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Caps - Return of Allaanon

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Posts: 722
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The CU is great! My wife went to college far enough away that I could visit
about every other weekend. We had hot phone talk and we were always
horny as hell. Room mates boyfriends were a big issue. She'd tell me
about the ones that would hit on her. Also the ones that were getting
in the other girls panties. Would drive me crazy fantasizing about
the other girls, then I'd get anxious about her.


Posts: 256
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4 caps for wulfenus. Feel free to share with your wife if you dare



Posts: 722
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Excuse me I'll be out of action for awhile, I just ****** on the floor.


Posts: 1176
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AWESOME!!! great caps


Posts: 256
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Glad you enjoyed them. Did you share them with the wife?



Posts: 722
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All the last CU caps were on or so close to real for me. Actually I bought
her the first vibrator. It was a small town, so only place that had them
was the Pharmacy, and, they were behind the counter. I'd have rather
been in a knife fight. Of course there was a pretty girl working that
day. The real name was a face massager or something like that.
I asked for one and she was real nice about it and at least acted
like it was for massaging. That took true bravery on my part.

My girlfriend got great use out of it. Even later when I lived
closer, I'd move it at a certain angle in the bottom of her
dresser drawer, and most times next time I checked it,
it was moved.

The thin walls came later, but did have their effect.
Initially she lived in a small dorm room, 2 desks and
2 beds, about 6 feet apart. You could also bunkbed
them if you wanted a change. Most took the bed
apart and just had the mattress on the floor as
that was the cool thing to do.

We were always polite and never had sex when
the other girl was there and vice versa. Sometimes
that made things difficult cause you'd be horny as
hell and the roommate wasn't going out to do anything.

For one stretch she had a mousy roomie named
Mary. she was slender, and ok looking but I swear she never
had a date. So sometimes we had to borrow
other friends rooms to screw in.

One night, completely out of character, Mary &
another girlfriend bring back a married, about 30yr old
guy. He was totallt takes and wasted a golden
opportunity. He fell arelax/ ******. Mary &
the other girl pulled up his shirt and on his back
using lipstick wrote things on him like love and
hearts and their first names.

Being on his back, he wasn't aware of the writing
when he went home, so presumably his wife
saw it first and perhaps he was buried later
that day.


Posts: 34
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please please make more cucku pix


Posts: 256
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Glad you're liking them. I'll keep making some more and here are a few more randoms to tide you over...



Posts: 256
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One more set to get your weekend started right...



Posts: 1958
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Really loved those last two Cuckold U captions!


Posts: 1237
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suck him or fuck him and his gigantic cock were the best


Posts: 214
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thank you the caps are awesome


Posts: 35
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love the college caps!


Posts: 34
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Again amazing allaanon. However, I'm curious if this is your 'return' where are your prior posts. I would love to see them and hope you can share a link if they are still available!


Posts: 256
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A long time ago I used to contribute caps to some old yahoo groups. Some in this crowd knew my caps from there before.



Posts: 722
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All you are wearing me out. first pic in 222,

Jennifer shared a dorm room with her hi school friend Lori in a coed dorm; all girls on one floor guys on another. Two black girls lived in the next room. Late one week night there was a knock on the half open door. In the dorms people usually had their doors open unless they wanted absolute privacy as people would drop in and it was just a natural thing if you walked by
an open door, you looked in. Three black guys from off campus were looking for the girls next door, but they
weren't there, and wanted to know if anyone knew of their whereabouts. My girl was about ready for bed and only had on a short top, no bra, and boxer type shorts.

The three guys started chatting them up and one started smoking a joint and trying to share it with the girls. Lori was having a good time talking away. Jennifer was feeling a little more self conscious as one guy sat right next to her on the bed. it was fashionable in the dorms to take your bed apart and just have the matress on the floor. He was checking her out big time in her half dressed attire and so was the other guy who came over and sat next to her also. Lori said she was going down the hall to study with Kelly and Jennifer had to try to get her attention without embarrassing the guys. Lori could be a bit of an airhead and wasn't thinking she would be leaving her alone with three black guys they didn't even know. She did get her attention and after awhile
the guys left. She was a little nervous about it then,
but later she told me it could have been exciting.


Posts: 34
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That beach pic is my life! Dated a little hottie that cheated on me on the islands. I saw all her pix and the remember her buying special bikinis, and after she told me the stories I remember beatin to her pix.


Posts: 866
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Wow...I need to catch up on this thread. Tons of great caps in here. Thanks.


Posts: 256
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4 more randoms for you. Thanks for the comments!



Posts: 1237
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Last four were hella hot!
Geronimo Samson


Posts: 1135
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Second pic of #232is amazing mate. The look, the feel, the chick all awesome. Who's the chick btw???


Posts: 256
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Not sure where I ran across that pic. Had it on my harddrive for awhile.

Here are 4 more Cuckold U!



Posts: 256
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And 4 more...



Posts: 1958
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Loved those last four!
mike lesser


Posts: 184
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i love Cuckold U, I'm in that situation right now, its so sexy


Posts: 722
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CU 228 #4

My high school buddy Jerry ran into Pat during his first
year at college. Pat had also graduated with us. She was
a pretty, blue-eyed blonde and had a fantastic rack, especially
for high school. She dated one of the bad boys for
awhile and being such a nice girl, everyone wondered why?

We figured out much to our regret, that we all thought she
was too good looking not to have a date, so no one was
asking her out.

They went back to Jerry's dorm room and while he isn't a
bad looking guy, the furthest he'd every got was his girlfriend
jerking him off two different times. Much to his delight they
started making out and he had a lot of fun feeling up those
sexy tits.

Being a nice guy, he thought they'd gone far enough that
time and planned on getting together the next Friday. He never did
see her again. I wasn't even there and I've dreamed about that
episode many times.


Posts: 256
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4 more cuckold u! Thanks for the comments.



Posts: 256
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One more set to keep your Saturday interesting...



Posts: 1237
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Very hot!


Posts: 8
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The one with the maid is the best you've ever made. More of it please.
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