Posts: 142
I dont want to interupt Mantabs flow,but as the Bull in this triangle ,I can report that I did indeed 'mark' my woman. She got lovebites on her neck and her breasts. She knew I was doing it but just lay back and let me. We usually spend 2 hours in bed.Then get up for coffee and snack,then back to bed for second sex session. We then just lie there and I give her a massage all over. If I havnt got the energy for a third time,I bring her off with my hands. I dont think steph is into being watched in bed yet ,but the boundaries are moving all the time. She now knows what a Cuck is,and she knows she is married to one. She will be aware now, that she could have as many lovers as she wants and Hubby will support that totally.
Posts: 115
The boundaries are moving all the time for definite. Pete's been asking for a few pictures of Steph for a couple of weeks and try as we did, could never get the house to ourselves for the required amount of time. Stephs never been into having her picture taken unless it was holiday snaps, family portraits etc but she was taken with the idea when Pete suggested it. We managed to get a couple of hours free on monday and after a nervous and giggly start, she soon got into the role. After we had finished, she just lay back on the bed, opened the poppers on the camisole she was wearing, I stuck my head between her thighs and licked, nibred and sucked till she was cumming like a steam train. She admitted that she had enjoyed the whole experience so with any luck, we can repeat it next monday and maybe take it a little further. To anybody who was waiting to hear what was happening last thursday, I can only apologise. I had to go into work unexpectedly and missed out on it. As usual, Steph had a great time, spending about another 5 hours in bed. Pete really left his mark of ownership this time. There were love bites on either side of her neck and on the sides of her boobs. She is actually very proud of them. Ive attached a couple of pics from monday to show just what Pete is enjoying when he gets here.
Posts: 115
Pete arrived here about 45mins ago. Steph greeted him in the kitchen where they kissed and caressed for 10mins or so. I was sent upstairs to remove all the pillows off the bed and get it ready. When I returned, they had moved to the settee wher they carried on. I sat myself down in the armchair and watched as Pete let his hands roam all over her. She's not quite ready to go the way in front of me yet but each time, it goes that little bit further. I've just crept up the stairs and listened in. Steph is really enjoying taking Petes cock. I had a quick look and she's lying on her back with Pete fucking her. A redy gorgeous sight. I'm going to listen in again now but just had to post while it was happening.
Posts: 357
take some pics through the door and post them for us to see.
Posts: 93
It's great things are going a bit further each time, and you got a glimpse of the action, ignore the pic hunters and just keep us up to date on all the action your not giving your wife when Longkeel is around shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 115
Don't worry shy, I will do. Just noticed the missing text off my last post. I was that wrapped up in what was going on, I couldn't get it down correctly. I didn't get a chance to get back on earlier but Steph sent me a text about 3.30 telling me that Pete had just left and she'd had a fantastic day. When I got back home, she said that Pete had had her three times in all. She was really pleased but knackered. We had a bit of a conversation regarding me being able to watch at sometime. She's never been able to understand as to why I would want to in the first place but now she's beginning to realise what this lifestyle does to a cuck. When Pete took her upstairs, she turned as she got up from the settee and could see the look on my face. I still don't know what it is myself, whether or not it's the combination of the voyeuristic nature, the potential offense or indeed the threat of actually losing your wife to her lover or one in the future, who knows. I've stopped trying to analyse it and accept it for just being there. All I know is, Steph has changed over the last 10 months from the pretty straight laced girl to one who would do almost anything to get at Petes cock and as often as she possibly could. Long may it continue.
BURSTING: With regard to the pics, it's taken 10 months to get Steph to this stage and although I know it would now take a small tactical nuclear device to separate her from Pete, if she caught me trying to take a photo without her permission, she'd be a tad pissed off to say the least. I wouldn't be welcome in the house anymore whenever Pete was here. As for the possibility of ever being able to watch them together, I'd have more chance of being the next pope so I'm afraid you'll have to be patient on that one for the time being and let Pete work his magic.
