Posts: 750
Mantab, Just read through your thread and found it very exciting. It is encouraging to see women who are originally opposed to idea slowly become more and more interested. I am slowly working on expanding my own wifes sexual boundaries but Im afraid she will be rather upset/confused when I tell her I want her to have sex with another man.
How did you explain WHY you wanted her to take a lover? I understand that she enjoys the attention of Peter but WHY has she agreed to pursue this relationship? Isnt she worried about what this might do to your marriage? I agree with the last poster. You havent mentioned any talk or agreements the two of you have to safeguard your marriage.
I would love to know about those conversations. What worked and what didnt work? What would you do or say different in your explanations of why you want this in your marriage?
Thank for sharing.
Posts: 115
Apologies to all who have been following this thread. No internet connection since last friday but up and running again now. Steph and Pete have not been able to arrange another date yet through work commitments but it would appear that things are running along nicely through texting. I'd just like to answer the comments left since my last post.
At present, I'm just enjoying the magical mystery tour but I suppose in essence, to see Steph with a couple of boyfriends, would be the ideal. To be able to watch her again would be best thing I could possibly hope for. Trying not to think to far ahead at the moment in case everything goes belly up. No reamister why it should but...... Feels like everyday is bringing about another change in her. I’m quite happy to let Steph run with this to see where she feels happiest.
I don’t see it as pushing two people together, at least, not now anyway. Pete has indeed, been giving her the attention that Steph has always liked a man to show but this has been balanced with an increase in the attention from myself also. As her fondness for Pete grows, so our own marriage has grown stronger. Our love life has gone through the roof and that is no exaggeration. Steph has never realised exactly what sort of hold she can put on a man and has therefore been quite happy with her lot. She has, before she was victim to the alopecia attack, always been a head turner. There were always a number of admirers lurking in the background who would occasionally try it on with her. Whether or not it was pure naivety on Stephs part or not, she would always assume that they were merely being friendly. Now that Pete has got into her affections, she’s become acutely aware that she can please two men with equal measure and apart from turning her on, it’s sent her confidence spiraling to a level I’ve never seen before, hence the massive improvement in her condition. I can well understand how you think that the way that Pete is giving her the attention could well endanger our marriage, after all, it is based on a proper courtship were Steph could fall for him. This, though, is the only way that Steph could find it acceptable. In the past, with both Dave and Bob, she only stepped over the line after they had courted her for a good while. I have friends, probably like many others who visit this site, who have appeared to have a blissfully happy marriage, which then seems to disintegrate in a very short space of time. No communication, no excitement, another man/ woman, any number of reamisters why this can happen. I suppose what I’m trying to put across is that regardless of how you run your life, a relationship is a risk anyway. People split up for many reamisters. With Steph and myself, the more she sees of Pete, the stronger our marriage is getting. In the last six months, we have gone from a hum drum sort of life to one were we talk all the time, we laugh about things a lot and we have a great sex life. It’s the exact opposite of what it was and shows no signs of slowing down.
