Sometimes fantasy and reality are hard to separate. While I would never condone having a young without that young being wanted and assured of care and love of the parents, the fantasy of a stranger (i.e. not the husband) impregnating a wife can be extremely erotic.
Only a handful of men have had unprotected sex with my wife. These were all long term, ongoing relationships. The first of these was with my best friend. We decided not to have kids (for several reamisters) and I got snipped shortly after the wedding. I could insert a lot of details, but suffice to say that when she was spending the weekend with him they ran out of condoms and the heat of the moment was enough to make her through caution to the wind and he came in her several times on that night. I say HER, because he was actually the one to try to draw the line that night, but she acted so slutty and needful that he caved. I’m sure that the risk made it very hot sex. She never got preg. It was not a good time in her cycle, and a few hours later she douched. Soon after, she went on the pill. That too, was very erotic, since it was purely for him, not for me, her husband. All in all, it was an extremely powerful event we have never forgotten.
I just wanted to tell to that your caps are really great and I and others appreciate your contribution to the site.
Take care!