Hello Guys,
Unfortunately I don't have as much time doing Caps as I used to but I try to keep posting new ones every now and then. Seem like my good old friend tongue in cheek is on a break so I have to do all Caps by myself.
Aaaanyways: Today I checked out the "Best topics" section and to my surprise and joy I saw that my thread is Nr. 1

I know that it's mainly for alphabetical reamisters and I also know that there are better threads, liked by more people and that this is probably not the best topic on this great site.
Nevertheless: I stared this whole thread because I wanted to give something back. I have been lurking around here for a long time, enjoying many captions and I rarely said thankyou until I decided to do some of my own. Seeing this best topics ranking it makes me proud that I have become a small part of this site and did in fact give something back. I want to encourage everybody to do the same: It's very easy and you don't need fancy programs, I do everything with MS Paint

And if you don't feel creative enough please take 1 minute of your time and say thanks. Seeing all this from the captioner point of view I know that it takes hours of work and although there are thounds of people looking at the thread only a handfull says thanks although - at least to me - it means a lot to read a simple thank you and get some feedback. I think that my caps got better and they probably wouldn't have without you guys.
So without any further ado, here is my big celebration post! :D