Very glad you’re enjoying what’s been happening up to this point and good luck with your quest to persuade your wife into trying this lifestyle. I’m all to familiar with how frustrating it can be to persuade someone who is *** to try something new, or in my case, something they’d done before anyway. When I first asked Steph years ago, she hit the roof. We’d been married about six years at the time and she couldn’t understand why I would want to see her with another man. I tried to explain about that, when we were having sex, it was great to feel her and to see the look on her face and the sounds she made but the one thing that was missing was the fact that I couldn’t see her actually having sex. I had seen her with a mate of mine ten years earlier which was the best thing I have ever witnessed and I was desperate for a repeat. I had always hoped that she would start up with somebody again and sure enough, within three months of me asking her, another” mate” of mine started paying her loads of attention. It took him the best part of twelve months but he got there in the end. When I did eventually find out, although I knew something had been going on, I asked her to carry on with it. By this time, the romance had ended and yet again I was shot down in flames. For the following umpteen years, I would occasionally bring up the subject and she would listen to all I had to say, think about it and then say no. I’d basically given up totally on the idea when Pete got in contact last year and he came round to our house to look at some work that needed doing. As I was going to be at work for all the time he was going to be there, Steph gave him her mobile number to arrange times for him to come down. Without going into every little detail, he soon started to flirt by text with her and very gradually, she was drawn in. Her attitude started to change, she became more confident, the phone would never leave her side. This all culminated into one spectacular night for the two of us. We went for a take and had a long chat about where we were going with our marriage. A few truths came out, me referring back to her past indiscretions with Dave and Bob and how much they’d turned me on, her with admissions that Pete had sent her flowers and all the texts he’d been sending and how she felt wanted after all this time. We had a good chat about everything and finally when we were ready to go home, the whole atmosphere had changed. When we got back, she was as hot as hell and couldn’t wait to get upstairs. What followed was one hell of a night which in real terms, has never stopped, it has literally, just got better and better. I’ve ended up with a wife who is happy all the time, who instigates most of the sex ,is losing her inhibitions very quickly and is just a joy to be married to. She has told me that she has absolutely no idea why she has changed with regard to taking a boyfriend when four months ago, she was screaming at me that she’d never have sex with anyone else and to drop the subject. I can only assume that it’s because when I’ve asked her before, there’s been no one around at the time as the relationships had finished. Probably came across as a bit cold. With this situation, everything has come out in the open as she’s in the middle of enjoying all the attention that Pete has been giving her. She’s realised that everybody is enjoying the situation and see’s no harm in carrying on. We have enough trust in each other to allow this to take the unknown path. In everything, there is always the element of risk. It’s surely what makes the whole thing as exciting as it is. I would much rather be in my present situation than the one I was in before this all started. We both feel very much alive as everyday promises a new development. If opportunities such as this come along and the people in question have the tendency to follow it through, surely you’d be kicking yourself for the rest of your days if you didn’t even dip your toe in the water. Let’s face it, you’re a long time dead!!!!!!
There’s been quite an exchange between the two of them and the content of the texts has risen to a new level. Just hoping now, that a date can be fixed for next week to see if Steph finally submits to Petes suggestions.
Posts: 152
Thank you for the update mantab, it seems you have excellent communication in your marriage which is without doubt the most important factor in the lifestyle you want.
Reading through the thread there is a palpable increase in Steph's confidence. From the first hesitant steps to allowing Pete to get her tits out and play with them you can see a delightful road leading to her cuckolding you ahead.
I think I can say all of us here wish you the very best. Please keep us updated.
Posts: 115
Pete hopefully coming down tomorrow for a couple of hours. Through the contact that I've had with him, he seems to get the impression that he and Steph will finally get it together. Have been getting the same vibe for the last few days myself as she's become even more secretive about the contents of the texts that are being swapped. Pete informed me that they have taken on a far more flirty edge which again, is another step for her. As for her sexual appetite, I'm going to have a little trouble soon, keeping up. With any luck, this time tomorrow, Steph will have crossed the line into hotwife territory so to all who are still with me on this, I'll let you know as soon as I can.
Posts: 152
Fingers crossed! 
Posts: 115
Well, it happened. Pete came down early afternoon and as they didn't have a great deal of time on this occasion , by Stephs account, they pretty much got into each other right away. Pete told me that they lay on the bed for ages, just kissing while his hands roamed all over her. He said to Steph for them to get under the covers so off came the clothes and into bed they got again kissing and caressing. He started to use his fingers on her and found she was nice and wet. This must have gone on for a while before the two of them couldn't take it anymore so Pete slid between her legs and Steph took his cock and guided it home whereupon he shagged her for the next ten minutes or so. After they had finished, they again just kissed and cuddled for ages before finally getting up. This was all sent by text so detail is a bit limited at present. I'm just made up that Steph has finally stepped over the line again, the difference this time though, is that it's being done with my full knowledge and enthusiastic approval. She now knows that she can carry on with her new found freedom without the danger of being caught out which had always been the problem in the past. When we had a chat last night about the events of yesterday, she said that she had no intention of going as far as it did but she simply got caught up in the moment and went with the flow of it. When I asked her if it felt like the right thing to do, she just nodded with the lovely smile which seems ever present these days. She said that her only complaint about it was the fact that they were both aware of how little time they had. She went on that if they had been able to have the entire day, then they could have just relaxed and had each other in the morning, had a break for lunch and then again in the afternoon and evening. I listened to all of what she was saying sporting my own erection which I couldn't use as I had to go back to work last night. By the time I got back, she was fast arelax. Anyway, at 6 this morning, she was wide awake and horny and wouldn't take no for an answer. I was redy knackered by the time we'd finished and she's promised that there's going to be no let up in her demands. During an exchange of texts between Steph and Pete last week, he mentioned to her about a bondage session for her and whether or not she was into role play. This has really set her off. Years ago, she would often dress up for me, usually as a schoolie and she looked as fit as you like. It's now entered her head again as she's brought it up a few times in the last week. I obviously have no objection to her dressing this way for Pete and I don't think he's offended by the idea either. Anyway, there we have it. Although it was a little to rushed for both Steph and Pete, she's finally been seduced. Now that hurdle for Steph has been jumped, I can see how much more she now wants. Petes away soon so it could be a while before they see each other again but she's told me that she's keeping a couple of days holiday free for him so they can really enjoy each other if Pete can get some time free. I don't think for a minute that this will be the last episode that I can post as from now on, it should just get better. As I've stated before, the one thing that would cap everything is for me to witness Steph and Pete together. I can only hope.
