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Cuckold Castration

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These women had their men so trained, they submitted to the surgery, without a fight.
"I still can't believe you let us cut your balls off, without a fight!
"I still can't believe you let us cut your balls off, without a fight!
"I was so surprised he went along with it!"
"I was so surprised he went along with it!"


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Some guys willingly accompany their wives to the castration clinic. Broken men, for whom castration is really the best option.
"I said, 'to late babe, your manhood is history'!"
"I said, 'to late babe, your manhood is history'!"
"I can't believe you let us take you to the clinic!"
"I can't believe you let us take you to the clinic!"


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Another wife fixes her husband for good.
"I'll open his sac and you can cut his nuts off."
"I'll open his sac and you can cut his nuts off."


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His loving wife helps him adjust after she has castrated him.
"You don't seem interested; that's from losing your testosterone."
"You don't seem interested; that's from losing your testosterone."
"I never really thought of you as a real man babe!"
"I never really thought of you as a real man babe!"


Posts: 6112
#1,685 · Edited by: jane_fressia
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Let me count the ways.
Crushed in my hand.
Crushed under foot.
Banded or burdo'd.
Needles, oh it's sinful how I love the needles.

So many choices and so few men......
So many choices and so few men......


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Imagination is a terrible thing to waste.....

Go ahead just say yes.....
Go ahead just say yes.....


Posts: 522
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Its kind of scaring - all this castration thing is pure fantasy - however, Jane push it just a little further, being completely aroused by her words makes you actual think "what if" and it grows in your mind and suddenly it becomes a YES - I have no doubt that my boundaries has been moved significantly and I do believe that I could be seduced into having it done thanks to Janes very fine captures which so s*******fully plays my mind.


Posts: 6112
#1,688 · Edited by: jane_fressia
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Scary are they? Do I see your fist
strangling that chicken? Yes I think
I do.

Remember what I said earlier about
the needles and how much I love them?

Oh darling I would never make you do something you didn't want....
Oh darling I would never make you do something you didn't want....


Posts: 522
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But you know that Im truly manipulated NO is not longer an option - No is for the numbers of needles you make use of. And yes they are scary a woman who can make men wish for such with just the power of words is indeed dangerous and the worst part is who can stop loving a woman who hold such power, who administrate it with such an easy attitude, who lowering the guy defense so completely, who twisting his mind to long for his self destruction - confident women who so tenderly pull you down the path are just too sexy and ultimative will get what they want - so will the man, at least until its done. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE WICKED AND LOVELY.


Posts: 6112
#1,690 · Edited by: jane_fressia
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Oh my poor baby. Did I manipulate you?
I honestly think that the effects of the needles
are greatly over rated but even if they do in the
end work think what I'll have given you?

Are you thinking yet?
Well how about this.

It's hard you know. I mean I have to work
really fast since the very thought of it makes
your little penis pop right up. You are such
a slut and have absolutely no self control
which goes a long way toward explaining why
you have a needle shoved through your left
nut then through the very tip of your penis
and then the right nut. I have a cute little
cork stuck on the end.

Isn't that just the most lovely image? It would
help you imagine it if you took both balls in one
hand and then squeezing them together, hard,
you took some of the sack skin and between
the thumb and first finger nails and you pinched it.
No dear squeeze them harder and pinch it.
Pinch harder!

No you don't get your sex yet. First we have
a little fore play. I know just how to kiss you and
rub up against you with my thigh up between
your legs even when you try to stop it and
we make out and my poor baby gets hotter and
Hotter and his little penis is trying to get erect, and his
little nuts try too pull up tight against his boys
penis and everything is pulling against everything
else and the needles, the damn needles feel
like their being ripped out and darling isn't this
just the greatest thing ever?

In the end of course I will have my way with you
but you know this already don't you? You know
and don't care be cause right now your getting
more than you could ever hope for.

That and like all men your thinking with your little head.....

Wicked?  Lovely?  You sweet talker you.  Come here dear.....
Wicked? Lovely? You sweet talker you. Come here dear.....


Posts: 522
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Jane this must stop - its not only manipulating - its spreading a virus an arousing virus for which the only cure is..... I think you know.
Regarding the needles - I trust you, ill put my fate in your hands, and yes if they work (do I see a smirk on your face) you would have given me the utmost pleasure not to say the final pleasure.
You are so right its plain arousing and yes my little thing is throbbing just by the thought of what you are able to push me into, to make me want - and to be quite frankly I dont think you have to work that fast - you would probably be able to have me hanging on the edge for hours and finally having me begging to be done - all for your own pleasure.
Yes you are giving so erotic images I bet someone out there are actual experimenting with needles on him self - actual and without any further thinking he is making great damage to himself - and for myself I can only say you have sat fire to something that might be uncontrolable - and the worst part is that I cant help myself comming back for yet another push towords your goal - like I will not rest before that.
Also I confirm that Im like all the other men (what is this are you collecting men done??).
I think we both know how this will end and yes it scares me but also makes me happy to let myself into your guidance and further handling.


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Hubbys balls were worth more in a jar!
"...we did a castrated cuckold video with him."
"...we did a castrated cuckold video with him."


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Watching another man breed your wife, can break a man!
"My husband can never father a child now."
"My husband can never father a child now."


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He holds her, while her lover inseminates her! Something he can no longer do.
"Haveing your nuts cut, was the smartest thing I ever did!"
"Haveing your nuts cut, was the smartest thing I ever did!"


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Wife and hubby at the nude beach.
"Not to long in the water; your scrotum is not fully healed."
"Not to long in the water; your scrotum is not fully healed."


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A wife explains how she came to have her husband cut.
"I had my mom, the doctor, cut his testicles off."
"I had my mom, the doctor, cut his testicles off."


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She teases her nutless husband.
"You would never have ate another man's sperm from by pussy before."
"You would never have ate another man's sperm from by pussy before."


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Wife's girlfreind helps snip him.
"We're going to put this little dick to sleep, for good Tim!"
"We're going to put this little dick to sleep, for good Tim!"


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She tells her girlfriend about her husband surgery, right in front of him.
"He would have no idea what to do, if he could get a hardon!"
"He would have no idea what to do, if he could get a hardon!"


Posts: 151
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Good videos of some cucks getting what they deserve....Cuckoldressses having a cord crushing good time!!!

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!


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He presents his wife to be bred by the Prince.
"I've castrated over two hundred husbands, and I'm very good at it!"
"I've castrated over two hundred husbands, and I'm very good at it!"


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She explains why her lover is coming on their honeymoon.


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"I had her remove your balls, and replace them with implants!"
"I had her remove your balls, and replace them with implants!"


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Wow, Stacy Burke must go thru some co-stars!
That guy wont be fucking for awhile and to many sessions like that and he will never fuck again!
She really seemed to like damaging his balls.


Posts: 59
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Quoting: cal_f_horny 79/798012/jennifer-lemonde-castrates/

Jennifer is hotttt! I would love to let her cut me.


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Please continue


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Here's one I made a while back.
Sisters enjoy their work.
Sisters enjoy their work.


Posts: 2516
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She convinced her husband to participate in the new have test, even though permanent castration was a risk.
As he watched, he thought about how much he had to sacrifice.
As he watched, he thought about how much he had to sacrifice.


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She's fucked other men, since they got married.
He remembered how great it felt to fuck her.
He remembered how great it felt to fuck her.
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