I'm probably a bit different in that the superior black man ideology just doesn't do it for me.
So much of this cuckold fetish seems to revolve around the myth of black men being bigger cocked (excuse my vulgarity)

I'm also different in that I don't so much want to live the lifestyle ...... If that is what Wayne is getting at...... As just play sometimes.
We get the occasional post from people like Wayne asking for what everybody else wants..... Join the queue mate

I've been fortunate in the past to have led the cuckold lifestyle..... If only for short periods of times. With one or two lovely girls who simply liked to shag. The fact I was around to give lifts, prepare...... I don't do clean up yuk ! Was secondary to their needs. They just liked having somebody to tease.

So the best course of section Wayne is to realise firstly that in real life....... Fantasy is not reality. Try a swingers club or such like in the hope of meeting someone. The chances are you will find it easier to be cucked if you first find a woman who genuinely likes to have sex with other people.
If you are well endowed in the financial area

. Then you can do what a pal of mine did.
He met a young lady at a sex party hosted by some other friends of mine. He came to a mutually rewarding agreement with one of the sexy young ladies there.
She carries on working at the sex parties and having the occasional booking with clients elsewhere. While he gets to be with her, acting as chauffeur etc.
If she is working at a party, he will attend with her and be allowed to orally worship her, help her get into her sexy outfit etc. but then he will remain in the kitchen area only while she has sex with the paying customers.
She has only now started wearing a key around her neck signifying another movement in the right direction.

It works for him ......and her of course.
Like many men who want to live their cuckold desires, it's just not possible for all kinds of problematic reasons.
This is one way my pal at least gets close to it.
He is taking his escort cuckoldress on holiday soon. Another way she can enjoy herself and treat him the way he wants to be treated.
Anyone wanting further advise. Don't hesitate to message me