Posts: 152
Congratulations to you and Hotwife Stephanie! Patience and understanding have paid off, well worth the wait. I hope this will be the first of many cocks to fuck your wife and I sincerely hope that you get to watch soon. This is a story only beginning I think... 
Posts: 142
First of all ,let me say that I am the Pete who is becoming Stephs Bull. I dont really like that term ,so perhaps Lover is more accurate. I understand the concerns expressed by Puda and others re the possibility of Steph and I falling for each other. Mantab and I are aware of these dangers and virtually all communication between Steph and me is relayed to Mantab. Yes Steph,apart from beinmg a physically attractive woman,is also a very nice permister. Yes. . . the very sort of permister one could easily fall for. If I felt or Mantab felt this was happening we would reappraise the situation. I have my own private life and the Cuckold thing is merely an exciting diversion. People have said on this thread . . . What does Mantab get out of it. The whole point of this Site is that Cuckolds get a lot out of knowing their wives are being satisfied by an other male. as a bull,I love ghetting access to a beautiful woman but without the commitment. Eventually we hope to develop the relationship so that even with the physical sex we are working as a team of 3. Mantab will take a submissive role to both Steph and me. Steph is unaware of that need in Mantab,but hopefully,in time ,she will appreciate it. It has been a long journey which has needed a lot of patience and judgement ,but it has been worth it. Steph and I are now lovers and we both look forward to regular meets,with Mantabs full co-operation. All followers of this thread will have to be patient re progress because this is real .It is not fantasy ,like so many on Sites like this. Mantab and I are carefully nurturing and developing Stephs Sexual side ( Which all women have,to an extent ,once natural concerns are addressed ) and with luck I can release the natural in her. I hope that answers some questions readers may have.
Posts: 142
Update on the seduction of Matabs lovely wife. We met for our date and went back to my place. Within 5 minutes we were in bed and enjoying each others bodies. steph has a great figure.( superb Tits ) . after an hour or so we went for lunch then went back for more sex. This was a slower more pasionate session. In fact we were in bed for about 3 hours. We talked about Mantab being a Cuck ,and I think she is beginning to realise that she has new found powers over him. She has started to tease Mantab at home,and she enjoys the fact that she can now have a lover and meet for sex any time she wants. Steph is very much a Lady,but she has a very sexual nature ,and slightly wicked side ,which needs to be nurtured. Because she is being rewarded with lots of attention and love at home,and get lots of attention from me,she is loving every moment of it. It is a win win situation for her so far . And with care we can continue to make it so for her. Steph is now very much a Hotwife. We are now planning fun 'Role play' games like Dom/sub etc and she is looking forward to this. Soon Steph and I will be having sex regularly and it will seem the most natural thing in the world to her to have 2 males in her life. Mantab needs to explore the Sub /Cuck side of his nature within his marriage. Hopefully we can move slowly into those areas with Steph. With a bit of luck she will find it exciting. Our next move will be for me to arrive and have Mantab there. I will kiss Steph in front of him and then take her upstairs for Sex. Once she sees me domming him and sees how docile he is in Cuck mode ,also how much it excites him,hopefully she will play along with it. She seems reluctant to do this at present because she doesnt fully understand the Submissive Cucks need for humilliation and the feeling of helplessness. Lots to explore with them both. We have made much progress in a short time. The essential thing is that Steph has gone from evetyday attractive housewife to Hotwife. She now has a lover and oves it. So. . . As the title of this thread says. . . Never Give up !
