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Cuck marriage licence, sex contract, Cuck signs wife over to Bull

Rating: 17


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i've seen a couple on line last few years but can't seem to find again, any one got or seen or can create some official looking forms that could be used in cuckold ceremony, marriage, wedding offense scenarios, any ideas around this ?


Posts: 26
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A fantastic idea and being also very much a sub/bi/slave,luv the idea of such a contract.
It would need to give her BF complete right of access to her body,but certainly forbid me to get any pleasure from her body at all.
i could only ever touch her with my tongue and clean them both with my (their!) tongue and mouth.
Of course this contract would have me in permanent Chastity and never to orgasm again. i would be tattooed just above my useless cock, "NEVER TO CUM AGAIN",so if i was ever lucky enough to be naked in front of any female,ever again,they would all know not to allow my cock any where near their pussies!
The contract would also include a clause stipulating SEVERE genital punishment if i should ever be found.or even accused of masterbating! This would also include any wet-dreams or any other cum discharge- although i can't see how any of this could happen,with my cock permanently locked into a steel chastity device ,(of diabolical design!).
i must make the declaration,by way of the contract,that i surrender all "conjugal rights" and sign these all over to her BF.
i hope soon to be reading your ideas on such an important contract.


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we've talked over the idea of finding her a proper man to act as her husband she would live as his wife every few weeks for the whole weekend, it could begin with playing out a wedding ceremony in which i would be humiliated, dressed as her bridesmaid and replaced, would be fun to sign an agreement which made her his bride whenever he came to stay......... just an idea with many possible combinations ! thought i'd share it with you all, love to hear your ideas for wedding fun and games, it's the little details that blow my mind more than the obvious stuff ???
lucy xxx
me in my bridesmaids dress
me in my bridesmaids dress


Posts: 78 Pictures: 6 
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Oralboy !!! thank you ! nice to have an idea greeted so enthusiastically, nice to know we're not alone lost in the details, made mt day
lucy xxx



Posts: 1285
#5 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
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This is a great idea! I do not have exactly such a document, but I do have a very legalish master-slave contract I downloaded from the web sometime back that could be convertable. It is a bit long, so I hesitate to post it, but I can email it to you if you like. (Or post it, but I didn't want to be rude and just throw it up there.)

(I also have the vows I took when my wife married me off a couple of years back, but that is not really the contract document sort of thing you are looking for.)
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


Posts: 78 Pictures: 6 
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hi ! really pleased so many people like this idea, the master slave contract would be good to print off and keep as an extra addition to any games, even the way it's worded can launch other ideas and meanderings, as i like to say "the devil is in the details", would also like to have a copy of those vows to use again or adjust according to situation, as far as what i'm looking for i know what blows my balls , but i love to be surprised and enjoy other peoples ideas and fantasies, the best games are not the ones that you have scripted so perfectly in your mind but the ones in which all your senses and nerves are on full alert, waiting for the next explosion of sexual endorfins triggered by something or someone you never considered before, so ....... be inspired and lets keep sharing ideas, will try to get a page going somewhere that i can put any related documents or contracts or even signs to hang on the bedroom door that we can all access for free and print off anytime...........
love from
lucy xxx
i like this game !
i like this game !
someone has to serve drinks at the reception
someone has to serve drinks at the reception


Posts: 1285
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Where can I send them? Would you rather I post? (The contract in particular is long.)
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


Posts: 417
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I found this, it's not a marriage ceremony but a contract of soughts, it's quite long too


To insure a successful marriage, the husband will agree to the following regarding the penis which will now be called the marital penis:

The Wife will have complete ownership and control of the marital penis.

The husband has no right of privacy during the periods of time set forth in the �husband�s dress code� below. Therefore, bathroom doors must remain open when the marital penis is urinating so that the Wife may inspect the marital penis at any time.

The Wife will decide if and when the marital penis will be allowed to ejaculate.

The Wife will decide the method used to cause the marital penis to ejaculate. She may, for example, have the husband masturbate or She may choose Her preferred method applied by Her or Her designee.

The husband is not permitted to ask for any sexual favors, such as rubbing of the marital penis, insertion into any animate or inanimate objects (except as described below), licking or sucking unless directed or initiated by the Wife.

The husband is not permitted to touch the marital penis without permission.

The husband will wear a chastity belt whenever required by his Wife. Wearing the chastity belt symbolizes the Wife's absolute domination and control of the marital penis.

The husband is not permitted to touch any Female or expose himself to any Female unless directed to do so by the Wife.
To insure a successful marriage, the Wife has the following rights:

The Wife has complete ownership and control of the marital penis and She and only She will decide when it will touched, rubbed, sucked or placed into or on any object whether animate or inanimate and when or if it may ejaculate.

The Wife may require the husband to wear a chastity device on the marital penis that may eliminate engorgement of the marital penis, touching of the marital penis or scrotum, hiding the marital penis from the husband�s view and/or controls ejaculation.

When the marital penis is allowed to ejaculate, the Wife has the rights to the ejaculate.

The Wife has the right to recycle the ejaculate in any way She sees fit, for example:

by direct injection into the husband�s mouth

collecting it in a vessel of Her choice to be fed to the husband

collecting it in Her hand so that it may be fed to the husband or She may require that he lick it from Her hand until Her hand is clean.

Collecting it on or in Her body to be cleaned by the husband.

Or in any other manner She decides.

Disposing of it.

The Wife has the right to demand sexual pleasure from the husband at any time without any reciprocal duties, which may include but not be limited to cunnilingus, fornication and body worship.

Since the Wife no longer needs the marital penis for satisfaction, She may seek other means of satisfaction.

She may demand the husband provide Her with pornographic stories or pictures for Her amusement.

She has the right to make love to as many men as She wants without any repercussion from the husband.

She may suck as many dicks as often as She likes without any repercussion from the husband

She may swallow other men�s ejaculate if She so wishes without any repercussion from the husband

If She returns to the husband full of another man's cum this symbolizes that the marital penis is not the least bit necessary for the wife's sexual fulfillment.

Every evening upon demand, the Wife has the right to have Her pussy licked clean by the husband.

If She returns to the husband full of another man's cum, the husband�s licking of her lover's cum out of Her pussy symbolized his submissive role to Her and it also demonstrates the absolute need to put the erotic pleasure of the Wife as the highest priority in a husband and Wife relationship


To insure a successful marriage, the husband�s dress code is as follows:

The Wife sets the rules that dictate what her husband shall wear. For example:

The husband may be required to remove all clothes after a set time of day or after a particular trigger time, such as after dinner.

The husband may be required to wear clothes that allow him to be exposed after a set time of day or after a particular trigger time, such as after dinner.

Sexual devices such as butt plugs, chastity devices, rope binding, handcuffs, etc. are considered clothing.

The husband is required to advise the Wife when his workday is easy and he is available to service the Wife. He is not required to follow the dress code during his workday.

To insure a successful marriage, the Wife may punish the husband for the following infractions as follows. This is a guide only and does not limit the Wife to decide to punish for other infractions:

Not following instructions

Not satisfying his Wife when directed to do so

Not following the dress code.

Complaining or forbidding the Wife to have sex outside the marriage as is Her right.

Not cleaning His Wife�s pussy after sex with another male when directed to do so.

Not recycling his ejaculate according to instruction.

Touching his penis.

Ejaculating without permission.

Asking for sexual favors from any Female including the Wife.

Not encouraging Her to seek sexual pleasure outside the marriage with whomever She decides.

Not facilitating sex outside the marriage if instructed to do so. For example, not driving Her to Her lover, preparing Her lover for Her which may include facilitating the lover�s erection for Her by hand or orally as instructed by the Wife only and, but not limited by, preparing the scene if She decides to engage Her lover at home.

To insure a successful marriage, the Wife may punish the husband as follows. This is a guide only and does not limit the Wife�s choice of punishment which is only limited by the Wife�s imagination:



Binding him to the bed or other object for extended periods of time. During this time #1 & #2 may be applied to the husband�s body. The penis or balls may be bound and/or stretched with any device the Wife chooses. This will possibly increase the size of the substandard puny marital penis.

Restraining him with ropes, belts, chains or handcuffs.

Prolonging the husband�s chastity period.

Applying pressure to the husband�s balls to create discomfort. Since the husband does not own the marital penis and balls, the level of pressure exerted on the balls is entirely up to the Wife�s discretion.

Instructing the husband to wear clothes only suitable for women or sissified men. This may include under clothes such as panties or bra or over clothes such as a dress or skirt.
To insure a successful marriage, the husband acknowledges that the following are privileges, not punishments:

Satisfying his Wife whenever She demands.

Allowing the Wife to withhold his ejaculation to improve the marriage by making him more attentive and responsive.

Cleaning His Wife�s pussy with his mouth on Her demand.

Dress code including chastity devices.

Punishment administered by his Wife or Her designee.

Eating of cum upon Her command, whether his or His Wife�s lover.

The Wife�s right to engage in any sexual activity outside the marriage that gives Her pleasure.

Encouraging the Wife to take pleasure with others outside the marriage.


To insure a successful marriage:

Since the marital penis is owned by the Wife, all previous rights and obligations of the marital penis is transferred to the faux penis, which is owned by the Wife and will now be called the Penis.

She has the right to wear the Penis.

The husband may be required to wear the Penis to fuck the Wife if She so desires since he may no longer use the marital penis for penetration of any woman including His Wife.

She may demand any male to kiss or suck the Penis and She may penetrate any male or Female with it. Only the husband must comply with those requests.

The husband must comply with the Wife�s wishes for sucking or kissing the Penis and must allow Her to penetrate him at Her whim.
To insure a successful marriage:

The Wife has the right to change or add to this contract at will and the husband must comply with the new conditions as if they were in the initial agreement set forth here.

