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It would appear an awful lot of people do not like being told to stay at home and consider it an infringement of their civil liberties.

I agree with you. Unfortunately the man at the top of the tree (Trump) seems unable to differentiate between inciting people to demonstrate against the advice being given by the experts in their field (because Trump doesn't like their advice and wants to 'get back to business' asap) and turning a blind eye to the awful reality of the situation in the States. They're world leaders alright, for all the wrong reasons!


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The States have always portrayed themselves as world leaders and the saviours of mankind.
I do love the good old US of A and had some memorable trips there over the years.
But it is a country of incredible contrasts.
A nation that involves itself with every country in the world and yet a huge proportion of the people who live in America do not even possess a passport

Trump being elected president was a snub by the American voters against politicians. Could Clinton be trusted etc.

But surely those same voters must have known Trump was not really the man for a job like this.
He is a top narcissist and has shown that throughout his life. The only important person in Trumps life is Trump himself.
He will choose business before the lives of everyday people and more lives are going to be lost in that country because of him, his followers and generally. The attitude of the American people themselves. They want and will demand their freedom and their care system unlike the NHS will sadly not cope with the ill health that freedom will bring.


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Many Fortune 500 companies are prepping for a second and third wave as being the most likely scenario. It will most probably return this Fall/Autumn when we will be dealing with the regular flu as well as Covid 19. This will confuse and stretch the system as it will not be easy to differentiate between C19 and reg flu, and thus it will stretch the system even more than now.

This will run through the winter and will again return the following year for those who have not taken the hoped for available vaccine by then. These companies deal in facts and realities and have sought the best available data from the best available specialists, and taken it on board unvarnished and up-spun, the exact opposite of what is coming out of Trumps mouth and administration.

These companies do this, as their No1 objective is to survive! To do otherwise risks complete failure of the company.

With Trump his No1 objective is to win in November, end of story! His elitism, to him, means this C19 will not touch him from a health standpoint, but it is the single biggest threat to him not winning in November, hence his every utterance is to minimize it, diminish it and make it look like its a non issue, so that his base support remains loyal and votes him back in. His hope is that he is re-elected before the second wave, then he's good for another 4 years and we and the world are screwed! He cannot see how ridiculous he appears to the world.

Trumps "it may not return" statements are clearly false, and from a man who deals in hopes and dreams and is unable to string a meaningful sentence together, in a clear and concise manner.

The ability to critically analyze data and facts, as even a concept, is way beyond Trumps capabilities, let alone as an ability he possesses.

Until the world has an effective and available vaccine, this is here to stay and we all have to deal with it. That puts us at least into this time next year or more probably later...the operative word here is "effective and available"... in quantity.

Those who speak the truth are not wanted anywhere near the White House, as truth threatens re-election, those who speak truth are sidelined, fired, reassigned...out of here!

I wish it were otherwise, but hope and wish are not an effective me. Know the truth and the truth will set you free...



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My sentiments exactly. Truth and common sense are totally alien to him, he is obsessed with himself above everything else, including the well being of both America and the American people.


Posts: 279
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Have taken to watching alot of Fox News which I find, if a UK equivalent were needed, is lie the Daily Mail on speed.
Trumps nightly press conferences have been wonderful TV. The posturing, the talk of helping the "American People" and then the spitting of the dummy when he gets asked an awkward question.
As Pops says, I really wonder if he has the interests of the people at heart and it really is all about getting elected in November.
Birx, Fauci & Pence all come out of it looking more impressive and "Presidential" than The Don.
More and more he appears to be going off on electioneering rater than informing "the people" of what the government are doing.


Posts: 6938
#36 · Edited by: kennyboy82
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it really is all about getting elected in November.

Exactly! He'll do just about anything to get back into the Oval Office, lie, mislead, promise the world but not fulfil such promises, he's reduced politics in the States to the lowest common denominator, he ridicules and verbally abu$es people, and best of all, gives highly dangerous medical advice! Real life is not like some very second rate gameshow.
For FUCK'S SAKE America, don't put this moron back into Office come November.


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History is littered with enigmas just like Trump...individuals that the average person looks at and asks, "how do people see anything to admire in this person?"... think Hitler, and his mass rallies! Yet here we are again!

