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Back to basics, and not letting this place fall to pieces....

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One of the reamisters I really liked this site was the good balance between decent conversations, thoughtful input and the decent share of cuckold related titillation....

I think it's reamisterable to expect some folks posting spam now and then, and nothing wrong with links to good cuckold content (free) that they've found elsewhere, but of late, there's been a distinct increase in folks posting threads that seem to be teetering on the edge of half true, or fantasy / real...

I have NO problem at all with folks explaining a fantasy, or of posting some pics of a gorgeous wife (not their own).... but the moment folks start posting pics and CLAIMING it's them (or their wife) etc, when it's clearly dubious... half of the pleasure and eroticism is lost.

Since I'm a professional photoshopper, I know only too well how convincing a good fake image can be... so I tend not to hold too much stock in photos, especially indoor shots with little contextual surroundings... be the holding a sheet a paper, surfing their PC or not...

Am I the only one who feels it would be nice (esp amongst us UK folks) to get back to basics and enjoy the subject we love? (otherwise why would we be here?)... and quit with the "prove it" stuff all the time? I just don't think it's worth all the hassle of trying to out the fakes, and persecuting those who could well be real and just don't want to post face pics etc.

Let's get back to some seriously sexy cuckoldry (and related) input... and enjoy the thoughts and adventures of participants!

I'm part of the swinging fraternity and that also has more than its fair share of similar problems! so it's not just cuckold sites suffering, but there should be more than enough DECENT folks in this place to keep a cool head, enjoy the postings and hold back on the "you're a w**ker" type flaming of late.


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I second that motion....
shysexywife & her cuckold small dicked husband


Posts: 50
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Your gonna get people who pretend be what the aint
Its their fantasy ! I suppose ?
I think it must be frustrating if your real and looking and see these people as time wasters .
But this is a "fantasy website" and your gonna get people fantasizing on it .
So dont worry to much about the politics and just have fun.


Posts: 289 Pictures: 4 
#4 · Edited by: peachy
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Very sensible and realistic thread and I also agree



Posts: 77
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Okay hotcpl, wannebees must be welcome too. Once you have to start and fantasy about cuckolding is a part of it. But in fact TheBrilliantMistake is right. There is a lack of "serious" subjects and people.

Moreover, this site is becoming more and more a general porno site. Lots of "members" are starting threads which has nothing to do with cuckolding. Especially some threads with pictures (of girls or women) and movies aren't "to the point". I know, the borderline is very thin, but after all.

On behalf of pictures: real wife or not? There is someone here with a big IR-thread who did "steal" pics of my wife from another site. (I did send him a message, but he didn't answer). When I place my selfmade pics, I know very well that those pics are becoming shared ownership. I think that problem is difficult to resolve. Copyright? Well, that is a possibilty but do you like it? I don't!




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Although I do not post or comment much, this is a perfect example of when I should and do. It is indeed hard to find serious people on this, and other, sites. There has been in influx of pics, videos and sites all spamming with lots of pop ups etc. We enjoy a good film, pic or story but do long for the days when the site had regular posters, was more welcoming and every post didn't come with a permisteralized flamer to discourage future posts from you or your mate. I'm sure we've all read this first post, nodded our heads and said to ourselves "I thought it, but didn't think it'd make much of a different to post it. Glad someone said something." Anyway, the site is still great and I still visit often.


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Cuckoldry has a specific meaning: though I am not averse to reading posts from people with other interests. However, I have to say that many predatory people here have no interest in decent people other than satisfying their own desires. When they fail (even the most obtuse of us recognize these immediately) they become ratty.

The fact that this thread was short lived is indicative of the sincerity of many visitors.


Posts: 184
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Although we have been silent recently due to permisteral reamisters, I 'lurk' so to speak, and just wanted to second the motion!!!

Well put TBM!

L x
Keep on Cucking!


Posts: 3280
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Quoting: dino
Moreover, this site is becoming more and more a general porno site. Lots of "members" are starting threads which has nothing to do with cuckolding.

I second that! Lots of posting in the line of:

1) I have a little dick, therefore I am a cuckold
2) I suck dick, therefore I am a cuckold

There is a lot of discussions on this site regarding what a cuckold realy is, and per definition it is very simple

Some of us are into this because we just can't get the thinking of wife/gf being slutty out of our heads.

So any atempts to get the site back on the track is welcomed by me

Some of us are moderate cuckold, some extreme....both types should be welcomed....but while lurking here, there are so many strings you haveto open just to find out: opppsss....what has that to do with it all???
A cuck to my GF - A bull to all other women


Posts: 187
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A lot of very good comments made here.

I could not nor would want to condemn, anything posted on the site. All have the right to do so and i think the more genuine ones shine through.

norwegian comments are good above. Posted as i wanted to show my appreciation of this thread.


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Posts: 20
#12 · Edited by: FILTHYFUCKER01
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permisterally, i think there aren't enough fakes, telling made up stories and pretending to live the lives they wish they had... ...until they ejaculate, that is.


Posts: 478 Pictures: 6 
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I support just keep it Cuck, good comments here people, but people will be what they will be and there will always be those who want to share some fantasies for real but cannot, they will do through web sites.

a36a sissy cuck to my wife


#14 · Edited by: krisgo 
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I am inclined to agree, particularly about the "photoshopping" and "captioning" of pics...I hate to see great pics (pics that I would have loved to have kept...) ruined, mostly by some deranged captioning....I can at least deal with the photoshopping a little better as long as it is quality work.
I would be happy if captioning were stopped here almost entirely.
As far as people's fantasies and is sad, but if quality stuff (pics, videos and more truth based stories...) this is what you are left with, perhaps from a great site like this slowly descending.
I LOVE the real husband and wife pics where she is taken by a real monster sized cock, then cum dripping out and resulting in a true pregnancy and the woman having the baby. Unfortunately we are seeing less and less of that recently.
Here's hoping things start improving greatly here.
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Back to basics, and not letting this place fall to pieces....
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