The husband does not have the right to change any conditions under this contract without the prior written permission of the Wife.

The husband must be completely naked when signing this binding document and the Wife must be fully clothed so that the new power relationship is clear and established.
Husband�s signature Date Wife�s signature Date

Witness Date Witness Date


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Quoting: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
(I also have the vows I took when my wife married me off a couple of years back, but that is not really the contract document sort of thing you are looking for.)

hi ! thanks for message, the vows would be good to read, you can post them here if you don't mind sharing them !
Also many thanks to slavecuckwannabe for finding and posting the contract, must have taken you ages to type up, it's certainly very thorough, there's something for everyone in there !
lucy xxx
maybe even me as a tv bride
maybe even me as a tv bride


Posts: 3396 Pictures: 31 
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This site was a wonderful read but also has some documents that I think might fit the bill or at least significantly accompany what you're all looking for. Specifically look at Appendix B: Sheets.

The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!

Enjoy !


Posts: 1285
#11 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
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Here is the contract I talked about. I downloaded from the web some time ago. As I warned, it is long, so I put it in two windows.

A domestic relationship CONTRACT

Article One (1) Scope and Purpose:

a) It is the purpose of this document to establish a lawful adhesion contract, between slave and Mistress/Master, and an exemption of the application of the Thirteenth (13th) Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as it applies to the person, __________________________, (hereafter referred to as the signee, slave, she or her) whose social security number is ____________________________.
It is the specific intent of this agreement to voluntarily create a lawfully binding contract that is completely and heavily restrictive upon the slave and; which will institute upon the slave a permanent, irrevocable
status of "transvestite slave," which is mutually and collectively defined in Article Three (3) Definitions of this agreement.

b) It is also the purpose of this document to establish a completely non-restrictive title and ownership of the slave. Hereafter the slave will be the personal property of a Mistress or Master also herein defined in Article Three (3) Definitions of this agreement.

c) It is also the purpose of this contract to establish the proprietor of the slave. Only one (1) original copy of this contract will exist. Whoever is in possession of this original contract, will be the undisputed owner of the slave by right of possessing this original contract and thus be in the rightful position to exercise and enjoy the terms herein established.

Article Two (2) Principle Established Terms:

a) It is hereby established that the slave has voluntarily, and with her own free will and without coercion of any kind or description , entered into this agreement. All authorities should now recognize that the slave has surrendered herself to her rightful possessor, the Mistress and/or Master in possession of this contract. With the act of signing and entering into this agreement the slave has abandoned, and surrendered to her Mistress/Master, any and all exercise of her personal rights, freedoms, choices, properties, future
decisions and thus here and now, is indoctrinated into permanent servitude as a transvestite slave. In signing this agreement, the slave declares and accepts her status which is specifically; "a bond transvestite servant divested of all freedom and personal rights, who is owned by and wholly subject to the orders, directives, rules, and will of a Master and or Mistress who hold this Contract."

b) It is hereby established that there will be no time limit, nor period, nor date in time, which can be reached, which will release the slave from her instituted bondage. Once this contract is in power, there will be no cancellation requirements. This contract can not be canceled under any circumstances. Once the slave"s signature is affixed to this contract, this contract will remain in power for the duration of the slave's natural life. The slave will, for the duration of this contract, have no true equity of bargaining power; nor be capable to obtain or enjoy accommodations derived from mediation, bargaining, or negotiation; nor be in a position or status to exercise any privileges, other than those granted by her Mistress and/or Master.

c) It is hereby established that the slave being the rightful and lawful property of the Mistress and or Master, hereby grants to her proprietors, full authority to employ or use any means necessary to secure, maintain, or detain the slave for the aim of exercising and enjoying fully the terms of this agreement. Additionally, the Mistress and or Master can freely use any forms of training, punishment, reward, ***, bondage, or surgical alterations, all for the aim of satisfying the whims, pleasures, desires or needs of the Mistress and or Master.

d) It is hereby established that the slave, being the rightful property of the Mistress and or Master, grants the proprietors full authority to video tape, photograph, and post on the internet such pictures and images of her in her normal life as her owners transvestite slave as her owner may wish. The Mistress and or Master has the right to lend, lease, sell, trade, or give the slave away to any other person that they as the slaves owner may wish. Additionally, terms or conditions of such acts as exploitation, video taping, photographs, posting of such pictures on the internet, lending, leasing, selling, trading, or giving away of the slave, will not be subject to discussion, nor negotiation between slave and Mistress and/or Master and/or new owner.

e) It is hereby established that the slave will be maintained as a transvestite slave. The slave agrees that transvestism is the permanently selected gender and proper dress of the slave. It is, in the case and authority of this Contract; the slave, who is currently of a male gender, will and must live, dress, and be kept as a transvestite slave. The slave will be required to dress accordingly, and will be provided or be required to purchase female clothing for this purpose. The slave will dress in accordance with the codes of Article Four (4) Hygiene and Dress Code of this agreement. Lastly, the slave is hereby designated to be Bisexual or Homosexual at the commands, desire and or whim of her Mistress and/or Master, and will be required to perform sexual service to any gender without regard or concern for the slave"s own true personal sexual orientation or preference.

f) It is hereby established that the slave will, prior to signing of this document divest himself of all possessions, clothing, property, and real estate. The slave will close out all bank accounts, savings accounts, checking accounts, retirement accounts, and any and all credit accounts that she may have active. The slave will, at the time of signing of this contract be completely and totally without assets or financial resources of any kind, and will, from that moment on, be completely dependent on her owners largess for any and all requirements needed to survive from day to day.

Article Three (3) Definitions:

Bi-sexual: One of the possibly assigned sexual gender orientations of the slave by authority of this contract established in Article 2e above. It is hereby defined that as a transvestite slave, the slave is required to perform all sexual service to male and female genders without regard or consideration to the slave's own true personal sexual orientation.

Bondage: Any means or devices that are used to restrain the slave for the purpose of discipline, punishment, ***, *****, augmentation of confinement, sexual act, training or service.

Chastity Device: A device that prevents or limits the slave's access to the slave's genitalia by confining or covering the slave's genitalia, of which there are two types.

Confinement: A place, room, cell, container or other storage facility that is used for housing, keeping, or controlling the slave's movements and limiting freedom for a duration that is arbitrarily determined by the Mistress and/or Master.

Homosexual: Defined that as a transvestite slave, the slave can be required to perform sexual service to male genders and without regard or consideration to the slave's personal sexual orientation.

Heterosexual: The sexual orientation and limitation of performing sexual acts only with persons of the opposite gender of the performer. This sexual orientation will never apply to the slave.

Master: A man who owns, by the authority and possession of this Contract, the herein designated transvestite slave and rules over the slave having complete control, authority, and power over the slave.

Mistress: A woman who owns by the authority and possession of this Contract, the herein designated transvestite slave and rules over the slave having complete control, authority, and power over the slave.

Slave: In the case of this Contract, a bond transvestite servant divested of all freedom and personal rights, who is owned by and wholly subject to the orders, directives, rules, and will of a Master or Mistress who hold this Contract.

Transvestite: The selected gender and only appropriate attire of the slave. It is, in the case and authority of this Contract, a slave who is of a male gender prior to signing this contract, but must live, dress, and act as a female. This includes wearing all types and forms of female clothing, make-up, and use of female hygiene products.

Uniform: A minimum standard of designated feminine attire required by the Mistress and/or Master for the slave to wear at all times unless and until directed otherwise by her owner.

Article Four (4) Hygiene and Dress Code

a) Hygiene: The slave is assigned by virtue of Article One (1), Section a) and Article Two (2), Section e) of this agreement to maintain her hygiene according to this Article, Section, and Sub-Sections.

1) Shaving: The slave will be required to maintain her body from below her eyebrows to her feet in a completely hair free condition. Electrolysis maybe used at the direction of the owner to insure a permanent hair free condition.

2) Finger and Toe Nails: The slave will maintain her nails painted in such a manner as her owners may direct at all times.

3) Hygiene Products: The slave will be provided with a bar of feminine soap, deodorant, toothpaste and perfume selected by the Mistress/Master. The slave will use these products only, for hygiene.

4) Menstruation Periods: Any time the slave has a butt plug inserted and is wearing panties, the slave will wear a panty shield for the purpose of simulating female menstruation periods. The slave will never
be allowed to have an orgasm during her menstruation period.

5) Rest Room Privileges. The slave will always ask for permission to go to the rest room. The slave is never allowed to stand when urinating. The slave will never close the restroom door.

b) Dress Code: The slave is assigned by virtue of Article One (1), Section a) and Article Two (2), Section e) of this contract, to dress according to this Article, Section, and Sub-Sections.

1) Minimum Under Garment Requirements: Considering the slave may be required to go into public areas under the facade of being a man, the slave will always wear as a minimum, a chastity device, panties, bra, garter belt, and nylons. The slave will always wear as a minimum, a bra with B size cups in public.
Hose garters will always be worn under the panties and nylons will never be covered by socks.

2) During Service: The slave will as a minimum wear her uniform, collar, and chastity device with a leash. The slave will only wear other garments specifically directed, required, or allowed by her Mistress/Master. The slave will be required to wear full make-up, wig, as required by the

3) During other times the slave will normally wear a standard uniform determined by the Mistress and/or Master

4) Clothing: The Mistress and/or Master will select all clothing that will be purchased by the slave to wear. Only female clothes, under garments and shoes will be allowed for the slave to purchase and wear.

5) The slave will only wear female swimsuits and workout outfits for the appropriate activities. The slave will wear nightgowns or her uniform or other attire as directed by her owners when the slave is directed to relax.

