to use the word "nigger" in captions.
I would get very turned on if my wife said she wanted some nigger cock and purely meant she wanted to get fucked by black guys, and I have seen some captions where hte black guy says the word "nigger".
Obviosuly I wouldn't use it in my office but am I safe to assume it is acceptable on here or other forums/captions?
Posts: 20
Well, generally it's a quite offensive word (to some). And it's universally viewed as racist too....
But, if you called a woman 'bitch' in the office or street, that would be deemed offensive and sexist too
So I can't really see a difference between the two, apart from the high sensitivity over race discrimination compared with sexual discrimination.
Someone's always going to take offence, but I'd say it's fine to use is the intent is sexual impact and not out to deliberate provoke someone for the sake of it.
Posts: 1070
I purely mean it in the context of captions.
I found an old caption and it had the word nigger in it but when I changed it it lost impact.
Posts: 1241
I'm not racist but I use it in my posts and have in real life and know for a fact many black men love it. When it is used as sexual lubricant like the last example of bitch. I don't care if a guy calls me bitch in the right situation but in another I would go off on him. Mistress Kitty
Posts: 281
Interesting thread of discussion...the one thing I know with absolute certainty...is that the wonderful KittenMD's example post gave me a massive erection! WOW...
Posts: 1207
thanks kittenMD - i like your creation - well done.
it takes what a lot of people consider to be a negative and turns it into a positive and at the same time puts down the white racists who misuse the word. brilliant!
Posts: 70
KittenMD not sure if you got my pictures Mistress, Bobby soxs
bob myers
Posts: 130
Knowing I will get some negative feed back on this but..... the whole black cock thing is just racist. While most of you will protest no it isn't and give examples of black friends or voting for Obama I simply say this, do any of you have a fetish that your wife get screwed by someone with green eyes or blue eyes? No the color of the skin is working on some racist stereotypes. I simply see it in the IR posts no one says, Gee lets have the black cock but only if he is PhD and smarter than me too so I am doubly humiliated. No they atre largely racist urban stereotypoes. Can you use it in a post, certainly as an ACLU member I will fight for your right to do so, but I am uncomfortable about what it says about you.
Posts: 3280
Honestly, I think this is one of the domestic double moral US discussions that noone sels in the world cares about...
What is politically correct in US is totally of no interesst for all others... A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
Posts: 612
John Thkoog
Posts: 169
I don't think that a cuckolding forum is a place for political correctness. It's about getting turned on by something that's pretty goddamn fucked up in itself if we're all being perfectly honest here - watching your wife getting fucked by another man. I say we give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to fetishes and leave political correctness to other forums. And maybe it's just me, but even if it IS racist, wanting to watch your wife being fucked by a superior black man is among the better forms of racism. So let the man have his cake I say.
Posts: 6246
aHMEN BROTHER! the N bomb!
Posts: 387
Hey glad you ask, i've always been carefull not to use the N word any any of my fakes or captions. I figured i would get a lot of you dumb ass coments if i did. Reading this gives me the impression i might have been wrong about it. Might get a little harder in some from now on.
Posts: 1241
Quoting: bob myers Knowing I will get some negative feed back on this but..... the whole black cock thing is just racist. While most of you will protest no it isn't and give examples of black friends or voting for Obama I simply say this, do any of you have a fetish that your wife get screwed by someone with green eyes or blue eyes? No the color of the skin is working on some racist stereotypes. I simply see it in the IR posts no one says, Gee lets have the black cock but only if he is PhD and smarter than me too so I am doubly humiliated. No they atre largely racist urban stereotypoes. Can you use it in a post, certainly as an ACLU member I will fight for your right to do so, but I am uncomfortable about what it says about you. Exhibit A: A pic story that Bob Myers made. LOL Again I state. I don't think I would like it if you called me a whore in any other situation but in the bedroom it may work. ; P Mistress Kitty
bob myers
Posts: 130
Interesting thread. I might take notice that Norweigian your reading the post suggest you had some interest in it and the rest of the world does care or we wouldn't have UN conferences on racism.
KittyMD I wouldn't claim being surrounded by homophobia and racism that none of it has affected me and I somehow I am unstained by it. That would be egotistial and niave.
But the post of mine you bring forth is interesting as the man's race is unimportant and a review of that addict thread showed dealers portrayed were of all races. So might I say being cuckolded by a black man isn't a racial act unless their race is important. And lastly I have really liked some of your posts.
I find the IR taboo interesting across cultures, in France it appears that Arabs are for some men the big IR taboo for the wife. In Britain in the 1800's it was the Chinese male that was the "white slaver" stealing white women. Interesting that fetish appears to have died (no threads on Asian guys cuckolding whites on this board).
Now back to the captioning!
