useful male
Posts: 3634
I've searched. I can't find it. What happened to the powerd penis removal thread? It was one of my favorite threads.
faggot? Have you moved your content elsewhere? If so, where?
Posts: 1404
I have also been looking for this thread............. 
probably because it has nothing to do with cuckolding? more to do in an illegal act which is powerd?
Posts: 2270
I know the answer to both questions one it was removed two he is now posting here The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! and i would guess after reading why the whole rough cuckold forum was disappeared that kodder is right as to the reamistering
Posts: 191
#5 · Edited by: sarahtv
but the castration ones still there and that theme is in other threads too? isnt the same argument put to those? i suppose it depends on what other kink u combine to cuckolding, i didnt mind some of the powerd fem ones, they where interesting  hehe it all fantasy after all oh well
sarah probably it will follow. Mr MBC said he would clean up the site and move all non cuck stuff to a site of its own. so apparently he started doing that  . (me happy)
Posts: 1404
kodder, I'm so happy that your happy. But, you are going to now have to find something to balance out your physical exertion for the day. now that you dont have to exude the non effort it takes to not click on something that is clearly labeled as a subject that dosnt interest you. I am pretty sure that if a wife makes sure here husband stays a cuckold forever, by removing his penis, that still falls in the realm of cuckold.
Posts: 485
Yes, my thread was deleted. It's resurrected on a site that's rougher and therefore less likely to be deleted from. I would have liked for this site's administrators to have at least talked with me about it beforehand, but this is their site and it's their prerogative.
However, consider that any other thread, or content in a thread, or account, can be similarly summarily deleted at the pleasure of this site's administrators, and what follows inevitably will be self-censorship.
kodder is quite pleased with him/her self about chasing my thread off the site, but be careful what you ask for. Is interracial acceptable, or is it unduly racist and therefore banned? Is rough sex out? How about voyeurism? Foot fetish? Shemales? Etc. etc. etc.
Strip out all of the stuff that isn't 100% true-blue American "proper" cuckolding, and this site will be 5% its current size, and considerably less interesting. And the most-prolific and accomplished posters will go elsewhere, greatly diminishing the quality of the site's content (I'm not banging my drum here--I'm thinking of certain other key contributors to the site whose content may now also be under siege).
The irony of this, of course, is that this site is already about a fetish that is shocking to the mainstream, and marginalized. How long would you keep your job if your boss knew you are into this stuff?
People with fetishes should band together, but fetish sites seem to inevitably degenerate into increasingly large numbers of increasingly small sub-sects pointing their fingers at others and saying they're not doing it right.
I talked with a couple into SM who got kicked out of a swinger's club for bringing a pair of handcuffs. Because, you know, *swinging* is so downright respectable we can't do anything kinky. And so forth.
Gay sites that don't allow bisexuals. Spanking sites that don't allow caning. Blowjob sites that don't allow handjobs. Or whatever--where does it end? It's like the Peoples' Judean Liberation Front sketch from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
But in all of this, the thing that is most puzzling to me is that every single one of the 300+ posts I made to this site involved cuckolding, and pretty directly--the whole point of my particular fetish is that the hapless hubby wants sex but his scary Wife cuts off his ugly little penis and then fucks real men with great gusto and makes the cuck watch (and lick up). I'm pretty sure that qualifies as cuckolding, but maybe I missed the memo.
Posts: 2106
Sorry to see your thread go bye-bye, faggot, but i'm going to check out the site you're posting at now. Just my opinion, but i don't think your thread was any different or more extreme then some of the castration threads. i agree totally with your statement above. i've noticed the same thing in many of the groups i've been in. i'm going to miss having one less choice, being able to view those things that interest me on this site. good luck, my friend. priss
Posts: 1352
#10 · Edited by: SheDatesHeWaits
faggot... we've had some heated discussions in the past, and I see what you're saying. The two main points of view of the opposing camps are quite simple:
Those, like yourself, that feel CuckoldPlace should be open to everyone's fetish no matter what that may be. The content doesn't need to be cuck related, except in the mind of the poster, no matter how vague that cuck-connection may be. Anything less is censorship.
The other camp feels that the site content should be "primarily" cuck... or at least close enough that the average permister could readily make a connection.
Determining that boundary is the sole right of MBC. The backlash and complaints have been growing, as the non-cuck content (or vaguely remote cuck content) has increased, and other fetishes have begun to take over.
I think MBC has to make a determination at some point where the line is. Otherwise his site becomes "1,000". Moving your thread to a more appropriate site is the answer.
I don't believe each fetish points fingers at the others and says "you're wrong". I've been in the lifestyle 20 years. It's a tolerant group. Nobody says my fetish is right and yours is wrong... it's more: "I'll do mine here, you do yours there".
I do wish you well on the other site, and sincerely hope you find a like-minded crowd that enjoys your theme and you can all enjoy it in peace! cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker
Posts: 485
I forgot to mention my favorite example of the law of unintended consequences. Canada was the first (and hopefully last) government to take dworkin/mckinnon seriously about how porn "degrades" women. So they passed some laws that said porn was okay, but not if it was degrading. Feminists were delighted, but pretty much the next day Canadian customs started seizing books on lesbian sex (lesbian sex manuals, the joy of gay sex, etc.). But wait, aren't some lesbians feminists? Well yes, but too bad for them, because somebody felt that lesbian sex was "degrading". The best part of this is that one of dworkin's own books was banned. For more, see: The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Censorship is a slippery slope. I defer to this site's owner because he's shelling out for the site. But people *on* this site who are getting a free ride from its owner should think long and hard about what thread or post they want to complain about next, because their own favorite threads/posts are just as eligible for complaints. I expect castration to go next. Then maybe the shemale stuff. How long would interracial posts be tolerated if enough blacks complained about racial stereotyping? Eventually you'll have nothing left except loving threesomes. And for some of us, that's not cuckolding--that's wife sharing. No femdom? What's the fun in that? I might have to complain about it cluttering up the site!