Trump is about as dumb a person as I've ever seen, I mean what can anyone see that impresses them??? He cant even speak and string a line of words together that come close to resembling an understandable sentence! Yet he's a world leader apparently! He is arrogant, and more worrying, he is unable to listen to those around him, and modify his position which is the most dangerous aspect of it all. In my business you were only as good as your team around you, but that presupposed that you listened and acted on the advice from your team!

But make no mistake, there are many people who DO admire this man and thinks he's right, which of every other aspect of this aberration, is by far the most scary thing of all, for if you can make people believe this crock of sh1t is of value and worthy of buying into, then you can do just about anything, say anything, and get away with anything as these people are lead like rats by a piper into certain oblivion!



Posts: 6938
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Tell it like it is, pops You get my vote.!


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Just one of the ways for a Femdom wife to entertain herself wih only the cuckold available to her while sheltering in place:
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Posts: 3621
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Thanks for that Kevin. I can see the femdom aspect of that clip. Can't seem to see anything cuckold related though

Back to topic.

As has been said. It is frightening to think that Trump is actually president of the United States.
But more frightening is the fact the country is full of idiots who put him there and just may do so again.

I was on a Far East cruise when Trump was serving his first year of tenure. Lots of yanks on board as you may guess.
Their perception of the world based solely on what Fox tells them and the fact although they may say they travel. They hardly ever stay anywhere long enough to see anything or never get off a ship anyway

America a strange land of incredible contrasts. Leaders of the free world but only the freedom they see no matter what anyone else thinks.
Riches beyond comparison and yet poverty in areas that are akin to Africa and the social divides of India.


Posts: 3621
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Well Boris made things about as clear as mud with his speech on the new Corvid measures.
Stay at home if you can work from home but if you can't then go to work.
But don't use public transport. Walk or cycle.

WTF ?????


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Boris and Trump share many similarities, primarily they don't know what the Fuck they're doing. But while Boris is by and large a bumbling incompetant, Trump is downright dangerous, to everyone.
alisha hill


Posts: 167
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Sorry guys, but I feel like I got to say something. Most Americans oppose the lock down because most of us don't know anybody who actually has covid19. Where I live, you only know about the pandemic because of the news. Our hospitals are so empty that nurses and doctors are being laid off. Things may be different where you are from, but where I live the death rate is the same as the common flu. More Americans died of H1N1, and nobody lost their jobs over that. Sorry, just my 2 cents


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alisha hill
Don't apologise, if you are not aware of people in your locality who have remained untouched by this virus then you are very fortunate. It's an indiscriminate killer, and the people in charge (read Politicians) should shoulder their responsibility and actually do something positive about combatting the spread of the virus. I live in France and I have family in the UK, both countries have been severely affected by the virus (UK having the next highest death rate to Covid19 after the US) Unfortunately it is imperetive that 'social distancing' and all the protective measures that go with it, are practiced to keep the rate of spread as low as possible. UK have dragged their heels over this, and so has the US, in both cases the man at the top has shied away from their responsibilities to the people of that country, irrespective of their political allegiances.
alisha hill


Posts: 167
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That's true. Nobody here trusts any politicians. Besides we have known for a long time that elected officials don't have any real power. Bankers and the intelligence agencies (CIA) run America. Not the president.


Posts: 1748
#46 · Edited by: popeye1
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alisha hill:
Most Americans oppose the lock down

There are many generalizations stated above, and I use this just as one example.

The data actually shows that most Americans support the lock down, 78% in a recent pole did not want the lock down to end, and many other poles place the number in the 65%-80% in support of the lock-down. Yet, as in so many social media platforms, misinformation abounds, and the POTUS feeds off that and gleans every possible advantage he can from such statements.

The recent invasion of the state Capitol building in Michigan is a fine example, with Trump heavily armed supporters (its legal in that state) flooding the building to protest the lock-down, yet that image is also false, as most in that state support the lock-down.

Its only when you realize that those protests and images are being created and manipulated by the Trump campaign to create a false image of anti lock-down sentiment which is clearly in a significant minority.

Most Americans did not vote for Trump, most voted for his opponent, however due to the electoral college system he won the election!