Posts: 93
Have you ever suggested watching remotely, a webcam in the bedroom and a laptop downstairs? We did this once with me in a hotel room with my lover while hubby sat in a corner of the bar downstairs taking advantage of the free wifi watching us have fun shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 142
Thanks Shy. I never thought of that . Its worth a try. She is still quite shy at the moment. I know that sounds strange when you think what we are getting up to. S is very much a Lady. She is also a Romantic. Less into the erotic debauchery than the sensual romantic side of having a lover. I think any concession to Mantabs voyeuristic and Submissive needs would be to please him and or me, not to satisfy any drive in her. The Journey is always exciting though. Longkeel
Posts: 115
Just a quick update as to what's happened today. Over the last few weeks, Stephs been winding down on any demands made on me and simply been satisfying herself when Petes been here. I've been aware that her feelings for him have been developing at a pace and those feelings have now come to the fore. I got a text off Pete telling me that he's now got exclusive rights on Steph. She in turn, sent one through asking me if this was ok with me. I had to tell her that it's got nothing to do with me now and it's all about what she wants. She replied with telling me that she wants Pete and I can always pleasure her in other ways. She thanked me and then sent Pete a text saying(by this time, he'd sent it through to me) "That's it, I'M ALL YOURS." So that is it, I'm now into the denial and tease stage. I never really thought about being in this position but now I am, it's both as hot as hell thinking about it and also redy unsettling. I can't complain though as it was, after all, me who instigated the situation and once you're committed, you have to go through with it. If I didn't, it would be wholly unfair on Steph, whom, as you know, is having the best time of her life. Petes due down again on thursday and Steph is beside herself in anticipation of getting his cock into her as quickly as possible. She did text me today to tell me that I can watch her and Pete but not this time. I will have to wait till he's down again but I mustn't be seen by her. So there we have it. The next few weeks and months are going to prove more than a little interesting methinks.
Posts: 142
Just a quick update. Mantabs wife and I met as usual for sex last week,and I,like an idiot ,accidentally put a small mark on her neck. It was too high to hide. Take note all lovers out their...keep the marks in private places where the kids cant see them . Also the retired next door neighbour saw me arrive. and leave. May itis getting too regular and obvious. I have told Mantab to tell him that I am a Gay friend of his wife,who seeks her advice about my partner. On future visits I will have to look as Gay as possible ?? Maybe I should wink at him. 
Posts: 142
Because we tend to meet for sex at Mantabs house regularly,and perhaps the neighbour is noticing,this time we just went for a social day out. Have to say that ,even with no sex on the Menu it was fun. Day out in Chester ..Coffee,then walks ,then great pub lunch , then dropped S off at her car near home. Just in time to welcome the kids back from school. So its not all sex.
Posts: 93
Very romantic shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 142
Yes Shy. I thought so. 
Posts: 115
Cant believe it's been a year since I was last on so for those who were following Stephs journey, here's what's been happening. She is still very much into Pete with them seeing each other as often as possible. Steph would love to see Pete every day if she was able but the practicalities of this situation don't allow it.They've had a few days out and a couple of overnight stays away which Steph has thoroughly enjoyed. Things have followed pretty much the same pattern with Pete coming down in the morning and the two of them spending the rest of the day in bed. She relishes telling me that Pete has managed to fuck her three times on any visit he makes just to rub things in a little further. At the start of last summer, during a bit of playful banter between themselves, a threesome was mentioned to which Steph replied that Pete'd better get it sorted then. Although it started out as an harmless comment, Pete took it up and ran with it to the extent that the idea took hold of Steph and it became very appealing. Within a couple of weeks, Pete had a chap from Liverpool, who was very keen on the idea also. They started texting each other and this guy was chomping at the bit for 2/3 weeks while a date was being organised when suddenly, he fell off the radar, never to be heard of again. This has now happened 4 times, each of them being enthusiastic and then nothing. Steph is getting a little disappointed over the whole thing. When she first met Pete and eventually started seeing him in earnest a couple of years ago, I was made up that she'd finally allowed herself the freedom to do as she pleased sexually. I never even considered that she would be so keen to get two men into her bed but I know now that she won't stop until she has and who knows where that's going to lead. She has also seen a guy who comes up north on business occasionally. I took her to an hotel in Southport where we both met him. Steph had met up with him previously but only for a take and thought it would be good for me to be introduced. He turned out to be a really nice guy who treated Steph very well indeed. I left them there and picked her up about 3 hours later. She was looking very bright and perky when I saw her in reception. This guy is into serving women and gave Steph an erotic massage which again she enjoyed immensely and can't wait to repeat the experience. So, that's where we are at the moment. Because of the pace of things, Steph has time to think about what is happening in her life without ever feeling as though she is under pressure to take the next step. She does though, really want to try a threesome so any bulls out there who would like to meet Steph first along with Pete, then please get in touch although probably better if you msg Pete instead of me. He goes under the username of "longkeel".
Till later.
Posts: 1374
Wow! Amazing thread. Cannot believe that it has taken me this long to find it. I really, really like how real everything sounds and i have no doubt that you are indeed the real deal!
