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slut to use

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any good guys,,


Posts: 1748
#2 · Edited by: popeye1
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The fantasy faker, of previous famous old faker b u l l s h i t returns.

Where did you find this one? Is she your wife, GF our some other make believe relative, in your "once upon a time" mind?

Check out this fakers previous posts before you get sucked in, not off!


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Posts: 3621
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Don't beat about the bush Mandykeith.
Tell it to us honestly


Posts: 1748
#5 · Edited by: popeye1
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Your command of the English language here is only surpassed by the sheer and utter truth that you are Indeed a pure and proven I ask you, who is really the prick? think of words with more than four letters before you reply, yes use a dictionary if you must.......


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So you want a war of wit..
Pity ur unarmed


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If you're genuine then get your slut to have a photo with your name mandykeith written on a piece of paper and a time date proof! She looks game to have her photo taken? ?
Droopy and Miss


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If you're genuine then get your slut to have a photo with your name mandykeith written on a piece of paper and a time date proof! She looks game to have her photo taken? ?

Well I guess your suggestion killed that one which is what I was alluding to in my earlier comments.

Mandykeith: Wit entails clever comments with humorous elements to the words written or spoken. There was none of that in what your wrote just anger and vulgarity at being exposed as a faker again! There was also no intention of wit from me either. I was just making folks aware of your history and proven track record. There are some of us who wish to keep a large element of reality on this site and not have it polluted with fake crap from all angles! A little make believe is fine, but you are just all about fake! Sorry if this offends you, the truth often does.



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I agree Pops

There is absolutely nothing wrong with with a bit of fakery....... Just as long as it is up front and not deceitful.
I'm all about fantasy and make believe. Keeps the world turning in my book.


Posts: 84
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thanks,,he must think evrybody on here r 100% true and real,,,


Posts: 3621
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Oh don't get me wrong MK. I'm not condoning any malicious fakery here.
I think you may have missed the point of my previous post.

You are undoubtedly correct in suggesting that not everyone on here is 100% genuine.
For the most part the virtual and fantasy abounds.

But I do think most wannabe thinkers are simply getting their kicks in an innocent and unhurt full manner.


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I agree Steve
Most on here are wannabe fantasists, nothing wrong with that as long as no one gets hurt.
It's just good to know the odd one might be for real, but even then it may well just be pillow talk.


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Oh don't get me wrong MK. I'm not condoning any malicious fakery here.I think you may have missed the point of my previous post.

Yes I saw that he took it as support!

He must be just incapable of seeing where I or maybe we are coming from, that's all I can say. Nothing in life is 100%, but I have yet to see anything original or even approaching a well proffered fantasy from this individual. At little truth with a little fantasy is fine, but all fantasy badly offered is bringing nothing to this site at all.


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You've got me worried now Pops. I've had to recheck everything I have ever posted...........your right.... I'm s complete bull-shitter.

But as Stevie will tell you. I'm as real a fantasist as you can get..... Now that might just be a paradox.

Which reminds me. That Stevie owes me a pint 🍻


Posts: 1748
#15 · Edited by: popeye1
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Well I think if one is generally a fantasist, then one likes and supports the idea that "most" others are too, it supports that individuals world view. However, if one is really into this as a life style and seeking to expand and explore, then fantasists really get in the way of that.

I've lost count of the times my time has been wasted by "wannabe's" pretending to be something they are not, so perhaps, just perhaps, I can be excused for having my nose put out of joint by full on fakers.

If its a well presented fake, so as to blur the lines of reality and fakery, then that is, in a way, OK as its difficult to say one way or the other. Or if its openly put forward as fantasy, that can be OK too. But the initiation of this thread is just so obviously BS and faked, as it has no backbone to it at all, and is clearly make believe, put forward as true.

I can sit in my Aston Martin and enjoy it, and want to share the experience with other Aston drivers, but I don't want to be bothered by someone who sits in a Ford focus and "makes believe" he has an Aston and goes on to tell me how much he enjoys his "Aston" and so on and so on, its just pointless...a little bit like this thread!!!

just a few more thoughts.


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How the hell do you know I drive and Aston Martin for christs sake

I do understand what you are on about Pops. The internet forums abound with people who think they are being clever in messing up situations. The reality of course is that they never really do.
As a coincidence I booked an escort yesterday...........not something I do all the time...but hey ho....the heat must have gone to my head.
I arrived at the railway station she told me to get too and called to get her full address........she never answered. I could'nt leave a voicemessage either and she ignored texts.
Waste of time.
She is on Adultwork and has three favourable reviews....the only reason I booked her.

I got a pal of mine to call her from his phone and guess what......she answered and accepted his booking for later that day. She never picked up his call either when he rang later.
It is discourteous people like her who give good escorts a bad name.

This is her by the way and she states she is available for booking today.........

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Ok rant is too short and I am going to the pub.
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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slut to use
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