Posts: 115
Been a while so I think I'd better get a word in. Steph's getting into this lifestyle nicely now. She'll be texting Pete while we're sitting watching tv with no qualms at all now. She's taken to looking at any of the numerous lingerie sites now and has made a list of the clothes she wants me to buy her for whenever she has a date with him. It's a big list A short time ago, Pete was telling her how he intends to cuff her to our bed and play with her. She took it all in good spirit but it was something that was obviously on her mind as she kept on bringing up the subject with me. I pushed it along so as to try and give it a little momentum and thanks to Pete doing the same, it ended up with Steph texting me to say she'd seen a lovely headboard that she wants me to make out of steel so She and Pete can indulge in a few games. Steels on order, starting it tomorrow!!! He also mentioned to her about a swingers club he went to, to do some work. She became very interested in it and again, brought it up in conversation with me. When I gave her the go ahead though, there was a fair degree of backtracking, her saying she just found it amusing but she wouldn't be found dead in a place like that. Six months ago, there was no way she was going to let another man fuck her, so we'll wait and see what happens with that one. Unexpectedly, Petes been in contact today, asking Steph out tonight. They went out for a take about half an hour ago and I'm hoping he keeps her out for a good while. They haven't managed to spend an entire evening or weekend together yet but hopefully, that won't be to far away. Pete should be coming down to see Steph next week, where he wants me present when he arrives just to show me how much Steph is into him. I'll be expected to stand there while he kisses and fondles Steph before he takes her upstairs for the day. I'm hoping I'll be able to stay but I think Steph, although looking forward to showing me how far Pete can influence her, would feel more at ease if I made myself scarce, at least this time anyway. Have said to Steph that if the invite is there tonight to spend the night with him, then theres no problem. Whoever's reading this, keep your fingers crossed.
Posts: 115
Time to end this thread methinks!!!
Posts: 142
Maybe not Mantab. Because it is reality and not fantasy,things happen at a slower rate. yes, Steph and I are lovers now. That is not the end of the story ,however. There are developments to explore within the Hotwife /Cuckold relationship. At the moment Steph and I are just enjoying being able to have sex together with the cooperation of her husband. She is enjoying the attention of two males. Permisterally,I think she would be advised to take a second Bull.That would avoid emotional ties to one male other than Mantab. I guess I'm not your regular dominant Bull. I enjoy the chase and the seduction. I am sure that most wives,given the right situation,as long as they knew hubby was ok with it,would try . There are a lot of social conditioned barriers to break down first though. That takes patience. Its worth it in the end . Steph is now a very Hotwife who enjoys her extra Sex. And long may it continue that way. Longkeel
Posts: 93
This thread was fascinating and a lot of what I read rang very true with our own recent experiences, especially how Steph started to gain confidence and become more aware of her own desires. My wife has gone through a similar change too. She now has two regular lovers (it helps dilute affections a bit). Although the thread is long and most people on here prefer short posts with pictures it is probably more representative of the real time experience than most other fantasy posts.
Thanks to mantab and longkeel and steph shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 115
Thanks for the support on this. It must be great to have a wife who suddenly finds she's actively encouraged to take a boyfriend or two and then throws herself into the lifestyle wholeheartedly in a matter of a couple of weeks. Trouble is, how often does that really happen, not so redy much I'd bet. Although Steph has cheated a couple of times in the past, even these seductions were over a longish period of time. I would say that the majority of wives, on being confronted with the opportunity to play away with no objections, still have to give value to any relationship that they strike up for it to be a worthwhile experience. In Stephs case, whenever Pete's on his way for a date, she gets the butterflies in a big way, just like she did when she first started dating as a teenager. She acts a lot younger these days and is starting to use the situation to her advantage in teasing me, mostly by texting but she’s becoming more comfortable in bringing up things in conversation. If this buzz didn't exist, then there's no way she would carry on.
