She is a beautiful sexy woman
Does she know about your cucky tendencies? Does she know that you are a sissy and that you dream of her getting fucked by real men? (I offence, but when I see your picture, you are a boy...and on top of that....a sissyboy)
Does she understand this when you (try to) fuck her? Is she used to better, bigger men that really can satisfy her? Does she miss this? Does she complain? Does she crave other cock? She mentioned any names of men that she miss?
I guess she had some cock before you came into the picture? Yes? If not, you should really talk to her...
You: Darling, there is one thing I want to talk to you about
She: Yes?
You: You see, I know that I am not a real man in the sex department, and since you did not have any before me, well, I want to offer you to other men. I mean real men
She: Well....I have been thinking about this too....I mean, I love you and all that, but...Even though I do not know what it is, I really feel that something is know: we girlfriends talk sometimes
You: So, what you gfs talk about than?
She: Well, you know (lets call her) Gina. She tells me that her boyfriend is really big, and he can last for hours. Thay are fucking all weekends. He fuck her in all her holes, and she has....well....orgasms...lots of them....and...uhhh...hmmm....I have not had one since I met you...I mean with you
You: mean you had orgasms? Without me? Did you mastrubate?
She: There are things a girl should not talk about....sorry I will not tell you
You (getting hard thinking about her orgasms....maybe with someone other than you), I understand. Shall I help you to find a stud for you? I mean....uhhh....hmm...It would sort of be good for me too....I mean....uhhh...that you will be satisfied sometimes....would make me happy too....
She: I don't think so...I mean, a gir like me get know....for example, the guy next door....yes, the guy around 50 or so....he told me straight out that he would fuck me if I needed some real cock sometimes....uhhh....maybe he can see that you are not good enough for me? And...well....he is older, but my god how sexy....and I fantasize already about him....I mean...when you try to fuck me....
You: so what you are saying is that you can just go over there and get fucked Just like that?
She: Well....I am going to...I have been thinking a lot about it...even if you did not start this conversation...telling me that I should have someone else sometimes....
You: You mean that you would cheat on me?....or did you already do this maybe?
She: There are somethings a girl do not talk about....but just to test the waters....would you be angry if I had?
You (feeleing jealous and horney at the same time): Tell me, when did it happend? Please tell me
She: Show me you dick....if you are hard while I start talking, I may confess something
But you know sissy....from now on, its serious...and you can never have her you little girl...she is now a seriously gown-up that will take the cock she want and need....and you?
Go figure it out yourself
Good luck

A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women