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I wonder if she did

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Davey J


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My wife and I have not had any kind of sexual relations now for several years. She seemed to “go off” sex and I have always said that her body is her own and although I am married to her, I do not own her. I have never powerd my attentions on any woman, so we just stopped having sex.
One thing which happened though, puzzled me then and still does now.
It must have been about 4 or 5 months after our last session of sex, one day she came home with a pregnancy test kit. Now although she is no Einstein, she is not stupid, so it puzzled me at the time as to why she was concerned enough that she might be pregnant, that she bought a quite expensive pregnancy test kit (it was a twin pack too), when we hadn't had sex for 4 or 5 months.
At the time she said she was concerned because her periods had stopped, so she was eliminating the “pregnancy” possibility before she accepted that she was starting “the change” which seemed a bit early as she was only about 43 or 44 at the time.
To the best of my knowledge, the only way a woman can get pregnant is if a man's sperm comes into contact with her egg inside her womb, so, as the years have gone by I have wondered more and more if her “explanation” about that test kit really holds water.
I know there was a guy at work she quite fancied, and it had become obvious enough to other workmates for one of them to comment “you can't have him *******, he is too young for you, and anyway you are married”. There was around this time, a works Christmas party, to which partners were not invited, and I remember that she seemed to take more care than usual over her appearance. some time before I had bought her a suspender belt and black stockings but although she had worn them once, she said they were uncomfortable and wouldn't wear them again. I seem to recall that on the party night she tore her last pair of tights when putting them on, so after some “Oh dear, what shall I do, it's too late to get any more” type protestations, decided to wear the black stockings and suspenders under her dress. She said that they felt very naughty but as the skirt came below her knees nobody would know.
I drove her to the party venue, which was in quite a secluded place, and told her to ring me when she wanted picking up. As we stopped in the car park a young man who was standing in the car park opened her door for her to get out. As her skirt had ridden up above her knees on the journey and I thought her legs opened a little more than was absolutely necessary to get out of the car, I think the young man might have got a quick flash of her stockings and thighs.
Looking back some years later, I wonder if that night she hoped that she might pull and had dressed to give her “friend” maximum chance to reach her pussy. Maybe she (and he) got lucky and instead of just a quick “snog and fumble”, he got his cock right into her and because he hadn't gone “prepared”, fired his sperm deep into her unprotected cunt.
That would certainly explain her concern over a missed period, and the purchase of the pregnancy testing kit, wouldn't it?


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You could go about it a couple ways. Do some detective work, her email, text messages, or cell records. You could just ask her if she has a bf...might take some time and coaxing, but sometimes works.

Does she know of you coming here? Does she know of the cuckolding idea? I am sure others here have had experiences where they had to drag it out, or coerce it out of their wives. Hopefully you can get some others to responde that have had a situation like yours and can offer advice.


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You answered your own question. If she used a pregnancy test, she had sex. No way to spin that...none. If it was "4 or 5 months" since you fucked her then someone else had to have. How did you let her get away with that explanation? Besides, I think it's pretty common knowledge that if you aren't fucking your woman, someone else will. Women crave sex just like men albeit sometimes for different reamisters.
Davey J


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The thought that she had had sex with someone else and he hadn't used a condom, I found incredibly exciting. It was when we were going through something of a difficult time and I didn't want to "make waves". I knew her explanation was more than a little bit "thin" to say the least, but Oh boy, did it turn me on.
As the second test went missing some time later I suspect it was not just a "one time only" deal. My main reamister for thinking this though was a pair of her panties I found in the laundry basket when I was sorting out some washing. They were pink, lace edged french knickers and the crotch was absolutely stiff with a yellowish/brown substance. If it wasn't a mans cum I don't know what it could have been. I just put them back where they were at the bottom of the basket and said nothing about finding them.
It was around then, when I was doing a search on the internet I discovered the term "cuckold" and realised I was not the only man who finds the thought of his wife relaxing around exciting.
However this was all some time ago so I am thinking of trying to push her a little and see if she will admit or deny it all. I will have to be careful though, I do love her and wouldn't want to lose her.
Davey J


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There doesn't seem to have been much interest in my situation, however for the permister who left a comment and any who have read but not commented, I will do an update.
I also posted this on another site (with a similar response ) but that's how it goes I suppose.

