If she is your g/f now and is about to cheat on youj then there is a reamister. Maybe she is thinking you and her have come to the end. Maybe she likes the thrill of cheating on you. Too many reamisters. A friend found out his g/f cheated on him and when he confronted her about it they had a blazing row and broke up. They got back together and said she was so sorry to hurt him but that she could not help herself. She loved him but loved sex with other guys as it was so exciting. My pal made a decision to let her do what she wanted. But he is not into the presentation of cuckolding. He does not want to know about it. Or so he thought.

. We played golf one day and drove to a pub nearby afterwards. There she was sitting in the car park kissing some bloke. She saw us and when I went inside she walked over to my pal and they spoke. She went off afterwards in some guys car and me and my mate had a few beers. He was ok about it and since then they have been happy together for the last 5 years. Does she relax around still. Yes she does. Does my mate. No he doesn't. Funny world. My advise is don't say anything yet. Wait and see what happens