I have some questions:
1) Has the missus commented on the difference in cocks between you and her lover? 2) Does she recieve creampies/facials or anything like that? 3) Have they tried anal yet? 4) Are you still being denied sex and if so, how does she get you off?
Thanks once again! ***Please support my amateur thread by saying thanks & keep it great!***
Posts: 115
Hi fuzzyman, Yep, all you've read so far is real. Steph is getting really into all of this but still can't quite bring herself to tell me what she gets up to and enjoy seeing me squirm. I think once she has me as a captive audience to watch her with a couple of blokes, then that may sway her so to answer your first question, no, she hasn't made reference to the actual difference in size between us but she has commented many times on how much she enjoys playing with a big cock. Same thing I suppose but without the torment. Pete's been informing her of how the cuck thing works as she was oblivious to it all when they first started seeing each other so I know that she's rather curious to see what will happen if Pete tells me to clean her. I think the idea is to get another submissive guy in to take part firstly, just to see her reaction and if enthusiastic, it'll be me next. As of yet, no anal and I think she may draw the line at that. There again, she was never going to have sex with anybody else ever again so you never know. Not had sex with Steph for well over a year now. at first, she found it strange that it had stopped so she would give me a handjob after I'd been down on her but now, she can't wait to get at Petes cock and counts the days till he gets here therefore she doesn't bother doing anything with me at all. I stay very much in the background over Stephs plans as I don't want to look as though I'm going to start pushing and so far everything is working out superbly well for her that is. if she could find another willing bull to take care of her. She did inform me last night that another guy has been in contact with her on one of the forums she frequents so , fingers crossed, that will prove fruitful. Hope thats ok for you fuzzyman. Anything interests you, let me know.
Posts: 241
Wow, I just came across this thread and it's really hot, thank you for sharing. You know its real when everything happens at real life speed (generally slow). Reading how your wife went from 'never - no way' to only making love to her boy friend (I liked the fact that she still asked you if it was ok). My wife too says no way would she do it, so I can only hope. The only part that's hard for me (excuse the pun) is the denile and submissive part. If it brings joy and passion to you, then more power to you. I just don't think it's for me. Maybe I'm more of a voyeur and just want to watch. Take care and thanks again for including us in this fantastic journey.
Peter C
Posts: 6921
I've just found this thread too and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Very pleasing to read a real life account like this and I fully agree that these things take time and that you should never say never. My own situation has been well documented on this site so I won't go over all that again, suffice to say that it took me at least two years persuasion and encouragement before my wife dated and slept with another man. I didn't handle my feelings at all well after the event, causing my wife to say "never again".
As we both grew older and wiser, I occasionally mentioned her being "naughty" as we made love, but it was over 9 years before she succumbed to temptation again. I handled it much better this time and this enared Debbie to take things further and happily relax with other men, including an ex-workmate of mine, which I'd always thought would be a no-no.
Thanks for posting mantab and longkeel. This demonstrates perfectly how you should take things slowly and - as you say - never give up. Peter C
Posts: 93
great to read this is still evolving and you are moving closer to your goals shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 49
Hi Mantab
I have been following your journey for a long time but just joined the site today.
I always look out for updates knowing that it can be long gaps but that is the pleasure and the pain of real life cuckolding. I know from my own experience that it takes ages to convince a good woman to let another man pleasure her. It did wonders for my wife's confidence once she understood that it was ok and I would still love her.
Of course, normal life gets in the way and arranging meetings can take ages. Like you I was keen to make sure I found someone who would treat her well.
Hope she finds a caring bull.
Look forward to your next update.
Posts: 142
As stephs Bull, I have to say that in real life these things take time. Gradually things which seemed strange , become natural. Last week I went to have sex with Steph and because Mantab was on nights, he was exiled to a spare bed. By the time he got up at near noon , Steph and I had already had sex and we were having coffee in the Kitchen. In comes Mantab and Steph and I were chatting . We all just talked about various things naturally. It was understood that Steph and I had just been having sex and it wasnt an unusual or uncomfortable situation. I am actively trying to get Steph interested in another Bull, because she I dont want her emotionally committed to me. I think it is a sort of Rubican for wives. It is quite normal for women to have an affair, but to have 2 lovers at the same time would take them to a definite Hotwife stage. Steph sees a Sissy from this Forum occasionally. He gives her oral and massages her naked. All of this breaks down mental barriers to her having fun with sex with other partners. She and Mantab are a committed couple and she now sees no -tive consequences to her having extra fun. She has started to understand the Cuckold dynamic , so she understands that Mantab cant have another woman. That gives her security in her mind, allowing her the freedom to play outside the marriage with her husbands blessing. I have no doubt that Mantab will update occasionally. It is a long , slow, but exciting journey
Posts: 241
Mantab, does Steph know about these threads that you and Longkeel write? Are you two still intimate in other ways? Thank you for sharing all this with us.