She’s seen Pete a couple of times over the last week. The first one was a little hurried as he was on his way back home from a few days away so they met up and went for a take. Steph was back in by about 11pm so I knew that there’d probably not a lot been going on. Steph informed me that they’d had a bit of a kiss and a cuddle when they walked back to the cars. She’d gone out looking like a million dollars, black satin blouse with pencil skirt, black hold ups and high heels. She looked like sex and she knew it. Anyway, I got this text ( abridged version ) from Pete the following day after I asked him how the night had gone :
Hi . Didn’t take her blouse off but had my hands all over her tits and up her skirt. We just had a long snog, she felt good and looked good. We are hoping to meet for long sex session next thurs. We may go to boat but hopefully in your bed. She was rubbing my cock over my trousers. I should have taken it out to see if she’d suck it……..
When she got back in, she was as horny as fuck, as was I, so once the kids were tucked in and settled, we set about each other good style. The second time was this Thursday. Pete had told Steph that he wanted me to be in the house when he came down, to witness first hand, her lover taking control of her. Although she was nervous about this, she agreed and was, after a couple of days, up for it herself. Come Thursday morning, she got herself ready and again looked absolutely stunning. She had mentioned that as soon as she said that she didn’t want me there, I was to leave, no questions asked. The closer it got to Petes arrival, the more jittery she became. When Pete arrived, I let him in and shouted up the stairs to Steph that he was here. We went into the kitchen and Steph entered. Pete took her by the hand, pulled her into his arms and they kissed while Pete was squeezing her arse. Probably nerves took a hold again as she broke off, turned around and asked me to leave. Only a very short time had elapsed but it was enough for me to see Steph taking another step in the right direction. She told me later that next time, I’m to stand in the doorway so I can get a better look and she’ll give me a better show. When I saw her later, she looked absolutely bushed. Pete had sent me a text earlier in the day so telling me how things had gone :
Just left Steph. We went straight to bed when you left, snogged and cuddled for ages. I went down on her. After a few minutes of that she pulled me up and guided my cock into her. After about an hour and a half I thought I should go. I was heading out and she grabbed me for a snog on the settee. That got a bit heated and she was putting her hand down my keks and stroking my cock. We both rushed upstairs, whipped our clothes off and I had my cock in her in seconds. She was really up for a second shag. She looked VERY HOT!
She was in bed early that night so I didn’t get any chance to talk to her about it. All I do know is that she’s the happiest I’ve seen her in years and there’s no way I would want to see her revert back to her old self. We’ve all heard this saying, especially poignant to cucks and wannabes but before she went to bed on Thursday, she squeezed my arse and said with a big smile, “ be careful what you wish for “ and walked off. Perfect!
Posts: 93
It's great to read how this story is unfolding, I find myself recognising so many similar changes in my own wife its uncanny, can you persuade Longkeel to give us his thoughts on the last meet and the next planned one please shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 142
Hi Shy and others. The meet went well. G was there as I had requested. I am conscious that if G suggests things S often reads that as pushing too hard. However,when I suggest the same thing S goes along with it. She was a little tense ,having G in the same room ,as I was kissing her.She pulled away a little ,so I grabbed her and told her that this was a bridge we had to cross. At that point she gave me a long enthusiastic snog. This was the first time G had openly seen S being intimate with another man. I held S's hand and led her to the Stairs . at that point we asked G to leave. I wanted him to have the image of us going upstairs. As soo as G was gone we went up to their bedroom. We kissed and cuddled for a while ,then when S started undressing I said I wanted to do that. I like to unwrap my own presents! S was wearing a black and red Basque and Black stockings. Pretty soon we were down to the Stockings only. When I gave her Oral she seemed to just want me in her ,so I obliged. We writhed around in different positions for about an hour or so . Taking a break now and then,for a cuddle and snog. After a couple of small orgasms I got her to lay tummy down and gave her a massage. We dressed and went down to the Kitchen for a take. I thought it was time I should go because I had an appointment. As I was heading for the door S grabbed me and pulled me on top of her on their settee...More snogging. She started to massage my cock through my trousers,and the inevitable happened. It seemed a waist of another erection ,so we both russhed upstairs to enjoy it again. This was a shorter more heated shag,which S seemed to appreciate. Eventually ,I left and parked up the road to text G the details. and tell him he had been Cucked again. I'm not sure when our next meet is. Possibly friday but not sure. Longkeel
Posts: 93
thanks Longkeel, its amazing how the lover/bull can suggest stuff or relax the wife in a way the cuckold can't this happens to me a lot. I am often convinced my wife won't do this or that and the next minute its happening and I look even more of a fool in front of her lover. shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 142
The way I look at it Shy,we are working as a team. S and G have a great relationship , which will endure long after I've left the scene. At the moment I'm a catalyst towards a new chapter in their sexlives. I am enjoying this too,so I wouldnt want anyone to think that my motives are wholey altruistic. I think all 3 of us can satisfy our needs here. Permisterally I think that G and S should lay down some ground rules for themselves as a couple. at the moment we are winging it.
