Peter C
Posts: 6921
A woman I was seeing some time back was particularly interested when I mentioned the possibility of having me castrated. She was keen that we should find someone here in the UK willing to cut off my balls, perhaps even assist in the actual severing of the tubes, though we never went that far. Louise was excited at the prospect of me having to pay for my castration with my credit card and either feeding my balls to her dog or keeping them in a jar on display at her house or on my bedside table as a permanent reminder that I had never been a real man and never would be. Peter C
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
Peter C It was interesting to hear. When I mentioned to my bull that I would like to castrate my cuckold husband he got a real hard on and wanted us to discuss how it could be done. Monica
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Monica Larsson
Yes, Louise really got off on the idea of having me castrated when I suggested it - said it would be "fun" - and actually had a nurse on her Facebook who she thought might be up for doing it for the right price. This nurse also appeared to do intimate medical examinations for men - something else I fantasised about - but we never proceeded with either procedure and I remain intact. Peter C
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
cutcuck Breaking off a cock is quite easy if it is hard erected, especially if you break fast and distinctly more than in ninety degrees, then a crackling sound is heard and you know that you have succeeded. I did this with a boyfriend many years ago when I learned that he had been unfaithful. Monica
Posts: 2517
That had to be a real shock for him feeling his penis break and knowing he may never be able to fuck again, for the rest of his life. It must of been very empowering for you to take that all away from him.
Posts: 732
Please more, about pussy-free-white-boy laws, about si**ters breaking their bro**thers balls
Posts: 732
cutcuck or castration days in companies, universities and schools
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
#3,908 · Edited by: Monica Larsson
cutcuck Yes, it was very exciting when I heard the characteristic "snap" when the cock breaks off like when you break off fresh white asparagus. His cock was quite big and thick so I had to get a good grip but I'm quite strong so it wasn't a problem. I would love to break off several dicks if given the opportunity. I get excited just thinking about it. It would be fun to do it on a guy who took Viagra half an hour before The safest way is to break the cock, not upwards or downwards, but rather sideways, so there will also be a little leverage. Monica
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Monica Larsson
The woman I mentioned said it would be "fun" to go the whole hog once I'd been castrated and have my penis amputated. She liked the idea of having it done in 2 stages with the head removed first so it was now half the size, and the rest of it cut off at a later date, so I'd have to use the toilet like a girl. Peter C
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
Peter C Too bad she didn't get the opportunity to run the line fully. It should have been exciting for her to experience. Monica
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Monica Larsson
Yes, the idea really did excite her. She had a nurse friend on Facebook who she wondered might be up for castrating me and she hoped to be allowed to be present and to be invited to cut the cords as my balls were being removed, much like a new dad cuts the umbilical cord of his baby. I was less keen on her suggestion about having my penis amputated, but the prospect of being castrated excited me and still does. Peter C
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
Has no one else here experienced how to break off a cock that is stiff and horny? Monica
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Monica Larsson
I've heard of men snapping their penis accidentally during particularly energetic sex, but never a woman doing it deliberately until you mentioned it. Peter C
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
Peter C Wouldn't it be even more exciting to start by amputating the cock in two steps and save the balls for later to enjoy the frustration of not being able to jerk off. Monica
Peter C
Posts: 6921
Monica Larsson: Wouldn't it be even more exciting to start by amputating the cock in two steps and save the balls for later to enjoy the frustration of not being able to jerk off. Yes, I guess it would and my lady friend would have found that very amusing. She liked to belittle me by saying how small my dick was compared to a real man's, so she would have loved the opportunity to reduce it in size by having half of it amputated and left for a few weeks or months to heal, before having the rest of it removed. She liked the prospect of me having to pee like a girl. My balls she wanted to either feed to her dog with me watching them being eaten or placed in a jar for her amusement and as a reminder that I'd never have sex again. Peter C
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
Peter C I think the lady you refer to seems very interesting. Do you think she would also enjoy hearing the sound of her cracking a horny cuckold's cock? Monica
Posts: 2517
Have you spent time with men after you ruined their penis from breaking it? How did it effect their self esteem knowing they would never be able to fuck again? Did their dick's shrink up a lot from disuse?
I suppose they were able to cum in other ways, but it must have totally changed them being unable to be inside a woman again, or going nude and having their ruined dicks be seen by others.
I'm sure a woman could 'break' a man emotionally after this. Leaving them feeling very emasculated. Ruined for life.
Monica Larsson
Posts: 322
cutcuck No, I didn't find it interesting after I "finished the job and did it successfully". He later confessed that he couldn't jerk off after my treatment. That was quite exciting to hear. Monica
Posts: 2517
Posts: 2517
Posts: 732
[b]cutcuck[/ Please more, make more about fa**mi**ly castration, Si**ers doing bro**thers and da***thers doing or mocking fa**ther*s
Posts: 2517
Posts: 732
cutcuck: Talking to the cuckold after they cut his testicles off. They're in shock and need to talk about it what just happened. Please more of those, they are great!! And make them like dau****ghters and sist***ers speaking to theit fa++t*thers and broth****ers and wi*fes and mo**thers to husbands and so***ns
Posts: 1506
I totaly agree with you unmanned !
Posts: 2517
Posts: 2517
Mike M N
Posts: 118
Would like to see mire ebony castratrixes, doing their contribution for better new world by castrating white boys.
Posts: 2517
Posts: 732
cutcuck more black women castrating white males
Posts: 2517