Posts: 49
Apologies. I meant an ADDITIONAL caring bull. I have always been impressed by the way you and Mantab have worked together to carefully progress Steph at a pace that suited her and didn't turn her off.
To both of your- job well done!
Do you think Steph is now totally comfortable having sex with you with Mantab around the house? Mantab, do you get to look in? Watch? Or do you just listen?
Thanks guys
Posts: 142
#84 · Edited by: longkeel
Steph is now totally cool with Mantab being in the house. We have camcorded a session for him. I think he has probably crept upstairs to peek. We always leave the door open anyway. regarding their own permisteral intimacy. you would have to ask Mantab that. It isnt something i have wanted to intrude on. I think it is true to say that S knows she has sexual freedom now. She enjoys the attention she gets from a lover. She also enjoys the new added attention she gets from Mantab. He has been wise enough to Navigate the ongoing obtacles along the way with patience. Once S gets more lovers she will not associate this with being evil/naughty/immoral etc as dictated by social upbringing. Because we are all having fun it is a win win situation, thus far. I say thus far. All 3 parties know that we must not rock the marital boat. Anything which endangers Mantab and S's relationship is to be avoided. Once you hold true to that canon then all will be well. I have always seen Mantab as an ally in this. I keep him informed and because of this, we avoid the insecurities that can bedevil a Cuckold adventure. Everyone will approach this in their own way, and at a pace which suits them. I think we are more cautious than many, I suppose.
Posts: 241
It's been awhile since either of you posted. How are the relationships going? I hope well, because this is one of the hottest threads on this site! The excrutiatingly slow progress of Steph was a turn on, you can tell this really happened. Best of luck you three.
Posts: 142
Oh . . It is really happening allright. Things are going ok. I am encouraging Mantabs wife to consider other men. She has now been contacted by 3 guys who she thinks she likes the look of. She will probably be meeting the most likely candidate soon , with me or Mantab present. They all know that Mantab is a Cuxckold and that I am her lover. I think it will be good for her to establish contacts with other males. I am unable to see her as much as I would like, and it makes sense for her to have continuity of sex without Mantab. We will keep you guys informed, but as you say, this is real and these things take time. Steph seems to be enjoying the attention of 4 suitors excluding me. One of whom is a pal of Mantab , who recently texted Steph to proclaim he had always fancied her, and could they get together. Hotwives must give off some sort of signal to guys ?
Peter C
Posts: 6921
longkeel: Hotwives must give off some sort of signal to guys ? Yes, I think they do. I've thought that about my wife before. Peter C
Posts: 49
Hi guys
We would all love to hear what stage Steph is at now. Has she connected (literally) with other men?
Mantab - are you getting any sex or are you only cleaning up now?
Longkeel - do you think Steph is now properly released from convention and will actively take on lovers as she sees fit?
Looks like a real success story. Congrats to all of you especially the beautiful Steph.
Posts: 241
Hi Guys, any update? This is one of the few threads that I like to go back to the beginning and re-read.
Mantab, has Steff allowed you to watch live yet? What are the chances of you participating, such as licking her clean after a session with Longkeel?
Longkeel, It seemed like Steff was developing feelings for you earlier in your relationship, has that changed?
Know that we all appreciate you both taking the time to share your story with us!
Posts: 142
#90 · Edited by: longkeel
Hi Guys. Things got a little complicated. Steph told me she had fallen for me , which is dangerous in this situation. I also returned to another relationship. Before Steph and I cooled it I had encouraged her to seek out other men so that she could carry on Cuckolding Mantab. This she has done. I enrolled her on two websites, gave her the passwords and invited her to watch, as the replies came rolling in. . . which they did, in a big way. She narrowed it down to a few guys. Two guys she has contacted turned out to be fantasists. They were keen on the texting but chickened out of meets. She has a couple she is meeting in the next 2 or 3 weeks. I go with her to meets because Mantab is at work. Steph usually introduces me as a close friend who knows all about her extra play. I then go to another part of the bar and have a take. Hopefully at least one of these guys will turn out to be someone who wants a regular relationship. You would be surprised how many guys are ultra 'cocky' on texts and Email, but when it comes down to hey lads hey, they bottle it. we shall see. I will keep you posted. She Does see a Submissive Sissy from this site , who she has grown fond of. I'm not quite sure what they get up to but I think she is trying to learn how to be more Dominant with Sissy Cucks.