Trump knows he's in for a rude awakening in November hence he's lashing out and trying all manner of dubious tactics to try and recover some ground, all at the expense of American lives. Like the piped piper of Hamelin, his supporters will follow him to the grave, in this case, quite literally!

Truth is the major casualty of his entire presidency and that is the major crime of the century in the USA. Beware of anyone who pedals untruths, political spins, lies and pseudo opinion as fact. The truth is there, and hidden, its just not on social media, most newspapers or on-line politically paid for threads.



Posts: 6938
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First Class assessment, pops!


Posts: 81
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Please dont misunderstand me, as I have no agenda, as I am a UK citizen and no real interest in the man, but he has he achieved much for the U.S in terms of economy, domestic and foreign policy? I hear good things, and then I hear bad things. All pre-virus of course.



Posts: 81
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im asking the question, sorry, I meant "Has he"
alisha hill


Posts: 167
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Yeah, I read the same news and get the same numbers. I'm just speaking from my point of view. Where I live in the south, nobody is staying home and few people even wear masks. I talk to lots of friends and colleagues, nobody has the virus, or even knows anybody with the virus. And I personally know nurses that have been laid off cause hospitals around here don't need them. I'm sure its different in other parts of the country. People here just want to work.


Posts: 1748
#51 · Edited by: popeye1
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First Class assessment

Thanks Kennyboy82


"Has he"


Well foreign policy is nothing but a complete joke in the USA now. Not just with China, but even long standing allies such as the UK, Germany, France etc. POTUS is seen as nothing less than a complete and utter clown by many around the world, and with very good reason.

If you measure the economy via the stock market then yes its better, but by every other measure its a failure. Trump plays everything by "is it better for me?" not "is it better for the USA?" he couldn't give a sh1t about the regular American, as long as its better for him then its going to happen. Secondly, he plays to the mega rich influencers, who support his means and ways.

He has without doubt broken the USA. He has a loyal support base who are not representative of the regular Americans, but of a disenfranchised and bitter sub group who feel badly done by because they have not sort further education, reassignment of skills or technical reeducation. They want to work on a production line, get paid a $100,000 a year, have two cars, a house, beer in the fridge and burgers every night. They are not prepared to go to night school, go back to school/university or realign to the new digital world, all of which I and many others have done to stay ahead of the curve. They just want it all to go back to the way it was in the 1960's, which regardless of who is in the oval office, is NEVER going to happen.

Then along came Trump who saw an opportunity to sell these folks (who are good folks in the main) a bill of fare that is complete and utter lies, but its the message they want/need to hear. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! But they cant see that, or that they are being used and screwed over big time, along with the rest of us now.

There lies the issue, dissuading these folks from this crock of sh1t they're being sold, as they have hung everything thing they have on this complete and utter crock!

alisha hill


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Some of that is true, but our problem with education right now is that too many people went back to school. Almost everyone has a college degree now. Because of that, most of those degrees are now worthless. At my job, we have college graduates driving fork lifts.
Meanwhile I make over $90,000 a year welding pipe. I never went to college. Where I'm at in the U.S, construction workers make some of the best money, because college kids won't work outdoors or break a sweat.
Locally welders can make $40 an hour, $88 an hour if you have to travel out of state.


Posts: 6938
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Despite the fact that this topic has nothing to do with cuckolding I'm finding the whole discussion completely fascinating, from both sides, although I'm firmly in pops camp when it comes to assessing Trump's worth. Even 4 years on I'm struggling to understand how the Fuck he got into the White House, and why he's still there. Hopefully come November things will radically change, as long as he doesn't rig the election!
alisha hill


Posts: 167
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You're right, but during all this time on lock down I bet a lot of hotwives took advantage of not working. Think af all the sex those women have been having.
I know my wife is enjoying it. I am just glad I to have a real man around the house to take care of my wife's needs.
And I personally drop to my knees every night to thank him with a blowjob.