Article Five (5) Sexual Service:

a) Genders: The slave by virtue of Article Two (2), Section e) of this contract, is assigned to a bi-sexual and/or homosexual gender orientation. The slave will provide oral sexual stimulation for the purpose of providing pleasure to any gender upon the direction or command of her Mistress and/or Master. The slave will perform oral hygiene service upon her Mistress's s vagina and Master's penis and testicles after intercourse and before showers. The slave will perform oral services as prescribed above upon anyone the slave has been directed to provide such oral service.

b) Slave's Sexuality: The slave by virtue of Article One (1) Section a), Article Two (2), Sections a), c) and e) and Article Three (3) of this contract, is assigned to live as a transvestite. Therefore, it is the primary intention of the Mistress/Master to maintain and use the slave in a manner that will never allow the
slave to enjoy the pleasures of intercourse or use her penis to have intercourse with any gender or other slave. The slave will live under the rule of "Sexual Deprivation." As defined below by the four conditions that are the only means and definitions of the slave's sexual satisfaction.

1) Incidental Sexual Arousal: The slave may experience through sexual deprivation, normal daily service and/or sexual teasing incidental sexual arousal. Incidental sexual arousal will be the slave's typical sexual reward.

2) Performance of Sexual Stimulation for Males: The slave, for this purpose, will be sodomized by her Mistress and/or Master or by those allowed or directed to do so by the Mistress and/or Master. The slave will perform oral sexual stimulation upon her Master or other males allowed or directed to do so by the Mistress and/or Master for the purpose of bringing them to a sexual climax, tasting and then swallowing their semen.

3) Performance of Oral Sexual Stimulation During Menstruation Periods: The slave may or will have the privilege and honor to perform cunnilingus upon her Mistress during menstruation periods for the purpose of providing the Mistress sexual pleasure.

4) The slave's Orgasm: The slave's orgasms are a reward for only exemplary levels of service that can be granted or denied at the arbitrary discretion and whims of the Mistress and/or Master. The slave is not allowed to have an orgasm without the expressed permission of her Mistress and/or Master. The slave's orgasm is to be achieved only through self-stimulation (masturbation) or other means as arbitrarily determined by the Mistress and/or Master

Article Six (6) Living Quarters:

a) The slave will have a confinement room convenient to the Mistress/Master where she will be normally kept and/or confined. The slave will be allowed to maintain only female oriented magazines in this room (Playgirl, Cosmopolitan, etc.). This room can be a shed, or other out door structure used for the purpose of
keeping and confining the slave. The slave will not be provided nor is entitled to privacy in this room. The room may or will have methods to observe the slave by the Mistress and/or Master. The room may not have, nor is the slave entitled to, a bed.

Article Seven (7) Rules:

a) A separate set of rules known as Part Two (2) of this contract will be established for the slave to follow, adhere to and live by and will be provided to the slave by his owner. These rules will be an extension of
this agreement; and are not subject to any form of discussion or negotiation with the slave. They are to be dictated by the Mistress and/or Master; and will or can be arbitrarily enpowerd by Mistress and/or Master. The slave will be required to write these rules, maintain and make commanded changes and read and become familiar with all the rules including the changes upon command. Any discrepancies in writing or retelling of the rules by the slave or with what the Mistress and/or Master has dictated will be dealt with harshly.

b) The Mistress and/or Master can use punishment, incarceration, ***, *****, or any other means available to assure adherence to and strict obedience of, these established rules. Punishment or other corrective measures may be arbitrarily applied by the whims and discretion of the Mistress and/or Master without any opportunity or method of appeal by the slave to insure present and future compliance with these rules.

c) Punishment or other corrective measures can be arbitrarily applied by the whims and discretion of the Mistress and/or Master without any opportunity or method of appeal by the slave even if there are no apparent ***s of established rules.

Article Eight (8) Penalty Clause

The slave will, upon acceptance of this signed contract by her new owner, insure that said owner is provided with the following: a list of 15 references, 5 personal, 5 professional, and 5 family, her birth certificate, her DD214, social security card, drivers license, and a professional resume. In the event that the slave attempts to leave the service, where the phrase, "leave the service" is defined solely by the owner, or the current possessor of this contract, said owner will release to every name on the submitted list of references, copies of all documents, photographs, videos, and statements, including a copy of this contract, pertaining to the state of transvestite slavery as here in requested and sought after by the slave, that are, at that time, then in the possession of said owner

Article Nine (9) Offer, Consideration, Acceptance:

The slave offers this contact as evidence, conditions, grounds and terms of ownership which the slave is in agreement with to surrender herself through her own free will choice, in order to become the property of the Mistress and/or Master. Acceptance of this offer will provide to the level of and degree of the terms herein, the slave as the sole property of Mistress and/or Master. This offer of the slave and the terms herein contained are the only inducements and promises made by the slave for consideration and acceptance of ownership of the slave. By signing this contract the slave agrees that this offer meets all necessary stipulations both current and unforeseen that the slave seeks, through free will and in exchange for becoming the property of Mistress and/or Master. The slave acknowledges that she will never request any other inducements, nor request any other expressed recompense other than those established in this contract and the consideration that follows.

The Mistress and/or Master promises to use the slave in the expressed desires, needs and terms established within this agreement, which is summarized as: Providing the slave a lifestyle of transvestite slavery. This will be accompanied with the promises of, but not limited to extremely harsh discipline, offense, bondage, ***, and sexual deprivation. The Mistress and/or Master and/or Holder of this contact additionally extends to the slave the requirement to be feminized, dress and live as a transvestite during the full term of her slavery and servitude. This Consideration and the terms herein are the only inducements and promises made to the slave by the Mistress and/or Master. By accepting possession of this contract the Mistress and/or Master agree that the slave's offer meets all necessary
stipulations that the Mistress and/or Master seek in exchange for allowing the slave to become the property of said Mistress and/or Master. The Mistress and/or Master and/or Holder of this contact will provide NO other equitable consideration other than those stipulations listed in this contract in exchange for the slave surrendering herself as the property of the Mistress and/or Master. No monetary, nor tangible assets, nor real properties are offered to the slave as recompense for the slaves services to and for the owners benefit. Nothing other than the acceptance of the slave's offer, the generous consideration of the Mistress and/or Master, this agreement and terms herein established will be understood by both parties as an equitable exchange for the slave's permanent status of servitude.
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


Posts: 1285
#12 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
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I, ________________, Social Security Number_____________, the slave, have fully read the Articles One (l) through Seven (7) above, understand and completely agree that the offers I have made, namely the signing of this contract, in exchange for the consideration generously provided by the Mistress and/or Master and or Holder of this contract and the terms as specified and established herein are a fully equitable exchange. I waive with sober free will, any and all future considerations of my permisteral rights and freedoms and humbly hand them over to my Mistress and/or Master. In exchange for my permisteral rights and freedoms I willingly and voluntarily submit myself into the condition of transvestite slavery, and permanent servitude as outlined and established in this agreement. I agree to become a bond transvestite servant divested of all freedom and personal rights as defined by the U.S.Constitutetion, who is owned as a possession and/or properly of, and wholly subject to, the desires, orders, directives, rules, and will of the Mistress and/or Master who hold this Contract. I agree to wear only female clothes and live as a female. I promise to surrender myself to my Proprietor for any surgical alterations or sexual reassignment that my owners may wish me to undergo. I agree to adhere to the established gender orientations in this contract. I affirm that I will sexually serve any and only those as directed by my Mistress and/or Master. I hereby fully release any and all masters and or Mistresses that may own me by right of possession of this contract no matter how temporary that possession may be from any legal liability for any injury, that I may be subject to, or act that they may chose to perform during the entire time this contract is in power. I hereby agree now and for the future, to forfeit any and all reprieves, releases, or relief from my obligations of this agreement to time indefinite.
I accept the terms and lifestyle offered herein as my total inducement and in exchange for the considerations herein outlined in waiving my Fourteenth (14) Amendment U.S. Constitutional Right.


With the signature and upon the date below, I abandon all freedoms for the sole purpose of becoming the slave and the property of my Mistress and/or Master or who ever may be the Holder of this agreement forever. With my signature on this contract, I become a transvestite slave forever.

________________________________ ________________________
Signee's Signature of Agreement Date Signed by signee

There are six (6) pages to this contract, plus a witness signature page, I certify that I, the signee, have read, and signed and dated each page at the bottom right hand margin of each page.
signature __________________________________



I do hereby attest and affirm that I have witnessed the signee's identification and fully believe the signee of this contract is the person so described by the supplied identification documents, ie. ______________ social security number________________________ I further attest and affirm the the signee was under no detectable duress or coercion at the time this contract was signed, and that I witnessed the signee signing all 6 pages of this contract and the final signatory block on page number 6


PRINTED NAME ___________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER ______________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________

SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________


PRINTED NAME ___________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER ______________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________

SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________

PRINTED NAME ___________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER ______________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________________

SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


Posts: 1285
#13 · Edited by: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
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Here are the vows I made two years ago when my Wife/Mistress gave me away to my current husband - an inflatable black male sex doll. I went back and forth for a week or so about whether to include my real name here. Although I really agree with SissyCuck 22's admonition that cucks shouldn't hide and should reveal themselves, and most of my friends, etc. know anyway, I decided I just couldn't put it out online for everyone to see without my wife's approval. Sorry. Here is the text subtvhub:

"On this day, the 12th of June 2004, before this assembled company of friends and relatives, I take you to be my husband, my master, my one true love and the only lover I will ever know again.

As you have made a woman of me, today I give myself as a wife to you. From this day forward, I am that most and first of all. Whatever I have been before, I gladly renounce for the joy of submitting to you as your own. You are man, and I am, for the rest of my days, wife. I shall be devoted and loving, and most of all, faithful to you all the days of my life. And on my gravestone, let my epitaph be, "faithful wife of Super Hung Black Doll with Realistic Vibrating Penis."

