Posts: 54
Im an Italian man that is banging a white lady thats married to a black cuck. She stated that his cock is only 4 inches erect. Apparantly when they were giving out cocks, he got the short end of the stick. We met and chatted online, found out we were only 10 miles apart. Wehn we did meet and i dropped my pants, she was floored. Sucked me off for about 10 min, then stripped naked, got on the bed spreading her asscheeks, begging me to pound the cuckolds brownie out of her. So people, dont think that all black guys have monster cocks.
Keen Participant
Posts: 64
stick to losing wars rather then bragging
Posts: 9
I think the bragging is right on... Keen participant must love nigger dick in his ass.... FRUIT CAKE!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 140
they dont no race all has monster cocks. but im tired of guys always saying how big they are etc and then NOT showing a pic OF THEM to prove it whites blacks italians etc doesnt matter and also guys when using a email address or handle etc STOP with the names like loverboy,sexy,hot ,hung,pleasure4u etc. please stop trying to think you are IT. that is probably the number one reamister why alot of you are not hooking up you think to much of yourself or you come across that way. HUSBAND and most wives do not like that remember we are here for fun not romance relationships etc FUN. STOP trying so hard to impress.
Posts: 129
one large reamister whites can fantasize about their spouse/gf fucking black dicks is that for most men blacks are no serious threat... yup big dicks, congrats, but little brains (of course not all like not all have big cocks)
if the truth hurts, enjoy it!
Posts: 47
xyzzyx: That's pretty much on the mark.
It's apeal is not that the guy is black, but that it's a taboo.
It's an opportunity to sexually indulge oneself with a hunk that is utterly socially disjoint (someone you'd never [or scarcely] have a serious relationship with, hence someone that is essentially the permisterification of only the lust of the occasion). Each becomes a symbol for the other: mainly of lust for the white female, mainly of status for the black male.
In plainer language, it's women reducing black guys to sex naturals, and blacks being apparantly very content to being reduced to function in that role. And each party never looks at it that way (or denies the observation), because they're having so much fun getting laid.
Each party indulges themselves with a partner they'd otherwise never get their hands on.
Heavy D
Posts: 12
It sounds like Keen Participant and Laguna 714 are going through a dry spell. There is no need to make this racial it is only fantasy. Please keep your permisteral insecurities to yourselves and let the rest of us enjoy this site. Why don't the two of you go fuck each other in the ass next to the soft glow of a burning cross and let your wives have some black cock.;)
Posts: 15
Sounds like this post kinda hit the negroes sore spot. "Heavy D", how many times have you been arrested? You don't have $5,000 wheels on your $500 car, do you?
Posts: 1096
I agree.
I would get jealous if my wife fucked another white guy. But she fucks niggers every couple weeks while I watch and I don't get jealous and it's a bigger turn on. They are like naturals.
Heavy D
Posts: 12
That's funny since I am white. Sounds like your the kind that can see the road through windshield and the rusted out floorboards in your truck.
Sad that you have to channel your anger at yourself for being such a loser towards others. Maybe Jerry Springer can help. Maybe he already tried and all you got was a wife that only loves the dark meat with lots of gravy.
As far as being arrested you right like you have been in you own mental primister since you were five years old.
Heavy D
Posts: 12
Jameriske. Of course you don't get jealous anymore. You have come to terms with your shortcomings. You let her fuck blacks so you won't have to go through the embarrassment of telling your family she left you for a black man. It is obvious it bothers you or you would not even comment. You would love for you to crave your cock but you have nothing to offer her. You resent it but what can you do. Wimp you were probably the one who got her started and now she won't stop.
Be careful what you wish for next time.
Posts: 140
people like heavy d should not even be in here. We post the truth so deal with it. you are just brainwashed into thinking the way you do(or are just really really stupid)i am a white female 28 and married YES i fuck niggers bcuz its nasty dirty and taboo. THATS the turn on . its WRONG. but now days all you see on tv and movies and commercials etc is how the media are trying to change the way blacks are portraid(?) they are trying to show them as decent caring hero types and thats whats brainwashing are kids. they need to show the real blacks(not all but most) just watch specials about primisters,violence,illegal activities,welfare,etc. THATS why we do it it makes us feel SLUTTY. we would never leave our hubbys for a black man and it turns him on sooo much watching that it REALLY improves OUR sex far as us ladies not wanting to stop thats ALL acting. we do it and say it bcuz it turns hubby on so much,there are very few women who"crave and need" black cock. its a role we play so you deal with it.
Posts: 413
i totally agree to the last 2 posters.....
Heavy D
Posts: 12
Wow Lacuck. Like the we don't have Ted Bundy's and John Wayne Gacy who do just as gross stuff. Only naming a few.
Heavy D
Posts: 12
imgudnuf. I showed your email to some friends and they can't believe you and the rest of your ilk are smart of to write let alone walk up right. It sounds like the black guys are winning in your situation. They get to come all over your dumb ass and not have to live with your stupidity.
