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Hi Mantab,

Is everything still ok between you and Steph? You haven't posted in 5 months, and am a little worried with Steph falling for LongKeel. I can't imagine not having feelings for someone that you've been making 'love' to for several years now. Hopefully she can keep the two relationships in perspective. Wishing you well.


Posts: 115
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Hi guys and thanks for all the messages of support. I'm still very much here but things just got very hectic and never seemed to have the time to sit down and get onto the site.
I'll get back a little later and fill you all in about events.


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Ok, back again, little late but I eventually got computer to myself.
As longkeel mentioned, he's acting as a protective escort at present when Steph goes to meet anybody, which I'm very grateful for. She's met up with a few blokes, all of whom have been very keen to pursue things. A couple of them turned out to be a complete waste of time but she has one who appears to be very attentive and charming which is right up Stephs street. They have a date set for thursday. Originally, they were just going for a day out and given the present weather, it was just going to be a wellies and jeans affair, tramping around the countryside. It has changed somewhat in the last couple of days to a nice lunch followed by retiring to an hotel room for the rest of the day, possibly all night, which from my point of view, is going to be the more probable outcome. She's really looking forward to this date as she finds this chap quite intriguing.
As has been stated before, Steph has also been seeing another guy over the last year and was out with him last night. He has always been sub but last night, after giving her fair warning, chose to be the dominant partner in their relationship. Normally, she only gives me little snippets of information about what goes on in one of her trysts’ but earlier today, she sent me a text as to what they got up to. She had sent me an earlier text asking whether or not I was happy over the events of the previous evening. To which she had given me a few scant details. I replied that I was more than happy as long as she was enjoying herself but as I was unable to watch what exactly was going on, it was becoming a little harder for me to get involved as the events weren’t being relayed to me in order for me to become more excited.
Soon after, she sent a message through laying out what had transpired. They had gone for a take in the bar first and was told that if she wanted her usual massage, she would have to strip slowly in front of him while he sat on the bed and watched. When they got to the room, he sat down and started to run his hands all over her and then up her skirt, feeling the tops of her stockings and gripping her ass. She was really getting worked up and stripped off for him before making herself comfortable on the bed. He too, stripped off and covered Steph in baby oil and gave her a back massage. He turned her over and carried on but this time, working it right in with his fingers, everywhere. She told me that he was talking to her all the time telling her what he wanted while playing and fingering her. She had to ask him to make her cum and then ask for him to go down on her, which he did for 90 mins
. She said the bed was absolutely soaking as it was just a relentless attack on her pussy. She ended up having six orgasms, the last of which, was so powerful that he told her he was almost cumming himself.
After they had finished, she was told to dress in front of him but to leave her knickers off. He took them and while Steph lay next to him, he wanked off into them so as Steph could bring them home for me. They ended up going for another take with Steph going commando obviously which she thought felt a little strange but very enjoyable.
She thoroughly enjoys this chaps company and has been looking forward to when he can make it through which luckily, he can through work commitments.
So there we have it for the time being. I permisterally can see a day reamisterably soon, where she’ll have maybe four boyfriends that she’ll be able to call upon when she feels extra horny and I know she’ll still not be averse to a threesome if only she could find another willing partner. We’ll see.
Many thanks to all who have been following this thread. I assure you that everything that has been put down, is true.
I always knew that Steph had it in her to be able to take a lover whenever she felt like. One of the original hopes behind all this was of course for her to rebuild her shattered confidence after the onset of alopecia 10 years ago. In this case, it has been a big success in both areas.
Anyway, Thursday beckons and I can’t wait to see what comes out of this one, I’ll let you know.
Synchro and shall, apologies but I’ll get back to your questions next time I’m on.
Peter C, thanks for chipping in. I really enjoyed your posts over Debbie. Whatever happened to the chap from Cambridge who was always hoping his wife would cuck him. I can’t for the life of me, remember his name, sorry but I do recall they did a very short vid from a holiday they were on, where she’d managed to get herself laid and was showing the evidence. Name’s on the tip of my tongue which is going to piss me off all night now.
Till Friday then!!!
Peter C


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Peter C, thanks for chipping in. I really enjoyed your posts over Debbie. Whatever happened to the chap from Cambridge who was always hoping his wife would cuck him. I can’t for the life of me, remember his name, sorry but I do recall they did a very short vid from a holiday they were on, where she’d managed to get herself laid and was showing the evidence. Name’s on the tip of my tongue which is going to piss me off all night now

I'm glad you've enjoyed my posts about my "naughty" wife Debbie. Like you, I always knew she had it in her (no pun intended!)

I think the guy you are thinking of is "cuck4kirsty". I wonder how the lovely Kirsty is?
Peter C


Posts: 241
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Thanks for getting back to us all. It sounds like you are still enjoying Steff's activities! It must be comforting knowing that Longkeel is protecting Steff when meeting new prospects. No worries about responding to earlier questions, I'm glad to know everything is ok.

I've said this before, but this is one of the few posts that I enjoy re-reading over and over. One of my favorite parts was a post on 29 September 2010. You and Steff went out shopping for Lingerie (knowing it was for Longkeel's pleasure and not yours). The next morning after she dresses, she walks down the stairs, open her robe and asks if she looks ok....


