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Meeting a Bull

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My Mistress and I want to ask a question as we are having mixed thoughts is it ok to meet a Bull even though he wont send a picture of himself? He proposed just meet him and if Mistresses doesn't like him she can walk away,Mistress has been messed around in the past and thinks he is married and a wanabee Bull, I am keen for her to meet but totally understand her doubt Why wont people send a pic surely physical attraction is what interests people straight away?
Droopy and Miss


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It's up to you, but I turn down 9 out of 10 guys because they won't comply with simple requests for good pics. One guy today just sent me pics he claimed were of him, but it took me about ten seconds to find them on a porn site. I was thinking, dude, you're not going to fool me when it comes to amateur interracial porn.

And then everyone gets mad, calls us time-wasters, says we are "endless email" people. But the emails wouldn't be endless if they would just send the pics we ask for.


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It's not going to happen if he wants a sexual relationship then how simple is it to send a photo! If he doesn't then he has something to hide!
Droopy and Miss


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shankly Our belief is that if you're real, then you have recent pics and will share them. NO woman likes a blind date, and physical attraction is very important to your wife in order to be intimate with a guy.

Pics help weed out men she doesn't find attractive, saving you AND the other guy a lot of time. If we didn't insist on seeing pics of every dude who contacted us, we would be out meeting for cocktails seven days a week! If they refuse to share pics it means they're married and cheating, hiding something, playing games or just plain unattractive. Pics are necessary, and they're a reasonable expectation from anyone who is real. We stick by that rule and it has served us well.
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


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Totally agree with all your points I think we will keep looking and hopefully a GENUINE BULL is out there!
Droopy and Miss


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Your points are well made and valid - however I have had experience that may enlighten you as to why it's so hard to get photos. Remember that you know you're cool - and are not about to use those photos maliciously, however the Bull does not. And believe me, those photos CAN be used maliciously. I've had ti happen one time and it will be a long time before I send photos without having corresponded for quite some time. If people have a problem with writing back and forth - they're quickly one timers - not in the style for the long haul. Let's be real here, it take a little bit of time to feel each other out before meeting if you want the relationship to work. If you're asking for photos before you're pretty sure the guy's cool - then you're not giving this the consideration it deserves either. In today's digital world any file can be tracked to an alarming degree if you know what you're doing. Respect that and acknowledge that this is still an interpersonal relationship. Treat it with the respect it deserves and respect the right of the other party to protect themselves. Meeting in person in public is a much better option than photos. There's only so much you can fake in person - in a computer generated file, a capable operator can make anything look like anything else. Reality is where it's at - and it's safer for everyone!

Just my 2 cents. I don't blame you for wanting photos - but don't call someone not genuine just because they don't trust you yet.


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Im sorry but we will agree to disagree I feel the only people who dont want to share a photo with potential cuckold and wife are wanabee bulls or a married man who wants to keep things secret and that is coming from experience of a genuine cuckold relationship.
Droopy and Miss


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Meeting in person in public is a much better option than photos.

My wife never does blind dates. Physical attraction is important, and she won't waste her or someone else's time if they won't share pics. She gets contacted by dozens of guys every week. If she had to meet all of them in person in order to see if there's a physical attraction then she would be meeting guys 7 days a week and my bar tab would be huge. LOL.

We/she don't mind chatting some online first... a few rounds back and forth is perfectly reasonable. But she's not moving forward to that face-to-face meet without a pic, no matter how much he swears "she won't be disappointed" (because she often is).
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 1748
#9 · Edited by: popeye1
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My wife never does blind dates. Physical attraction is important, and she won't waste her or someone else's time if they won't share pics.

Agree completely. I have never understood how folks on here repeatedly seek bulls or HW's yet never post a pic, and yet continuously complain that they get no responses. Most who do this are either 400Lb burger munchers or just pure wannabe's wasting our time!


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I understand the desire of all concerned to maintain anonymity especially where work or family might be an issue. One of my wife's first major concern when we were putting pic's up on our profile was that youngens or other family members would log onto the site and recognize us. We got around that problem by creative photography. You can turn your face or let your hair obscure your identity while still revealing yourself enough that the other person would have a general idea of your looks. I also agree that with today's electronics it is so easy to chat\cam or do FaceTime on your phone. I wouldn't want my wife to meet someone blind either nor have I had good results meeting someone blindly.


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You DO realize that your face is in the photo you posted along with your comment on how one can take photos to protect one's identity? Just wondering.

Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion and I won't question those here who don't seem to understand how much damage exposure can cause. I only post these comments in hopes that some may understand that there are other attitudes that are of equal value. Let's face it - those of us here should be the very last people to claim "one way and one way only".


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