All this, all that I have and all that I am I give to you willingly. You have filled me and fulfilled me and completed me like no other lover and I gladly renounce the touch of all others forever to share my bed and my life with you and your vibrating penis.

I know that marriage is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly. I declare before these witnesses that I believe you are more then I deserve of this world and all I want from it. To be a wife to you will be the happiest achievement of my life and the most important thing to me for all the years to come. I give myself heart, soul and body to you.

Let this ring be the symbol of my bondage to you.

I give myself as your wedded bride. I take you as my wedded husband to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, to honor and obey, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health and forsaking all others and all human lovers till death do I depart."
Pantalone, Wittol, oblate, abnegator, fellator, pathic, irrumatiophile,fop, epicene, cotquean, skivvy, thrall, and pilgarlic.


Posts: 3396 Pictures: 31 
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LOL, that's hillarious!


Posts: 64
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Here is one of the Cuckold Ceremony style which i really love

The Ceremony

The wife decides that she would like to celebrate and make official her status as a cuckolding wife. Based upon the manner in which she lives the cuckold lifestyle there are several options open to her. The cuckolding ceremony should parallel a standard marriage ritual with some important and obvious differences.

The cuckold ceremony should only be used by couples actively in the lifestyle. The event should be held as a celebration of the wife�s sexual freedom and the husband�s presentation and devotion to his wife�s pleasure.

It is important that the Cuckolding Affirmation follow many of the traditions of a standard marriage or vow renewal ceremony. The wife should carefully consider and plan all of the details ahead of time so she can relax and enjoy the happy event. The cuckold husband should play a major role in the planning and preparation of a ceremony in accordance with his wife�s wishes.
If the ceremony is very detailed it might be advisable to have a rehearsal shortly before the actual ceremony.

The best and most convenient place to hold the ceremony would generally be in the couple�s home.

As part of the celebration a small number of guests should be included. These guests should be either cuckolding wives or couples for obvious reamisters. They would be present to witness the ceremony, support the wife and help her celebrate.

Some guests may want to hide their identity from the cuckold husband or the wife�s studs because of their job or standing in the community. These guests would wear a stylish mask of some kind over their faces.

The ceremony should be lead by a woman that is knowledgeable of cuckold related issues. This woman could also help the wife and her husband plan the ceremony details.

Cuckold Party
The ceremony would obviously include the wife and her cuckold husband. Based on the wife�s preference the following scenarios could be used;

� The wife and husband are joined by several of her regular studs.
� The wife and husband are joined only by her primary (only) stud. The primary stud would also be considered the �Best Man�.
� The wife and husband stand together, none of her studs are present.
� There can be a maid or maiden of honor if the wife chooses. This woman could hold some things used in the ceremony.
� Another cuckold husband could serve as the �Ring Bearer� if desired or the �rings� could just be kept on a small table until they are needed.

Ceremony Dress
The wife could wear her original wedding gown if she so desires. She could also elect to just wear her bridal veil and wear a short tight fitting dress instead. If the wife wants to flaunt her sexuality she can wear something very sheer and revealing. The wife should also wear one old fashion slip-on garter for possible use later on.

The husband and wife�s studs can be dressed or undress as she chooses. If the husband is a cuckold due small penis size the wife could have him and her studs naked or in thongs that would make it clear to everyone why the husband is a cuckold and what the wife gets to enjoy outside their marriage.

Start of the Ceremony
The woman leading would call for everyone�s attention and announce that the gathering is being held as a celebration of <wife�s name> official status as a cuckolding wife. She would then ask the couple if they are ready to proceed. The wife would affirm their intent to proceed with the ceremony.

The woman would ask the couple: �<Wife�s name> and <husband�s name> are you ready to assert and demonstrate your deep love and commitment to one another here to today?�
The couple each answers �Yes�
The woman would say �<Wife�s name> please kiss your husband. The wife would give her husband a deep kiss. This would signify their bond together as a couple.

The wife and husband should write the �vows� to be used at the ceremony. Here possible the wife�s primary stud may assist in writing part of the vows. The vows should affirm the wife�s right at having sex outside the marriage and the husband�s pledge to remain faithful to her. Each vow should reflect the wife�s interests and cuckolding style.

Woman (leading): �Do you <wife�s name> declare your rights and freedoms as a cuckolding wife here today?�
Wife: �I do�

Woman: �Do you <wife�s name> take <husband�s name> as your cuckold husband to cherish and control?�
Wife: �I do�

Woman: �To tease, frustrate and deny him as a cuckold wimp should be?�
Wife: �I do�

Woman: �Do you <wife�s name> promise to pursue and use other men as studs and to enjoy yourself with anyone you desire?�
Wife: �I do�

Woman: Do you <wife�s name> promise to let your cuckold watch you with your studs or tell him every detail of how they please you?�
Wife: �I do�

Woman: �Do you <wife�s name> promise to be a good <slut / Hot wife> to your studs?�
Wife: �I do�

Woman: �<husband�s name> do you promise to accept being <wife�s name> faithful cuckold in body, mind and spirit freely and without hesitation?�
Husband: �I do�

Woman: �<husband�s name> do you accept the position of cuckold husband with the understanding that <wife�s name> has complete freedom to have sex with whoever she wants while you must remain completely faithful to her?
Husband: �I do�

Woman: �<husband�s name> do you promise to love and support <wife�s name> extra-marital affairs be they long-term, short-term or one-night stands?
Husband: �I do�

Woman: �<husband�s name> do you acknowledge the fact that sexually you cannot provide <wife�s name> with all of the sexual pleasure she deserves?�
Husband: �I do�

Woman: �<husband�s name> do you promise to help find competent studs for your wife <wife�s name> that will provide her with the sexual pleasure you cannot.
Husband: �I do�

Woman: �<Stud�s name> do you as <wife�s name>�s stud promise please her sexually.
Stud: �I do�

Woman: �<Stud�s name> do you understand that you are used for the <wife�s name> sexual pleasure and can make no claims to this woman as your own?
Stud: �I do�

The vows should be tailored to suit the couples and primarily the wife�s interests. If controlling her husband�s orgasm were important to her then one or more vows on this topic should be included.

One or more rings should be used in the ceremony. To denote the wife�s status as a cuckoldress a thumb ring and/or toe ring can be used. The female leader should direct the placement of the rings and announce their significance in the wife�s marriage.
The thumb ring can signify the wife�s sexual freedom and could be put on her by her stud or husband.
The toe ring should be put on by the husband while he kneels before his wife. This ring signifies the husband�s devotion and presentation to his wife making and keeping him a cuckold. After placing the ring on his wife�s toe the husband should reverently kiss her foot. The husband should remain kneeling for the remainder of the ceremony.

If the wife desires she could accept a ring or other jewelry in a previously pierced nipple. This could be placed by either her husband or her stud.

For the husband the wife could slip and secure a leather collar around his neck. If the husband is nude or nearly so the wife could place and lock a chastity harness around his cock if one is not already there. She should also attach (or be displaying) the key to the lock onto a necklace she is wearing.

The Kiss
With the vows recited and the rings ritual complete the woman leading the ceremony would declare the wife free to pursue all of her sexual interests while her husband remains her faithful cuckold.
She then says �<wife�s name> you may kiss your stud(s)�.
The wife gives each of her studs in attendance a deep full mouth kiss. She then would extend her rump out for her husband. Each stud might grope or fondle the wife. The wife should pre-arrange this with her studs before the ceremony.
The woman leader would invite the husband to give his wife a �cuckold kiss�.
The cuckold husband, still kneeling would plant a reverent kiss on each of her ass cheeks. If she wants the wife could have her cuckold kiss her crotch instead of (or in addition) to kissing her ass.

The ceremony is then complete

With the ceremony completed those in attendance would celebrate the happy event with a small party. Drinks and light snacks would be served and if the couple wanted, some fun activities could be enjoyed by all.

Boutique or Ring Toss
Since the bride usually tosses her boutique at a traditional wedding a similar �toss� can be done as part of the cuckold ceremony celebration.

If the wife carried a boutique she can toss this. I not she can take her husband�s wedding band, tie a ribbon to it and toss it instead. All women in attendance would be asked to stand on one side of the room; the wife would stand on the other side with her back to them. Note, all women, married and single can participate in this.

The wife makes her toss over her shoulder. The woman that makes the catch get to have some fun with the cuckold husband by giving him a spanking. A chair is placed at the front of the room and the woman told to sit on it. The cuckold husband is called forward and told to remove his pants and underwear. He is instructed to lay prone across the woman�s lap. She is given a paddle. The husband is to receive a swat on each cheek equal to the number of women in attendance. The woman would deliver a double swat, one on each cheek. In front of everyone the husband�s bare ass is spanked while everyone counts off the blows. Once the appropriate punishment had been given the wife could, if she use the paddle to smack her cuckold�s once on each cheek for good measure.

If the wife wants her husband humiliated in some way another activity could be substituted like;
� The husband must kneel before the woman (catcher) and jerk-off, squirting his cum on her shoes. He is then required to lick up the mess and clean her shoes with his tongue.
� The women in attendance stand in a line, each about two feet from the other with their legs apart. The cuckold husband is required to crawl through the tunnel made by the women�s legs. As the husband pass through each woman�s legs she can swat his ass as he goes by.

Garter Toss
The cuckold husband or the wife�s Stud is called forward to remove the wife�s garter. All of the �eligible� men would be told to stand at the back of the room. Depending on who was in attendance some men might be considered �ineligible� to participate in this activity.
Again either the husband or the wife�s Stud face away from them and toss the wife�s garter backward over his shoulder. The man that catches the garter gets to have some fun with the wife.

The garter catcher might be allowed to kiss and fondle the wife through her clothing in front of the everyone. If the wife preferred she could decide to give this man his treat somewhere private.

