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Sure Grace, i can elaborate.

It is simple, most threads come and go and some go to different levels, like you.

You have already proven yourself and like we all know..You didn't have to..... Thank you....

Your master "liteskin" didn't have to take it to the next level by sending "emails" that threatens one's life then going to "bump" all old threads.

There are too many well-known posters that agree or disagree with him but that this is part of this journey.

To Grace,i am sorry if i offended you.

To your master "lite-skin" well most of the "private Messages and emails" dictate he is a "Bully"

That is not tolerated in any Country nor at any age. "Bullies make other take action they normally would not"



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Ok. and that's why I fuck him and not you. So move on, its boring now.
jack smith


Posts: 327
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Wow, you sure put cucks in there place don't you grace?


Posts: 3621
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Sorry, but I just find bad manners a real turn off.
I thought cuckold_2 was being polite in his post.
Vulgarity just doesn't do it for me.

But then again who am I.
Just a guy trying to live his fantasies out.

Of course fantasies are going to have to wait until the World Cup is over


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Genuine and verifiable real true Bull. Into hot wives/couples and/or making pressies with them for hubbies return.


Posts: 142
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Worship Grace Harper

this is one of my mates i hooked her up with. Battered her cunt for over an hour a real pussy smashing!

Genuine and verifiable real true Bull. Into hot wives/couples and/or making pressies with them for hubbies return.


Posts: 478 Pictures: 6 
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Oh dear , tension in the camp hahahahahahaha, mental eh !

love being cuck xx
a36a sissy cuck to my wife
jack smith


Posts: 327
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I would worship her. I would love to be her cuckold.


Posts: 3621
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(QUOTE)I would worship her. I would love to be her cuckold.(ENDQUOTE)

You can........ But you would have to pay for the privilege.

Now before any so called real people start having a go at me for being sarcastic. Let me have my say.

Yes we know Grace is a beautiful young lady and she certainly knows how to talk bitchy
But we also know she is a model and escort. Nothing wrong with that. Some of my dearest friends work in the adult industry and you could not meet nicer more honest and trustworthy people.
So if any wannabe cucks out there would like to experience the real thing......... I would imagine Grace could arrange it for you.
As Liteskin has mentioned once or twice before. There are so many keyboard junkies on this site who talk the talk but never walk the walk. For lots of people the cuckold fetish will only ever be a fantasy. A virtual dream.

I see nothing wrong in wanting to fulfill ones dream, even if it's only for a short time


Posts: 22 Pictures: 1 
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Hold up...

''you can........ but you would have to pay for the privilege''

When have I ever said book me as an escort for this privilege. YES i ESCORT. We know that. It doesn't need to be brought up every time someone says something. So because I work as an escort i cant have a personal life?
You dont see me going on about what any of you do for a job, I really dont care thats why.

I think you are getting the situations intertwined.

Can you all stop speaking for ME. I am able to speak for myself.


Posts: 3621
#71 · Edited by: stevensmiles
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I was not speaking for you. I was stating a fact. Your Adultwork profile states quite clearly you offer cuckold sessions at a price.

Young lady I meant no disrespect I assure you. Of course you can have a private life. But forums and message boards are not private.

If I have said something to offend you I apologise. I am a gentleman after all.

But please also, do not make the mistake of talking down to me. I am not a submissive cuckold or anyone's bitch boy. Let me make that quite plain.

I shall leave this thread now as it is yours.

Adure x


Posts: 22 Pictures: 1 
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You was not speaking to me? Who are you stating a fact to then? I no what I do, I dont need 'Facts' Stated about my life. Also, My adultwork has nothing to do with me being on here does it? Did i not explain that previously. I am not even willing to discuss my work matters with you. Private life meaning what I do in my private life not what people can see or not see. I didnt join here thinking nobody would see what I wrote did i. AND for the record, You will never offend me because I dont let people get to me like that.

This forum really reminds me why i never can be faithful to a stupid man and use them for what they are good for.


Posts: 142
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hahahahah i need not even respond apart from i think Gracie can speak for herself...someone taught her well
Genuine and verifiable real true Bull. Into hot wives/couples and/or making pressies with them for hubbies return.


Posts: 142
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Princess Grace

Genuine and verifiable real true Bull. Into hot wives/couples and/or making pressies with them for hubbies return.


Posts: 3621
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They should have taught her better English and grammar while they were about it.

If someone cannot accept an apology when it is gracefully given. I have no time for them.

Liteskin and Grace can carry on in their own inimitable style and offend others....... If they choose too.
I shall choose to ignore it thank you very much.

As for being called Princess Grace.

I would do a google and take note of how a real Princess conducts herself.

I'm off to have a few beers


Posts: 943
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WOW, this "lite-skin" and "grace" are one in the same.

No Poster can do no right by these two.

To "lite-skin" A Vet. is one who has served his/her Country and you have NO respect for that. WOW.

YES ME..... "Desert Shield" and " Desert Storm"

It appears you two were made for each other and we "Posters on a PUBLIC FORUM" have no say.

You both have a lot of hate for all.

"Semper Fi"


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Genuine and verifiable real true Bull. Into hot wives/couples and/or making pressies with them for hubbies return.


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Sure are two of the same


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Im still waiting to see their wives...


Posts: 78
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I would defo pay to hire grace as an escort, she is incredible! Where are you based grace??


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I love this thread


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Posts: 3621
#83 · Edited by: stevensmiles
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It is entertaining I have to say that.

I like this forum but quite a bit of it is boring to say to say the least.
Endless captions that repeat themselves or swingers trying to use the cuck scene as a way of getting meets.

At least the thread has had one or two bickerings to lighten the mood


Posts: 22 Pictures: 1 
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Boring but you still keep commenting. Strange that.


Posts: 3621
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But why is it strange to pass comment.
This is after all a message board.

You definitely seem to have a dislike of me the way you yourself pass comment with regard to my posts.
But hey........... Such is life. If we all loved one another....... Then that really would be boring.

I'm so pissed off with England getting knocked out of the World Cup. That's nothing to do with this thread of course but I thought I would just pass comment.
Back to you Grace


Posts: 218
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Liteskin nice to see you are still around still looking after the ladies like you did my wife


Posts: 3621
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(QUOTE) Liteskin nice to see you are still around still looking after the ladies like you did my wife (ENDQUOTE)

Oh please...... Get a room


Posts: 142
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cheers gmp still going strong my old friend!!
Genuine and verifiable real true Bull. Into hot wives/couples and/or making pressies with them for hubbies return.


Posts: 139 Pictures: 9 
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Do you have a link to any websites that you're on? Would like to see you in action.


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Just google her name for christs sake
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New Teen On The Block
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