Posts: 1241
Thanks Bob. I was just pointing out that there are many things that are fun and dirty in the bedroom that are not cool in other ways. I like history, though. If you want I can make a post about Chinese men with white woman. ; P Sounds fun to me.
Mistress Kitty
Posts: 161
I really don't think we should worry about offending anyone on this message board.
Posts: 161
Bob, there are tons of people who have fetishes for blue eyes, green eyes, red, hair, or any physical feature. Black skin, large cocks, etc are no different.
I permisterally don't go for the interracial stuff because my girlfriend doesn't like black guys. I try to find stuff we will both like.
Posts: 1374
You guys should watch this classic South Park clip:
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Hilarious! ***Please support my amateur thread by saying thanks & keep it great!***
Posts: 144
As many have stated here, I wouldnt worry about it. I think Ive used it in a few of my captions over the years, and never got negative feedback.
On a realistic, first-hand note, my wife has had sex with numerous black guys over the years. Id say that at LEAST 75% of them referenced THEMSELVES racially, including the liberal use of the terms nigger, thugs, ‘bros, ghetto cock and even coon.
And they certainly had no problem using racial slurs to address my wife, such as snow, white bitch, Snow White, white girl, white ho, snowbunny, cream, white slice, pearl, white slag, cracker and milk maid among others. Most were used in combinations with the terms bitch, slut, ho, pie, bimbo and others.
For the record, very few of the black guys she has dated/fucked were genuinely abusive, but nearly all liked making a 'racial thing' of fucking her, since she is blonde, blue eyed, has pale skin (one of those people who never tans, but burns easily) and definitely married (wears her rings).
So don’t be afraid to use some taboo terms in your captions. After all, black men have made my wife ask for and even beg for 'nigger (or another term) cock' on many ocassions.
Posts: 20
Quoting: bob myers Knowing I will get some negative feed back on this but..... the whole black cock thing is just racist. While most of you will protest no it isn't and give examples of black friends or voting for Obama I simply say this, do any of you have a fetish that your wife get screwed by someone with green eyes or blue eyes? No the color of the skin is working on some racist stereotypes. I simply see it in the IR posts no one says, Gee lets have the black cock but only if he is PhD and smarter than me too so I am doubly humiliated. No they atre largely racist urban stereotypoes. Can you use it in a post, certainly as an ACLU member I will fight for your right to do so, but I am uncomfortable about what it says about you. Well it's not racist. The colour of skin is not 'race'. It's colour of skin. You might say prejudiced, but not racist. You're wrong on another point too... LOTS of people ask for tall, slim, dark, young, older, profession etc etc... it's fairly frequent that someone expresses a preference for some imagery. The vast majority of the preference is psychological, but if you THINK black men permisterify 'well hung and powerful' and it gets you off, then there's no particular harm in that... any more than thinking an older woman has more experience, or a younger one is less experienced. Or Italians make great lovers etc.
Posts: 209
if you are white, you should not be using the word at all. It is a total turnoff. and if you tried to use it in public you would get your ass beat down by a black man.
Posts: 108
Fuzzyman123, That is classic+
Posts: 3280
Quoting: bob myers Interesting thread. I might take notice that Norweigian your reading the post suggest you had some interest in it and the rest of the world does care or we wouldn't have UN conferences on racism. Bob...I lived in US for some years, and there is big double moral in the consern too "over there" The reamister I was interested is mainly because these discussions between americans sometimes have to be commented A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women
Posts: 20
Quoting: BlkISbetter if you are white, you should not be using the word at all. It is a total turnoff. and if you tried to use it in public you would get your ass beat down by a black man. So the language is ok for some but not for others? hmmm It MAY be a turn off for some, may be a turn on for others, everybody's different, so I do not believe you can speak for everybody. What language people choose between themselves is ultimately their businesses. As for using such terms in public, I do agree, it's deliberately provocative to use 'nigger' in public, but in that context it's usually meant to be a derogatory term, in the same way as 'bitch' would be, or 'white trash'.
Posts: 1850
duh... if you have to ask
Posts: 87
I make my wife scream it when I fucker her Nothing more hot than watch my women arch her back and cum on my cock with here yelling "FUCK ME NIGGER, GIVE ME A NIGGER BABY!!! FUCK ME FULL OF YOUR BLACK NIGGER CUM!!" Well, only hotter if it was me sitting next to her jerking off while she actually gets plowed by a nigger 
Posts: 1850
yeah so who gives a fuck what you make your wife do
Posts: 20
Quoting: kevinthecuckold yeah so who gives a fuck what you make your wife do You do, that's why you read his post and felt you had to comment.
Posts: 1850
wrong I had to comment because you are an ignorant racist moronic asshole