Posts: 93
yeah ground rules are good and its sounds to me like S should get a bit more comfortable with G around especially if you are comfortable with it to some degree. I totally agree with you, a bull/lover can often be a catalyst for change that a couple have opened themselves up for. This is an exciting time for all three of you, we are looking forward to the next instalment. shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband
Posts: 115
Just a quick update on how things are progressing. Pete came down again on monday morning so it was arranged that, like last time, I was to be present but would be asked to leave when Steph saw fit. She said that this time though, she would not let the nerves get to her and try and give me something to watch for a little longer. We had been out shopping on the sunday and had been to all the lingerie sections in the department stores. Steph came away with a lacy black body, hold up stockings and a shortish silky robe. I was more than willing to get her anything she wanted but she ended up having to hold me back from spending any more. I was itching to see her in her new underwear but had to wait until the following morning. Pete was due to arrive around 9.30 so she showered and got herself ready while I waited downstairs. When she came downstairs, I nearly blew a gasket. She looked stunning and opened the robe to ask if she looked ok. I couldn't find the words to say exactly how she looked but she could see by the expression on my face that it was a hit. She had asked me that when Pete arrived, would I go and sit in the living room so I wouldn't be in an obvious line of sight, that way, she may not be quite so nervous. When he arrived, Steph was waiting for him in the kitchen. I showed him through and then got myself comfy out of the way. They didn't waste any time greeting each other and although I could tell Steph was a little tense, it didn't take her long to relax and really enjoy Petes attention. I watched as they french kissed while Pete was gripping her backside and fondling her more than ample boobs. A couple of times the robe was lifted to reveal her stocking tops, which will do it for me everytime. This went on for about ten minutes when suddenly Pete grabbed her by the hand and dragged her off up the stairs. As he walked past, he looked at me and asked, " You staying", and then disappeared up the stairs. Well I hadn't been asked to leave so, yeah, I stayed. I couldn't stay settled for longer than a minute and kept walking round the house. I would hear the odd creak from the floorboards in the bedroom but nothing else for quite some time. They'd been upstairs for about 45mins when, as I walked passed the bottom of the staircase for the umpteenth time, I heard Steph groaning. I stayed where I was for a few minutes and just took the sounds on board. In the end I couldn't resist and went to the top of the stairs. I could hear her clearly now as Pete was banging away at her, that skin on skin slap and Steph on her way to cumming. I was there for about 15mins initially and in the end ,I had to go back downstairs as I was getting near to popping my own cork. I went back into the kitchen only to hear the bed and floorboards creeking on every one of Petes strokes. He was giving it to her for about an hour in total while I was up and down the stairs like an idiot, all the while hearing Steph moaning and groaning.It was the hottest thing I've ever heard. They eventually emerged at almost midday and came into the kitchen. Steph was absolutely glowing and gave me an enormous smile when she entered. We had a bit of friendly banter for a short while until I had to go to work. They had quick take before nipping off to the pub after which, it was back to the house and straight into bed, a longer and less frantic session this time though. So, another bridge crossed and although Steph has told me she doesn't want me there every time, she's more than happy to share some of the aspects of her hotwife status. Quite frankly, I just can't get enough and am wondering how far she's prepared to take all of this. A long, long way, I hope.