Heavy D
Posts: 12
I thought this was a place for fun and fantasy and not for dealing with permisteral anger. There are enough evil truths out there, one of those being hate. This is place for like minded people to get together. I guess it is but only for those with hate in their heart.
Posts: 161
I don't have hate in my heart, I feel fine.
Just pointing out the fact that blacks are 50 times more violent than any other race and a negative 13 dollar drain on society. For every dollar one black earns, others take 13 in social welfare transfer payments in various forms.
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!~neoeugenics/crime.htm
I noticed that you were unable to counter any of those facts with anything other than naming a few serial *******ers. Well, the population of the U.S. is 12% black but blacks comprise 15% of all convicted serial *******ers. There goes another myth, huh?
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Not to mention the rampant ritual and serial *******ing that goes on in Africa unreported and unchecked. Hell, they're still eating each other over there.
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The only 'hate' going on is the halocaust of violent crime and ***s that whites are subjected to by blacks.
Posts: 140
hey niggers ... understand this .. we fuck you for one reamister and one reamister only... its nasty. you are not sexy ,hot superior etc its just the opposite so DEAL with the truth.i love fucking blacks BECAUSE it turns my hubby on and that means more fun 4 quit trying to act like you have anything anyone would really want just deal with it you get laid isnt that enuf?
Posts: 140
heavy d you are one stupid fucked up individual to think and act like you do. you are just a computer ass. you have no idea whats right and wrong.are you gay? if not then you need years and years of mental counciling(?) and do not keep saying negative things about peoples wives you have no real understanding of this lifestyle so go hang yourself.
Posts: 1096
#20 · Edited by: jamesriske
That's true. imgudnuf. He comes on here saying negative things about other people's wives and tries to claim that niggers are 'superior' or even equal to others in real life.
All one has to do is take one look at Africa to see how 'superior' they are. Their lifestyle there is not only primative, it's downright inhumane.
Niggers are nothing but performing monkeys for our game. As soon as they fuck, they leave and go back to their ghetto.
All the stuff he reads on here that he believes - white wives submitting to 'superior' black men or having babies from the 'superior' black seed and all that - is just pure fantasy games that whites play and he's too stupid to realize that.
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Posts: 2
Okay, first off, on average, the white male erect penis is larger than the black males penis(ON AVERAGE). Occassionally, though you'll get a black male penis that is ungodly huge, don't look into too much porn , it's just porn. Selective mutation maybe? Who fuckin cares!
Where all the hype comes from is that the black males flacid penis is on average larger than the white males penis. But what the fuck are you gonna do with a limp dick fuckers?
Posts: 5
I'm black,french,and for james,imgudnuf,mark....I'm just an natural,a baboon.I don't understand why you like interra�ial????? Are you masochist,zoophil (for you I'm just an natural!)....No I don't think!!! Do you really think MICHAEL JORDAN,TIGER WOODS,MORGAN FREEMAN,CONDOLEZZA RICE,POWELL,BARBARA HENDRYX,KOFFI ANNAN,..are just naturals????Do you think STALINE,OUSSAMA BEN LADEN,HITLER are cute cause they are white.NO and I agree you.I like MOZART,the beatles,john wayne,kennedy,but also,denzel washington,bill cosbybob marley.Black or white or mixed,I appreciate their works,permisternalities and i don't care their colour .I just think everyone is is strong,another intelligent,another beautifull,....But you must respect they are just different,not superior or inferior,just different...You know you're racist and we know it.But you can's your are human but please admit we are human like you.It's so simple!!
Posts: 5
just for fun....sorry it's not me,maybe you????
God Mode
Posts: 30
Wow this is sad that white people sit here and call blacks naturals and niggers and yet nobody in charge of this bullcuckolds brownie steps in. So it looks like I have to speak my peace on this matter.
First of all the black race created many of thr things you white people take for granted such as the light bulb air conditioning hair gel gas mask. Hell the black race created the basic math priciples we still use today. So if we didn't do it you would probably still would had sitting in the dark hot counting on ur fingers.
Lets get this right white people came to africa used our people, land for money. After u used the people and leave them broken do you honestly expect them to be able 2 come back. That's like asking a man with a broken leg 2 walk normal neva gonna happen.
Next on the list is genitic mutation. White people are the gentic mutation. Lets look at this from the point of evolution. Monkeys have darker fur and under that dark skin. So say we evolved from monkeys makes da original man black. Now if the original man was black and the original people were black that makes anyone who comes out light skin a genitic mutation. This has been shown true through an experiment with flies that when dark colored flies are cross breed eventually a white fly will be born.
For all those married people who say fuckin blacks is a nasty turn on most blacks are laffing at you and calling you a dumb white bitch who can't get it at home. Just being honest
Finally I'm sick of you computer thugs. Because ur safe behind the glow of a computer screen don't mean u can bash peoples race and I know if u were unarmed and you said the things your sayin behind a screen to a black permister face they would summon the strenght to beat your ass.