Ceremony & Celebration Photographs
If she so desires the wife can have a friend in attendance take some selected photographs (digital) of the cuckold party. Here the photographs would not be explicit but just to capture the moment. The photographer must be aware of any guests that do not want their photograph taken.

Memory Album
Any photography or other details of the day�s activities should be preserved in a Memory Album. Recorded in it would be a list of the guests in attendance, the vows used, etc. in addition to other details of the day and night to come. This album would be created by the husband for his wife as a gift to her for making and keeping him as her cuckold.

In general the guest in attendance should not be expected to bring a gift since the ceremony is an affirmation of something that has already been established. If some guests really want to give a gift the following should be considered;
� A gift certificate for lingerie or sex toys.
� A locking chastity harness or tube for the cuckold husband (if the couple doesn�t have one).
� A gift certificate for a piercing or tattoo at a local parlor.

Celebration Ending
Any gifts would be presented to the wife at this time. Unlike a marriage ceremony the wife should open each gift so everyone in attendance can see what she got.

As the guests exit the couple�s home the wife, husband and any studs would greet everyone as they left thanking them for attending. This would be similar to the practice of greeting the new bride and groom at the conclusion of the marriage ceremony. The wife would stand by the doorway with her husband and stud on either side of her. The husband should be kneeling to denote his position in the marriage. If the wife was very dominant she could also have her stud kneel as well.

Once all the guest had left it would be time for the �Cuckymoon�.

The Cuckymoon
Like the Cuckold Ceremony the Cuckymoon parallels the standard honeymoon but with particular emphasizes on the wife�s freedom to pursue sexual pleasure and the husband�s deference and presentation to her.
Based upon the wife�s wishes and lifestyle there are two types of �cuckymoons�. One where only on Stud has sex with the wife and the other where two or more studs satisfy her. The basic idea is for the wife to enjoy herself. The role of the cuckold husband can vary. The wife can chose to include her husband in the activities based on her preference and that of her Stud. The husband can be excluded entirely, allowed to listen, to watch while bound or participate more fully by assisting the Stud or Studs in providing his wife with sexual pleasure.

One Stud for the Wife
This type of cuckymoon can be held either in at the couples home of away from it.

Two or More Studs for the Wife
This type of cuckymoon should be held at a large hotel. In general the husband must book several rooms. The husband should book one room for him and his wife and one for each of her studs participating in the cuckymoon.

Hotel Accommodations
Based on how the wife enjoys her studs several options should be considered. If the wife has an openly cuckolding relationship and her studs know about one another the hotel rooms should be reserved so they are as close together as possible.
If the wife�s studs do not know about one another then each room should be on a separate floor from the couples and one another. In this scenario the husband must make the reservations in advance telling the hotel that he is planning a surprise reunion and each guest cannot know about the other and therefore needs the rooms to be on separate floors of the hotel. Of course the reunion will be his wife with her various studs.

The husband should tell each stud to check into the hotel that evening and to order room service (within reamister) while waiting for his wife to arrive. They should be instructed to wait in the room for the wife.

The husband should also advise each stud on the purchase of a little surprise for the wife. This could be flowers, jewelry, sexy lingerie�etc. The studs would present the wife with these gifts when she visits them in their hotel room.

The husband and wife should check into the hotel early. In their room the husband should prepare the wife for the evening�s activities.
� He should draw her bath.
� Help her get into and out of the tub, and towel her dry.
� Trim her pubic hair and
� Assist her in picking out her clothing.

Cuckymoon Dress
The wife should put on her best or new lingerie. Garters, nylons are a must. She should also put on a blouse leaving off panties. She should have with her a raincoat to put on over her lingerie. After the husband slips her sexiest high heels or high heeled boots onto her feet she is ready to visit her first stud.

The cuckold husband should dress simply in slacks and a shirt.

Husband�s Accessories
� It would be best if the husband was locked in a chastity harness so he cannot masturbate and remains frustrated while his wife has fun. This is important to the process since it is in opposition to a honeymoon where her husband had his sexual pleasure with his wife.

� A laptop computer. This would be used by the husband to document the wife�s activities of the evening. Which stud she visits first, what they did, etc. The husband would also offload any digital photographs from the ceremony or the cuckymoon itself. This work would be done by the husband when his wife was visiting her studs and be the basis for the wife�s memory album.

Visit Accessories
Based on the wife�s preferences and the relationship she has with her studs the following can be brought on the visit to each of her stud�s hotel rooms.

� A digital camera for her to snap a few memory photos. This of course assumes that the wife would want to take photographs of herself with her stud. Any photographs would be added to the wife�s Memory Album.

� Condoms if the wife desired to use them with a particular stud.

� A wireless intercom. This device would be plugged in and allow the husband to hear everything going on between his wife and her stud while he remains in their separate alone.

Visit Options
The husband should escort the wife to each of her stud�s hotel rooms. Based on the relationship that she has with her studs he might be invited into the room.

If the husband is allowed into the room he could take some pictures of his wife and her stud. The husband could just stay for a moment until being dismissed by the wife or he could stay and watch everything based on the wife�s preference. Otherwise the wife would have to rely using the camera�s timer or a remote shutter control if she wanted more photographs.

If desired the wife could have explicit photographs of herself and her stud having fun.

If the husband is not allowed into the room he should just see that his wife is greeted by her stud and then return to their original room until his wife calls him on the hotel phone.

When the wife calls the husband must go back to the stud�s room. He would knock at the door and be let in. His job would be to help the wife collect her belongs. If she so desired the wife could have her husband take some more photographs of her and her stud. Some of these photos could be show the wife�s post-coital contentment.

During Each Stud Visit
While the wife is visiting one of her studs and the husband is back in his hotel room he should work on the wife�s Memory Album. This would include the off-loading and arrangement of any digital photographs and annotation of the happy event.
The husband would also document for the wife all of the details she shared with him about each visit to one of her studs.
It would be the husband�s job to carefully record what occurred with each stud/visit; in the Memory Album;
� Who she visited
� When she was dropped off by the husband at the studs room
� What sex acts they performed
� If and how many times she had an orgasm
� How and where her stud ejaculated
� How long she spent with the stud on the visit

Between Visits
Once back inside their room the wife would tell her cuckold the details of everything that she did with that stud. The husband would take notes to be later added to the memory album when she visits the next stud and leaves him alone.

During this time the wife could also have her husband massage her feet and/or if she so desired lick her pussy. After she has briefly rested she would put on her coat and go to her next stud with her husband escorting her.

The process is repeated until the wife has visited each of her studs once. If the wife�s desires she could start the cycle over with her first stud. Depending on the wife�s libido and energy level she may make several �cycles� through her �stable� of studs. All this activity would be her way of celebrating her sexual freedom.
At some point the wife would join the husband in their room. Completely satisfied the wife would slee


Posts: 78 Pictures: 6 
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fantastic !!! especially enjoyed the " Cuckymoon " love your attention to detail


Posts: 100 Pictures: 3 
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Yes but still it needs a few more things added or redone ...
Quoting: slavecuckwannabe
I found this, it's not a marriage ceremony but a contract of soughts, it's quite long too


To insure a successful marriage, the husband will agree to the following regarding the penis which will now be called the marital penis:

The Wife will have complete ownership and control of the marital penis.

The husband has no right of privacy during the periods of time set forth in the “husband’s dress code” below. Therefore, bathroom doors must remain open when the marital penis is urinating so that the Wife may inspect the marital penis at any time.

The Wife will decide if and when the marital penis will be allowed to ejaculate.

The Wife will decide the method used to cause the marital penis to ejaculate. She may, for example, have the husband masturbate or She may choose Her preferred method applied by Her or Her designee.

The husband is not permitted to ask for any sexual favors, such as rubbing of the marital penis, insertion into any animate or inanimate objects (except as described below), licking or sucking unless directed or initiated by the Wife.

The husband is not permitted to touch the marital penis without permission.

The husband will wear a chastity belt whenever required by his Wife. Wearing the chastity belt symbolizes the Wife's absolute domination and control of the marital penis.

The husband is not permitted to touch any Female or expose himself to any Female unless directed to do so by the Wife.
To insure a successful marriage, the Wife has the following rights:

The Wife has complete ownership and control of the marital penis and She and only She will decide when it will toucarbonsmudged, rubbed, sucked or placed into or on any object whether animate or inanimate and when or if it may ejaculate.

The Wife may require the husband to wear a chastity device on the marital penis that may eliminate engorgement of the marital penis, touching of the marital penis or scrotum, hiding the marital penis from the husband’s view and/or controls ejaculation.

When the marital penis is allowed to ejaculate, the Wife has the rights to the ejaculate.

The Wife has the right to recycle the ejaculate in any way She sees fit, for example:

by direct injection into the husband’s mouth

collecting it in a vessel of Her choice to be fed to the husband

collecting it in Her hand so that it may be fed to the husband or She may require that he lick it from Her hand until Her hand is clean.

Collecting it on or in Her body to be cleaned by the husband.

Or in any other manner She decides.

Disposing of it.

The Wife has the right to demand sexual pleasure from the husband at any time without any reciprocal duties, which may include but not be limited to cunnilingus, fornication and body worship.

Since the Wife no longer needs the marital penis for satisfaction, She may seek other means of satisfaction.

She may demand the husband provide Her with pornographic stories or pictures for Her amusement.

She has the right to make love to as many men as She wants without any repercussion from the husband.

She may suck as many dicks as often as She likes without any repercussion from the husband

She may swallow other men’s ejaculate if She so wishes without any repercussion from the husband

If She returns to the husband full of another man's cum this symbolizes that the marital penis is not the least bit necessary for the wife's sexual fulfillment.

Every evening upon demand, the Wife has the right to have Her pussy licked clean by the husband.