Mark Lura
Posts: 161
Very very hot I am following with avid interest. I love the whole reality aspect and the sensible approach taken by all parties with the "emotional risk assessment" around the consequences of the sex and fantasy impinging on the "real" day to day relationship. Please keep us informed. M Lura
Posts: 142
I'm glad people are following our journey with interest. Because this is in real time,there are long gaps between Posts. As Mantab has said,Steph and I had a long sex session in the morning.We went for lunch ,then had a relaxed sex session in the afternoon. All great fun. Steph was nervous but soon relaxed.
Posts: 115
Hi to all who are following this thread. Been a bit hectic as of late so have been unable to get on to keep up. The relationship between Steph and Pete is growing stronger by the week and Steph is really opening up into her hotwife status. In fact she redy well loves it. What a difference a few months can make, a complete turn around. Pete's been down a couple of times since the last post and Steph looks forward to every date like she was a teenager once again. I'm not privvy to all of their texts to each other as there's so many over the course of the week but Pete keeps me up to speed on the way Steph is thinking. One thing that did surprise me though was that Pete told me that, after a long sex session, he said to her that they had better be careful as it would be all to easy for them to fall for one another. Stephs reply to him was " so what would be wrong with that". For whatever reamister, I found this to be as exhilarating a statement as could be. Your wife having fantastic sex with her lover and allowing herself to, very probably, fall for him in a big way is a major turn on. As I think I’ve stated before, I’ve always considered myself to be a wife watcher and no more than that but now, I know I’ve fallen into the cuckold category. Steph on the other hand is gaining so much confidence, that she’ll be texting Pete while sat at the kitchen table now whilst holding down a conversation with me, without batting an eyelid. Pete came down on Monday morning and the two of them spent the next five hours in bed. When I got in after work, I flopped down on the floor to watch a bit of tv. As soon as I did, Steph came into the living room, stood over me and lowered herself down onto my lap. While she was wriggling around on my cock, she pulled her t-shirt front down and very proudly showed me a couple of large love bites. As I told Pete, she was wearing them like a badge of honour and considers them to be a mark of sexual ownership by her lover. Pete has also informed Steph that he would like some candid shots of her and has told me to take them. She has found that request to be a big turn on and I know that once she’s thought about it for a couple of days, she’ll be pushing for me to get it sorted. Would be great if Pete lived a little closer to us as Steph would be round there as often as she could.getting as much cock as she was able. The next time they get together, I’m hoping Steph will want me to stay and listen to her getting a good pounding again. Maybe she’ll even let me watch. I live in hope.
Posts: 750
Very exciting journey! I love this thread.
Posts: 57
excellent thread. Just a note, maybe living a bit of distance away from each other helps with the passion itch ? Just a thought.
Posts: 1512
Love your posts and I hope you will be allowed to share those candid shots with us.
Posts: 115
iwmwtcm: Glad you're enjoying it.
stoneville: You're probably right in what you say, it's just my greed in wanting Steph to get as much of Pete's cock as she can possibly take.
Robbie G: I'll see what I can do with regards to the pics. Only problem will be is that they'll be taken on Stephs phone which I've got no chance of getting my hands on. If Pete can download them, maybe he can post them.
No dates set for Pete and Steph as of yet. I love listening to the way Steph is talking these days. It doesn't matter who is in the room, at some time during the course of any conversation, there will be blatant innuendo referring to the size of Petes cock and how much she loves it. I usually end up squirming. She told me on friday that when Pete is here next, she wants love bites all over her tits and anywhere else he cares to put them. She's really using them as a mark of ownership. The bottom line is, she's prepared to let Pete do anything he wants.
Posts: 40
Hi Mantab,
Following with much interest. Do you think you will become submissive to Pete through this?
Posts: 115
Hi Eve,
That's already begun. Anything that Pete can request, I'll do my utmost to facilitate. How far that submissiveness goes, we can only wait and see. They have another date arranged for this coming thursday. Steph has asked me to be present for when Pete gets here so she can show me how much control he has over her now. After what was a nervy start for her, she now looks forward to having me there to watch them greet each other. Once they've gone upstairs, I'll try and keep you posted as to what's happening.
Posts: 40
Yes, be interesting to see...any genuine sheepish, tail between the legs feelings in his presence will be a good indicator of your progress!