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Galactica Caps, Stargate Caps - and other good things

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Hey everyone
You may or may not have noticed my support for the long-running "A few to start..." thread has tapered off in the past week.

Well after months, my interest in the subject has waned (predictably for me) and with the drop off in interest comes a drop-off in production.

That said, I will not completely abandon the field, just curtail my presence (by the end of May and into June I'll be pretty busy).

The one area I have thought about recently, celebrity and/or well known mock-ups, so I am starting this new thread. Last time I started a thread I had about 40-50 caps lined up to keep it going, but to be honest, this time I only have a few. Its much harder to find appropriate pictures of Stargate, BSG, or other sci-fi babes...

So without further ado, the first two, featuring the gorgeous Grace Park
oh yes, we have a plan
oh yes, we have a plan
and you'll love it
and you'll love it


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If you could get caps with Teryl Brothery and Amanda Tapping as a twosome that would be heaven.


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Here are two more
Stargate women.

Another couple of things I'd like to add,

1) A few folks have asked for private caps. I will do them. Just send me a private message. I'm happy to say that those that have asked have been very positive with what I send back to them. And it is appreciated.

2) If anyone knows a good place for celeb or sci-fi theme ladies (I've found that "wallpapers" are pretty easy to work with and provide a lot of space). Please post a link, or a favorite photo you'd like to see appear in this thread. I will see what I can do. I honestly don't have a large stockpile of picks to make this thread a continually updated monster like my first one...

I will post more as I find inspiration/captionable pics
good while Sam was away
good while Sam was away
she'll find it
she'll find it


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I don't know who the first girl is....
but Amanda Tapping is an undiscovered gem...that woman has got a body that is flat-out rockin'

I just saw the episode when she's trapped in an alternate dimension and she wears a evening gown....HOLY SHIT, her rack is sweet!

Hope you like the Sam cap above


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I found a decent site for celebrity wallpaper, should be able to find some sci-fi babes in hereThe hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

For those of you who dig Amanda Tapping, found some very captionable items. Now all I need is the inspiration....


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inspiration acquired.
hope you like these two...

I've found some gilmore girls, some buffy girls, kate beckinsale, charmed girls....

but for now, a couple more Stargate ones
tapping sign of the times
tapping sign of the times
tapping's club
tapping's club


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couple more
hope you dig them
More Amanda
More Amanda
This one time at band camp
This one time at band camp


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I was hoping folks would like the sign caption....

well there aren't sci-fi but I think the girls are hot
charmed one
charmed one
gilmore girls
gilmore girls
Jake Thormax


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creative, fun!


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I just don't know if I can post anymore....


Posts: 2607
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I'm not sure how to post on another peron's site, but here are two on the Gorgeous Amanda Tapping that might interest you.



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that's cool
I'm letting my threads hang until the moderator clears up about posting pics
Geronimo Samson


Posts: 1135
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i havent seen anyone of these shows but the girls are awesome n the caps are even better....i might start watchin em all now


Posts: 20
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you've got talent. I hope you keep posting.


Posts: 862
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I guess I shouldn't have revealed in the other thread that I'm a glutton for flattery....

here are a couple more
They might have to be pulled...but for now...
Number 12
Number 12
Part of the Cylon plan
Part of the Cylon plan


Posts: 2770
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Not familiar with the show but the caps are hot...especially the last two...beautiful and strong women...more please!


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not familiar with Battlestar Galactica???

For shame...
I am running out of good pics of Ms Park....
I actually don't have many of these in the queue (so to speak)...I sort of do them and post them, cause these take a lot out of me...


Posts: 862
#18 · Edited by: micc
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it's cool that I prompted you to reply...THANKS!

see I don't have that problem...I still want to bang the cuckolds brownie out of any of them...

though I would love to see Amanda Tapping or Grace Park with a strapon...


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couple more
tapping 2
tapping 2
bsg trio
bsg trio


Posts: 488
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I'm with stewart999us, you've made some of my favorite shows even better!


Posts: 218
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Any more w/ the rest of the Charmed hotties?


Posts: 862
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just whipped up some Charmed ones, check 'em out...
let me know if you like them
Charmed two
Charmed two


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guess they were too big


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dang it
still too big?
third times the charm...(pun intended)
Charmed three
Charmed three


Posts: 2607
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Wow to the "Charmed"pics, especially charmed 2. I always loved the other one moe( Charmed 3) because she had the best legs of the three. In this case though Alyssa beats her oit.


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another one that I am pretty sure is the amazing Amanda Tapping. At least I think so. Anyway I had forgotten it the first time. I have no intention of trying to take over your thread, but I had these pics I though you might like. If I find more do you wish me to cap and add them or would you prefer I posy them for you to cap, or should I just butt out?



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yup that's her. And any captions of AT are more than welcome.

Matter of fact, go ahead and caption whatever you like and post them here if the mood suits you, so long as they're mostly celeb-ish and/or sci-fi/fantasy related babes...

if you could, post the original unvarnished pic alongside for those of us that would like to capture a "Clean" copy to mess with...

Alyssa Milano has always been a favorite of mine


Posts: 2607
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Here are two originals for your use. I love the ifea of putting originals in and seeing how many different caps we could get. I have been thinking about doing it in my own thread. I am not sure that I saved the original for the 3rd pic but I will check.



Posts: 2607
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Here are two originals for your use. I love the ifea of putting originals in and seeing how many different caps we could get. I have been thinking about doing it in my own thread. I am not sure that I saved the original for the 3rd pic but I will check.


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a couple more
don't have time for anything today...
a little prayer
a little prayer
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Galactica Caps, Stargate Caps - and other good things
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