Since my last post Tony has seen my wife a couple of times.
I think my wife would like to end this but Tony’s ploy is to tell her that they should both come clean and tell me what’s been going on.
My wife doesn’t want to do that, probably feeling guilty and not wanting to put our marriage at risk.
Tony manages with his smooth talking to swing the discussion his way getting her to meet him so they can discuss the whole situation face to face.
Each time he has met her he has managed to manipulate the situation getting her into a pre booked motel room where he takes her again.
From what Tony has said she keeps telling him they shouldn’t continue doing this and it should stop but seems to except the fact that it will continue as long as he want’s it to.
My wife is nicely boxed into a corner at the moment, her only way out that we can see is for her to tell me what’s going on and I don’t think that will happen.