If She returns to the husband full of another man's cum, the husband’s licking of her lover's cum out of Her pussy symbolized his submissive role to Her and it also demonstrates the absolute need to put the erotic pleasure of the Wife as the highest priority in a husband and Wife relationship


To insure a successful marriage, the husband’s dress code is as follows:

The Wife sets the rules that dictate what her husband shall wear. For example:

The husband may be required to remove all clothes after a set time of day or after a particular trigger time, such as after dinner.

The husband may be required to wear clothes that allow him to be exposed after a set time of day or after a particular trigger time, such as after dinner.

Sexual devices such as butt plugs, chastity devices, rope binding, handcuffs, etc. are considered clothing.

The husband is required to advise the Wife when his workday is easy and he is available to service the Wife. He is not required to follow the dress code during his workday.

To insure a successful marriage, the Wife may punish the husband for the following infractions as follows. This is a guide only and does not limit the Wife to decide to punish for other infractions:

Not following instructions

Not satisfying his Wife when directed to do so

Not following the dress code.

Complaining or forbidding the Wife to have sex outside the marriage as is Her right.

Not cleaning His Wife’s pussy after sex with another male when directed to do so.

Not recycling his ejaculate according to instruction.

Touching his penis.

Ejaculating without permission.

Asking for sexual favors from any Female including the Wife.

Not encouraging Her to seek sexual pleasure outside the marriage with whomever She decides.

Not facilitating sex outside the marriage if instructed to do so. For example, not driving Her to Her lover, preparing Her lover for Her which may include facilitating the lover’s erection for Her by hand or orally as instructed by the Wife only and, but not limited by, preparing the scene if She decides to engage Her lover at home.

To insure a successful marriage, the Wife may punish the husband as follows. This is a guide only and does not limit the Wife’s choice of punishment which is only limited by the Wife’s imagination:



Binding him to the bed or other object for extended periods of time. During this time #1 & #2 may be applied to the husband’s body. The penis or balls may be bound and/or stretcarbonsmudged with any device the Wife chooses. This will possibly increase the size of the substandard puny marital penis.

Restraining him with ropes, belts, chains or handcuffs.

Prolonging the husband’s chastity period.

Applying pressure to the husband’s balls to create discomfort. Since the husband does not own the marital penis and balls, the level of pressure exerted on the balls is entirely up to the Wife’s discretion.

Instructing the husband to wear clothes only suitable for women or sissified men. This may include under clothes such as panties or bra or over clothes such as a dress or skirt.
To insure a successful marriage, the husband acknowledges that the following are privileges, not punishments:

Satisfying his Wife whenever She demands.

Allowing the Wife to withhold his ejaculation to improve the marriage by making him more attentive and responsive.

Cleaning His Wife’s pussy with his mouth on Her demand.

Dress code including chastity devices.

Punishment administered by his Wife or Her designee.

Eating of cum upon Her command, whether his or His Wife’s lover.

The Wife’s right to engage in any sexual activity outside the marriage that gives Her pleasure.

Encouraging the Wife to take pleasure with others outside the marriage.


To insure a successful marriage:

Since the marital penis is owned by the Wife, all previous rights and obligations of the marital penis is transferred to the faux penis, which is owned by the Wife and will now be called the Penis.

She has the right to wear the Penis.

The husband may be required to wear the Penis to fuck the Wife if She so desires since he may no longer use the marital penis for penetration of any woman including His Wife.

She may demand any male to kiss or suck the Penis and She may penetrate any male or Female with it. Only the husband must comply with those requests.

The husband must comply with the Wife’s wishes for sucking or kissing the Penis and must allow Her to penetrate him at Her whim.
To insure a successful marriage:

The Wife has the right to change or add to this contract at will and the husband must comply with the new conditions as if they were in the initial agreement set forth here.

The husband does not have the right to change any conditions under this contract without the prior written permission of the Wife.

The husband must be completely naked when signing this binding document and the Wife must be fully clothed so that the new power relationship is clear and established.
Husband’s signature Date Wife’s signature Date

Witness Date Witness Date

Sir M Steel Knight


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Quoting: MrsBlackBlowupDoll
Here is the contract I talked about. I downloaded from the web some time ago. As I warned, it is long, so I put it in two windows.

A domestic relationship CONTRACT

Article One (1) Scope and Purpose:

a) It is the purpose of this document to establish a lawful adhesion contract, between slave and Mistress/Master, and an exemption of the application of the Thirteenth (13th) Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as it applies to the permister, __________________________, (hereafter referred to as the signee, slave, she or her) whose social security number is ____________________________.
It is the specific intent of this agreement to voluntarily create a lawfully binding contract that is completely and heavily restrictive upon the slave and; which will institute upon the slave a permanent, irrevocable
status of “transvestite slave”, which is mutually and collectively defined in Article Three (3) Definitions of this agreement.

b) It is also the purpose of this document to establish a completely non-restrictive title and ownership of the slave. Hereafter the slave will be the permisteral property of a Mistress or Master also herein defined in Article Three (3) Definitions of this agreement.

c) It is also the purpose of this contract to establish the proprietor of the slave. Only one (1) original copy of this contract will exist. Whoever is in possession of this original contract, will be the undisputed owner of the slave by right of possessing this original contract and thus be in the rightful position to exercise and enjoy the terms herein established.

Article Two (2) Principle Established Terms:

a) It is hereby established that the slave has voluntarily, and with her own free will and without coercion of any kind or description , entered into this agreement. All authorities should now recognize that the slave has surrendered herself to her rightful possessor, the Mistress and/or Master in possession of this contract. With the act of signing and entering into this agreement the slave has abandoned, and surrendered to her Mistress/Master, any and all exercise of her permisteral rights, freedoms, choices, properties, future
decisions and thus here and now, is indoctrinated into permanent servitude as a transvestite slave. In signing this agreement, the slave declares and accepts her status which is specifically; “a bond transvestite servant divested of all freedom and permisteral rights, who is owned by and wholly subject to the orders, directives, rules, and will of a Master and or Mistress who hold this Contract.”

b) It is hereby established that there will be no time limit, nor period, nor date in time, which can be reached, which will release the slave from her instituted bondage. Once this contract is in power, there will be no cancellation requirements. This contract can not be canceled under any circumstances. Once the slave’s signature is affixed to this contract, this contract will remain in power for the duration of the slave’s natural life. The slave will, for the duration of this contract, have no true equity of bargaining power; nor be capable to obtain or enjoy accommodations derived from mediation, bargaining, or negotiation; nor be in a position or status to exercise any privileges, other than those granted by her Mistress and/or Master.

c) It is hereby established that the slave being the rightful and lawful property of the Mistress and or Master, hereby grants to her proprietors, full authority to employ or use any means necessary to secure, maintain, or detain the slave for the aim of exercising and enjoying fully the terms of this agreement. Additionally, the Mistress and or Master can freely use any forms of training, punishment, reward, ***, bondage, or surgical alterations, all for the aim of satisfying the whims, pleasures, desires or needs of the Mistress and or Master.

d) It is hereby established that the slave, being the rightful property of the Mistress and or Master, grants the proprietors full authority to video tape, photograph, and post on the internet such pictures and images of her in her normal life as her owners transvestite slave as her owner may wish. The Mistress and or Master has the right to lend, lease, sell, trade, or give the slave away to any other permister that they as the slaves owner may wish. Additionally, terms or conditions of such acts as exploitation, video taping, photographs, posting of such pictures on the internet, lending, leasing, selling, trading, or giving away of the slave, will not be subject to discussion, nor negotiation between slave and Mistress and/or Master and/or new owner.

e) It is hereby established that the slave will be maintained as a transvestite slave. The slave agrees that transvestism is the permanently selected gender and proper dress of the slave. It is, in the case and authority of this Contract; “the slave, who is currently of a male gender, will and must live, dress, and be kept as a transvestite slave.” The slave will be required to dress accordingly, and will be provided or be required to purchase female clothing for this purpose. The slave will dress in accordance with the codes of Article Four (4) Hygiene and Dress Code of this agreement. Lastly, the slave is hereby designated to be Bisexual or Homosexual at the commands, desire and or whim of her Mistress and/or Master, and will be required to perform sexual service to any gender without regard or concern for the slave’s own true permisteral sexual orientation or preference.

f) It is hereby established that the slave will, prior to signing of this document divest himself of all possessions, clothing, property, and real estate. The slave will close out all bank accounts, savings accounts, checking accounts, retirement accounts, and any and all credit accounts that she may have active. The slave will, at the time of signing of this contract be completely and totally without assets or financial resources of any kind, and will, from that moment on, be completely dependent on her owners largess for any and all requirements needed to survive from day to day.

Article Three (3) Definitions:

Bi-sexual: One of the possibly assigned sexual gender orientations of the slave by authority of this contract established in Article 2e above. It is hereby defined that as a transvestite slave, the slave is required to perform all sexual service to male and female genders without regard or consideration to the slave’s own true permisteral sexual orientation.

Bondage: Any means or devices that are used to restrain the slave for the purpose of discipline, punishment, ***, offense, augmentation of confinement, sexual act, training or service.

Chastity Device: A device that prevents or limits the slave’s access to the slave’s genitalia by confining or covering the slave’s genitalia, of which there are two types.

Confinement: A place, room, cell, container or other storage facility that is used for housing, keeping, or controlling the slave’s movements and limiting freedom for a duration that is arbitrarily determined by the Mistress and/or Master.

Homosexual: Defined that as a transvestite slave, the slave can be required to perform sexual service to male genders and without regard or consideration to the slave’s permisteral sexual orientation.

Heterosexual: The sexual orientation and limitation of performing sexual acts only with permisters of the opposite gender of the performer. This sexual orientation will never apply to the slave.

Master: A man who owns, by the authority and possession of this Contract, the herein designated transvestite slave and rules over the slave having complete control, authority, and power over the slave.

