Well I think if one is generally a fantasist, then one likes and supports the idea that "most" others are too, it supports that individuals world view. However, if one is really into this as a life style and seeking to expand and explore, then fantasists really get in the way of that.
I've lost count of the times my time has been wasted by "wannabe's" pretending to be something they are not, so perhaps, just perhaps, I can be excused for having my nose put out of joint by full on fakers.
If its a well presented fake, so as to blur the lines of reality and fakery, then that is, in a way, OK as its difficult to say one way or the other. Or if its openly put forward as fantasy, that can be OK too. But the initiation of this thread is just so obviously BS and faked, as it has no backbone to it at all, and is clearly make believe, put forward as true.
I can sit in my Aston Martin and enjoy it, and want to share the experience with other Aston drivers, but I don't want to be bothered by someone who sits in a Ford focus and "makes believe" he has an Aston and goes on to tell me how much he enjoys his "Aston" and so on and so on, its just pointless...a little bit like this thread!!!

just a few more thoughts.