First of all, any feedback is better than no feedback. So thanks.
Secondly, its rare enough that negative feedback is respectful, so thanks also for having manners.
God knows I hate entering debates so I truly hope I dont start one.
The "is it gay or is it cuckold or is it OK to do both or is any cuckold a gay wannabe" theme has suffered 1000 sterile discussions on this forum and we dont need another one.
All I can say is some people will like it, some wont.
Sometimes I like to include it in my posts, sometimes I dont. I dont feel gay when I do it, I havent done it in over 36 yrs (I'm 36) and will never do it myself, that doesnt mean I dont enjoy including a male cleaning act in a fantasy post.
Tough to draw the line anyway isnt it? I mean, is cleaning a creampie from a woman gay? Sure, you're eating a woman, but its male cum dripping out of her! I would absolutely hate it in real life, I'm actually physically repulsed by a number of pics on the subject. And yet the vast majority of my posts include the cuck cleaning his woma's pie. I dont find it a problem, have no internal conflict about it, it doesnt keep me awake at night. Just like cleaning the bull as well as the woman in a cuckold fantasy post.
I just hope you enjoy my many other posts where this fantasy does not feature. But I might very well keep posting some threads which do include it.
In the meantime, focus on enjoying the bits you like in the forum. Because if you try to chase all the male cleaning threads and tell them off, you're in for a few months work
And when you're ready to post pics yourself, real or fantasy, that'll be even better! I can tell you from experience that posting what YOU enjoy is the best way to influence the forum in the direction YOU want! Thats why I post so much.