Mistress: A woman who owns by the authority and possession of this Contract, the herein designated transvestite slave and rules over the slave having complete control, authority, and power over the slave.

Slave: In the case of this Contract, a bond transvestite servant divested of all freedom and permisteral rights, who is owned by and wholly subject to the orders, directives, rules, and will of a Master or Mistress who hold this Contract.

Transvestite: The selected gender and only appropriate attire of the slave. It is, in the case and authority of this Contract, a slave who is of a male gender prior to signing this contract, but must live, dress, and act as a female. This includes wearing all types and forms of female clothing, make-up, and use of female hygiene products.

Uniform: A minimum standard of designated feminine attire required by the Mistress and/or Master for the slave to wear at all times unless and until directed otherwise by her owner.

Article Four (4) Hygiene and Dress Code

a) Hygiene: The slave is assigned by virtue of Article One (1), Section a) and Article Two (2), Section e) of this agreement to maintain her hygiene according to this Article, Section, and Sub-Sections.

1) Shaving: The slave will be required to maintain her body from below her eyebrows to her feet in a completely hair free condition. Electrolysis maybe used at the direction of the owner to insure a permanent hair free condition.

2) Finger and Toe Nails: The slave will maintain her nails painted in such a manner as her owners may direct at all times.

3) Hygiene Products: The slave will be provided with a bar of feminine soap, deodorant, toothpaste and perfume selected by the Mistress/Master. The slave will use these products only, for hygiene.

4) Menstruation Periods: Any time the slave has a butt plug inserted and is wearing panties, the slave will wear a panty shield for the purpose of simulating female menstruation periods. The slave will never
be allowed to have an orgasm during her menstruation period.

5) Rest Room Privileges. The slave will always ask for permission to go to the rest room. The slave is never allowed to stand when urinating. The slave will never close the restroom door.

b) Dress Code: The slave is assigned by virtue of Article One (1), Section a) and Article Two (2), Section e) of this contract, to dress according to this Article, Section, and Sub-Sections.

1) Minimum Under Garment Requirements: Considering the slave may be required to go into public areas under the fa�ade of being a man, the slave will always wear as a minimum, a chastity device, panties, bra, garter belt, and nylons. The slave will always wear as a minimum, a bra with B size cups in public.
Hose garters will always be worn under the panties and nylons will never be covered by socks.

2) During Service: The slave will as a minimum wear her uniform, collar, and chastity device with a leash. The slave will only wear other garments specifically directed, required, or allowed by her Mistress/Master. The slave will be required to wear full make-up, wig, as required by the

3) During other times the slave will normally wear a standard uniform determined by the Mistress and/or Master

4) Clothing: The Mistress and/or Master will select all clothing that will be purchased by the slave to wear. Only female clothes, under garments and shoes will be allowed for the slave to purchase and wear.

5) The slave will only wear female swimsuits and workout outfits for the appropriate activities. The slave will wear nightgowns or her uniform or other attire as directed by her owners when the slave is directed to relax.

Article Five (5) Sexual Service:

a) Genders: The slave by virtue of Article Two (2), Section e) of this contract, is assigned to a bi-sexual and/or homosexual gender orientation. The slave will provide oral sexual stimulation for the purpose of providing pleasure to any gender upon the direction or command of her Mistress and/or Master. The slave will perform oral hygiene service upon her Mistress’s vagina and Master’s penis and testicles after intercourse and before showers. The slave will perform oral services as prescribed above upon anyone the slave has been directed to provide such oral service.

b) Slave’s Sexuality: The slave by virtue of Article One (1) Section a), Article Two (2), Sections a), c) and e) and Article Three (3) of this contract, is assigned to live as a transvestite. Therefore, it is the primary intention of the Mistress/Master to maintain and use the slave in a manner that will never allow the
slave to enjoy the pleasures of intercourse or use her penis to have intercourse with any gender or other slave. The slave will live under the rule of “Sexual Deprivation.” As defined below by the four conditions that are the only means and definitions of the slave’s sexual satisfaction.

1) Incidental Sexual Arousal: The slave may experience through sexual deprivation, normal daily service and/or sexual teasing incidental sexual arousal. Incidental sexual arousal will be the slave’s typical sexual reward.

2) Performance of Sexual Stimulation for Males: The slave, for this purpose, will be sodomized by her Mistress and/or Master or by those allowed or directed to do so by the Mistress and/or Master. The slave will perform oral sexual stimulation upon her Master or other males allowed or directed to do so by the Mistress and/or Master for the purpose of bringing them to a sexual climax, tasting and then swallowing their semen.

3) Performance of Oral Sexual Stimulation During Menstruation Periods: The slave may or will have the privilege and honor to perform cunnilingus upon her Mistress during menstruation periods for the purpose of providing the Mistress sexual pleasure.

4) The slave’s Orgasm: The slave’s orgasms are a reward for only exemplary levels of service that can be granted or denied at the arbitrary discretion and whims of the Mistress and/or Master. The slave is not allowed to have an orgasm without the expressed permission of her Mistress and/or Master. The slave’s orgasm is to be achieved only through self-stimulation (masturbation) or other means as arbitrarily determined by the Mistress and/or Master

Article Six (6) Living Quarters:

a) The slave will have a confinement room convenient to the Mistress/Master where she will be normally kept and/or confined. The slave will be allowed to maintain only female oriented magazines in this room (Playgirl, Cosmopolitan, etc.). This room can be a shed, or other out door structure used for the purpose of
keeping and confining the slave. The slave will not be provided nor is entitled to privacy in this room. The room may or will have methods to observe the slave by the Mistress and/or Master. The room may not have, nor is the slave entitled to, a bed.

Article Seven (7) Rules:

a) A separate set of rules known as Part Two (2) of this contract will be established for the slave to follow, adhere to and live by and will be provided to the slave by his owner. These rules will be an extension of
this agreement; and are not subject to any form of discussion or negotiation with the slave. They are to be dictated by the Mistress and/or Master; and will or can be arbitrarily enpowerd by Mistress and/or Master. The slave will be required to write these rules, maintain and make commanded changes and read and become familiar with all the rules including the changes upon command. Any discrepancies in writing or retelling of the rules by the slave or with what the Mistress and/or Master has dictated will be dealt with harshly.

b) The Mistress and/or Master can use punishment, incarceration, ***, offense, or any other means available to assure adherence to and strict obedience of, these established rules. Punishment or other corrective measures may be arbitrarily applied by the whims and discretion of the Mistress and/or Master without any opportunity or method of appeal by the slave to insure present and future compliance with these rules.

c) Punishment or other corrective measures can be arbitrarily applied by the whims and discretion of the Mistress and/or Master without any opportunity or method of appeal by the slave even if there are no apparent ***s of established rules.

Article Eight (8) Penalty Clause

The slave will, upon acceptance of this signed contract by her new owner, insure that said owner is provided with the following: a list of 15 references, 5 permisteral, 5 professional, and 5 family, her birth certificate, her DD214, social security card, drivers license, and a professional resume`. In the event that the slave attempts to leave the service, where the phrase, “leave the service” is defined solely by the owner, or the current possessor of this contract, said owner will release to every name on the submitted list of references, copies of all documents, photographs, videos, and statements, including a copy of this contract, pertaining to the state of transvestite slavery as here in requested and sought after by the slave, that are, at that time, then in the possession of said owner

Article Nine (9) Offer, Consideration, Acceptance:

The slave offers this contact as evidence, conditions, grounds and terms of ownership which the slave is in agreement with to surrender herself through her own free will choice, in order to become the property of the Mistress and/or Master. Acceptance of this offer will provide to the level of and degree of the terms herein, the slave as the sole property of Mistress and/or Master. This “offer” of the slave and the terms herein contained are the only inducements and promises made by the slave for consideration and acceptance of ownership of the slave. By signing this contract the slave agrees that this offer meets all necessary stipulations both current and unforeseen that the slave seeks, through free will and in exchange for becoming the property of Mistress and/or Master. The slave acknowledges that she will never request any other inducements, nor request any other expressed recompense other than those established in this contract and the consideration that follows.

The Mistress and/or Master promises to use the slave in the expressed desires, needs and terms established within this agreement, which is summarized as: Providing the slave a lifestyle of transvestite slavery. This will be accompanied with the promises of, but not limited to extremely harsh discipline, offense, bondage, ***, and sexual deprivation. The Mistress and/or Master and/or Holder of this contact additionally extends to the slave the requirement to be feminized, dress and live as a transvestite during the full term of her slavery and servitude. This Consideration and the terms herein are the only inducements and promises made to the slave by the Mistress and/or Master. By accepting possession of this contract the Mistress and/or Master agree that the slave’s offer meets all necessary
stipulations that the Mistress and/or Master seek in exchange for allowing the slave to become the property of said Mistress and/or Master. The Mistress and/or Master and/or Holder of this contact will provide NO other equitable consideration other than those stipulations listed in this contract in exchange for the slave surrendering herself as the property of the Mistress and/or Master. No monetary, nor tangible assets, nor real properties are offered to the slave as recompense for the slaves services to and for the owners benefit. Nothing other than the acceptance of the slave’s offer, the generous consideration of the Mistress and/or Master, this agreement and terms herein established will be understood by both parties as an equitable exchange for the slave's permanent status of servitude.

[b][/b] This one to is way long ...
Sir M Steel Knight


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Sir M Steel Knight


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Now This is what it all means ...
Sir M Steel Knight


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Another Agreement I found on net

This contract forms a binding agreement between the the wife, the cuckold, & the bull named below in respect to their CUCKOLD MARRIAGE:

THE WIFE_____________________________


CUCKOLD HUSBAND ______________________

Without abstention all parties have, by means of preparing the CUCKOLD MARRIAGE CONTRACT agree & solemnly swear to comply with the following set of agreements.



