Oh my poor baby. Did I manipulate you?
I honestly think that the effects of the needles
are greatly over rated but even if they do in the
end work think what I'll have given you?
Are you thinking yet?
Well how about this.
It's hard you know. I mean I have to work
really fast since the very thought of it makes
your little penis pop right up. You are such
a slut and have absolutely no self control
which goes a long way toward explaining why
you have a needle shoved through your left
nut then through the very tip of your penis
and then the right nut. I have a cute little
cork stuck on the end.
Isn't that just the most lovely image? It would
help you imagine it if you took both balls in one
hand and then squeezing them together, hard,
you took some of the sack skin and between
the thumb and first finger nails and you pinched it.
No dear squeeze them harder and pinch it.
Pinch harder!
No you don't get your sex yet. First we have
a little fore play. I know just how to kiss you and
rub up against you with my thigh up between
your legs even when you try to stop it and
we make out and my poor baby gets hotter and
Hotter and his little penis is trying to get erect, and his
little nuts try too pull up tight against his boys
penis and everything is pulling against everything
else and the needles, the damn needles feel
like their being ripped out and darling isn't this
just the greatest thing ever?
In the end of course I will have my way with you
but you know this already don't you? You know
and don't care be cause right now your getting
more than you could ever hope for.
That and like all men your thinking with your little head.....
 Wicked? Lovely? You sweet talker you. Come here dear.....
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