Posts: 542
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@Alisha Hill I have to point out something you said that was completely factually inaccurate. More Americans did not die from H1N1, not even close. I don't know where you got your information from but it's bogus. There are currently over 82,000 American deaths from Covid 19 and rising quickly. According to the CDC, 12,469 Americans died from H1N1. People barely remember it. This will most likely never be forgotten unless of course it's just the beginning of a string of pandemics. Oh and Trump is completely incompetent. I believe this is because he fundamentally doesn't care about people. It's all about money and power for him. Getting re-elected and staying out of jail which is where he is headed with a loss in November.

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alisha hill


Posts: 167
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Thanks. The nubers I saw said 60,000 for h1n1, and that was well befor the death toll got where it is now. Sorry, didn't know I had incorrect data.


Posts: 1748
#57 · Edited by: popeye1
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I'm finding the whole discussion completely fascinating

I could not agree more kennyboy82, this episode of global history and US history will be discussed for centuries to come, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons.

As you can see from the discussion above, even in a era of data and information, much of what is put forward is in fact factually incorrect or wrong. Those who control the data or manipulate the data to their own agenda, will control the world we live in. If you can take a "fact" and change it around so that the majority think that the data or information tells the opposite story to that which it does, then you have exactly the world we live in today. What the Trump White house called and "alternative fact"...double speak for "lie".

If you get your information via Facebook or Fox or the like, then you are already fucked! You need to be able to seek out and research facts to find the "truth", and many do not have the motivation/time/inclination to do that. They want fast facts and data, and that is where the issue lies, as for "fast", read "wrong" or "misleading".

Where Trump excels is in realizing that you can "fool most of the people some of the time" as the saying goes, for him, some of the time looks to be around 3.7 years...then the games up!



Posts: 279
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Yes very off topic, but very good thread...even better when we get the diverse view from either side of the pond...or in Kennys case across the channel.
Have always had an interest in media and politics (with a degree in politics which some would say is why I talk so much ****).
It Says Here
It says here that the Unions will never learn
It says here that the economy is on the upturn
And it says here we should be proud
That we are free
And our free press reflects our democracy
Those braying voices on the right of the House
Are echoed down the Street of Shame
Where politics mix with bingo and tits
In a money and numbers game
Where they offer you a feature
On stockings and suspenders
Next to a call for stiffer penalties for sex offenders
It says here that this year's prince is born
It says here do you ever wish
That you were better informed
And it says here that we can only stop the rot
With a large dose of Law and Order
And a touch of the short sharp shock
If this does not reflect your view you should understand
That those who own the papers also own this land
And they'd rather you believed
In Coronation Street capers
In the war of circulation, it sells newspapers
Could it be an infringement
Of the freedom of the press
To print pictures of women in states of undress
When you wake up to the fact
That your paper is Tory
Just remember, there are two sides to every story

The first time Billy Bragg has been quoted on this site!!!
But I think relevant to what politics and Trump especially is about...the man who goes on about "Fake News" is the real master of media manipulation.
Watched "Bombshell" the other night and the way he and the media and population turned the story back on Megyn Kelly back in 2016 summed him up.
Even if you dont like Trump you gotta admire the sheer balls on the bloke.


Posts: 1748
#59 · Edited by: popeye1
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Well yet more foul play afoot in the White house with yet another Inspector General fired by the presiding WH buffoon! Why? Well this IG had initiated an enquiry into Mike Pompeo for a8use of office. Who recommended the firing? No less that Pompeo himself, as the WH announced itself this morning!

So the suspected criminal under investigation recommends that the "cop" who is investigating him should be fired... and he is, and this is the fourth time this has happened this year! How completely corrupt and fucked up is that? In what other world would that fly? Maybe Nazi Germany? East Germany under the Stasi? Hell this is America in 2020. AMERICA WAKE UP!!!

It all goes to illustrate that the system for holding to account a rogue President is completely unfit for purpose. Whoever gets to replace this deeply flawed administration needs to re-write the constitution to make sure that there is a meaningful mechanism to get rid of such a president (regardless of party) as we've had for the last near 4 years.



Posts: 279
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Was watching Fox News last night and had o burst out laughing.
Jesse Watters rattled on about peoples "Rights" and the Constitution, and said that the rights didnt come fro government but (pointing to the sky) "from above".
I almost spat my cup of about playing to your audience.
Comedy Gold
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