I decided that this had been going through my head for so long that I needed to get some kind of answer to my concerns over what had gone on. With this in mind I decided to tackle my wife, firstly about our complete lack of a sexual relationship, but then brought the subject round to the possibility (in my mind) that she is either having, or has had, sex with someone else.
Her response was, quite predictably, that she hadn't been with anyone else.
Then I brought up the subject of those pregnancy test kits. At first she pretended that she didn't remember them at all, but when I reminded her that the second one had laid in the chest of drawers next to my side of the bed for ages she admitted she had bought them. When I said about there being two tests in the kit, she said that they came in twos (maybe they do, I don't know). Then I suggested that the only reamister for buying a pregnancy test kit was to check if she was pregnant, which she hesitatingly agreed with. I then said so, when you bought the test kit, by your own admission you must have thought you might be pregnant.
This brought a very hesitant “I suppose so”.
I then reminded her that at that time, we hadn't had sexual intercourse for about 4 months, so if she had been pregnant, either she was over 4 months gone, and would have been showing a quite considerable “bump” by then, or it must have been put there by someone else.
“Ah ….. but I wasn't pregnant was I?” was her response to that.
“No” I said, “but my point is ….. You thought you might be, and the possibility was strong enough for you to spend money [which was really tight at that time] on a test kit to make sure, and you looked really relieved when it came up negative”.
She still hasn't admitted anything, but after I convinced her that as far as I was concerned it was all a long time in the past and anyway, because of an ongoing medical problem that I have, if she wanted to take a boyfriend it was ok with me.
I then made the slip up of saying it was ok as long as she told me what she was doing. This brought the response of “Oh yes, it's ok as long as I tell you everything” in a sarcastic tone. I then had to calm her down by saying she didn't have to give me all the intimate details, well not unless she wanted to anyway, but just so I knew what was happening so if someone I knew said “I saw your wife in *******'s last night, she was with another man” I could be prepared and able to say something like “Oh yes, she went out with some friends from work and she finished up there with ******”.
I then showed her this site and explained that I, like a lot of men who go there find the thought of their wives having sex with another man exciting, and as I am no longer able to provide for her in this area, she can, if she wants, look elsewhere.
So, hopefully the early seeds have been sown, only time will tell if they will take root.


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Sounds good, cant wait for the next update
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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I'm following your thread with interest, so don't be disheartened. Please continue when you have news.
Peter C
Davey J


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Its good to know this is being read, so thanks to all.
many of the stories on here are fantasy, I know, but this one is for real.
All this though was some time ago and I ask forgiveness for any lapses of memory. They happen and after I have hit the "post" button I remember something else, I think that recalling one thing leads to other bits you have, not forgotten but "misplaced in your head" coming to the fore.
This is one of those - I missed out this part from the above.
When I said about her looking relieved at the negative result she said "of course I was relieved, we couldn't afford another baby". I then reminded her that even before we stopped having sex, I always wore a condom so she wouldn't get pregnant for just that reamister, but she still spent money we couldn't afford on those test kits.
At this she went very quiet for a while, until I managed to convince her I was OK about this, but just wanted to get it out in the open, because it was beginning to prey on my mind so much.
Anyway, we are off on holiday today so there wont be any updates for a couple of weeks. Mind you, if I can get her to "play away" while we are also "away" I will post it up when we get back.
Davey J


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Had a big chat session with my wife yesterday regarding the concerns I have posted on here.

She claims she hasn’t been with anyone and told me a long, involved story about the exploits of the young man at her previous place of employment, as proof that she wouldn’t have gone with him.

I won’t go into the details, but IF half of what she said is true, this guy must have the charm and charisma of George Clooney, the sexual magnetism of Patrick Swayze, the looks of Leonardo DiCaprio, and have the stamina and be hung like John Holmes??????????????

As for the French knickers, she says she used some crème to combat “feminine itching” so that must have been what I found !!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say is I still have a “Duck type” problem.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ……. For some strange reamister I have a problem believing it’s a CHICKEN!

What really hurts is that even though I have told her it is alright and I love her and it will make no difference to how I feel about her, she STILL feels the need to tell me this load of crap! Does she really think I am that gullible that I am going to believe such obvious rubbish?


Posts: 17
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HI Davey J.,
I think you did the right thing by showing her this site.
now, wait and see.
and post...