And again, what was oddest to me about my thread being deleted is that it was always about the cuckolding. I'm not interested in penectomy by itself. It's penectomy combined with cuckolding that seems like the sweetest torment--perpetual denial. It was specifically the combination that intrigued me, and much more so than castration because penectomy doesn't reduce sex drive, just prevents normal channels for relieving the itch. But some people could seem to see that, despite the plain text of the captions. Maybe they didn't read very many of them, or any of them, before complaining about them?
I didn't want to leave this site. I prefer the community here to the rougher community on the other site, and there is far less interaction with others on the rougher site. Mostly it's just posters and lurkers. So congratulations for chasing me away so you can have a "better" experience, while I have a worse one elsewhere. Thank you so much for that.
Posts: 191
#12 · Edited by: sarahtv
palm why the bold txt?
i would say when u look over the site films pics , other nationalities etc theres way more what u would say is cuck than the other fetishes as u put it
they've hardly taken over at all.
its for me a bad argument from someone who dosent like a slight difference imo
eg all the imigrants are taking over kick em all out which is total rubbish
useful male
Posts: 3634
I'm glad I found your thread on the other site. I'm joining you there. Thank you for continuing your brand of "cuckoldness".
While this is very much fantasy for me, your content drove home the most vulgar form of cuckoldry. Balls but no penis? Imagine having all those hormones racing through your veins - you want to be a man - but your wife took away all chance of that and your destined to be her frustrated, denied, cuck for life. That's not about cuckoldry?
I really think it's a sad state of affairs when someone who runs a site that is this far "off center" decides that your "off center" is too "off center".
Best regards.
Posts: 2270
I just want to know where all the outrage about being off topic when it come to the "amateur post" forum on and on. there are far more off topic posts there then in the caption forum but no one complains so i find it hard to believe anyone when they say they want to get rid of "off topic posts" and don't start where they are most prevalent. Be honest and say what you mean. you think some of us are too perverted for your taste and being on or off topic is not what bothers you at all.
Posts: 762
Quoting: faggot89 Peoples' Judean Liberation Front don't u mean.. 'judean peoples liberation front'...or am i thinking og the liberation front for the peoples of judea..?  you can never really keep everyone happy
Posts: 31
Just wanted to pop in and say I never looked at your thread faggot, not our cup of tea, but I don't think it should be removed due to it being something you are into and not others. There are so many threads as Kim pointed out that have absolutely nothing to do with cucking, yet no one wants to bitch about them. We now go to exreme board as much as this site, and if the self righteous get their way, alot will be going there and not here at all.
Posts: 485
Those captions found a new home: The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!
Posts: 116
Thanks for letting your fans know. =)
useful male
Posts: 3634
Thank you faggot! I've really missed your caps. Any chance you'll continue making new ones there? Is there any way to comment or show our appreciation on that site?
Posts: 94
peak, that's pretty hypocritical. you're saying people should be more honest about their desires and cuck fetish accepted in the mainstream but only "approved" untrollable forms of it (as if every side of every aspect of human life isn't possible to attempt to criticize and marginalize). you are one of the trolls holding back open exploration!
and who said this fetish should be mainstream? you want a cuck award at the oscars? cover of newsweek? if everyone is doing it and knows all about it, doesnt it get less exciting and harder to get away with? if anything, ALL fetishes and alternative (legal! no pedo!) lifestyles should be accepted without singling one out. you're trying to make this more than "just another turnon", and instead attempting to make it a special "legitimate lifestyle choice", like being lgbt, and thereby making it a bigger, easier target, in a spotlight; easy to pass laws against and get crucified on fauxnews.
wise up, friend, we gain NOTHING from more attention and "acceptance" and lose a lot. everyone who is into cuckoldry knows about it and most act on it without a social network like this, and have for all human existence (cuckolds brownie, for all sexual biology).
i felt strongly enough about this to make it my first ever post on cp.
Keith Knife
Posts: 236
Whatever happened to the popular front? Oh, there he is... SPLITTER!
Posts: 361
faggot89: I forgot to mention my favorite example of the law of unintended consequences. Canada was the first (and hopefully last) government to take dworkin/mckinnon seriously about how porn "degrades" women. So they passed some laws that said porn was okay, but not if it was degrading. Feminists were delighted, but pretty much the next day Canadian customs started seizing books on lesbian sex (lesbian sex manuals, the joy of gay sex, etc.). But wait, aren't some lesbians feminists? Well yes, but too bad for them, because somebody felt that lesbian sex was "degrading". The best part of this is that one of dworkin's own books was banned. For more, see: The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Censorship is a slippery slope. I defer to this site's owner because he's shelling out for the site. But people *on* this site who are getting a free ride from its owner should think long and hard about what thread or post they want to complain about next, because their own favorite threads/posts are just as eligible for complaints. I expect castration to go next. Then maybe the shemale stuff. How long would interracial posts be tolerated if enough blacks complained about racial stereotyping? Eventually you'll have nothing left except loving threesomes. And for some of us, that's not cuckolding--that's wife sharing. No femdom? What's the fun in that? I might have to complain about it cluttering up the site! Wise, wise words. And it gets worse by the day.