Posts: 567
Ok so some of my captions have been redacted I have gotten one pm and a comment about this. I even received pm's on another site i post to about it. I first would like to say that I honestly believe that the site admins are well with in there rights to determine what can and cant be on there site and to remove what ever they wish from the site.
Second every pic i have captioned with exception pics of my self and pics sent to me be members (all of which were very apparently of age), Has come from a website with TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 110 > § 2257 compliance. IE. there were all 18 or over even if they "looked" younger.
Third I made efforts to clearly label my threads so people knew what to expect and could avoid subjects they found objectionable. I often posted warnings when captions would be edgy.
Forth I did post intentionally provocative and edgy captions. But always within the bounds of what I thought the posting guide lines were and at no time before this has an admin contacted me about my posts or removed any of my captions. Lastly thank you to every one that has sent me feedback the last three years I have been captioning here (I think its been that long). Assuming my account is not closed i will be lurking around but don't see posting captions or pics any time soon.
PS No I don't know or care why they were removed.
Posts: 297
I have never found anything questionable in your work. It's always of the best quality and you are one of the best. Where else can we view your work?
Posts: 115
although you frequently push the edge your work is amongst the best on this site. Don't let the people think anything more than what they are into is too extreme hold you back. Ive enjoyed most of your work and what I haven't I skipped.
Posts: 374
Damn. I can't imagine much more one could say at the virtual retirement of one of the best captioners around.
I'll definitely miss your fresh new captions, you were one of the ones we could always count on to help push the limits and find new places for the cuckold fantasy to go. You can check out all of my captions at
Posts: 732
his work is great
Posts: 26
limkane / kimlane.... you're my favorite. don't give up.
Posts: 70
Which banana rocked the boat?
Posts: 5858
Quoting: limkane PS No I don't know or care why they were removed. we respect every our poster and freedom of speach but a lot of them was very "questionable" and i'm sure you can't provide the 2257 docs for every model you post here (signed contract + scanned ID with age) , so i should to remove them. thank you for understanding mbc
Posts: 53
I'll miss your posts.
Posts: 85
What the hell happened here now??? Man, for a website devoted to guys getting off on having their wives fucked by other guys, (and other things), there are a lot of "puritans" and "thought police" out here.... This site is slowly going downhill....and it's picking up speed... 
Posts: 417
I am very angered and disgusted with this action against kimlane and her property.
I agree with 19Echoes this is nothing more than censorship and do not see the admin point of view, as valid.
This neurotic point of view has surfaced previously on this forum, based on the 2257 discussion.....
People removed whole threads of their captions and no longer post here.
omg. this site is falling apart.. everyone's acting like big bro is watching them lol i think they have more serious cases to worry about at the moment.. I think all comments etc regarding ****** should be removed in that case as it is prob illegal in most countries and this site is now about being law abiding deviants so it would be immoral to keep one and not the other.
hell why not ******* it all together? Im sure in a court of law when filing for divorce if a spouse is found unfaithful and has "strayed" then that party gets nothing. It is in NZ anyway.. so therefore cuckolding is illegal regardless of consent because if I decided I hate my wife id get it all including the kid.
well what do u know ... i cant type I . N . C. E. S. T
Posts: 2
Quoting: MrBigCuckold we respect every our poster and freedom of speach but a lot of them was very "questionable" and i'm sure you can't provide the 2257 docs for every model you post here (signed contract + scanned ID with age) , so i should to remove them. thank you for understanding mbc I am fairly sure that the hosting website has to show I.D. for every model appearing on the site...So why haven't you deleted ALL posts featuring pictures of nude people?
Posts: 2
""we respect every our poster and freedom of speach but a lot of them was very "questionable" and i'm sure you can't provide the 2257 docs for every model you post here (signed contract + scanned ID with age) , so i should to remove them.
thank you for understanding mbc ""
kimlane... one of the best cap'ers out there... i think this censorship is garbage... i'll go elsewhere for my perversion..
Posts: 81
Kimlane is the reamister I come to this site.
You will be missed Kim.
Posts: 26
I doubt that even 20% of the photos and video on this site comply with 2257. I think the real reamister here is that some people don't like that fetish she provides. Boo fucking hoo. I suggest people self censor themselves instead of getting this stuff removed. It is Mr. BigCuckold's perogative, but I would hope that he'd keep her stuff. Kim's stuff is some of the best and it's a big reamister for me visiting this site. I look for her threads all the time.
Posts: 111
I agree, I`ll join Kim in this one and not post anymore pics or caps, which is a shame as I have thousands...
While I do enjoy this site and it`s content, I don`t believe in this kind of censorship. If the original artist lodges a complaint I can see it being removed, not some schmo who wants to feel important by complaining. There is lots of content I find on ALL ADULT SITES that I find offensive, but I respect that other people out there want it and I`d hope they would respect my fetishes as well. This is like me going to a transvestite site and complaining about the TV stuff. Ridiculous.
I think the pros and cons need to be weighed here. One permister complaining vs over a dozen voicing their distaste over the censorship. Doesn`t it seem reamisterable to cater to the majority?
Posts: 2
While I agree that deleting posts to comply with 2257 regulations and stay out of primister is well within his rights, that is CLEARLY not the motivation for deleting only a FRACTION of images in *** of 2257. If he actually gave a cuckolds brownie about 2257, the majority the images and links to vidoes on this board would/should be deleted. The fact they are not show the true motivation.
Posts: 98
#20 · Edited by: MrMiniWhitePenis
lim can we find your work anywhere else?!?!?!? please tell me yes.
Posts: 26
Quoting: acima While I agree that deleting posts to comply with 2257 regulations and stay out of primister is well within his rights, that is CLEARLY not the motivation for deleting only a FRACTION of images in *** of 2257. If he actually gave a cuckolds brownie about 2257, the majority the images and links to vidoes on this board would/should be deleted. The fact they are not show the true motivation. +10^6
Posts: 673
fuck pedophiles. Period. And Mr. bigcuckold, you are doin a fine job Sir! stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
Posts: 457
Kimlane was one of the posters that made this sight what it is. This just means that other sights will pop up and this sight will be forgotten about.
Posts: 184
She was awesome, but lets not doom the site without her. Things will go on. And maybe she'll be back.
Posts: 130
I <3 Kimlane [email protected] ~ Check out our podcast at
Posts: 98
luvpain please jump off a cliff.
Posts: 673
why? cause you are a pedophile? stupid questions dont exist...
stupid answers however....
Posts: 31
No, because you suck Luvpain.
And this forum SUCKS without limkane and the people who used to post here.
Almost everyone has moved on to greener pastures.
Some of the girls in her pics may have looked young, but they all came from legal sites, period. Every one of them was certified over 18.
Posts: 350
Kimlane is the best cuckold caps on this site, period. Thank You sissy analinga
Posts: 8
The problem is too many people think 18-19 year old girls should look like they are 28. No, they should look fresh out of high school. It's a problem with "people of a certain age" who mainly think this way. I also blame porn. Too many websites use 30 year olds and advertise them as being 18 that people don't know what an 18 year old looks like anymore. I'm 20. I don't want to look at captioned pics of 50 year olds who are 60 pounds over weight, I want girls my own age but the pics get deleted for being young pornography.