I respect Heavy D as a white man for trying to give the ignorants in here a reality check. Remember this is fantasy so keep it pedestrian in here!!
Posts: 1096
mulartre, you just named many 'blacks' with white red in them. Why is it that the only time blacks contribute or invent or innovate is when other races' red is introduced into their gene pool? Can you answer that?
Interesting question to ponder...
God Mode, I'm sorry to break your bubble of fantasies but the 'black race' did not invent the light bulb or the other nonsense you listed. Full proof is listed here:
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The fact of the matter is that the pure reded sub Saharan Africa negro has not advanced in thousands of years. He has yet to invent the wheel or even a simple system of writing on his own.
White people did not come to Africa to 'use your people' and leave them broken. Blacks in Africa sold slaves to others who came to Africa to buy them. Something that is still going on today. (google search 'modern africa slavery' ). Your people were not broken by the fact that a few were sold as slaves and dispersed throughout the world any more than any other culture or race who ended up dispersed throughout the world.
The fact is that negroes live in the most fertile continent on earth yet have managed to turn it into a redy, disease ridden cuckolds browniehole while other races have prospered in barren, cold lands due to their innovation and fortitude.
You say that whites are a genetic mutation, well if we believe your logic, than the genetic mutation is a great success and that blacks are a genetic failure as evidenced by the fact that all white dominated countires enjoy a much higher living standard and level of innovation as compared to that of the negroe.
Shall we compare the 'spear' to the 'space shuttle'?
And next we have the usual "You hide behind your computer screen and say your racist cuckolds brownie because blacks will kick your ass' nonsense. response. Since when is it a requirement to post one's name and address when making an internet post? And what makes you think I'm hiding? My name is James Riske and I live in Los Angeles and YES, I call blacks niggers to their face all the time and you know what? They don't do a damn thing. I spend decade in the military, 12 years in special powers and I know damn well that black toughness is just a myth. None of them ever made it to the SEALS and very few to the Berets. They just can't cut the mustard. YOu know it, I know it, and anybody who has ever grappled with them knows it. From high school wrestlers to the meanest SEAL member up to his ass in cuckolds brownie knows it: they are pussies.
So you go hide behind your computer, nigger boy.
Meanwhile, I'll keep posting my FACTS and put reality in your face every time.
By the way, don't 'forget' to post your own links and sources to back up your claims in your response as I have for you.
If you can.
Posts: 159
LOL God Mode probably got his sources off other dumb niggers riding the bus on his way to work at McDonalds.
Posts: 140
THANK YOU jamesriske!! I love your comments. again you are one of only a few who post the REAL truth. keep it up.
can u dig it
Posts: 157
I really cant believe that such seemigly intelligent people make such rude and stupid comments. jamesriske, i happen to have served in the millitary, special powers for 3years of my tour didnt you notice that most super athletes are professional sports players? Since you were apart of the community you must have realized that, since s.f. are great athletes. I went into the community after college for that very reamister. Hey if you get off on watching your wife hey thats your thing people like what they like. Its really not that hard to keep your racist rants to yourself.
Posts: 5
I am new to this site and yes I am a blackman from london. I find the race issue is such a big deal with Americans. I hate to think in the 21st century people are still talking like some of you do on this site.
Permisterally, I'll have to say "who really cares". All I am interested in is to have fun, contribute to my society and make sure I leave the world a better place than the one I was born into if possible.
I have read some really funny stuff on this thread. All I ask is for all those people who instead of leaving their lives and having fun and enjoying the variety our world we live to today has to offer, we spend our time trying to denigrate others, because eventhough I am black all that matters to me is how well I do for myself, my family and people I care for and love. I will suppose it is the same for the average white guy. irespective of the size of their dick or the level of their intellect.
To be honest, I know for e.g that even though mr bill gates is a white guy who has achieved & accumulated so much wealth, he won't share his wealth with James Riske because he is white too, or because Oprah Winfrey is black she won't share her wealth with a black guy like myself.
I guess what I am trying to say is, at the end of the day, whether whites or blacks are superior or inferior doesn't mean cuckolds brownie to me. All I care about is to go out there do my best for myself and have me as much fun as I can from where I can get it if it turns me on. It makes no difference to me if the lady in question is white, brown, yellow or black. I suggest we all do the same and not get wrapped up in some futile, stupid and frankly youngish rants about how superior or inferior we are.
I also suggest we use all our energy to look for the positives in each other rather than the negatives. I know some blacks are bad, and some black countries are still very backward...but so too are some white so called civilized people like Adulf Hitler who *******ed over 6million jews. Its a very slippery road that we are human beings should not be going down and i think some of the posts here have comevery close to it. Please lets all just have fun and enjoy all the positives from each other.
Thanks for readiing and a very merry Xmas to you all!
Posts: 1
Quoting: colenmon . I find the race issue is such a big deal with Americans.
Race is such a big deal to Americans?!?! That's rich, coming from a European. You are aware that fans at football games in Europe throw bananas at black players & make monkey noises at them right?