As a younger man I am not extensively experienced in the world of cuckoldry, but have started earlier than most I suspect. I guess it is always wise to plan these encounters meticulously, but no doubt the spontaneous action can be amazingly hot. I'd like your views on aspects of my experience earlier this summer.
In June my older brother, Seb was married. He had the usual stag night on the Thursday before the wedding, but also a weekend away the preceding Friday and Saturday evenings in Whitley Bay as I was only able to get 10 days army leave. He chose a guest house from the internet. We were greeted warmly by a well turned out couple in their early 50s - the proprietors. It was a Victorian townhouse with 3 main letting rooms and a small double apparently. High ceilings, freshly decorated and furnished. The guy politely let us know he was a recently retired police officer. I suspect this was a coded message that he expected us to be well behaved, as his wife said: they didn't usually take stag parties.
There was my brother, Seb, his best man, Daz, a cousin, Warren, a younger brother of our dad's, Sean (only 6 years older than I) and myself. The big first floor room had a large bay window overlooking the sea, 2 double beds, a fold-away bed for the 5th member of the party - a basin and shower in the corner of the room. Nor exactly ensuite, and no toilet: these were in two large bathrooms each on the half landing offshoot. The proprietors wife was an attractive woman, heavily made up and in very high heels, but smart and permisterable.
Other guests included a couple from Scotland, they were regulars apparently. A Dutch couple with 2 kids, and a quiet couple whom we rarely saw apart from breakfast time. Our party were all in early 2Os to early 30s. The Friday evening we had a great Indian meal, then went to a couple of pubs and clubs. Chatted up a few Tyneside lasses but didn't pull.
Arriving back at guest house their was a plate of clingfilm wrapped sandwiches on hall table. About 3 in the morning Sean awoke with a painful piss-hardon. He refused to take a slash in the shower in the room and nade a quick dash for the half landing bathroom only a few seconds away. He returned somewhat abashed - he had run into the landlady in her dressing gown. Sean was wearing only a T shirt!
We thought that was hilarious until it occured to us that maybe we would be asked to leave the next day. So we were very quiet at breakfast and disconcerted by the woman's smiling face as she served up the cooked breakfast. The sausage was the famous thick Cumberland, When she put the plate down in front of Sean she looked at the fry up and said jovially, "Oh that reminds me of something!" and walked away to the kitchen. The piece of Cumberland sausage on Sean's plate was about 4 times as long as the pieces on our plate and the half tomatoes placed strategically either side of the Cumberland! We were silent for a second then we all burst out laughing. When the other guests came in to the breakfast room, nell introduced everyone. The Scottish couple were the friendliest.
Us lads spent the day driving to some local spots of interest, including a lovely fishing village where we bought 2 huge crabs fresh off the boat - as a peace offering. Stuffed ourselves on fresh boiled shrimp then fish n chis on top of that. The proprietor and his wife, Nell were delighted with the crabs. Sigh of relief. We went clubbing that night and late in the evening we ran into the Scottish couple from the guest house, Linda and Johnny. We had a great time with them, real party naturals. They were late 30s and she was a petite brunette and very attractive. She was flirting with us all.
The club was close to the guest house on the sea front so we walked back and I cheekily slipped my arm around Linda's waist. Neither she nor her husband objected. When we entred the guest house, Nell and Ben were in the TC lounge. They had kindly made crab buns, some of which the other guests had been at but they were all abed. There was a small bar in the lounge so we sat around enjoying the crab and the takes. Nell retired so there was 7 blokes and one woman, Linda. She was flirting with everyone, even the ex copper. Johnny amusingly quipped that we should ignore her as vodka always had that affect on her. She'd been in conversation and turned to ask what he had said.
"I said you were a horny cow after a few takes." the husband answered. I expected a row to ensue or at least for her to flounce out. She retaliated by saying that he should know and called him, "tinsel dick" which made everyone laugh. This seemd to trigger the whole thing. Linda came and sat on my knee, and to my surprise she grabbed my crotch. The Ben piped up, "It's this lad's willy you should be grabbing, darling." as he playfully slapped the back of Sean's shoulder. So obviously the missus had reported back to her hubby what she'd seen on the half landing bathroom the night before. Emcouraged by both Ben and the hot wife's husband our cousin Warren leaned over from the back of the couch Linda and I were seated on and started stroking her breats.
It was Ben, the proprietor who enquired did he mind of Johnny. Johnny shrugged. After that the bull instincts of us 6 t6ook over and Linda was getting off on it. She was soon naked and having her titties reshaped and her pussy fingered. She had a really hairy fanny. I prefer shaved but hers was gorgeous. Warren persuaded her to kneel and bend over the plate glass topped coffee table, erection in hand he turned and asked the hubby was it alright to give it her raw. He silently nooded and Linda shrieked, "Just redy well give it me, man."Whn it was obvious she was up for a right royal rough fucking it was all hands to the tiller. I looked at Johnny, his face was pale but he was intensley watching his wife's face.
Within less than an hour she had up to 20 loads pumped in her. Her pubes were all slicked up, and streaks of cum on the inside of her thighs. It was truly amazing. We watched on in disbelief when she ordered her husband to lick her out! She sat on the coffee table, her legs apart and he went at it like a pig to a trugh. Even the 50 odd year old proprietor gave her a banginging. Sean tried to persuade her to take it up the arse but she wasn't having that. Hope I don't sound arrogant but seeing our semen smeared all over Johnny's face frpm his wife's soaked fanny gave me a sperior buzz . We had to check out by 11 a.m. the next day. I guess it was very humiliating as I asked the husband to shake my hand and my brother, cousin, uncle and Seb's mate followed suite.
After breakfast on the Sunday (Johnny and Linda hadn't appeared) we debated if we should demand a farewell shag. So we all went to their room and perusaded them to have a good session. As we were unlikely to see em again we really nailed the wife and verbally humiliated Johnny, he seemed to lap it up. I thinkmif I had been there alone I might have semanded he clean me up as well as his missus. He gave us their mobile number for if we were ever in Edimburgh and I certainly would be e ager to give them a good seeing to. It was a sort of initiation that I am glad I participated in.