After almost 2 years I figure I should toss in a couple of new caps.
Really, excuse my long absence, I apologize. Life swept me off my feet and dumped me back in a giant pile of trash. WOO!
I have 4 new captions for you guys. Just did them 10 minutes ago.
First to the replies.
Thanks Geronimo, I am now.
PeterInCA, I'm glad you like that one. I think there's one here you'll like.
martin100, thank you kindly for your encouragement. Sometimes my caps are hit and miss, and I'm glad you like them in general.
Okay people. Here we go again. Don't know how long I'll stick around this time, but let's have some fun.
Again if you have any suggestions, tell me.
ENOUGH with the talking Chocker... GET ON WITH IT.
 Army camouflage, spelunking too
|  Bestfriend's smile
|  Big is sometimes small
|  Small is sometimes small