There doesn't seem to have been much interest in my situation, however for the permister who left a comment and any who have read but not commented, I will do an update.
I also posted this on another site (with a similar response

) but that's how it goes I suppose.
I decided that this had been going through my head for so long that I needed to get some kind of answer to my concerns over what had gone on. With this in mind I decided to tackle my wife, firstly about our complete lack of a sexual relationship, but then brought the subject round to the possibility (in my mind) that she is either having, or has had, sex with someone else.
Her response was, quite predictably, that she hadn't been with anyone else.
Then I brought up the subject of those pregnancy test kits. At first she pretended that she didn't remember them at all, but when I reminded her that the second one had laid in the chest of drawers next to my side of the bed for ages she admitted she had bought them. When I said about there being two tests in the kit, she said that they came in twos (maybe they do, I don't know). Then I suggested that the only reamister for buying a pregnancy test kit was to check if she was pregnant, which she hesitatingly agreed with. I then said so, when you bought the test kit, by your own admission you must have thought you might be pregnant.
This brought a very hesitant “I suppose so”.
I then reminded her that at that time, we hadn't had sexual intercourse for about 4 months, so if she had been pregnant, either she was over 4 months gone, and would have been showing a quite considerable “bump” by then, or it must have been put there by someone else.
“Ah ….. but I wasn't pregnant was I?” was her response to that.
“No” I said, “but my point is ….. You thought you might be, and the possibility was strong enough for you to spend money [which was really tight at that time] on a test kit to make sure, and you looked really relieved when it came up negative”.
She still hasn't admitted anything, but after I convinced her that as far as I was concerned it was all a long time in the past and anyway, because of an ongoing medical problem that I have, if she wanted to take a boyfriend it was ok with me.
I then made the slip up of saying it was ok as long as she told me what she was doing. This brought the response of “Oh yes, it's ok as long as I tell you everything” in a sarcastic tone. I then had to calm her down by saying she didn't have to give me all the intimate details, well not unless she wanted to anyway, but just so I knew what was happening so if someone I knew said “I saw your wife in *******'s last night, she was with another man” I could be prepared and able to say something like “Oh yes, she went out with some friends from work and she finished up there with ******”.
I then showed her this site and explained that I, like a lot of men who go there find the thought of their wives having sex with another man exciting, and as I am no longer able to provide for her in this area, she can, if she wants, look elsewhere.
So, hopefully the early seeds have been sown, only time will tell if they will take root.