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littlelarry's Humilation

Rating: 5


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littlelarry sent me the following request by pm....

yes Sir,thank you soo much,il email them tonite,theres about 30 use them anyway you want,i gues i want the humilation of seeing her exposed and knowing men are looking at her,my fantasys are iam a sissy and she,s with another man laughuing at me,also knowing she is having an afair with a black man,iam difently a cuckold wannabee,but realize it will never happen,so i guess seeing her exposed to alot of men is like being cuckolded to me,the pics were taken on our vacation,she let me take them becase i told her they would just be for my enjoyment,lol if she ever found out about this i know id be headed for divorce court,lol anyway the pics with be in sevral emails ,when we got back from vacation she downloaded them to her comp from our cam. and forwarded them to my comp,,please let me know if they dont come through,agin thank you for making my fantasy come true,sincerly,littlelarry

How about helping him out....


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This is the first post of littlelarry's wife's pussy to be seen by other men...

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I like her old? pussy with that hair you will be lucky to lick that after its been fucked well,my wife passed away and I sure miss it seconds and creampies are hot.
useful male


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littlelarry, that's a pathetic tiny penis. I'd be glad to fill your wife's pussy with thick, clumpy cum for you to eat.


Posts: 9
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littlelarry, dress her in a short skirt and let her hit the town. She will be a changed woman when she gets home


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I think littlelarry envys the life you shared with her, thanks for commenting...

useful male
He is certainly is in need of a man that is 'useful', clearly he is not....thanks for your help...

Very practical and quite accurate I'm sure...

littlelarry had the following comment after first seeing this post:

oh god i alomst fainted Sir when i saw it,seeing every intmate word i worte you posted there for every man to read i felt more humilated than i have ever felt in my life seeing the pics and captions of my wee wee and her vagina were over wheling Sir, oh god theres been over 180 men reading it and seeing it already,oh god,thankyou very much Sir

I think its time for a little facial recognition, if she could only see what you have done....let him know your thoughts...


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I assumed this moment would come, my thanks to those who helped out. I received the following from littlelarry (note the times and the increasing intensity of his struggle)

Sent On: 21 Feb 2010 07:31:41
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oh god Sir i cant belive you really have posted a pic that shows her face oh god iam soo horrified and scared,my minds racing and my heart feels like its pounding thorogh my chest,i nver thouth youd do it ,not so fast anyway,i wasnt prepared at all,oh god,if anyone we know see,s this and tells her oh god i cant bear to think what would happen,god over 1650 men have seen her and me,i never imagined that many would,and the coments are very humilating and make me feel so pathetic,god ive nver felt so helpless or out of control in my life Sir,i nevr thought it would make me feel like this,but i never thought youd expose us that this either,oh god

Sent On: 21 Feb 2010 10:28:07
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oh god Sir theres almost 1800 men have looked at it

Sent On: 21 Feb 2010 15:43:20
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oh god Sir this facial reconition is just to scary for me,i want it soo much but the risk is just togrea tfrinds family co-workers etc,while having her made a webslut[and me to] is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me and i have had the bet cumy,s in a long long time theres just to much worry,do you think you could blurr her face in the pics that her face is shown,or just post the ones that dont show it at least for a while,god i want this humilation and exposer so much and knowing almost 2000 men have seen her and also the comments they have made are overwhelming and soo wonderful ,could you please please continue it with out the face at least till i get balls and iam not such a lil pussy,as to accept this,i know ultimaty its hat i want a crave,i realize iam at your mercy and the men who view the thread but ,iam just to sared and worried right now,ill probally be begging you to post the facils very soon,but please right now dont i think thees alot men wouls enjoy with our her face,so pease either blur te one of her face thats of her getting dressed or delte it fow now,but please try to keep this humilation i crave going Sor,thank you litlelarry

Being somewhat merciful when I am toying with someones life, even at his own request, I'm taking the pictures down, I refuse to blur pics. That said, his struggle is far from over, he'll miss his moment in the sun.


Posts: 12
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i know his struggle, Sir.... and i also truly believe he will be back to you, asking that the face pictures be posted in spite of his internal angst.


Posts: 56
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i understand him being a cuckold the only way to feel is to expose her more the cuckold angst cuckold me
Rating: 5, 1 vote.
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littlelarry's Humilation
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