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Has she or hasn't she ??????

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#1 · Edited by: melbhusb
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I have spent many hours on this and other sites and wishing/wondering how I could get my wife to Cuckold me. Happily married 15 years, to a lovely wife who lets say had a very low sex drive and was very very conservative. Sex was always vanilla, always missionary. She did not really like sex, did it as part of the marital duties. Everytime I tried to bring up the subject of sex in any way shape or form, total disaster, always ending in a fight.

I will continue my story if people are intertested, but I am telling you all now don;t waste your time asking for pics of her I don't have any.


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sounds good so far.. keep going melbhusb!!!


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you're away...looking forward to more...


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#4 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Ok some encouragement so part 2
Subject never came up again, but I am getting more and more convinced that she has got something on her mind.

Fast forward to March or April last year, she had to go to Perth for work, I picked her up from the Airport. She comes off the plane chatting to some guy. On the way home I said to her that guy wanted you, she said never, I said i saw the way her looked at you, she was genuingly shocked. She said "it was just some innocent flirting he wasnt interested". I said "I bet he thought he had a chance, i bet he asked for your number'" she said" OMG he didnt, but he gave me his card" Well end of discussion, but that night in bed I have never seen her so horny. She came in seconds

Sorry its long winded, but the details are important, lots more to come


Posts: 27
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oh yeah......keep it coming


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yeah.. its sounding great so far


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#7 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Part 3
Well nothing more was said for the next 4 or 5 months, but the boyfriend jokes kept coming, I was so confused.
Was something going on or wasnt it?
Were the jokes innocent?
Was she trying to tell me something?
Was I so keen for something to happen that I was imagining things?

Now fast forward to january, one night out of teh blue she said

"I think you would be quite excited by the thought of me with another guy"

Gulp this is it I thought is this a defining moment? I could say yes or I could say no, or i could laugh it off. Was she serious or was she joking?

I said "I think most guys would be excited by the fact that other guys found their wife sexy."

she said"What if i find another guy and keep you too"!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

by now I am realising this is it, she is serious

"that works for me" I say stepping into the abyss

She says "deal, it improves the sex life anyways"

I said" well you learn new and exciting things"

more to come.. if you want to hear more


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Great story I'd love to hear more.


Posts: 26
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...keep going please...


Posts: 19
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Absolutely, keep it coming, and so will we...

I love these real life stories/adventures


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take your time

Delete attachment #1


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please keep going...


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have PM'd you

would love to hear all about it


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#14 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Part 4

She also admitted that she has been thinking about it, but had not at that moment done anything with anyone, she said that she would never have cheated on me, but that now we have a deal she may well do it. She also said that she loves me and that I will always be her special one.

More to come


Posts: 83
#15 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Part 5
Sorry 4 was short but it seemd a good place to break

ITo say my mrs was horny would be the understatement of the year. She was a total slut!!! she threw me on my back and sat on me, ground herslf along me, thats when i noticed she had trimmed her pubic hair right back. Then she monted me and fucked me, like she has never done before.

I cannot begin to explain what had just happened, this woman had NEVER had sex with me anyway but missionary, she had never taken the initiative, she had never thrown me on my back and climbed on me. It was like aliens had taken my wife and left a new improved sex version behind...

Part 6 tomorrow I would be interetsed in hearing from some of you who have been through this before, what your thoughts are. Thanks in advance


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more plz
im very interested
keep going


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Hey MH
as I said in our PMs...if she hasn't she will...
a delicious slut in the making you have there...and it's great to see that you are giving her free reign...the only way to make it work!
looking forward to hearing more...


Posts: 99
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very interesting will be looking forward to more updates!


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Thanks for all the Feedback, Yes Cookman I sure hope you are right!!!


Posts: 27
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cool... keep up the writing


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#21 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Part 6, nearly done
Well the next few weeks was amazing, we had incredible sex almost evey night, one night I actually had to say no I need a break. For 15 years she didn't like sex and now she was insatiable.

I asked, begged and pleaded with her to tell me if she has slept with anyone else, She steadfastly refused to answer. The jokes and commenst kept coming thick and fast and it was like living in a dream, was this really happening to me??

Last part later


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#22 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Part 7 - up to today
Well its been almost 5 months exactly since it all came out. Has she or has she not cuckolded me??? I really don't know. She talks about it often, makes jokes etc. For example she came home one day during the heatwave, aftre being out for coffee with a girlfriend. She was dripping with sweat, she says wasn't a good day for hot sex!!!

I again brought up why she wont tell me, she is not prepared to discuss it, all she has told me is, a guy that she has a lot to do with, connected to work, not someone she works with (all girl place) was part of why she brought it all up, as they had been flirting and that one thing led to another in their flirting and the subject of them getting together was seriuosly talked about, she said it even got so far as to discuss where and how. This was before we made the deal, so in fact it probably brought it all on, has she done it with him yet? I don't know.

Meanwhile our sex life is still fantastic, she is still very horny and is really enjoying sex for the first time ever. Shje has also taken a lot more control in the bedroom and is almosty always on top these days.

So I will end my story now as its right up to date. I would love to hear from those of you who have been here before on whether she has or hasn't cuckolded me.

And if she hasnt yet why do you think she hasn't? Will she?
and where do you think she will land up?

Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement, I will post any updates if and when...


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MH, what a great story, you are so lucky. Do you think your wife is not telling you what she is up to as part of the cuckolding experience? Do you think she is doing it to drive you crazy?

It sound to me like she has probably done it with the guy from her work, why wouldn't she?

Please keep us updated with your progress


Posts: 83
#24 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Thanks SB64, Hmm i dont know the answer to your question, I don't think she is not telling me to drive me crazy, more likely just some of her conservative nature coming through

LOL I should run a poll on whether she has done it or not.


Posts: 83
#25 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Interesting new development, 3 nights ago, I gave her a what she called "a mind blowing orgasm" a combination of touching and licking her, she asked for a repeat the next night, which I duly performed She rolled over and fell alseep straight afterwards.


Posts: 83
#26 · Edited by: melbhusb
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Working from home today, came back from a meeting to find my wife on her way out, she was looking very nice in a sexy top and tight jeans. Where are you going I asked, she said, "you don't make it easy do you?" and left!!!!!!! its 915am, I wonder what time she will be back and where she is....


Posts: 67
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great journey for you both, look forward to hearing more progress


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waiting for more..any pics of your wife..?? this would ad a flavor to you narration !
your italian bull in Venice
lets meet over week-ends or full weeks: your gorgeous hotwife will be my slut. From unaware sexy ladies to complete slut in training. Classy and strong. please Pm for detail. Age 49. Looks younger. Will travel to European de


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Thanks for the feedback, well she came back about one and a half hours later, with no explanation as to where she was, or what she was doing. Could have been out for coffee with a girlfriend, or with a guy????


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I went through a similar process with my wife for a couple of years (tall long legged small breasted blonde). The tension of not really knowing was just an amazing emotional experience - you always have the excitement and the shame in place. You will be doing something in your everyday life, then your mind will drift to the subject and you get a huge hardon while in a business meeting. When she finally confessed to fucking several men duing this time (all of her coworkers from the restaurant where she worked, many times in threesomes) the excitement and shame really kicked in - I had met and partied with all of them. The cuckold life continued on after all this.
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Has she or hasn't she ??????
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