Posts: 115
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Hi guys.
Peter C: Thanks for that Peter and indeed, you're correct, it is cuck4kirsty. I wonder what happened there because those posts were excellent to read.

Shall54: Yep, remember that very well and just the thought of it still gets my heart racing.

So, onto Stephs day out with her new beau. Sad to say, she was more than a little disappointed when she got back. I'd forgotten but we had a prior engagement organised for the evening so she wouldn't have able to spend the night away and, as it turned out, she was very thankful.
They met at a pub they'd first met in, had a take and a chat and moved on to another place for lunch. Steph said the meal itself was delightful and they were getting along very well up until it was time to go to the room he'd booked when it became all a bit stiff and awkward. They got into the room, he locked the door, put the snicks on, closed the curtains and just grabbed her for a quick fondle. He stripped her down to her lingerie, had a good look and passed favourable comments, walked off, whipped his clothes off and jumped into bed, pulling the sheets back and saying, come on, room for a little one. Steph was feeling a little uncomfy by this time as there was no finesse, no subtle seduction or attempts to romance her in any way. She felt like she was just a piece of meat to be poked, prodded and mauled but she at first put it down to nerves on his part.
She climbed into bed and he stripped her off completely. Now Steph, like all women I've ever known, loves foreplay, the longer, the better but it's not what she got. She was getting grabbed as opposed to caressed and by this time she was really not enjoying the experience. Next thing , he's on top of her and in, wham bam thankyou ma'am and off.
Now forgive me if I've got this wrong but I have always set out to give as much pleasure as I possibly can, whether it be with fingers or tongue, before I even contemplated penetrating Steph. There's been an awful lot of occasions where she's had to drag me off her by the ears as I love going down on her so for the life of me, I just can't get to grips with the idea that somebody is going to go to the trouble of making contact with a potential lover, get involved with emailing and texting and telling her what he likes and what he's going to do, travel the distance that he did, Pay for a lovely meal, pay for a room and then fuck the whole thing up because basically he just wants a shag. What a tit!!!!!
After a brief respite, he asked Steph whether he could have his wicked way again but she wasn't having any and politely told him that she would have to be getting back for our appointment. She really did NOT enjoy herself. After her exploits with Longkeel and her new found enjoyment with Steve, both of whom are very attentive and care about the experiences she's going through as after all, she is still relatively new to this lifestyle, a bloke who just goes at it with no idea of what he's doing can wreck everything.
Steph has an unusually strong character, certainly since her confidence has grown, so I think once the dust has settled and she's manged to think about things for a while, she'll put it down to experience and try and vet any future bf's a little better.
I would have liked to have given you all a better account of her date but it just goes to show that not everything goes according to plan.
I just hope that the bulls who grace this site can always think of their women as being a sexual mystery, somebody to explore to bring out their true self and to give them an overwhelmingly erotic experience they'll never forget and crave more and more, not just get your cock out, shove it in, blow your muck and fuck off.
You might be able to tell that I'm a little pissed off myself because of her immense disappointment but I daresay she'll be back looking this time next week. We'll see.


Posts: 49
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What a terrible lack of appreciation of a wonderful sexy woman. Unfortunately he sounds typical of the many men who roam the Internet looking for sex. They are just looking for somewhere to stick their cock in. This is why we tend to steer clear of of sites and depend on my wife meeting potential lovers through work, social and other activities e.g. dancing, gym etc. It lets us assess the guys, get to know them a bit and determine if they are "good" guys.

Men like that fail to recognise the unique and special experience they are privileged to be having. Poor Steph. Longkeel and you have brought her to this point and she really needs good experiences to become confident as she tries more lovers. Real men understand the advantages of long and indulgent foreplay. If he had taken his time with Steph he could have had her aroused to the point where she would have been just about begging for it. It should have been all about Steph on this occasion and he would have reaped the reward of regular sessions. Idiot.

I permisterally would have stripped her slowly kissing and licking every erogenous zone on her body. Some more wine and erotic talk during mutual massaging followed by extensive foreplay to make sure she was fully aroused and more than ready for it. Then knowing what positions she liked a long and sensual fuck. A bit of rest, cuddles, chat and some more wine before a second session. That's how it should have been done leaving her feel like the most attractive and sexy woman on the planet.

Some men just do not understand women.

I hope this experience does not put Steph off and you continue to enjoy the mutual pleasure it brings.

Best regards



Posts: 115
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Thanks for the reply Synchro.
You don't fancy applying for the position of chief bull do you. The way you've described what you would do is exactly what Steph would love.
Luckily, the experience hasn't put Steph off as she's now arranged a date, only for coffee mind you, with a chap who lives about 40 miles away. She's been chatting online and texting for the last few weeks and is very keen to push it through. I now know that the bug has bitten her as she is contacting guys and then only telling me later after a date has been set.
She's off, later on today, to meet him at a nice little out of the way canalside pub. If they hit it off, there may be a little fondling and kissing going on but I doubt very much more. The way she was talking last week, she's going to be telling any future lovers exactly what she expects.
Fill you in as soon as I know anything.


