clive anthony
Posts: 302
my wife has phoned me today at work to tell me she has found yet another lover and has been not at her job but as she puts it pinned to a bed with him buried nuts deep in her pussy and not to wait up for her as she is going to be late coming in and would i turn down the bed and go to the spare bedroom as they will be needing it . as i am unable to satisfy her i let my wife have her lovers.
Posts: 128
thats the phone call i would love to hear!
Posts: 128
thats the phone call i would love to hear!
Posts: 29
Where are you from me at [email protected] I'll make that phone call happen again.
clive anthony
Posts: 302
she got in around 2am .i was in the spare bedroom as i heard them stumble up the stairs and into our bed room .my wife was giggling as she had had a lot to take .the next sound i heard was a rythmic creaking of our bed springs .this was a sound we had not made for a year or more. but our bed started to take a pounding as did my wife .i could hear her natural like grunts and groans as this man pulled her open followed by screams .all i could do was listern and wank. next morning i took two teas into the room .the first sight i got of my wife was her bum hanging out of the bed .there was a shine of dry semen all over her rear and when i crossed the room i could see red bite marks all over her breasts and belly .and a contented smile on her face. the guy was in our on suit bathroom .when he came out i couldnt believe my eyes .he was massive about a foot long and fat no wonder she cried out last night .he ushered me out saying it was time for the doctor to give my wife her next injection he stayed with her in there till about 3pm when he left as he walked past me he laughed and said if she isnt pregnant now i will be amazed. and left. my wife slept all day and told me she couldnt go to work today. as she was too sore. as i am unable to satisfy her i let my wife have her lovers.
Very nice. You are a lucky guy and as the others said, that's the kind of phone call I love!
Posts: 3396
Dude, that's awesome! How do you feel about the experience? Was it your first experience like that? How does she treat you now, cuck?
clive anthony
Posts: 302
in answer to how i am treated now. well things heva moved fast .my wife had both of us in the bed room and told us both that she wanted both of us in her life from now on but he was the one she needed sexualy rather than me. he told my wife he was happy with that idea but that i must never enter my wife ever again or he would leave her. and after another night of sex he left saying he would considar all the things we had spoke of. next night he called and told my wife that he wanted her to do one thing for him. and handed i box to her .in it was a cb3000 and said fit that on him and and give me the keys and each time i call i will check for tampering and if a see any i am off never to return. the device was fitted and keys handed to him .i am in this 24/7 . my darling wife who i love so much has pleaded with me to not damage or tamper with the device as she needs him so much .he called last night again and my wife asked if i could come into the room with them .he said ok as long as the cb is ok [this he checked] and he stays out of his way . last night i knelt next to her and held her hand while he pounded her. i managed to get a look at his cock pumoing into her it looked like an oak piston sliding in and out and on each pull my wifes skin stuck painfully to his shaft untill he pounded back in . after an hour or so a was sent to the spare room with the most painfull hard penis still in the 3000. i think more to follow. as i am unable to satisfy her i let my wife have her lovers.
Posts: 382
you are living the life we dream of
clive anthony
Posts: 302
DominMesa yes she remains quite open for about an hour or so and the redness fades away.[ last pic was after lover left aprox 1 1/4 hours post coitus] as i am unable to satisfy her i let my wife have her lovers.
clive anthony
Posts: 302
due to our arangment with my wife lover we have been trying to find ways to get me to cum without disturbing this chastity device. this has ment that i have been stimulated to a point of nearly fainting by my wife and her veried collection of vibros and dildoes in all places .bless her she had me on i knees for an hour while she tried to locate my prostate gland [not a dribble] my bum is sore as are my balls. we will try again in the morning. [she says she has a few ideas ] . as i am unable to satisfy her i let my wife have her lovers.
clive anthony
Posts: 302
well its the 1st sept and i am loving this arangment . my wife has found my g spot [prostate] and i enjoy being milked every few days .i also perform oral sex on her every day and she sucks my balls for me . this morning my lovely wife told me to undress and get on my knees she then cupped my balls and pushed one of her didoes into me till i dribred all over her hand. unfortunatly i cant spurt as i want its just a long dribble. but its ok . she says she wants to try tying me up for milking ect . must go now as he is due any time and i must check my device to see if its still locked solid .byby for now. as i am unable to satisfy her i let my wife have her lovers.
clive anthony
Posts: 302
well its friday 6pm and i have just got in to find a message on our answerphone letting me know that she has been with him all afternoon and that he is taking her out for dinner and she would be staying at his flat tonight and i was not to worry about anything . she also told me it was time that i started making myself cum with a finger or the dildo that she had kindly left on the dresser and to play and have fun. i must admit i was angry .you see if i know he is with her and satisfying her i dont mind too much but to go with him behind my back while i work knowing she is spread wide and wet as i work through the day .and i am supposed to frig my self till i learn to cum . this isnt looking good at present for me. as i am unable to satisfy her i let my wife have her lovers.
Posts: 243
I'm not all about the lock and key thing. But to each his own.
Posts: 3396
Quit whining bitch, you know you love it! Seriously though, how do you feel now? Still angry? You discuss it? You find a way to make yourself cum while caged?