(1.1) The wife will have the right to have sexual relations with any man she may choose to do so with.

(1.2) The number of men she has sexual relations with is up to the discretion of the wife.

(1.3) The wife has the right to choose which men she will have sexual relations with.

(1.4) The cuckold husband cannot back out of this agreement and change his mind about the wife having sexual relations with men.

(1.5) The period of the wife having sexual relations with men is indefinite.

(1.6) The wife may have sexual relation with men as much as she may choose.

(1.7) The wife may have sexual relations with men where ever she may choose.

(1.8) The wife has the right to have sexual relations with more than one man at a time or multiple partners at a time.

(1.9) The cuckold has the right to be told of any and all sexual relations with men



(2.1) The cuckold will prepare all items for the wife and her bull before their meeting.

(2.2) The cuckold will follow any and all instruction given by the wife and her bull during their meeting.

(2.3) The cuckold will help the wife' and bull achieve erection (orally), if instructed to do so.

(2.4) The cuckold will submit anally to the wife or her bull, if instructed to do so.

(2.5) The cuckold will orally clean the wife's vagina after her bull has finished ejaculating inside her vagina, if instructed to do so.

(2.6) The cuckold will orally clean the bull penis after the bull has finished intercourse with the wife, if instructed to do so.

(2.7) The cuckold will clean up after the wife and her bull meeting.

(2.8) In the event of interracial breeding the cuckold will be wholly responsible for c***d care and the rearing of the c***dren so the wife can maintain her active lifestyle.

(2.9) Above all else seed must never be wasted it must remain in the wife or be cleaned up orally & swallowed by the cuckold.



(3.1) The bull has the right to refuse to wear a condom. The wife or cuckold cannot override this right. If STD's are a concern a physician should be consulted instead of the use of a condom.

(3.2) The bull has the right to the wife's vagina over the cuckold.

(3.2) The bull has the right to the wife's anus over the cuckold.

(3.4) The bull has the right to the wife's oral services over the cuckold.

(3.5) The bull has the right to deny the cuckold any intercourse with the wife.

(3.6) The bull has the right to hold the key to the cuckolds chastity device if he so wishes.

(3.7) The bull has the right to instruct the wife to suspend all measures of birth control, The cuckold cannot override this right. The wife may but the bull will then have to right to terminate the relationship at his discretion.

(3.8) The bull has the right to impregnate the wife if the wife allows it to happen.

(3.9) The bull has the right to humiliate the cuckold as he see fit.

(3.10) The bull has the right to give instruction to the cuckold that must be followed.

(3.11) The bull has the right to ejaculate inside the wife's vagina or anywhere else he see fit.

(3.12) The wife and cuckold release the bull from any financial responsibility for any resulting pregnancies or c***dren that may result for this arrangement. For this release the bull agrees to give-up any parental rights he may have



(4.1) The wife will decide if there is any sexual relations between her and the cuckold.

(4.2) The cuckold must obey any sexual request made by the wife.

(4.3) The cuckold is responsible for all cleaning of any and all sex toys.

(4.4) The cuckold may not ask for sexual relations from the wife, the wife will determine when sexual relations will be given to the cuckold.

(4.5) The wife will determine when the cuckold will be allowed to ejaculate.

(4.6) The cuckold will not be allowed to have sexual intercourse more than twice a month with the wife (for the cuckold's health reasons). Prostate milking for health concerns is an acceptable substitute to intercourse if the wife deems it necessary.

(4.7) The cuckold must always wear a condom and never ejaculate inside the wife's vagina whenever he does have intercourse with the wife.

(4.8) The cuckold must dispose of at all times any of his ejaculate by flushing it down the toilet or wherever else the wife requests including eating his ejaculate.



(5.1) The cuckold must submit to a vasectomy by a physician of African American Descent to minimize the chances of unwanted pregnancy by the cuckold.

(5.2) The cuckold must wear his chastity device at all times unless approved by the wife.

(5.3) The wife will hold the key to the chastity device unless permission is given to the bull by the wife to hold the key.

(5.4) The emergency back up keys for the chastity device will be locked in a safe box and the wife will hold the key to the safe box also.

(5.5) The wife will unlock the chastity device only when it is time for the two sexual intercourse times and or the other ejaculation times.

(5.6) Punishment for not wearing the chastity device will be no sexual intercourse or any ejaculation for one month.

(5.7) If demeaned necessary by the wife or bull the cuckold will submit to monthly injections of Depo Provera to lower testosterone levels, decrease libido & prevent erections this would be considered a worst case scenario to enforce chastity.

(5.7) The cuckold will submit to a prince albert piercing for the most secure chastity if it's ever suspected the cuckold is escaping his chastity device, masturbating without permission or the wife suspects it may be required for properly control to be achieved.



(6.1) The cuckold is property of the wife.

(6.2) The cuckold will wear his slave bar coded tags at all times.

(6.3) The cuckold will wear his cuckold T-shirt including in public whenever instructed to do so by the wife .

(6.4) The cuckold will wear women's panties at all times whenever he is not at work.

(6.5) The cuckold will not argue with the wife

(6.6) The cuckold will not raise his voice to the wife.

(6.7) The cuckold will not criticize the wife.

(6.8) The cuckold will not break any promise to the wife.

(6.9) The cuckold must always submit to the wife.

(6.9a) The cuckold will not hide anything from the wife.

(6.9b) The cuckold will not tell any friend or family member of the wife and her sexual relations with men.



(7.1) All punishments will be the right of the wife.

(7.2) All punishments will be determined by the wife.

(7.3) Punishments can be any or all of the following:

(7.3A) Extra household duties.

(7.3B) Longer times of wearing chastity device without sexual Intercourse or ejaculation.

(7.3C) Not being told that wife is having sexual relations with Men (CHEATING ).

(7.3D) Extreme punishments may included Tattoos of the term Cuckold or Slave above the Penis or Piercings of the penis, scrotum or nipples

(7.4D) Wife showing pictures or telling cuckold's friends or co-workers about his chastity device or about their cuckold marriage and wife's sexual relations with men.

(7.5E) ***********



(8.1) Wife telling cuckold in front of bull how small cuckold penis is.

(8.2) Wife telling the cuckold what a lousy lover he is and how wonderful her bull is.

(8.3) The wife always comparing the superiority of men to cuckold.

(8.4) The wife laughing at the size of the cuckold's penis.

(8.5) The wife reminding the cuckold of how less of a man he is for having a small penis and not having enough seed to impregnate her.

(8.6) The cuckold must accept all *********** without getting angry or disappointed.

(8.7) The cuckold will wear women's panties whenever instructed to do so by the wife.



The wife uses this section to grant explicit non-revocable rights to the bull. These are rights & descriptions of activities the wife fully understands and is agreeing to as a permanent part of her relationship with the bull. Rights placed in this section are non-revocable and granted for the life of the agreement. Only the bull has the option of not complying with the items listed.

(9.1) The wife agrees to make every effort to make her mouth, anus & vagina available to the bull upon his command regardless of where they are or what they are doing.

(9.2) The wife grants the bull the use of her vagina mouth & anus without the use of a condom.

(9.2a) The wife agrees that while performing oral services on the bull she required to deep throat regardless of the bulls size. Every effort should be made to insure the wife can perform deep throating to the satisfaction of the bull.

(9.3) The wife grants the bull the ability to determine when any form of birth control is used & agrees to discontinue all forms of birth control upon request by the bull. She further agrees at that time to hand over any remaining birth control pills or any other forms of contraception in her possession.

(9.4) The wife grants the bull the ability to determine how many interracial c***dren she carries to full term up to a limit of twelve

(9.5) The wife also grants the bull the right to determine the time between each re-impregnation

(9.6) The wife agrees not to seek any financial support for any resulting c***dren nor will the bulls name be listed on any birth certificates or legal paperwork regarding the resulting c***dren.

(9.7) The wife grants the bull the right to pick other healthy disease free bulls to use her in the same manner the bull does. Including the ability to impregnate her with an interracial c***d

(9.8) The wife grants the bull the right to set up and compel my participation in all bull gang-bangs & breeding parties given all bulls are healthy & disease free

(9.9) The wife grants the bull the right to fist her vagina & anus to insure they are properly stretched to a size that any man could easy fit into and enjoy.

(9.10) The wife grants the bull the right to use any sized dildo he see fit on her.

(9.11) The wife grants the bull the right to select my attire or style of dress to suit his desires this includes hair color, nail color, toenail color makeup style length of dresses, weather panties are worn.

(9.12) The wife agrees to not wear any form of panties if requested but the bull

(9.13) The wife agrees to comply with any request to flash or expose herself to strangers while in public places

(9.14) The wife agrees per the bulls request to maintain 0 body hair below the neck through the use of a laser hair removal process with special attention paid to the vagina, legs & armpits

(9.15) The wife agrees to submit to any tattoos or piercings the bull requests as long as an average bikini can cover it up. Tops of feet & ankles are areas that can also be tattooed

(9.16) The wife & cuckold agree that any new bull introduced into this relationship by the below signed original bull will automatically be given the rights, privileges and protections as the original bull that signed below.

(9.17) The wife & cuckold agree there is no limit to the number of additional bulls the original bull may introduce into this relationship. As long as the meet the healthy & disease free requirement

The aforementioned agreements will take effect from the date of the CUCKOLD HUSBAND MARRIAGE CONTRACT signing. All agreements are to start on this day. This contract is legal furthermore the CUCKOLD HUSBAND cannot take any legal action in a court of law against THE WIFE for any of these agreements including having sexual relations outside of this marriage. Nor can the cuckold or wife seek any form or c***d support or financial support for any resulting c***dren.

THE WIFE ___________________________DATE

CUCKOLD HUSBAND_________________________DATE

BULL __________________________________DATE

WITNESS ________________________________DATE
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