Posts: 49
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Thanks for your kind comments. She's a top class lady and deserves respect and appreciation.

I hope all went well yesterday.



Posts: 241
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Hi Mantab, It's been a few weeks, any news on the dating front? It's hard to believe that someone as beautiful as your wife is, would have problems finding a real lover. Take care.


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Anything new to report? Hopefully Steff has had better luck in the mean time.


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Thanks for the mail shall. really must keep up to date with this. Bloody July since my last post, it's getting worse.
Anyway, that last one I put in was a waste of time. Steph informed me that he was a bit of a medallion man, liked to talk about himself a lot and in the end, turned out to be a bit of a nutter. She stayed for an hour or so and then made her excuses.
To her credit though, she was straight back into finding another and soon had a date lined up a couple of weeks later. She met this guy for a take and they both hit it off immediately. Another date was organised, a room was booked and she had a hell of a time. By the time she got back home, she was looking a tad disheveled and absolutely knackered but she'd really enjoyed the encounter. She's seen him a couple of times since and each time it appears to be getting more intense in their play.
Don't forget Steph was as far from being a hotwife as you could get, a couple of years ago and would only entertain having sex with me. Now, she has a couple of toys that boyfriends have bought for her which she uses on frequent occasions. She even let me use them on her last saturday to bring her off which, a short while ago, would never have happened. She now doesn't bother with me apart from using my tongue to orgasm after which, she'll curl up and go to relax.
Both the guys she's seeing have told her that they will be taking her out to get lingerie and slutty dresses to suit their own tastes which she'll be expected to turn up in when dates have been arranged. I'm really looking forward to seeing that.
What I need now is to get a bull off cuck place to meet up with her so I can finally watch her being impaled on a good sized cock. Once Steph has done that in front of me, there's no telling how far she'll crank things up, she'll be away.
So any offers.

Oh aye, just one last thing, she's taken to going out these days without knickers. Big move for Steph.


Posts: 189
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I am loving the sound of Steph xxx


Posts: 115
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Thanks Claire.
She really is moving under her own steam these days. She's meeting her present bf tomorrow at a hotel about 30 miles away. He's told her to wear tight jeans and tight top with no bra. If she walks into a crowded bar like that, there's going to be a fair few whiplash cases. Stephs got a 36DD chest, very firm and all natural. So far, they've been a knockout with her bf's so when they make a braless appearance tomorrow, showing through a tight top, could cause a bit of a stir.
During a particularly busy texting session we had yesterday, I asked her as to whether a good friend of mine had been in touch lately. He's always been straight up with me about fancying Steph for years and recently he had started to text her frequently. Steph was loving the attention and didn't attempt to put a stop to it. We had a bit of a discussion and agreed that involving him may be a little to close to home.
I had been mulling it over and thought, why not. She quite fancies him and obviously he was the same so I said why don't you go for it. This was yesterday. I received a text back saying that a short while ago on one of her days off, my mate had sent her a text saying he had just come out of a dental appt and had a bit of time to ******* before he went back to work so would she mind if he popped round for a coffee. Steph said yes and he was there in minutes. She told me that as they walked into the kitchen, he grabbed her and pulled her close and they just stood snogging while my mate had his hands everywhere. It must have carried on for a while as she was enjoying the attention but she had to slow him down as he was becoming a little manic. She made coffee and they sat chatting but because of what we had agreed, she didn't carry anything through and in the end she had to persuade him to leave, albeit nicely. He was probably a tad embarrassed and hasn't been in touch since.
Anyway, I said to Steph that if she wanted him, go for it so she did. She sent him a text and spent the next few hours being bombarded with messages from him.
I'll keep you informed as to how that one goes.


Posts: 241
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Manyab, anything new with Steph's relationships? Did she meet up with your friend? Thanks!


Posts: 241
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Mantab, Its been two & 1/2 months since your last post, hope all is well.


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Where the ---- does the time go. Didn't realise it's been so long since my last post.

Hi shall. Yep things are going pretty well for Steph. She has a bf from the midlands who now owns her, treats her like a lady and gives her nights or afternoons to remember to the point where she can hardly walk. He'll be taking her to a swingers club at sometime soon hopefully, initially to experience the atmosphere but she knows it'll be for intense sex with other men soon after and she's really looking forward to it.
Meanwhile she has just met another guy online whom she's met once for a take and likes him a lot. They're meeting for lunch next week thereafter, I think it will become a shade more passionate.
As soon as I know more, I'll be back on.

She hasn't met up with my mate yet but that is still in the offing. He knows that she is more than willing to let him into her bed so it's now down to him to get his act together.


Posts: 241
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Wow, thanks for the update! I hope you get your wish of seeing her 'perform' with another guy real soon. Does Steph ever invite gentlemen over to your house anymore, and do you think she is ok with you watching? Would Steph let you clean up (as long as that's something you want to do)?


Posts: 241
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Hi Mantab, It's been a year since our last post. Hope all is well with you and Steph. Happy new year.


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Mantab..... would love to hear an update as well...... hope all is well.
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