Posts: 37
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Fingers crossed you arrive at the outcome you are hoping for!
Davey J


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This will be my last post on this matter, but I thought I would put down my reamisters for suspicion, her responses and my conclusions

Reamisters for suspicion.

1. Admission of fancying man at her place of work
2. Loss of interest in any sexual relations with me
3. “Provocative” choice of underwear for a works Christmas party, to which I was not invited
4. Unexplained sudden changing of employment from a local job she said she was happy at, to a lower paid job across town.
5. Purchase and use of a pregnancy testing kit when we had not had sex for over 4 months
6. Finding a hidden pair of panties with pulled stitching and heavy soiling in the crotch area. The soiling looked like dried semen.

Her response to above.

1. Claimed she never really fancied him, was just telling me about this man who she said was relaxing with his fiancé, another girl at work who had a long term partner and a young with that partner and the section manager who had gone on a weekend away with him even though she was married. He had also been seen with openly gay men in town.
2. Loss of interest in sex, she says, was because she was beginning “the change”.
3. Says she doesn’t remember this happening.
4. Although she said that everyone at work knew of the affairs between the man at work with another girl and the section manager, she claims that the man and the section manager were called into the boss’s office to account for their behaviour. My wife claims that they told him that it was her who was spreading untrue rumours about them and after this the section manager made her life at work intolerable. This was why she changed her job.
5. Claimed it was because she had not had a period for a couple of months and was checking that she wasn’t pregnant before she accepted she was beginning “the change”. At the time she was about 42 or 43
6. Claimed she had used some crème to combat “feminine itching” so that must have been what I saw.

My feelings about this.

1. I think she definitely fancied him, I remember she told me one of the other ladies at work had noticed her interest and had said “you can’t have him ……, he’s too young for you and anyway you are married”. All this about other girls he was relaxing with is just a smoke screen. If he really was engaged and had “pulled” two girls, who both had stable relationships and who knew each other, from the office where he worked, and had “boyfriends” as well ---- ? Can I have a take of whatever he gets his stamina and magnetism from, please?
2. I think she went off sex with me because she was getting it (maybe better) from someone else.
3. She doesn’t remember this? I do! I bought them for her and she wouldn’t wear them for me but wore them to a works Christmas party where I was not invited.
4. I know my wife! She would find excuses for Nazi war criminals! It is unthinkable she would spread untrue rumours about anyone. Anyway, surely she would have been called into the boss’s office to answer these accusations. Instead of this she finds another job, the other side of town requiring 2 buses to get there, taking 1hr 15mins to 1hr 30mins each way. No either she was called in about her affair and told to leave, or her affair was ending and she didn’t want to stay because she would be working next to her ex-lover.
5. The pregnancy kit ? ……… That speaks for itself. No sex, couldn’t be pregnant! Pregnancy kit means she thought it was possible she was pregnant! Therefore she had been having sex! I don’t think I was ever supposed to see this kit but if I remember correctly I found it when I was unpacking some shopping.
6. Like most men, while growing up I masturbated quite a bit. I know what dried spunk looks like and how it makes cloth stiff ……. That wasn’t crème applied for itching ....... Not unless it was the kind of itch that didn't require scratching but an internal application of some "soothing creme".
The "pulled stitching”? I think this could have happened if they were pulled aside instead of being removed.
Most of us have memories of doing it in the car where there isn’t the room to remove tights and knickers, so the knickers get pulled aside, a hole made in her tights and, a good time is had by all! In this case, I assume there was no protection used and either he decided not to pull out or she wanted him to cum inside her. She gets home, throws the torn tights away and puts the knickers in the bottom of the laundry basket to deal with later.

As you can see, I still believe she had a lover. I think that maybe the reamister she denies it is maybe she thinks, because we haven't had sex in so long, I will use it against her and she isn't convinced that I just want to know the truth, or the memories of her affair are still precious to her and she doesn’t want to admit it to me because she would be sharing them and she still thinks of this as permisteral for her alone


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Give her time and nurture the idea of being ok with it. Took 5 years here.

If her really cheating is to much... Well i dont know what to say on that. Each man has a different feeling about it.

Have you tried to figure out what is lacking in the bedroom? It sure helped me to have her turned on to really plant the seeds deep.
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I wonder if she did
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