Posts: 103
P.S. to last posting: if you're interested in reading more entries from the catalog to Carmine's Escort Service, there are a bunch in The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!. Not cuckold-related though, so I haven't posted them here.
Posts: 103
P.S. to last posting: if you're interested in reading more entries from the catalog to Carmine's Escort Service, there are a bunch in The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!. Not cuckold-related though, so I haven't posted them here.
Posts: 1977
Hey bulgroz - cool ending to that last Jerome series. I admit, #4 went to places beyond my own comfort zone. There's something about permanently leaving someone/falling in love with someone else that just... I don't know, it goes past fantasy into something that I would never want to happen, be it to me or to someone else. Anyhow, despite that, the last one was darkly humorous - I kinda grinned at that. Overall, I thought it was a really good series, and I'm sure there are folks on this board, whether they speak up or not, that probably went wild for it. Thanks for posting it.
Posts: 103
#124 · Edited by: bulgroz3
neils123 -- Thanks for the comments, they're vastly appreciated. I should have a few more up your alley in the coming weeks. I have another mini-series in mind, I just need to replenish my inspiration somewhat. Tonight's caption is for wulfenus, since it's based on one of his ideas -- in the Cheating Wives and Girlfriends series:
Posts: 103
Oh, neils123 -- I meant to respond to your comment, "I admit, #4 went to places beyond my own comfort zone. There's something about permanently leaving someone/falling in love with someone else that just... I don't know, it goes past fantasy into something that I would never want to happen, be it to me or to someone else." -- let me say that something like that (someone permanently leaving, falling in love with someone else, heck, someone getting used) is not something I'd ever want to happen to anyone either. But it does creep up in my stories because it is such a powerful trigger. I think it's the smut version of slowing down to look at a car wreck, with similar reactions/counter-reactions. -b3
Posts: 1977
Quoting: bulgroz3 it is such a powerful trigger. I think it's the smut version of slowing down to look at a car wreck, with similar reactions/counter-reactions I never thought of it that way, but you may very well be right. I know that it's a very powerful trigger for some on this board, that's for sure. Hm. Interesting analogy. Anyway, cheatingpassenger was kinda hot
Posts: 722
Quoting: bulgroz3 Tonight's caption is for wulfenus, since it's based on one of his idea cheatingpassenger - I merely gave a hint of an idea, you really made a hot story of it. Love the pretext of the supervisor telling the story so the hubby had to listen and make up his own mind if it was true or not. Making the super think she was a cock tease, whether she was or not, is real hot, and how many times have any of us just wanted to flip a girl's dress up from behind? Great hot work!
Posts: 103
neils123 -- I probably spend way too much time trying to understand my own fantasies and where they come from. wulfenus -- Real glad you enjoyed that one. And while you may think it was just a hint of an idea, it was enough to set the scene. The rest is just listening to the people talk and trying to write it down before they shut up. The next two captions are for Sammypoo, who asked for more ex-wives/girlfriends captions. I don't do too many of these because I have to be in the right mood, but sometimes the fancy does strike. Maybe not exactly what he had in mind (I'm assuming 'he' here), but hopefully some of you will enjoy it. Thus, first of two captions in the Payback's a Bitch series:
Posts: 6
Enjoy your work, but the "Letter" series on page one is still the best. Another set with a similar theme would be great.
Posts: 10
Thanks bulgroz3. Another amazing cap. Please do more.
Posts: 103
nothingbutnet -- I hear you. I do have an idea or two along those lines, including one about a woman in touch with her soldier boyfriend deployed overseas. As long as the topic won't offend people. The problem is that a series like that -- at least for me -- is a lot of work, so I'm not driven to do it very often. Sammypoo -- Not a problem. Glad you liked. Part 2 below... Second caption of the two-parter in the Payback's a Bitch series:
Posts: 10
Bravo. Your caps are hot.
Posts: 1977
Really liked the Payback's a Bitch two-parter. Definitely a different angle on things, but very hot!
Posts: 103
Sammypoo, neils123 -- Thanks! Happy you enjoyed. Different angles keep things from getting repetitive some. Tonight's caption is along more 'classical' lines, in the Wife's New Boyfriend series:
Posts: 214
awesome work i really enjoy reading
Posts: 722
paybackleopard2 - I concur with other remarks, an interesting take.
wifebeachtrip - whew, I'm getting my towel and sunscreen together right now!
Posts: 103
audie7111, wulfenus -- Thanks for the comments, and glad you're enjoying, as ever. FYI, My RL work has picked up somewhat, so I'm probably going to have to revert to something like a MWF update schedule for this thread. Still, I can leave you with tonight's cap, in the Wife's Ex-Boyfriend series:
Posts: 2993
Just love 'em ALL! And boyfriendparty is in the top 3! Well take any of these awesome caps --any day of the week!
Posts: 722
boyfriendparty - great stuff, are you reading my diary?
Posts: 103
bee, wulfenus -- Thanks for the kind words. And wulfenus, not unless you've been leaving it around the lounge at work... Tonight's caption is a bit different, in the Best Friend's Wife series:
Posts: 103
Today's caption is in the First Steps in Cuckolding series:
Posts: 1977
"cuckold at the door" was very good!
Posts: 34
Yes, "cuckold at the door" is pretty damn awesome.
Loved cuckold at the door!!!!!!!
Posts: 103
neils123, creampielover, flyboyp38 -- Thanks! And I have to admit that that one did come out pretty well. Although to be fair the picture is doing most of the heavy lifting... A late post, but here's tonight's caption, in the Male Chastity series:
Posts: 1977
Oh, man, your Male Chastity series continues to be outstanding! Chastitygoodmorning is simply fantastic! Thank you so much.
Posts: 103
neils123 -- Glad you liked. I had an inkling you might :) Tonight's caption is in the Wife's Ex-Boyfriend series:
Posts: 969
EX Boyfriend is one of your best !! Droopy and Miss
Quoting: bulgroz3 Tonight's caption is in the Wife's Ex-Boyfriend series: boyfriendplayingho.jpeg NEW FAVORITE!!!
Posts: 722
cuckoldatthedoor - the pic was good and cap made it great.
boyfriendplayingho - that's a hot one. bad enough but having the hubby over for dinner was a wicked twist.